The Legend of the Northern Blade Chapter 251

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<-- Episode 251: Chapter 1 Destiny tends to flow to low places and pool (1) -->

A strong reputation is equal to power.

Those with power covet fame,

People tend to flock around people who have a reputation.

But one who has achieved fame.

The blood shed by hundreds or thousands of people is bound to flow at his feet.

A place where slayers are called heroes.

That place is a powerhouse.

There was a deep war cloud in the Sangnam region. Most of the people walking on the streets were unmanned, and all of them were heavily armed with weapons.

The battle line between Unjungcheon and Milya has now expanded beyond Buhyeon to Dongcheon (銅川). Dongcheon was a prefecture located close to the volcano. Now, the front line has expanded to the point where it is impossible to guarantee that even volcanic waves will be safe.

Naturally, the ones that became more urgent were the Hwasan faction and the Jongnam faction.

Hwasanpa has never been invaded by a foreign power during its long history. Their pride was so great that the sense of crisis they felt was indescribable.

Immediately, all lay disciples were summoned, and those from the main temple who had gone outside were also summoned. It was the worst situation ever since the Volcanic Sect was launched.

It wasn’t just volcanic waves that felt a sense of crisis. The Jongnam wave, located not far from the volcanic wave, was also in an emergency situation. The Jongnam faction also strengthened its defenses by summoning all of its original disciples and secular disciples, and also asked for help from Unjungcheon.

If the Hwasan faction and the Jongnam faction collapsed, it would be like Shaanxi Province falling into the wilderness, so they had no choice but to concentrate their efforts in Unjungcheon as well. Natural Unjungcheon also dispatched elites.

That wasn’t all. As the front lines fluctuated, young warriors dreaming of becoming heroes flowed into Shaanxi Province like moths. In this way, Shaanxi Province became a hot melting pot that attracted talented people and heroes from all over the world.

Sangnam was the most key region among them. Because it was located behind the Hwasan faction and the Jongnam faction, it was relatively safe, and because it had a branch of Unjungcheon, many warriors were gathered in Sangnam.

As a result, seeing a warrior wearing a weapon in Sangnam was as common as seeing a stone on the side of the road, and naturally, the general public had no choice but to feel intimidated by the sight of them.

A large carriage was entering the Sangnam branch of Unjungcheon. The warriors who were standing guard at the appearance of a luxurious four-horse carriage straightened their backs and their eyes lit up.

As war clouds hung in the air, figures from the martial arts community visited Sangnam every day. Because of that, I couldn’t let go of my tension even for a moment.


The warriors stopped the carriage.

There was a beautiful woman sitting on the coach seat. However, because the atmosphere and prayer felt on her body were unusual, the warriors could not help but notice for a moment.

“Where are you from?”

“I’m from the Seomun family. Lady Seomun Hyeryeong is riding in the carriage.”

“Ah, Jeokhwaseonja.”

As soon as they finished speaking, the window of the carriage opened and Seo Moon Hye-ryeong revealed her face. There was not a single person who did not know the face of Hye-ryeong Seomun, the man holding her body in the clouds.

“Preface Sojeo.”

“Can I come in?”

“yes? yes! Please go in. Sat, passed.”

Chae Hwa-yeong, the woman sitting in the coach seat, smiled at the shouts of the warriors and drove the carriage again.

As soon as she entered the Sangnam branch, Seo Moon Hye-ryeong went to see the branch manager.

The name of the Sangnam branch manager is Song Hwa-yeol. His face as he looked at Seomun Hye-ryeong was filled with humility. Considering Kang-ho’s status alone, there was no reason for him to take a low-key stance towards Seo Moon Hye-ryeong. Although Seomun Hye-ryeong is said to be renowned throughout the world as a member of Chilsocheon, her position as the branch leader of Unjungcheon was by no means light.

However, the power of the Seomun family was great for Song Hwa-yeol to become the head of the Sangnam branch. Since he became the branch leader of Sangnam with the support of the Seomun family, he is loyal to Seomun Hyeryeong.

“Miss, what brought you here?”

“I need to find out something.”

“Just say the word, girl. “I will answer everything I know.”

“Did Tangma and the ronin arrive not long ago?”

“yes! That surprised me too. “I can’t believe you survived even after encountering a military horse unit.”

“Is it true that you encountered a military horse unit?”

