The Last Adventurer Chapter 204

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Chapter 60. The Centaur King (4)


The moment El Palm confirmed the existence of the Centaur King, he did not hesitate.

‘Run away.’

El Palm started to run away in the opposite direction of the Centaur King who was running at full speed.

Of course El Palm knew.

‘But the resistance will fight.’

The remaining resistance members will not be able to escape.

In this situation, it is almost impossible for them to choose the option of running away.

‘I’ll run away only after I’ve fallen apart miserably.’

Moreover, El Palm had fully anticipated how disastrous the results would be.

Still, El Palm escaped.

‘Even if I stay, the results won’t change much.’

That’s understandable, because even the great El Palm couldn’t do much against the Centaur King.

The Centaur King was such a being.

A being that can rule over an area of ​​the Minar Forest!

A being so strong that it cannot be compared to any other boss monster!

Above all, there were now tens of thousands of centaurs here.

What if I win this battle?

Rather, what came next was the problem.

If you catch the Centaur King here, it won’t be a problem, but that’s highly unlikely.

Moreover, the Centaur King was a clever monster.

The moment he realized that fact, the Centaur King would run away without hesitation.

What after that?

‘If we win by a narrow margin, they will gather an even more formidable force.’

I will gather the centaurs around me and lead an army that is incomparable to the one I have now.

It didn’t end there.

‘We’re going to have a war of annihilation.’

We will pursue and hunt down the resistance and adventurers here to the end.

That being was the Centaur King.

Not just a simple strong monster, but a being that knows how to reign as a king in its own region.

El Palm knew the fear of the Centaur King better than any other adventurer in the world.

‘Thanks to that, I was able to hold on.’

Minar Forest, one of the reasons El Palm chose it as their final battlefield was because of that Centaur King.

Because the strong, clever, and tenacious Centaur King held back the oncoming army of monsters.

Because no one but El Palm was the one who watched the process closely, and even the end.

The reason El Palm had no hesitation in running away was because he knew this fact.

Moreover, El Palm knew.

‘Survival is now the top priority.’

At this point, hunting the Centaur King is impossible, so there is only one option left.

‘I have to go out and spread the word.’

Moreover, surviving here now was not just about saving one’s life.

The Resistance believes now.

That the information they get from someone is perfect.

Even if this resistance failed, that belief would not change easily.


You’ll repeat the same mistake again.

That means someone had to get out alive and tell the Resistance what had happened here, what was happening.

‘You just have to hang in there.’

The only fortunate thing was that the condition for conquering this Mystic Gate was survival, not hunting boss monsters.

In that respect, El Palm was more confident than anyone else.

Anyway, the situation was resolved.

El Palm had no intention of fighting the Centaur King hordes alongside the Resistance.

‘This might buy me some time.’

I was just helping.

“Chain Lightning!”


Doo doo doo doo!

About 3,000 centaurs are running, led by the Centaur King!

The resistance fighters came to their senses when they were faced with a colorful army of centaurs.

‘If this continues, we’ll all die!’

Their instinct for survival brought them to their senses.

In that situation, Albi shouted.

“Commence mechanical fire!”

Albi, she chose the battle.

I can’t just let this happen!

“Everyone is going to fight an all-out war!”


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But that was never a good choice.

Even if we win the fight, it will be a meaningless battle unless we can definitely capture the Centaur King.

So, even if there was a battle, it would not be an all-out war, but a battle that would only target the Centaur King, even if it meant taking casualties.

But as I said before, it was a choice made based on my survival instinct.

In other words, it meant that the situation was life-threatening, and the choice made in that situation could not have been the best choice.

The problem is that everyone was in the same situation as Albi and her.

Thump thump!

It was not my head, but my madly beating heart that gave the order.

“Battle begins!”

“Fight till the end!”

That was the moment when everyone was preparing for an all-out war.

Phage crackle!

A bolt of lightning struck a group of approaching centaurs.

That was actually a ridiculous attack.

The sight of a herd of thousands of centaurs charging towards you is truly an earth-shattering sight!

In that scene, a single bolt of lightning was about the same size as turning on a light bulb next to the sun.

So at first, no one cared.


But the moment that lightning starts from one and spreads out in a chain.

Phage, phage, phage!

The moment when hundreds of centaurs were shocked and frozen in place, the situation changed.


The attack surprised the resistance.

Things didn’t end there.


The centaurs screamed as they were shocked by the chain lightning.

In fact, in a normal case, it would have been a situation where some would have collapsed or foamed at the mouth due to electric shock.

However, the centaurs, who had become three times stronger than usual due to the presence of the Centaur King, did not die or faint from the attack.

But, there was nothing I could do about the fact that my feet were twisted due to the electric shock.

