The Last Adventurer Chapter 290

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Chapter 75. Maple Union (5)


Crystal Garden, the fastest airship in Maple World, headed to Ereve at a very fast speed.

“It’s a monster!”

Naturally, monsters attacked during the process.

A very large number.

However, not a single one of those monsters posed a real threat to the Crystal Garden.

It was because of just one person.

“Twinkle Flash.”

Luminous, the guardian of light and darkness.

The monsters that swarmed before the light and dark magic he radiated were unable to even properly put up a fight.

There was no way it could be done.


The Twinkle Flash used by Luminous, its arrow of light was as fast as light and at the same time impossible to defend against.

Because after penetrating the target like light, it properly shattered only the magic stone inside its body.

It’s an instant death attack that can’t be defended against!


The entire El Palm party was shocked at the sight of hundreds of Wyverns that had been rushing in, falling to the ground like corpses, at the sight of such a spectacle created by Luminous.

It wasn’t the magic of light itself that surprised me.

The power of Twinkle Flash magic has already been properly seen through El Palm.

‘Isn’t that worse than the boss?’

What was surprising, however, was that the level of perfection of Luminous’ technology far surpassed that of El Palm.

From the beginning, what Luminous is showing now is nonsense.


Crystal Garden is a state where you can move at top speed with just enough strength to stand properly above.

Not on top of that crystal garden, but at the front, where the wind is strongest, you can accurately pierce the magic stones with Twinkle Flash while swarming monsters?

And hundreds of wyverns at once?

Sewing in the midst of a raging storm feels much easier.

It was a long time ago.

But Luminous did it as if it were so obvious.

Of course, that was natural.

‘These are the six heroes.’

Luminous, he was so great that it was embarrassing to compare him to El Palm.

Anyway, thanks to that, Crystal Garden was able to quickly get to Ereve.

In the process, Debo said:

“If we keep doing this, won’t we arrive before the boss?”

Maybe they’ll save Ereve first.

Of course, that expectation disappeared the moment we arrived at Ereve.

The moment we saw the overflowing monster corpses, the moment we saw the silence that spread, everyone knew.

‘The boss is finished.’

El Palm has already sorted everything out.

In other words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

‘thank god.’

Honestly, everyone was worried.

Didn’t this happen in Ereve and not anywhere else?

A situation where it wouldn’t be strange if some problem occurred.

But fortunately, there was nothing to worry about anymore.

El Palm saved Ereve, and not only that, he was joined by his comrades, two knight commanders, and two of the six heroes.

Because right now, Ereve is the safest place in Maple World.

That was the moment when everyone relaxed.

“Twinkle Flash.”

Luminous attacked El Palm.

That fact caused a silence to fall all around.

The shock has subsided.

Something no one expected.



Even Oz and Hawkeye, the two knight commanders who had experienced everything, did not expect this.


Even the phantom thief Phantom didn’t expect that, and even he couldn’t help but freeze at that moment.

Only one person moved.


The moment he saw it, he moved with his polearm raised as Luminous attacked El Palm.

Towards luminous!

He ran at lightning speed, and the moment Devo came within striking distance of Luminous, he swung his polearm without hesitation.

It was an attack.

To punish those who attacked their fellows!


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However, the moment Devo swung his polearm, Luminous’s appearance flashed and disappeared.

After that, Luminous appeared in front of El Palm.

After confirming that, Devo moved again there.

After jumping down from the Crystal Garden, he moved to attack Luminous again.

Now he was determined to kill Luminous, one of the six heroes, and no one else.


The one who stopped that divot was none other than El Palm.

“No problem.”

El Palm was as trouble-free as it sounds.

It couldn’t be.

Twinkle Flash is a magic that causes damage by exploding light at the desired point.

Otherwise, it was just light penetrating the body.

And El Palm felt it.

Luminous has no intention of killing herself.

“It seems you know how to use light magic.”


This was simply a measure to see if El Palm could really use light magic.

So El Palm did not avoid it.

Of course, that was the biggest reason why El Palm was so confident.

‘If you wanted to kill me, you wouldn’t have just used Twinkle Flash.’

Luminous, if he wanted to kill El Palm, he would have used a surefire method, not this sloppy one.

Anyway, Luminous had no intention of killing El Palm.

That is, it means that you want to have a conversation.

“What do you want?”

“You just have to catch one.”

The conversation that started like that was extremely brief.

They only exchanged a few words with each other, and nothing more was said.

Just watching.

That was the moment.

Clap clap clap!

Everyone turned their heads at the sound of applause.

And at the same time, I was shocked.


It had to be that way.

“Congratulations, you managed to stop it.”


Akairum, one of the commanders of the Black Magician’s legion, has revealed himself.



There weren’t as many people in Maple World who knew of his existence as one might think.

There were two reasons.

First of all, it has been a very long time since he became the commander of the Black Magic Legion.

Another is that only a few of those who saw him survived.

But there was an exception.

Knights of Signus!

They clearly imprinted the information about the commanders of the Black Mage’s legions in their minds.

Because they were the greatest threat to Empress Signus.

So, you had to be ready at any moment you saw it.


Thanks to that, most people could recognize Akairum’s existence the moment they saw it.

