The Last Adventurer Chapter 245

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Chapter 69. Balrog Expedition (2)



The one who had full authority over this Demon King Balrog expedition was none other than her.

There was nothing strange.

Because she was the most outstanding of the adventurers who knew the circumstances of Victoria Island best.

“Lady Helena.”

Above all, she knew about the Demon King Balrog.

“Will they be able to catch the Demon King Balrog?”

That’s why she could speak.

“The odds are less than 30 percent.”


Not very likely.

“Is it that low?”

“No, it’s high. If it’s the real Demon King Balrog, the chances of catching him are less than 3 percent.”

Besides, she knew.

“Is it different from the real Demon King Balrog?”

“The more Demon King Balrog is killed, the stronger he becomes. The Demon King Balrog currently sealed in the Cursed Temple killed over a million adventurers before being sealed. On the other hand, the Demon King Balrog in the Mystic Gate is a newly born one. His strength is not even half of the original Demon King Balrog’s.”

The only hope we have is that Demon King Balrog is at his weakest.

“And that’s a conservative estimate of 30 percent. The adventurers there are the best adventurers, the real deal, who turn even the smallest possibility into success.”

Even in a bad situation, Maple Union pulled out the best card it could.

“It’s worth looking forward to. If we all work together.”

That was when.


“Over there, over there!”

Someone hurriedly opened the door to Helena’s house and came in.

That was impossible.

Regardless of rudeness, this is Helena’s house!

Because it was a place where no adventurer, not even outlaws, could commit any rudeness.

Coming in there like this means something incredibly shocking has happened.

“What happened?”

“D, Drake’s cave… … collapsed.”

And the moment she heard the words that followed, Helena couldn’t help but be surprised.

“It collapsed?”

“Hey, someone caused an explosion!”

Because the worst thing happened.

“Then what about the adventurers who went inside?”

“I don’t know. The cave collapsed and we lost all means of contacting them.”

The collapse of the cave means that the beings beyond the cave are essentially trapped!

Moreover, the cave was a place where it was extremely difficult to make a way through once it collapsed.

“What about rescue?”

“We are currently assessing the situation, but it will likely take a very long time.”

Those beyond that are virtually as good as dead.

‘I never thought it would turn out like this.’

It was something unexpected even from Helena’s point of view.

In many ways, it’s something she can’t help but be surprised by.

There was one more person who was surprised.


“The cave collapsed due to an explosion?”


Akairum, he looked more angry than ever at his subordinate’s report.

“Who the hell would come up with such a thing!”

Akairum, his goal was to develop adventurers.

A being powerful enough to embrace the god of another world!

This time, the Demon King Balrog was a stage prepared to develop such adventurers.

And the effort and time that Akairum put in to create this stage was indescribable.

But the cave collapsed?

“What about the adventurers?”

“I’m trapped.”


It was practically a death sentence for the adventurers there.

Because we had to wait indefinitely for outside forces to make a way.

And that too with limited food.

“There must be many people starving to death. The location of the Mystic Gate is a cursed temple.”

The worst part was the stage they were on.

The cursed temple, the monsters that appear there were monsters influenced by the Demon King Balrog.

“Those monsters can’t eat either.”


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Beings that can never be food!

And no adventurer could withstand hunger.

That is why at this moment, Akairum considered the adventurers trapped in the cave as dead.

I wasn’t interested anymore.

At this moment, only one question remained.

“What kind of guy did this?”


“The power is definitely there.”

Evoque, he smiled the moment he received the report.

That was it.

This time, the one who attacked the Demon King Balrog expedition force was.

“Gelimer, you are a bomb.”

Moreover, the one who supported this Evoque was none other than Gelimer, who was now the master of Blackwing.

Of course he knew.

What kind of thing is this?

Whether this is something that can never be tolerated.

If it becomes known that Evoque is behind this, he will be virtually dead.

Furthermore, what Evoque did was to ruin the plans of the Black Mage’s legion commanders.

Still, there was one reason why Evoque risked his life to do this.

“El Palm, I will kill you.”

Grudge against El Palm.

That resentment led Ivok to make an extreme choice.

And this time, Evoque was sure.

“I just regret not being able to see your face filled with despair.”


“oh my god!”

The cursed temple.

The adventurers of the Balrog Expedition gathered at the entrance to the place, trained through all kinds of adventures, could not help but have expressions filled with despair at the sight that unfolded before their eyes.

It was natural.

“The cave is collapsing!”

Because this was like a death sentence.

No matter how great an adventurer he was, he could never be indifferent to death.

Even if it was called El Palm Party, it was no different.

“Crazy, does this make sense?”

Everyone, including Devo, looked at the collapsed cave with expressions of despair.

There was only one exception.

“It collapsed.”

El Palm, his expression as he looked at the collapsed cave was hard to find the word despair.


El Palm’s colleagues looked dumbfounded at his expression.

It was a bland situation, because it wasn’t something that could be expressed in just those few words.

“Don’t you know what the situation is right now?”

To that question, El Palm said:

“It will take at least a month for the Maple Alliance to come to our rescue. Meanwhile, we can’t get food here. If we continue like this, we’ll starve.”

What everyone is thinking.

