The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 427

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In joy, the wise man Brektis confidently declared:

A declaration of victory, complete victory.

“It is a victory for humanity! Hahahaha!”

A flash of golden light struck Sage Brektis.


With a merciless explosion, Brektis’ entire upper body was blown away. Atilka was taken aback by the unexpected situation.

“… … uh?”

As the smoke dispersed, the figure of Sage Brektis was visible again. Even his head and chest disappeared, as if he had been eaten by a huge monster.

Of course, Atilka did not think that the other person was dead.

Atilka also not only cut off the opponent’s head, but also blew it off entirely. Nevertheless, it was a monster that came back to life.

however… … .

‘It’s not coming back alive?’

Just like that, Brektis’ body tilted and fell to the floor, spitting out red blood.

“… … what?”


The silver wise men were embarrassed and stopped moving. The wise man Brektis, who received Sayre’s grace, died in one blow?

The Antares army was also embarrassed and stopped moving. The golden flash that killed Wise Man Brectis fell from high in the sky.

Both sides looked up at the sky without any question of who was first.


Dark clouds suddenly appeared in the blue sky accompanied by thunder. Lightning roams through the dark clouds like a dragon, roaring endlessly. The entire sky shakes as if it is crying.

bang! bang! Quack!

Accompanied by thunder, dark clouds began to split to the left and right. Both the Antares army and the imperial army trembled in fear at the sudden change.

The sky opened.

Buzz buzz buzz!

A terrible energy shook the heavens and earth and let out a roar. A huge hole of light appeared between the cracked dark clouds. Light broke through the darkness and illuminated the battlefield.

there he was

A large man whose entire body was dyed golden.

A light of fear and astonishment appeared in Duke Iranad’s eyes.

“Uh, the author!”

Jade’s complexion turned pale.


Serellaine, who was looking at the edited video, unconsciously sat down and hit her butt.

“Unbelievable… … .”

The god of humanity revealed his human expression with a hard face.

“… … What happened? “How could the author avoid the eyes of omniscience?”

A huge man standing tall in the sky with the force of a celestial god.

He muttered gloomily as he looked down at the battlefield filled with the corpses of the Antares army.

“I barely came back… … “What on earth is this?”

Volume 18

Chapter 67: The Return of the King



Our king!

The cornered people of Antares shouted and shouted.

To their king, the name of the true king now gone.

Their voices sang miracles. Numerous thoughts became a crucible of chaos and, like a spear, penetrated the dimension and reached the owner of the name.

An earnest wish gave birth to a miracle!

… … Nothing like that happened.

“Oh, I have no idea.”

The cries and longings of countless Antares troops shook the sky, but Reppenhardt did not care at all.

I couldn’t care less. Well, you have to have something that resonates with you before you pay attention to it or not, right?

“I guess no one is really looking for me?”

Thousands and tens of thousands of people were looking for him, but it was just meaningless shaking of the air and mental cries. Can an earnest wish give birth to a miracle? If something like that could really happen in reality, how much easier would it have been to live in this harsh world?

Reppenhardt was still calculating a spell outside the world, forcing his unresponsive mind to move.

I heard a voice.

-Do not cling to the dead!

A faint, so faint voice that can be heard beyond the frame of the world.

-He is dead. The names of the dead are of no help in reality.

It wasn’t a call to Leffenhardt. But it was clearly the voice of someone I knew.

“… … “Is it Iniya?”

At first, I suspected it was an auditory hallucination. There is no way anyone else’s voice can be heard outside of this world.

Confused, Reppenhardt followed the source of the voice.

“Oh, this is…” … .”

Reppenhardt, who analyzed the voice waves through magic detection, figured out the reason after a while.

Iniya’s voice was flowing through the world tree that he had been using as an indicator to fix the coordinates.

“… … why?”

Repenhardt blinked.

I was able to roughly fit the hypothesis.


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The elf engraved in the core of the World Tree and the chosen guardian of the clan exist in a soul link with the World Tree in the abyss of unconsciousness. The resonance of the soul that is so strong is going against the flow and is actually affecting the World Tree.

Okay, I guess I can roughly guess the hypothesis… … .

‘… … Then, even if you hear it, you should hear Siris’ voice, but why do you hear Iniya’s voice?’

Clearly, it was Siris who was engraved into the core of the World Tree and chosen as the guardian of the clan. Because she’s like that, isn’t she able to use a special technique called element?

What did Iniya do while she was gone? However, there is no use for dealing with the World Tree in elven spirit magic. If there had been, the elves would have already restored the World Tree before Repenhardt. For the elves, the resurrection of the World Tree must have been their race’s long-cherished wish more than anything else.

Although puzzled, Reppenhardt quickly started calculating.

‘Anyway, this is an opportunity that finally came. ‘You can’t miss it.’

Now was not the time to discuss reasons.

The voice was becoming increasingly faint. A cry so feeble that it seems as if it will go out at any moment.

I had to quickly find the coordinates of space and time before it disappeared.

Using her voice as a standard, Reppenhardt opened the door to space and time.

“Gate of Dimension!”

It was ironic.

Among the many people, only the voice of the one who did not call Reppenhardt reached him.

☆ ☆ ☆

The first thing that caught Reppenhardt’s eye was the sight of the wise man Brectis, whom he had apparently kept in prison, trying to strike down the Blade Auror at his allies.

Without any second thoughts, I just took a shot.

“Gwonma Hapshin, arcane reversal, dark side.”

By reversing the arcane magic power and fixing the water vapor, it prevents vibrations in the atmosphere, and hides the energy of life by loading the dark magic power into the auror. Iniya’s Styria clan applied the technique of hiding their presence by applying the spirits of water and darkness.

“Hybrid Calamity Horn!”

That secret shot that flew out in the open even worked on Sage Brectis, who had the senses of an Auror user. Death fell from the sky, but he didn’t notice at all and died in one hit.

“Umm… … .”

Under the split sky, with his back to the hole of light, Reppenhardt frowned. He just followed the sound, but a cruel battlefield unfolded before his eyes.

It is also a battlefield where precious colleagues, people, and soldiers die!

“I barely came back… … “What on earth is this?”

Jade shouted at the giant floating in the air.

“Yo, intercept! How long are you going to just stare blankly! The author is the enemy!”

Only then did the silver sages come to their senses and the horse cavalry aimed their spears into the air.

“Horse cavalry, fire all rounds!”

Puff puff!

Dozens of magic bullets were fired into the air. In an instant, Reppenhardt, floating in the air, was engulfed in deflagration. And then he reappeared with his entire body covered in a dazzling golden vortex.

The strongest defensive auror skill that is Jim Unbreakable’s business card.

It was a spiral guard.

Shouts erupted from both the Empire and Antares sides at the same time.

“shit! “You’re fine!”

“It’s real! “It’s the real Leffenhardt!”

Carol’s eyes, which were raising her head in a daze, shone fiercely.

I don’t know how Leffenhardt is there.

I don’t know how he’s alive or how he appeared here at this moment.

But I knew one thing.

‘The Imperial Army is shaking!’

Even in the chaos, Carol did not miss this opportunity. Put aside any questions that come up and do what needs to be done.

“Our king has returned! Warriors of Antares! Defeat them!”

Carrying a golden greatsword, Carol began to run towards the center of the enemy camp with a bravery that was almost ignorant.

“It is the king! The undefeated king is back! “We won!”

In fact, the situation has not really changed with Leppenhardt’s return. However, Carol shamelessly shouted as if she had already won. Indeed, in surprise and confusion, the Antares army followed him without realizing it.

“He is the king!”

“Our king has returned!”

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