“That’s right. “I personally asked the Tang Demon Army and the Ronin, and it is true that they clashed with the Military Horse Army.”

“You survived even after clashing with a military cavalry? “This is something that is hard to believe.”

“I think so too, lady.”

Although she heard Song Hwa-yeol’s answer, the uneasy look on Seo Moon Hye-ryeong’s face did not disappear.

“Then is it true that Iron Gate was involved?”

“you’re right. “I saw it with my own eyes.”


If Cheol Ki-moon was involved, the story would roughly fit together. But that did not completely resolve the question.

At that time, Song Hwa-yeol opened his mouth as if to answer her questions.

“But there is one strange thing.”


“yes! Both Tangmagun and Ronin mention one name in common. But I couldn’t find him in Sangnam.”

“Who is that?”

“It is called Dancheonun of the duke gate. “They said it was a strong first choice.”

“Dan Tianun?”

Seomun Hye-ryeong quietly repeated the three letters of the name Dan Cheon-un. Song Hwa-yeol did not notice the slight crack on her face.

The more I said the name, the more reluctant I felt. She frowned as she giggled, as if her mouth was full of sand.

“How is it that someone named Dan Tian-yun of the Duke’s Gate intervened?”

“I don’t know, but he is the one who injured Po Yeong-hwi, Lee Dae-ju of the War Horse. There is a rumor that because of that, the military cavalry stopped pursuing them.”

“Are you hurting Po Yonghui? “Is that also Gangho’s first choice?”

The furrow between Seo Moon Hye-ryeong’s eyebrows became deeper.

It was a story that could not be easily believed. Po Yeong-hwi’s inaction as an individual was remarkable, but above all, his value shined the most when he commanded an armed force called the military cavalry.

It was never easy to injure Po Yeong-hwi when he was a member of the armed forces called the Gunma Dae. However, it is said that Kangho Chochul accomplished such an incredible feat.

“You stopped pursuing Po Yonghui because he was injured?”

Seomun Hyeryeong was lost in thought.

The picture didn’t fit together easily in my head. It means that there is something that doesn’t fit.

It was simple to think that a divinity had appeared in Gangho, but Seomun Hyeryeong knew well that things in the world were not that simple. Before something that caught her attention occurred, she always had a foreshadowing.

However, there was no sign of Dan Cheon-un’s appearance. It suddenly appeared in Gangho as if it had fallen from the sky and then mysteriously disappeared.


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“Who knows him best?”

“The soldiers at the Iron Gate would know best. “I was with you from start to finish.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to meet the head of the Zhongli division first.”

Seomun Hyeryeong did not hesitate. Song Hwa-yeol thought she was extremely upset when she saw her get up right away from her seat. But he didn’t vote. This is because Semunse knows well the characteristics of people who become obsessed with one thing.

It was then.

“Branch Manager, this is a report that came in as payment.”

Someone outside knocked on the door with an urgent voice.

“Please come in.”

After Song Hwa-yeol gave permission, a young military officer came inside carrying a letter in a red envelope.


“That’s right. “I just arrived in Jeonseo-gu.”


Song Hwa-yeol quickly opened the red envelope and unfolded the letter. His expression turned serious as he opened the letter and read it.

“omg! “Are you saying that the Qingcheng faction and the Tang family are being bloodthirsty?”

“What does that mean?”

Seo Moon Hye-ryeong took the letter from Song Hwa-yeol’s hand with an expression of disbelief.

Her expression changed every moment as she read the letter. In her letter, it was clearly written that the Qingcheng faction and the Tang family had suffered bloodshed.

“Four days ago, the Qingcheng faction suffered a bloody scare, and the next day, the Tang family suffered a bloody scare again? does not make sense… … .”

Unjungcheon’s information ability, which found out what happened thousands of miles away and reported it here in just three days, was amazing, but what was even more surprising was the content.

What kind of faction are the Cheongseong faction and the Tang clan? As members of the Nine Great Gates and the Five Great Families, respectively, they possessed a power that even Unjungcheon could not ignore. Moreover, thanks to the closed terrain of Sacheon Fortress, it boasted a majesty comparable to that of an iron fortress.

However, it was natural that it was not easy to believe that the two clans were said to have suffered bloody coercion not in any other place but in Sacheonseong, which was almost like their own home.

