The Last Adventurer Chapter 199

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Chapter 59. Blue (3)5.

There were many things that adventurers pursued.

“No matter what the adventurers’ goals are, the need for more circles remains constant.”

But everyone was obsessed with the circle.

That’s why adventurers were excited about the appearance of the Mystic Gate.

The fastest way to circle up is to consume as many magic stones as possible for your level.

However, as the circle got higher, it became very difficult to find the magic stone of the desired level, or more precisely, the monster that had that magic stone.

“In the past, that circle up was so hard.”

The monsters in Maple World are not grouped by level, but rather, from the weakest to the strongest, all come together to form a single ecosystem.

Because if you go to Sleepywood Forest to catch mushrooms, you might meet Junior Balrog.

“Until the Mystic Gate appeared.”

On the other hand, only monsters that matched the level of Mystic Gate existed, and obtaining magic stones became incredibly easy.

Naturally, the number and level of adventurers has increased to an extent incomparable to any era in the past.

“Of course, even after the appearance of the Mystic Gate, it is extremely rare to see a 6th Circle adventurer.”

So, even in the Mystic Gate era, 6th Circle adventurers were considered very special beings.

Of course, there was more before.

Before the Mystic Gate appeared, it was extremely difficult for a Circle 6 adventurer to even see it once.

“6th circle skills are even more difficult to find.”

Because of this, the skills used by 6th Circle adventurers were also considered legends by word of mouth.

It wasn’t a vague metaphor.

Each of the six circle skills had its own legendary story.

The story of how Heinz, the master of magicians, instantly froze and killed Junior Balrog, who came out of the Sleepywood Forest, with the 6th circle magic Freezing Breath.

The story of Captain Kairin removing 10,000 orange mushrooms in 10 minutes using her 6th circle skill, Rapid Fire.

Each skill had its own legendary anecdote.

Of course, that skill was there too.

“Chain Lightning.”

There is also a legendary anecdote about Chain Lightning, a 6-circle lightning attribute magic.

There is an anecdote about an unknown wizard who caught a thousand junior Nekis with just one use of Chain Lightning.

That wasn’t all.

There were many anecdotes about Chain Lightning, and they all had one thing in common.

All of them caught hundreds of monsters at once!

That was the characteristic of Chain Lightning.

First of all, Chain Lightning fires a single bolt of lightning the moment it is cast.

Afterwards, the lightning split into two the moment it hit the target.

What’s next? Four.

After that? Eight.

That is, if the conditions are right, you can attack hundreds of monsters in an instant.

Of course, its power was also enormous.

To begin with, the power of lightning attribute magic was fundamentally incomparable to that of other magic.

It was an event that was bound to give rise to legendary anecdotes.

Phage crackle!

The Chain Lightning that El Palm just used was such an incredible magic.

Moreover, it was none other than El Palm.

He had all the pieces of Astraphe in his possession. That meant their power was nearly twice as strong as those used by other wizards!


The centaurs, whose magic resistance was by no means low, fell foaming at the mouth in the face of that power.

It didn’t end there.

El Palm had it on his fingers.

The ring of Zeus that allows you to control lightning!

El Palm, who wore the Ring of Zeus, was able to perfectly use Chain Lightning.

Normally, there would have to be another target around the shocked target for Chain Lightning to continue, but El Palm’s distance was incomparably longer than when used by other magicians.

30 meters!

It even affected monsters as far as 30 meters away.

In fact, there was no distance limit.

That is, El Palm’s Chain Lightning was a net, not a chain.

A giant net that can capture all monsters in sight with a single spell cast!


In the presence of such El Palm, those fearsome centaurs couldn’t even scream properly.

And El Palm’s colleagues who saw it couldn’t even express their admiration properly.

‘oh my god.’

El Palm has always been amazing, but this spectacle was on a whole other level.

Was it beyond common sense? It wasn’t at that level.

‘Who’s the boss?’

Now it is at a level that cannot be understood even if you see it with your own eyes.

Furthermore, it was at a level where understanding was meaningless.

Doo doo doo!

“Chain Lightning.”


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In front of El Palm’s performance, there was virtually nothing El Palm’s colleagues could do.

‘There’s nothing we can do.’

It practically means hanger-on.


With his companions as his entourage, El Palm began to hunt all the centaurs he encountered, regardless of whether they were black, red, or blue, with Chain Lightning.

That was when.


The cry of a centaur was heard from afar.


And the moment they heard that cry, all of the El Palm parties noticed it right away.


That the cry was clearly different from the cry of the Black, Blue, and Red Centaurs.

‘It’s a boss monster!’

Plus, if another centaur appears here now, it must be a boss monster.

“excuse me.”

At that point, Miner, who had the best eyesight, shouted.

“It’s golden.”

Gold Centaur!

“Was there something like that?”

For El Palm’s colleagues, it was the first time they had heard of him.

