The Last Adventurer Chapter 24

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Chapter 8. Unique Items (2)


There was a snail monster in Maple World.

It wasn’t a strong monster. An adventurer who was defeated by a snail couldn’t even be called an adventurer.

But that doesn’t mean it was something that could be ignored. If it had been something that could be ignored in the first place, if it had been something that didn’t pose any threat at all, it wouldn’t have been classified as a monster.

Anyway, for that reason, the Adventurer’s Association also classified snails as monsters and studied them.

“A snail pet?”

However, the snail pet that El Palm spoke of was a word that Devo had never heard before in his life.

It had to be that way.

‘He’s a really hard guy to look at.’

At this point, the only person who knew about the snail pet was, without a doubt, El Palm.

‘Until then, it was just a monster.’

Moreover, snails were monsters that had to be killed on sight.

But things changed after its value was discovered.

“What does snail pet mean?”

“It’s literally a pet. It follows people around like a pet.”

“You mean a pet snail? Does that make sense?”

Because the snail pet had abilities.

“You can melt the corpses of dead monsters to obtain magic stones and pick up the dropped items.”


“You can also store items inside the shell.”

A truly tremendous ability.

“Is it an item?”

Of course, it didn’t seem like much of a deal when you just heard it.

That was also the reason why Devo had a trembling expression.

But El Palm was different.

“It’s a huge deal to get magic stones and collect items from the corpses of monsters caught in fierce battles.”

In the first place, the purpose of fighting monsters was to obtain items and magic stones.

The problem was that it wasn’t as easy as it seemed.

First of all, going into battle was like letting everyone know that I was here.

This means that monsters as well as adventurers hear the sound and react.

In that situation, you leisurely collect the items worn by the monster and dismantle the monster to obtain the magic stone?

Even if you had time, dismantling the monsters to extract the magic stones was quite a difficult task.

However, the snail pet was able to easily extract the magic stones held by the monsters using a strong acidic liquid.

In particular, he instinctively knew where the magic stones were and was able to work quickly.

“That’s true, but… … .”

At that point, Debo admitted it to himself.

“But I don’t think that much will fit in that shell.”

But even taking that into account, it didn’t seem like much of an item could fit inside a snail shell the size of a person’s fist.

“It grows as much as the items eaten.”


But the moment he heard El Palm’s words, from that moment on, Divo’s expression changed.

If El Palm’s words were true, the story would be very different.

It didn’t end there.

“Snail pets move to places with items and magic stones. Instinctively.”


The moment he heard that, Devo no longer questioned what was special about the snail pet.

“That’s no joke.”

You can find places with magic stones and items, because that’s like finding treasure.

Naturally, El Palm was happy to use that ability.

El Palm said, looking into the eyes of his snail pet.

“From now on, I am your master. Work for me, and I will protect you.”

At those words, Debo chuckled.

“Boss, does he understand what you say?”

“If you understand, blink twice.”

At that moment, the snail pet blinked once and twice as if it had been waiting, and Divo, who saw it, shouted in shock.


Of course, El Palm wasn’t surprised by that.

If I were to simply follow my instincts, I would only be a monster and would never be able to become a pet.

‘I never thought I’d get a snail pet here.’

But I was surprised to find out that there was a snail pet.

Snail pets were just as hard to come by.

Even after the Mystic Gate opened and the monsters inside poured out into Maple World, they were extremely hard to find.


It was a happy stroke of luck.

And El Palm was willing to use this luck.

El Palm put the snail on the floor.


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Then the snail pet looked at El Palm with its large eyes, as if waiting for an order.

“Find the magic stone.”

At the next command, the snail pet began to move without hesitation.

“Huh? That’s really fast?”

So fast you can’t even call it a snail.

“And be quiet.”

But secretly, like a snail.

That’s another reason why snail pets are valuable.

Being able to secretly carry out my role in a world overflowing with monsters and adventurers.

“He was a really great guy!”

At that fact, even Devo couldn’t hide his excitement anymore.

‘I’m going to get a good share of this, right?’

