The Last Adventurer Chapter 151

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Chapter 46. Outlaws (3)


The cold plains, there were two things that made this place famous.

One is that it is colder than anywhere else in the El Nas Mountains.

“The reason the cold plains are cold is because of the witch of the snowy mountain.”

The other one is the witch of the snowy mountain.

“Isn’t the witch of the snowy mountain just a legend?”

However, there were often adventurers who questioned the existence of such a witch in the snowy mountain.

That’s understandable, since only a very small number of adventurers have ever claimed to have caught the Witch of the Snowy Mountains, and even then, none have done so in the past 30 years.

“Why is there no evidence?”

It is natural for some adventurers to be suspicious.

Still, most people believed in the witch of Seolsan Mountain.

It was natural.

“Every year, thousands of ice statues of adventurers appear in the cold plains. It’s the work of the witch of the snowy mountains.”

Because the cold plains were decorated with countless ice statues of adventurers.

In other words, the frozen adventurer statue was proof of the existence of the witch of the snowy mountain.

That was why.

“It’s true. It’s the work of the witch of Seolsan Mountain.”

The moment the outlaw party entered the 4th floor and saw the frozen adventurers, they were certain that the boss monster here was the Witch of the Snowy Mountain.

And the moment they confirmed it, everyone’s faces turned pale.

Because if you were an outlaw operating in the Elnas Mountains, you couldn’t not know.

“This is the worst.”

What does it mean to encounter the witch of the snowy mountain?

It was better in the cold plains.

It was spacious there.

Also, as long as you leave the cold plains, you will never encounter the witch of the snowy mountains.

However, unlike the Mystic Gate and the cold plains, this place was not easy to escape from.

“Where’s the exit?”

“You have to look for it, but it might be created by catching the witch of the snowy mountain.”

Or maybe a place from which escape might be impossible.

At that point, the outlaws’ minds became complicated.

There were also complaints.

“No, it never said anywhere that the Witch of the Snowy Mountain would come out of the Mystic Gate! Are you sure?”

Some of the outlaws reacted nervously.

Then Espa said.


In a very small voice.

“I will kill anyone who causes a fuss.”

The lawbreaker who had been babbling at that warning shut his mouth.

Espa’s cold gaze told him that what he was saying now was not a simple warning.

By the way, what is Espa’s nickname?

Outlaw Hunter!

He was an outlaw who hunted outlaws better than anyone else, or in other words, he was an outlaw who hunted more outlaws than anyone else.

Even if that wasn’t the case, Espa’s words were right.

“The witch of the snowy mountain summons monsters.”

One of the abilities possessed by the Witch of the Snow Mountain is none other than charm. It is not strong, so adventurers are not charmed, but monsters are different.

In other words, the monsters here hunt down uninvited guests like an army under the witch of the snowy mountain.

It meant that if you make a fuss and encounter a monster, it doesn’t end in battle with that monster.

“From now on, I will fight cautiously.”

A place where survival is not easy in many ways.

That’s why.

‘They’re going to abandon us.’

At this moment, Devo thought that Ispa and the other outlaws would abandon them.

That’s understandable, because the El Palm Party was in a bad situation right now.

Devo, Miner, and Kiri were injured, while El Palm and Ralph were also injured in the attack.

All five were out of action.

Of course, it was an act, but the act worked perfectly for the outlaws.

Because of this, the El Palm Party has never really been of much help in combat.

In other words, it was like a burden.

A piece of luggage that can be thrown away at any time without any problem.

‘I’ve been taking it with me because everything has been going smoothly so far.’

However, the reason why the El Palm Party was brought to the Outlaw Party until now was because the Mystic Gate conquest was going very smoothly.

Enough so that there is no need to throw away your luggage.

But now things are different.

In a place where survival is more difficult than ever, the first thing to do is to remove anything that gets in the way of survival.

“Let’s move first.”

Ispar, who was practically the leader of the outlaw party, gave the order.


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“Take care of the wounded.”

And at those words, Debo and his colleagues at El Palm looked inwardly surprised.

‘You’re taking care of the injured?’

‘And there’s a food shortage?’

Not only is it a burden, but it is also not easy to get food in this blizzard.

Also, it was difficult to understand why they took the injured when they had used up a significant portion of their food supplies on their way up to the fourth floor.

Rather, it would have been wiser to take care of the wounded and take care of the items and food they had.

‘You’re an outlaw?’

Above all, these were not the Knights of Signus who risked their lives for justice, but rather outlaws who had committed crimes and fled to the El Nath Mountains, ready to kill any number of adventurers for the sake of Meso.

But that wasn’t a lie.

“Let’s take a rest here for now.”

The outlaw party led by Ispa continued to care for the wounded even after finding a suitable place to rest.

“Let’s share food fairly.”

They were also happy to provide food to them.

“Let those who have spare time stand watch so that the wounded can rest a little more.”

Even excessive consideration.

That was definitely true.

Moreover, this was not the first time that Espa had appeared like this.

He had already taken care of the wounded. It was just that the Mystic Gate was being conquered smoothly, so there was no need for such meticulous consideration.

It was difficult to understand in many ways.

Of course, there was one exception.

‘As expected.’

El Palm laughed inwardly as he saw Ispa and the other outlaws coming out like this.