‘no way?’

At that point, everyone thought.

“Boss, do you know how?”

The reason El Palm is calm is because there is a way to overcome the current situation, and that is why.

At that El Palm said:

“There is no way out of here right now. But there are ways to increase your chances of survival.”

It was around that time.

“Everyone, gather together!”

One of the adventurers who was in a state of panic gathered all the adventurers in one place.

There was no backlash.

Those who had gathered to join forces in the first place had no one to express their opinions or personality at this worst moment.

The number of people gathered like that is 213!

The number of people who were originally supposed to gather was 500, but it was less than half of that number.

The adventurer who had gathered the adventurers thus spoke.

“I cannot reveal my identity due to circumstances. However, for now, I will assume the role of leader here. Of course, if anyone else wants to take the position, I will be happy to give it to them.”

That was the wisest thing to say.

In a state of panic like this, a focal point is needed.

And no one claimed to be a leader in response to such adventurers’ words.

“Okay. Then let’s sort out the situation. We’re now past Drake’s Cave and in front of the entrance to the Cursed Temple. And someone has collapsed Drake’s Cave, the cave we came in through. It’s a very grim situation, but we need to face this reality first, so that’s why I’m saying this.”

And the one who became the leader quickly sorted out the situation.

“The most important thing here is to hold out until the rescue team arrives. The most important thing for survival is food.”

At those words, everyone began to mentally estimate the amount of food they had brought.

At the same time, Debo and his colleagues looked at El Palm.

Because I thought of it.

‘Boss, by any chance?’


When El Palm caught the Guardian Angel Slime, he prepared a huge amount of food.

What if we had prepared that much food this time?

Then it makes sense why El Palm is so indifferent.

“We did bring some more food, but not as much as before.”

However, El Palm instantly shattered the expectations of his colleagues.

I feel like my last expectations have been dashed.

At that time, the adventurer who had become the leader opened his mouth.

“First of all, the monsters in the cursed temple cannot be used as food. They are cursed beings.”

The situation is getting more dire.

“We must prepare to survive as long as possible with the food given. I would like to hear everyone’s opinion on this.”

The question that arose soon was naturally met with silence.

No one raised their hand or voiced their opinion.

Just one person.


El Palm, he raised his hand, and all the adventurers around looked at El Palm in surprise.

Is there a way out of this ridiculous situation?

“I don’t know how to get out of here, but I know how to increase my chances of survival.”

Even at those words, everyone’s pale faces began to come to life.

Even the leader who had been the most calm so far was the same.

“What is the method?”

“There is a place where you can expect both food and water.”

“A place like that?”

Excitement reached its peak at the following words, and El Palm spoke to them.

“Where is that?”

“It’s over there.”

And El Palm pointed with his finger to a place along with the words, and everyone could see it.

The Mystic Gate they were trying to conquer.

The stage where the Demon King Balrog is.

Everyone tilted their heads at that fact.


Because I couldn’t understand what El Palm meant at all.

Finally, one person shouted.

“You crazy kid! Are you kidding me? Huh?”

He let out a snarl of anger, and with that the other adventurers began to let out a torrent of angry curses as well.

Should we go through the Mystic Gate in this situation?

Even though there are only about 200 people?

That’s no different from telling me to go commit suicide!

“Boss, are you crazy?”

Even El Palm’s colleagues reacted in bewilderment to El Palm’s words.

El Palm, on the other hand, was different.

He spoke calmly, not particularly moved by the outpouring of hostility and anger.

“There is nothing to eat here. But beyond that Mystic Gate, it is different. It is a completely different environment. If we can catch even one Drake, the people here will have no worries about food.”

The expressions on the faces of some of those who had been angry at those words changed.

‘That’s right.’

It wasn’t all that unusual for adventurers to survive by eating monsters beyond the Mystic Gate.

It’s not fun, but it’s not strange if you have to survive.

“If a wild boar comes out, we can have a feast that day.”

Even among the monsters, there were some that were delicious enough to be called delicacies, although not many.

As El Palm said, it means that there is no need to worry about starving to death over there.

Of course, not everyone thought that way.

Because there was a problem.

“You crazy kid, that’s where the Demon King Balrog is!”

A very big problem.

Even if you are full, you stand before the Demon King Balrog with only 200 people?

It would be nothing more than an act of suicide.

“Then are you going to starve to death like this?”

About him, El Palm said:

“Didn’t you all come here prepared to sacrifice your lives to catch the Demon King Balrog?”

It ignited the will of the adventurers who came here.

Of course, the adventurers who came here weren’t just skilled.

They were the ones who would do anything for Maple World, and were willing to sacrifice their most precious life for it.

“To protect the people of Victoria Island, for that noble purpose.”

And at El Palm’s words, everyone’s will, the will that had been lit, burned hotter than ever.

At that point the leader said:

“I agree with that opinion. Rather than staying here and dying, I’d rather leave a will over there. For the sake of future adventurers.”

At that moment, the story ended.

“Those who agree, please raise your hand.”

Everyone raised their hands.

“thank you.”

El Palm, who saw it, said:

“Then let’s go right in.”

And with those words, El Palm threw himself through the portal of the Mystic Gate.


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