The Last Adventurer Chapter 99

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Chapter 32. Pharaoh (1)


“I am here on the orders of the great Black Mage, Commander of the Legion, Hilla.”

El Palm, what he said was nonsense.

Rather than feeling embarrassed the moment you hear it, it is just a word that you don’t understand.

“What do you mean?”

That’s why Leek’s reaction was so ordinary and natural.

And the moment he saw that reaction, El Palm smiled faintly to himself.

‘It worked.’

That reaction was proof that El Palm’s intentions and strategy had worked out well for Leak.

It wasn’t a mistake.

El Palm knew.

‘You can see from the fact that he didn’t attack right away.’

That Leek was ready to attack El Palm, having already cast his spell.

The moment El Palm speaks, the moment he finishes speaking, he will be waiting for that moment.

But Leak didn’t do that.

“Could you say that again? I didn’t hear you correctly.”

Instead of attacking, he asked questions.

To that question, El Palm said:

“I know.”

El Palm, he knew the followers of the Black Mage well.

“Leak, you are also a follower of Will.”

There is a commander who leads the followers of the Black Mage, one of whom is Will, and Rick is one of those who follows Will.

‘Cheryl, she told me everything.’

I was able to hear the entire organizational chart from none other than Cheryl, who was a member of Cross Hunters.

That’s why.

‘One of those legion commanders, Hilla, has little interaction with the other legion commanders.’

It was here that El Palm brought up the name Hila.

It was thanks to that.

At this moment, El Palm’s attempt worked.

‘Are you a follower of Hilla?’

Leek believed El Palm’s words.

Just because El Palm said it with his own mouth, it wasn’t natural for me to believe it.

‘Then I understand.’

Leak heard.

‘The title of the El Palm Party.’

What adventures has El Palm Party had so far?

To be honest, the titles of El Palm Party were so many that it was hard to believe just by hearing them.

In fact, most people didn’t believe El Palmar’s career when they heard about it.

I just believe that the party is cheating, scheming, and lying.

It was the same with Leak.

At first I didn’t believe the title. I thought there must be some ridiculous error or mistake.

‘So that’s the one that Hilla had hidden.’

But the moment the name of the commander of the legion, Hilla, was mentioned, it all became valid.

That was it.

El Palm showed me the back of his left hand, then lightly rubbed it.

Then, a tattoo that had been hidden was revealed.

Hunting dog tattoo.

It was clear evidence.

Hilla’s symbol is a dog, so Hilla gave tattoos of that hunting dog to those she cared about the most.

Needless to say, not many people knew about the tattoo’s existence.

Leek, he’s only seen it once.

By that point, Leek was no longer acting.

“My name is Leek, and I follow Will.”

With a faint smile but an incredibly cold voice, he revealed his true self.

And then he asked.

“I heard that Lady Hilla’s hunting dog is one that doesn’t reveal its identity even when it dies, so why did you reveal your identity?”

“If you don’t reveal your identity, Riku-sama, you will come after me. I know that. Riku-sama came here on the orders of Queen Areda. Queen Areda is very angry because of me.”

“To avoid death, is that why you revealed your identity?”

“My target is Gerector, the leader of the Cross Hunters.”

With that explanation, Leak didn’t ask any more questions.

Because I understand.

The reason why El Palm has been on the Cross Hunters’ side and has been interfering with the work of the Black Mage’s followers.

After gaining the trust of the Cross Hunters, it was to hunt the most important beings to them.

‘I’m not the only one who hides my identity to betray someone.’

The same was true for Leak.

‘Because the bomb that Will made with all his heart and soul is the Brain Leak.’


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Leek, who followed Will, one of the legion commanders, became famous as an adventurer, and later achieved great feats for the followers of the Black Mage by causing a disaster that killed 100,000 adventurers in one fell swoop.

In other words, Leak was such an important resource.

A resource that Commander Will has been pouring his heart and soul into nurturing to the point where he can use it at very important moments.

El Palm also knew.

‘You won’t trust me unconditionally, right?’

What is the personality of Brain Leak?

Crucially, El Palm knew.

‘The commanders of the Black Mage’s legions are not on good terms with each other.’

The fact that each of the commanders of the Black Magic Legion had their own plans, and so there was no real communication between the commanders.

It wasn’t just that there was no communication, there were countless cases of conflict.

‘Because I have doubts.’

That’s understandable, as the commanders of the Black Magic Legion believed there was a traitor within their ranks.

‘Even more so after the Black Wizard was sealed.’

If it weren’t for that, there’s no way such a great black wizard could have been sealed by just six heroes.

So the commanders of the Black Magic Legion always said that to their subordinates.

‘We were taught not to trust anyone but me.’

Only you are right.

So, don’t pay any attention to those who approach you as colleagues or as if you were on the same side.

If you get in the way of my plan, you can kill me.

Saying something like that.

‘Even more so if it’s a brain leak.’

Even Brain Leek was a machine-like adventurer.

A machine that can do anything for the mission.

It was the same now.

Leek will believe El Palm’s words. He will not doubt the evidence and circumstantial evidence shown.

‘There is no reason to hold hands with me.’

But that was never a reason for Leek to listen to El Palm’s story.

“I have to survive. I have to survive and get this thing done.”

That’s why.

“So, I will make a proposal to you, Mr. Leek.”

El Palm, he took out the ring.

“I will give you this ring if you promise to help me with this mission.”

The ring of Zeus.


Inside the secret passage of the Pyramid of Mystery.

As the Leak Party appeared, Pir’s eyes, who had been waiting, narrowed.