But only El Palm understands.


After some more time had passed, about half a day after entering the fourth floor, Divo finally spoke cautiously.

“This is giving me a headache.”


“Isparan, I don’t think I can kill you.”

Kirido nodded at Devo’s words.

“Me too. I can’t kill such a kind person.”

“I agree.”

Miner then agreed.

“The pirates of our Nautilus never kill anyone who helps them, even if they have a gun to their neck.”

Because one of the things she learned from her master, Captain Kairin, was never to kill good people.

Actually, that wasn’t something that needed learning.

It was common sense and justice that adventurers should have.

“I can kill. The money hanging around the neck of the outlaw hunter is 5 million mesos.”

Of course, Ralph was an exception.

“It’s bitter, though.”

That was about it.

The other three, excluding Ralph, were so grateful for Ispa’s consideration that they felt a sense of aversion to hunting down outlaws, including Ispa.

Even though he was ready to follow El Palm’s orders unconditionally, he was willing to express opinions that went against his.

“i get it.”

El Palm gave a short reply to his colleagues’ comments.

That was it.

El Palm didn’t say anything else.

Okay, I got it.


There is no need to explain.

‘He’s coming.’

And you will soon find out.


At that moment a howling rang out.

“Here comes the Hector horde!”

The main character of Howling is Hector.

“There are more than a thousand!”



A recurring snowstorm.


The moment they saw the thousand or so Hectors approaching through the snowstorm, all the outlaws, including Ispar, thought.

‘It’s hard to deal with it quietly.’

Until now, when faced with monsters, outlaws would either quietly run away or quickly eliminate the monsters with overwhelming firepower.

But that method didn’t work against a herd of more than a thousand Hectors.

Even that wasn’t just a thousand. It was clearly over a thousand.

The number may have been much higher than expected, considering that a proper count could not be confirmed due to the snowstorm.

Above all, Hector was like a wolf, his nose was different.

Once they had engaged in battle, and there Hector smelled the blood of the outlaws, it was virtually impossible to escape from Hector’s band.

‘It’s a battle.’

Naturally, Divo and his colleagues at El Palm expected a fierce battle here, and they were willing to do their part.

It definitely was.

“Run away!”


But the order that Espa gave at that moment was none other than escape.


Everyone, including Devo, was surprised by that order.

‘It would be impossible to escape?’

No matter how much I think about it, it’s absolutely impossible to properly escape from that group of Hectors here.

‘What about the injured?’

Especially those who were injured now, it was even more impossible to escape from that group.

This basically means abandoning the wounded!

‘no way?’

At that moment, Divo, who remembered something, looked at El Palm, and El Palm spoke to him.

“I’ll say it again. I chose it.”

Only then did everyone realize.

El Palm, there’s no way he would have chosen a good outlaw.

Of course El Palm knew from the beginning.

Good outlaws do not exist in Maple World.

“I don’t know, so tell me.”

Furthermore, what the outlaws, including Espa, showed to the injured was not consideration.

“In the world of outlaws, it’s hard to hire bait slaves one by one. You never know when or what situation will arise. So usually, those who are injured and unable to fight become bait slaves.”

It’s just to throw it as bait at a dangerous moment, so that the bait doesn’t die like bait.

That was it.

It was never an act of goodness.

“You can trust me, I am a former bait slave.”

El Palm has experienced such cases countless times.

And now, El Palm’s colleagues know too.

“They left us alone.”

The first thing that the Espa party lured in was none other than the El Palm party.

“I guess we had it the easiest.”

In other words, it meant that from the first floor, the outlaws, including the Espa party, were already planning to use the El Palm party as bait.

All the kindness and goodwill they showed was just an effort to keep the bait alive.

“The rest of the injured people were taken care of and left.”

The El Palm party that everyone left behind.


The howling sounds of the Hector group began to rapidly approach the El Palm Party.


And then, the moment came when Hector’s voice, not the howling, was heard, the sound of a hungry beast hunting its prey right in front of it.

That was the moment.

“Fire Arrow.”

El Palm’s soft words began to echo through the snowstorm.


The sound of El Palm’s Fire Arrow mercilessly piercing Hector’s head.

His colleagues also started to move at that sound.

Devo, Kiri, Miner, and Ralph.

Those who had been acting injured until now have stopped acting and started showing their true selves.

“Slash Blust!”

“Solar Slash!”

“Magnum shot!”

Divo’s polearm, Kiri’s sword, and Miner’s gun launched a merciless attack on Hector’s horde.


And Ralph’s fist shattered Hector’s skull.

It was a moment.

Break it!

In an instant, the howling of the Hector pack that had filled the snowstorm had suddenly changed from the sound of a mighty beast to the sound of a frightened dog.

Even that didn’t last long.

At some point, Hector’s screams were no longer heard.


All that can be heard is the sound of the relentless blizzard.

“There were two options. Either we could successfully attack the Mystic Gate and then see what happened.”

In that cold silence, El Palm’s voice was heard.

“However, now that the Witch of the Snowy Mountain has appeared, it is impossible to attack smoothly.”

A voice colder than the raging snowstorm.

“Then there is only one choice left.”

El Palm said in that voice.

“The hunt for outlaws begins now.”

There was no one who said that they could not do it anymore.


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