Because some of the benefits of the snail pet fell to none other than Divo, his share.

Naturally, in Devo’s eyes, the snail pet began to look like a goose that found golden eggs.

“Boss, what’s his name?”

The memory of being surprised just a moment ago has now completely disappeared.

El Palm pondered Divo’s question for a moment and then said:


“Mano, what a wonderful name.”

Divo smiles at the name.

But that smile didn’t last long.


El Palm and Divo, who were chasing the snail, could soon be seen.

“Boss, this.”

The broken corpses.

“Are you the Signus Knights trainees who came in with us?”

Those corpses I know very well.

At that fact, Devo’s expression hardened very stiffly.

After all, weren’t they ostensibly colleagues and in the same party?

There is no way that his death will be accepted easily.

‘They’re trainees of the Signus Knights, and they’re dead? Really?’

Moreover, these were not mere adventurers.

‘It’s a crazy mystic gate.’

This means that the dangers here are greater than Divo thinks.

Meanwhile, El Palm’s expression also hardened.

But there was another reason why his expression was so hard.

He already knew this would happen.

There were two things he focused on.

Most of the visible wounds were from the Ribbon Pig, but El Palm was clearly visible.

‘I was hit by a person.’

There are wounds all over that gruesome corpse that a monster could not have inflicted.

El Palm could clearly tell by the look on her face and the traces of blood near her mouth.

‘After the poison hits you.’

At that point, El Palm got closer to the body and started sniffing.


El Palm said to Debo, who was surprised by the sight.

“It’s poison.”

“Is it poison?”

El Palm did not give any further explanation to the surprised Debo.

‘A poison that is a mixture of the scorpion tail venom that appears in the Nihal Desert and the Nepenthes fruit venom that appears in the El Nath Mountains.’

That this poison is not just pure poison.

‘Written by the messengers of Ariant.’

Moreover, the poison is the one mainly used by the assassins of Hassin, a secret assassination organization in the desert kingdom of Ariant.

There was no need to explain such facts.

Even if I explained it to you, it wasn’t something that Devo could understand.

That wasn’t the most important thing.

“There are six bodies.”

“Six? So there are two survivors?”

“There is only one survivor.”

“Huh? No, there are definitely eight Knights Templar trainees… … .”

“One is a troll.”

That they were not killed by monsters.

The moment he heard those words, Devo’s expression hardened to a degree that was incomparable to before.

“So you’re saying that a Signus Knight trainee killed him?”

The Knights of Signus were a direct organization of Empress Signus, the head of the Maple Alliance.

It refers to a powerful power group or armed group that receives full support from Maple World.

But do you intentionally kill someone who belongs to such an armed group?

Even the top 10 in Lees Harbor wouldn’t dare do something like that.

‘It wasn’t just a few people trolling. There were trolls hiding within the party organizations dispatched by each of the tops. There were trolls hidden within the Knights of Signus as well.’

Moreover, El Palm has figured out that this trolling is not just some sleazy level of trolling aimed at simply eliminating competitors.

“Who on earth would do something like that?”

That’s why El Palm came up with the answer right away.

‘Only those who follow the Black Wizard can do such a thing.’

The moment he gave the answer, El Palm raised his head and looked at Divo.


And then he asked.

“Have you ever hunted an adventurer?”

Devo tilts his head at that question.

Finally, Divo realized the meaning of the question and said in horror.

“Hey, boss? Are you trying to catch them?”

You hunt down those dangerous guys who even troll the Signus Knights trainees?

It was nonsense.

“Wouldn’t it be better to just quickly find the exit and get out? There are also 5th Circle adventurers outside, right?”

Moreover, there is a best way now, so why would you choose another way instead?

El Palm knew it too.

“I haven’t found the unique item yet.”

However, the value of the items here was too high to just retreat like this.

This was very important to El Palm.

Because for him, unique items were more important than ordinary items.

“Boss, it’s still too dangerous. I know you’re strong, but it’s too difficult for our level.”

“Yeah, it’s not easy at our current level.”