The tension was palpable.

It had to be that way.

‘El Palm and Leek were talking about something.’

There was no way Pir wouldn’t know that the two had met and talked to each other.

Of course, since they met secretly, there was no way they would have had a conversation where they complimented each other or encouraged each other.

Above all, it is not that there are no such cases.

Rather, skilled adventurers often had this conversation before conquering Mystic Gate.

‘Is this a fight for dominance?’

Because of that, taking the initiative within the Mystic Gate.

That was a very important part.

Regardless of skill, each adventurer had their own way of adventuring.

For adventurers like El Palm or Pir, that method is like an unyielding pride that cannot be compromised, even if nothing else.

‘The leak party has arrived, which means El Palm is… … .’

It wouldn’t be surprising if El Palm Party backed out here.

That was when.

“Forgive me for being late.”

Then El Palm Party appeared, and only after seeing that did Pir’s expression soften.

It seems like what I was worried about didn’t happen.

Pir said to all the adventurers gathered there.

“From now on, just follow my footsteps.”

There was no adventurer who smiled at those words.

It was because I knew.

Pir, if you don’t follow the exact footsteps he left behind, the countless traps here will threaten your life.

At least the adventurers gathered here were skilled enough to recognize that much.

So there were no major accidents.

Chubbuck, chubbuck.

Everyone followed Pir’s footsteps exactly, without exception and without letting their guard down, and eventually they arrived.

“It’s here.”

In a sealed room of about 300 pyeong.

It was a room that must have been someone’s grave.

But there was no coffin.

“That’s it.”

Instead of a coffin, there was only one Mystic Gate left.

And the moment Pir touched the Mystic Gate, a yellow portal appeared.

“What’s the order?”

“We will go in first.”

The first to move towards that portal was none other than the Leak Party.

What it meant was simple.

Among these, the Leak Party is the most powerful.

In addition, from now on, the adventure at Mystic Gate will be led by the Leak Party.

The moment order is established.

And Leek, who was to lead that order, moved beyond the Mystic Gate without the slightest hesitation.

Then everyone followed the Leak Party through the Mystic Gate, and soon they could see.


A vast wasteland where it is difficult to find even a single tree.

“excuse me!”


And the monsters that slowly approach from that wasteland.

“A dog wrapped in a bandage?”

“It’s a mummy poison!”

The identity of the monster was none other than a mummy-like dog wrapped in bandages all over its body.

The moment they saw it, all the adventurers’ expressions hardened.


In Devo’s case, he started off by spewing out curses.

It had to be that way.

“It’s f*cking sh*t from the start. If it’s a mummy poison, you have no choice but to break the magic stone, right?”

Mummy dog.

As expected of an undead monster, it could never be killed by simply destroying its body.

All you have to do is break the magic stone.

So the mummy dog ​​was the problem.

“Everyone, be careful! The body of a mummy dog ​​is on a completely different level from that of a skeldog!”

In the case of the Skeldog, a similar monster, its physical defense was not that great as it only had bones.

But Mummydog was different. It was covered in bandages, and beyond those bandages was a mass of dried, twisted flesh.

The difference was very big.

There is more difference between cutting a branch with a knife and cutting a branch that has been covered in clay and wrapped in a bandage.

“You can’t drag out close combat for too long! There’s poison in their bodies that comes from their rotting corpses!”

Crucially, the body of the mummy poison contained poison.

It means a difficult monster in many ways.


So, the Adventurer’s Association suggested the following strategy for defeating Mummydog.

It is not easy to use close range and physical attacks against the Mummy Dog, so the wizards’ efforts are needed.

“The wizards have moved… …!”

Pir, the moment he came to that conclusion, that was the moment.


Lightning began to strike down on the flock of mummy dogs that were running towards them with that order.

And at the sound of that spell, all the adventurers froze.

‘Oh, crazy!’

There was no adventurer who did not know the risks and drawbacks of the Thunderbolt magic.

So some adventurers lay down on the ground, and some even threw away their weapons that could become lightning rods.

Then I remembered.

‘What a crazy guy!’

The scene turned into a chaotic scene.

However, the scenery that everyone imagined did not unfold at all.

Phage crackle!

Instead, everyone could see it.


The ridiculous sight of Thunderbolt moving while perfectly targeting only Mummydog.

“It’s a leak!”

And the Lightning Master who created that scene, his appearance.

Everyone was surprised by that fact.

“Uh, how?”

The most surprising of these was none other than the El Palm Party.

“Boss! Th-that thing?”

Debo, he looked at El Palm in surprise.

It had to be that way.

“Look, isn’t that something only the boss can do?”

Because that ridiculous sight was a technique that only El Palm could show, it was like his exclusive patented technique.

But how can Leak do that?

El Palm answered that question.

“He gave me the ring of Zeus.”


Everyone, including Divo, looked at El Palm with expressions of bewilderment at that brief explanation.

You’re giving me such a great item?

“So you must be much better at using lightning magic than me.”

The explanation continued, and now he couldn’t even make a face.

So, doesn’t that mean you’ve given your competitor an incredible item, like putting wings on the tiger’s back?

“No, boss!”

Eventually, Debo could no longer stand that fact and said.

“What are you going to do from now on?”

El Palm answered that question.

“Do nothing.”


“That’s literally it. We’re not doing anything at this Mystic Gate.”

“Boss, what the heck… … .”

Then El Palm turned his head.

Phage crackle!

Leek said, looking at the genius who literally swept the battlefield.

“We just watch.”


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