That was it.

The moment they recognized it, everyone froze.

That would be the case, since no one expected Akairum to appear here at this moment.

I was crushed by the oppressive feeling that Akairum gave off.


Some collapsed on the spot.

Those who did not fall also had expressions on their faces as if their breath was caught in their throats.

That was the presence of the legion commander.

Usually, these are beings that you wouldn’t dare to think of the word ‘opposition’ just by looking at them!

Of course, not everyone was like that.

Some fought back.

The attack was launched.

“Fire Arrow.”

Among them, the first to attack was none other than El Palm.

The fire arrows he fired rained down directly on Akairum.

Thanks to that, everyone could see it.


The Fire Arrow passes through Akairum’s body without any resistance.


Only then did everyone realize that the Akairum that had just appeared was not real, but an illusion.

“Don’t bother yourself. I didn’t come here to trample on you bugs.”

At that point, Akairum said:

“If he had wanted to trample on me, he would have trampled me without a trace a long time ago.”

With an expression like he was looking at everyone like they were bugs.

But there was no rebuttal to that statement.

If Akairum really wanted to destroy this place, it wouldn’t have ended like this.

It would have been possible for Akairum alone to turn Ereve into a nightmare.

Of course, there were some who didn’t understand that.

“How about telling me why you came? Okay?”

The two thieves, Phantom and Luminous, gave Akairum cold looks at their words.

If it’s just idle talk, he revealed his intention to immediately get rid of that illusion.

Seeing that, Akairum stopped saying useless things.

“I came to give you a chance.”

Said the purpose.

“You must have seen what happened in Maple World just now. The sight of monsters overflowing.”

The first one was a warning.

“And if I wanted to, I could show you a sight even more horrific than what we have now.”

A chilling warning that can never be ignored.

“But if you attack one place, then I will let you wake up from this nightmare.”

The offer that came after that warning was incredibly sweet.

Of course everyone knew.

There is no way that the commander of the Black Mage Legion, of all people, would give him just such a good opportunity, such a sweet opportunity.

“Attack the Mystic Gate.”

It was as expected.

“The grade is purple, and the deadline is one month.”

I’ve barely managed to conquer the Indigo rank, so you want me to conquer the Purple rank?

Even within a month?

What a ridiculous suggestion!

But no one complained about the proposal.

“After a month, there will be no need to conquer it. What’s inside will come out as Maple World.”

Because there was no choice in the first place.

Akairum let out a smile as he said those words.

Akairum looked at El Palm with a smile.

“I hope you have good luck.”

And then, the figure of Akairum, who had left such heartfelt words, wavered and soon disappeared.

And a silence descended upon Ereve.

Everyone’s faces in the silence were filled with agony.

It had to be that way.

‘Conquer the purple rank within a month?’

No matter how I thought about it, the opportunity that Akairum had presented was nothing more than an act of suicide.

‘The monster inside will come out in a month?’

But what made everyone even more distressed was that they had to eventually enter the Mystic Gate to conquer it.

Otherwise, Maple World will face a nightmare.

Of course, just thinking about it at this moment was like a nightmare, and many people’s eyes began to lose their light at that fact.

Everyone began to be consumed by despair and desolation.

That was the moment.


The light returned to the eyes of those who had been filled with despair at the sound of that voice.

The voice was sweet and ecstatic at the same time.

Above all, everyone knew who the owner of that voice was.

“Thanks for your efforts.”

Empress Signus, that’s her.

“And thank you all for coming here.”

The moment they heard her words of gratitude, no one felt despair or anguish anymore.

“No! I just did what I had to do!”

Everyone shook their heads vigorously at the Empress’s gratitude.

The atmosphere changed in an instant.

That was the power of Empress Signus.

The reason she was able to lead the Maple Alliance, including the Knights of Signus, was because of her warm presence more than anything else.

Like the sun in the sky.

There is a warmth that embraces everything.

That was when.

“Your Majesty.”

One spoke to Empress Signus.

It didn’t end there.

Chitchat chitchat!

One of them took a step towards Empress Signus.

That was a very dangerous thing to do.

Because he was by Empress Signus’ side.

Michael, the Knight of Light!

And Mikhail eliminated anyone who approached Empress Signus without permission.

There was no warning during the process.

But this time it was different.

Mikhail did not draw his sword towards the approaching man.

“Yes, Luminous. Go ahead.”

Because he was none other than Luminous.

“I have a favor to ask.”

Such was the Luminous speaking to Empress Signus.

“I would like you to convene the Second Continental Congress.”

And the moment they heard those words, everyone, including Empress Signus, could not help but be surprised.

“Continental Congress?”

The Continental Congress has met only once.

And the reason the First Continental Congress was held was none other than to create the Maple Alliance.

That’s what the Continental Congress was like.

It was a meeting that determined the fate of Maple World.

A request to hold such a continental conference.

What it meant was simple.

“Yes, now we must conquer the Purple Grade Mystic Gate, which will determine the fate of Maple World.”

The fate of Maple World is currently at stake.

So there was no hesitation.

Empress Signus nodded, and she looked at Ninehearts and said.

“Convene a continental conference.”

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