Iron fist!

Naturally, the centaurs who had been shocked fell to the ground.

The problem was that the guys who were running on the front lines of the Centaurs collapsed in a single line as if they had made a promise.


When the guys in the lead suddenly collapsed, the entire line that had been running naturally became a mess.

The charge of the centaur herd paused for a moment.

‘What, what is it?’

The resistance looked even more surprised at the sight.

‘What happened?’

‘Chain Lightning?’

Some people knew that it was a Chain Lightning spell effect.

‘But in a line?’

However, the Chain Lightning magic they knew was a magic that was completely impossible to control and was left to luck.

It was absolutely impossible to electrocute just one line like that.

The possibility of luck was even less likely.

It was a strange situation in many ways, and that was all that mattered.


Albi, her cold head screamed.

‘You shouldn’t fight!’

That all-out war must be avoided.


At that moment she screamed.

“Everyone run! Evacuate the mechanics while the Wild Hunters and Battle Mages stall for time!”



Their force, gathered to regain Edelstein’s freedom from Blackwing, was stronger than expected.

But Blackwing was stronger than them.

So those who knew the situation thought.

“How on earth can the Resistance deal with Blackwing?”

The answer was simple.

“Well, the Resistance is better at running away than anything else. Hit and run, that’s what they’re best at.”

The first thing those who join the resistance learn is not how to fight, but how to run away.

Of course, adventurers also learned how to run away.

But more important than learning was experience.

That’s where the difference came from.

Adventurers don’t run away as often as you might think.

After the advent of the Mystic Gate, most adventurers took possible adventures rather than reckless ones.

But the resistance was different.

They always had to run away, and when it came to running away, they were better than any other adventurer or group in Maple World.

That’s why.

“It’s impossible for the Centaur King alone to catch all those rat-like resistance members.”


He manipulated the Mystic Gate to bring about the Centaur King, but he did not think that this alone would be enough to annihilate the Resistance.

“I’m sure there will be quite a bit of damage.”

Because no one in Maple World knew how good the Resistance was at running away.

“But it doesn’t matter.”

In other words, even that was within Gelimer’s expectations.

“It’ll just take time anyway. It’ll just make the painful time a little longer. The Centaur King will start hunting down the little rats that have invaded his territory.”

And Gelimer knew.

“What if they run away for a week? That’s not impossible. When there are a lot of rats, you can catch a lot, but when there are fewer of them, it’s harder to catch them.”

The condition for conquering that place is to survive for a week.

If it’s the resistance, it could definitely be like that.

“But there’s no need to worry about that either.”

Of course, Gelimer had clearly prepared countermeasures for that as well.

A very sure way.

“Because I removed that condition.”

Completely eliminating the only glimmer of hope they had.

That’s why Gelimer couldn’t help but be confident.

“When a week has passed, when the time has come for which they have been waiting so long, the little mice will know that there is no mouse hole.”

There is no possibility of ever conquering it.

“Of course, it’s not exactly zero. There’s nothing perfect in the world.”

However, there was one way.

“Akairum, the basic conditions he set when he created the Mystic Gate are something that even I cannot change. There has to be a way to get out. All I did was change that method.”

There were other ways to do it.

“Catching the boss monster.”

In that way, Gelimer had no choice but to be certain of failure and annihilation.

“But that’s not likely to happen to the rats who were running for their lives to survive for a week.”

If I had known that the way to go was to hunt the boss monster, I would have gone at it while it was still at full strength, regardless of whether I ended up dead or alive.

But the resistance fighters who entered now would find another way and only realize this after they were covered in blood.

“But if you look for a way, then there is a way.”

Of course, here too Gelimer knew all the possibilities.

“Hyperion’s Helmet. If I can find it.”

However, there was a fainter smile on Gelimer’s lips than ever as he spoke of that possibility.

“In a situation where you are being chased by the Centaur King, and you have to run away. If you can find a special tree.”

Because I knew it.

“If only I could find Hyperion’s helmet hidden inside that tree.”

How difficult it is for the possibilities you speak of to become reality.

“If only there was a wizard great enough to wear the Hyperion Helmet obtained in that way.”

No, it wasn’t that hard.

“Actually, most people will go crazy the moment they use it. Hyperion’s Helmet is an item that changes the nature of a wizard.”

That was impossible.

“An item that summons the gods of another world. An item obtained by the Black Wizard to weaken the Overseers.”

Because it wasn’t an item of the level that an adventurer in Maple World could use.

“The six heroes, these are items that only those with talents comparable to theirs, as well as those who have experienced death, can use.”

There is no adventurer who can use such an item right there.

“So it’s not possible.”



“Mano, what’s over there?”


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