Of course, El Palm had no intention of doing anything reckless.

It’s always been like that.

El Palm never took an adventure he wasn’t sure about.

“So, I have to use my trump card.”

“The trump card?”

It was the same even then.

“What is that?”

“This is it.”

El Palm took out the card he had hidden.



The Knights of Signus.

As one of the direct organizations of the Maple Union, it was like the pinnacle for those who dreamed of becoming a knight.

Of course, the Knights of Signus were powerful. Each and every knight defied comparison with the average adventurer.

Becoming a knight of the Signus Knights was not easy.

It was impossible for most people to even become trainees of the Knights of Signus.

“You have been ignoring the Knights of Signus too much.”

That was why.

“I can’t believe you can withstand that poison.”

The 10 members who entered the 100-person Mystic Gate to troll began a chase.

Of course, they were not embarrassed by that fact.

It wasn’t a matter of panic.

“I just held on. Since I can no longer use my abilities, I will be able to catch up soon.”

Kiri, the three who were chasing the last remaining Signus Knight trainee inside this Mystic Gate began their steady chase.

It wouldn’t have been difficult.

This place was already like poison, with only one exit.

And Kiri, she was just a sick rat in the poison.

Even this place is full of pigs that prey on such sick rats.

Honestly, I thought of three pursuers.

What they will see will not be a living Kiri, but her corpse mangled by the Ribbon Pig.

It definitely was.

“I am Divo!”

But the voice that was suddenly heard shattered the three people’s expectations.

The moment they heard that sound, the three stopped chasing Kiri for a moment.

And we looked at each other and exchanged opinions.

“It’s him.”

“That guy?”

“One of the two adventurers sent by Gapor Sangdae.”

“Were you alive?”

Once I figured out who my opponent was, I got nervous at the same time.

“how will we do it?”

I would have liked to deal with it right away, but it was a situation where I couldn’t easily gauge the other person’s level.

In such a situation, a hasty attack could have turned into a crisis.

Careful judgment was required.

“Divoda, the hero of Polarm! Come!”

But the moment they heard those words, the moment they heard that shout, all three made the same judgment at the same time.

‘What a crazy bastard.’

He’s a guy who doesn’t really have anything to worry about.

That’s why.


One person called out his name, and the person whose name was called nodded and then left the group.

That Jerga moved to deal with Divo.

It wasn’t difficult.

“I am the hero of Polarm! Come!”

All I had to do was follow this nonsense, part the reeds, and when I got to a suitable distance, I just had to pull back the bowstring in my hand.

Now is the time.


Jer, he pulled the bowstring.

At the same time, he shouted out his skills.


Piercing, a 2-circle archer skill that greatly increases the penetration power of arrows.

After Jer finished all the preparations, he held his breath and prepared to fire an arrow.


And the arrow moved.


The suddenly appearing fire arrow struck Jer’s left eye.


Jer groaned and threw his head back at the attack, and in the meantime, two fire arrows were fired straight into Jer’s body.

One on the back of the right hand, one on the back of the left foot.

In the face of that attack, Jer fell to the ground in an instant.

Pain rose in my head.

But before the pain, what came to my mind first was a question.

‘Fire Arrow? But what about its power…?’

The Fire Arrow he knew of was never a skill with this level of penetrative power.

No, it was possible. All skills became more powerful as the user’s circle increased.

So the question was.

This was a red-rank Mystic Gate, a place only adventurers with Circle 2 or lower could enter.

A man appeared before Jer’s eyes, who were filled with such questions.

“Who, who… … .”

The man who appeared stabbed the back of Jer’s left hand, who was lying on the floor, with the dagger in his hand before he could even answer.


At the sudden pain, Jer’s only eye widened to the size of a lantern.

“A black wing tattoo hidden on the back of your left hand. Black Wing, a member of the Black Wizard’s followers. You came from far away.”

I could see through those wide eyes.

“Nice to meet you.”

The three rings on the left wrist of the one who stabbed my hand with a dagger.

“My name is El Palm. I’m going to ask you some questions now.”


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