It was a bad fact.

Seeing it for the first time meant having no information, no idea how terrifying a monster it was.

There was only one thing I knew.

“It’s a blue-rank boss monster, so it’s not an ordinary one.”

Whatever you think, it will be stronger than that.

In any case, for the El Palm Party, the warning light was on.

Naturally, El Palm’s colleagues, who had been just supporting him like heels, immediately got into battle formation.


If you’re facing a monster you’ve never seen before, the first priority is to get information.

“Kiri and I will face off!”

Divo and Kiri prepared to get that information.

“I’ll grab your attention.”

At the same time, Ralph and Miner also moved.

That was the moment.


El Palm said to his colleagues.

“Step back.”

At those words, El Palm’s colleagues retreated without much question or hesitation.

‘This is a retreat.’

Because I thought El Palm’s retreat meant to avoid combat.

It was a valid thought.

There was no reason to force myself to fight a monster I was seeing for the first time.

It was enough to deal with it after slowly eliminating the centaur groups surrounding it.


But El Palm Party’s thoughts were shattered in an instant.


While everyone else was running away, El Palm faced the approaching Gold Centaur without running away.

It wasn’t a mistake.

It wasn’t like I was so scared that I forgot to run away.

That was the will.

It means that we will deal with the gold centaur that is approaching now.


It was true that El Palm was putting on an outrageous performance, but it was crazy.

Isn’t it just a monster, not a boss monster?

Moreover, the Chain Lightning skill that El Palm showed was a magic that was effective against multiple monsters.

Chain Lightning was a strong but not lethal spell against boss monsters.

Then fight with the remaining magic?

It was definitely powerful.


However, there was clearly something lacking when dealing with the Gold Centaur that was rushing towards him now.

And against monsters like the Gold Centaur, even a moment’s lack of skill could lead to death.


At a moment that could not help but be worrisome in many ways, El Palm Party, who had been running away, stopped and turned around.

I wanted to move to help El Palm.

They could hear it.


El Palm, he took out the 6th circle ice attribute magic, Blizzard magic.

‘You even had Blizzard?’


It was a magic that summoned extremely sharp ice like spears from the sky, and naturally, it was a magic that had many legendary anecdotes.

The power was also enormous.

The very idea of ​​a chunk of ice falling from above your head was bound to be enormous.

Moreover, each of them was in the form of a spear, not just a block of ice, and its power was more than enough to instantly kill even the most powerful monsters.

It means that there is no shortage of things to surprise the viewer.

‘How many 6-circle magic spells do you have?’

Furthermore, from the perspective of the El Palm party, they couldn’t help but be surprised that El Palm had so many 6-circle magic items.

Not only is it difficult to obtain, but doesn’t it mean that it was expected to become the 6th circle?

‘No, but Blizzard is an area-of-effect magic?’

However, the El Palm Party soon realized that Blizzard magic, like Chain Lightning, was not a magic that could catch the Gold Centaur that had just appeared.

Clearly Blizzard was powerful.

Enough to defeat hundreds or thousands of monsters in one breath.

However, from the perspective of the monster being attacked, all they had to do was endure one or at most three or four ice spears.

A gold centaur would be able to withstand three, four, or even five or six ice spears.

Of course El Palm knew too.

Still, there was a reason he wrote Blizzard.


And his colleagues soon realized why.

“The ice is moving!”

The falling blizzard ice spears began to change course.

In one place.


Dozens of ice spears began to move towards the Gold Centaur.

El Palm began manipulating the ice spears with his telekinesis.

That was nonsense.

Dozens of spears, each far more powerful than the Cold Beam skill, aimed solely at a single enemy?

Its power is so great that it is difficult to compare it to any other magic.


In that way, with El Palm’s blizzard magic, dozens of ice spears instantly covered the body of the gold centaur.

It was a moment.

The Golden Centaur screamed and was instantly reduced to a hedgehog-like form.


Naturally, the Golden Centaur fell to the ground without even being able to utter a single word in the face of that attack.


The last remaining ice spear of Blizzard was pierced through the head of the fallen Golden Centaur.

After that, silence came.

The El Palm Party was no exception.

There was not a single person who expressed appreciation or admiration at the sight.

He just has a speechless expression on his face.

To such colleagues El Palm said:

“The hunt is over.”

There was no question about that statement.

If one were to be speechless in the face of this absurd sight, that would be rather strange.

At the same time, everyone felt it.

Something feels strange.

The El Palm they knew was a great adventurer, a tough adventurer, but not one who displayed such toughness and ruthlessness.

He was an adventurer who always pursued the best efficiency.

If he shows such an extreme performance, there must be a reason for it.

And the reason soon became apparent to all.

“Now that we’ve found the exit, let’s get out of here.”

El Palm said.

“After that, the El Palm party will disband.”

Today’s Blue Grade Mystic Gate strategy is the final strategy for the El Palm Party.


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