“What on earth is happening in Sichuan Province? Due to the closed nature of Sichuan Province, it would have been impossible to dispatch large-scale troops, so a small number of elite soldiers were dispatched to raid. “There is no way that Daemun sects like Cheongseong and Tangmun would have suffered bloodshed due to a raid by a small number of elites. So, does this mean that an absolute expert capable of overturning the inferiority of the numbers was mobilized in one fell swoop?”

Seomun Hye-ryeong’s brain was spinning to a frightening degree.

We put in a lot of information, derived possibilities, and found the number of cases.

“Surely the Four Great Demon Masters have moved?”

Seomun Hye-ryeong’s eyes wavered.

It was the most credible assumption at the moment. But it was also the worst possible assumption.

“If the Four Masters really moved, it wouldn’t end up as just Cheongseong and Dangmun.”

Seomun Hyeryeong quickly got up from her seat.

There were no longer any thoughts about Dan Cheon-un in her mind. An even greater sense of crisis covered her mind like a tidal wave.


Leaving Song Hwa-yeol’s voice behind, Seo Moon Hye-ryeong quickly ran outside.

☆ ☆ ☆

Nam Cheonmyeong’s expression was not very bright.

Blood stains were visible on his side and shoulder. Even though the bleeding has been stopped, blood continues to leak.

“They say it is a dictatorship, but it is truly a lie. “I can’t believe you inflicted this much damage on my body, which is almost invulnerable to poison.”

Tang Guan-ho attacked Nam Cheon-myeong using the silver horse. His silver magic boasted extreme power as expected from the golden dragon memorization, but unfortunately, it did not work on Nam Cheonmyeong. This is because he reached the level of invulnerability against all poisons a long time ago, based on his incredible inner strength.

Because it was truly the worst match, Tang Gwan-ho had no choice but to struggle. However, as befits his nickname, Mandokje, he used numerous memorizations and did not hesitate to use poisonous techniques.

The two fought really fiercely, and in the end, Nam Cheon-myeong became the winner. However, the wounds suffered by Nam Cheon-myeong were not at all easy.

Dang Gwan-ho’s memorization and poison attack took a big toll on his body, which was close to being immune to poison.

Although he looked fine on the outside, his internal organs were damaged and his energy and blood were boiling, so his disordered energy was not easily calmed down.

“Ma Yeongjwa. “How about taking a break and doing some luck?”

“joy! Are you saying you can only rest because of this little wound? done. “Hurry up and get moving.”


Gu Gwang-mun, the great lord of Yeomma Dae, advised him to rest, but Nam Cheon-myeong paid no heed. He knew his body very well. Right now, my energy and blood are boiling and it’s not easy to calm down, but it will return to its original state in about half a day.

‘More than anything, I have to carry out the orders of the demon spirit student.’

The military also exists in Milya.

Ga Gyeong-eui, a magician, was a soldier of Milya.

Little was known about Ga Gyeong-ui. The ordinary warriors of Milya do not even know of the existence of Gagyeongui. The only people who knew about him were the leaders of Milya, such as Yaju and the Four Masters.

After the war with Unjungcheon broke out, for some reason Gagyeongui did not move. It was only a month ago that he, who had been sitting idle for the past three years, made his move.

A month ago, he summoned the Four Great Demon Commanders and gave each one a mission. He asked Nam Cheon-myeong to lay waste to the Sichuan martial forest, and gave similar tasks to other magicians.

It is impossible to know how big a picture is in Ga Kyung-ui’s small mind. But one thing was certain. The picture that Ga Kyung-ui draws is by no means ordinary.

To that extent, the Four Great Masters had a high opinion of Ga Kyeong-ui. Nam Cheon-myeong was the same. He was one of the few people who knew the true nature of Ga Kyeong-ui. That’s why I knew very well how scary Ga Kyung-ui was.

‘As long as the demon spirit moves, the front lines will no longer be stuck like before.’

Nam Cheon-myeong thought that and closed his eyes. In that state, he began to quietly fly.

Wind fire one energy technique.

It was a rare deep attack that made Cheongpung Mayoung what it is today. Poongnyeolil Qigong was a deep technique that could operate stably in any situation and had an impregnable tendency to not tolerate any intrusion from the outside.

Thanks to this, Nam Cheon-myeong was able to operate the meditation stably even on a shaky horse. So he used Pungryeolil Qigong and went to rest.

Amisan Mountain was getting closer in the distance.

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