The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 335

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“I’m just a little worried.”

“I’m fine, Mr. Stella. “Thank you for your concern.”

Siris smiled softly while looking straight into the other person’s eyes. She seemed to have no problem with her speech or attitude at all.

Stella nodded.

“Excuse me. Just think of it as the resentment of an old man. “Sleep well.”

“Yes, good night to you too, Mr. Stella.”

Siris smiled brightly and waved her hand to see Stella off. And when her presence was completely cut off, she stiffened her countenance and stood up from her seat.

With a firm gait, Siris left the barracks and headed toward the back of the camp.

After looking at the people around the dirty pit where food waste was thrown away, Siris suddenly opened his mouth towards the pit.

“Wook! Ouch! “Wooow!”

Tears formed in the eyes of Siris, who was vomiting incessantly.

The feeling of death can still be felt vividly at the fingertips.

The scent of blood covered my entire body.

The human flesh and blood that were shattered and scattered by oneself… … .

I couldn’t stop vomiting.


Since I haven’t eaten anything, I just keep getting sick. While crying, Siris continued to vomit and vomit.

She has been raised as a Slayer since childhood.

I was already used to murder. The time to be afraid of blood is long gone. Even after seeing her brutal corpse, she accepted it without much resistance.

But today was different.

Slaughter was fun.

The scent of blood was sweet.

The echoing screams were as sweet as heavenly music. The feel of cutting down an enemy and pulling out their internal organs was so lovely. It was truly extreme pleasure.

“Haaa… … .”

She sighed and shivered. She doesn’t even know how she is changing.

After struggling to return to the barracks, Siris squatted in a corner of the bed. She whispered to herself, wrapping her arms around her shoulders.

“It’s okay, I’m stronger. “I’m getting stronger.”

She crouched down and trembled in fear like an herbivore hiding in a burrow, muttering over and over again.

“are you okay. It’s still okay… … .”


Aranan Grad, the capital of the Principality of Antares, where war is in full swing.

This new metropolis maintained its normal appearance despite being at war. Even though the citizens of Aranan Grad were anxious about the news from the battlefield, they appeared to be unfazed and engaged in their daily lives.

It was all thanks to Prime Minister Karl’s preparation in advance.

When war breaks out, the first thing to be shaken is the economy. Anxious citizens begin to hoard money, and merchants take advantage of the war and make profit. Thieves in the back alleys target such merchants and begin plundering them, and the security, weakened by the absence of the military, cannot properly control such chaos.

However, such things rarely happened in current Aranan Grad.

Reppenhardt and Karl had guessed for several years that war would break out. Therefore, Charles had early joined hands with subjects within the principality to stockpile supplies and prepare an economic system for wartime.

Chancellor Karl’s ability to handle all aspects of politics, war, economics, and social aspects was surprising even to other countries. Thanks to this, Karl, who had been unknown, was now called the ‘Sage of Heresy’ and his reputation was spreading throughout the continent.

Establishing a reputation means becoming a threat to enemies.

Targeting the heretical sage, who has now become an enemy as big as King Reppenhardt, the Vastalon Empire has pulled out its most traditional card.

It was an assassination.

☆ ☆ ☆

The tenth day of the temple opening.

In the darkness of Aranan Grad, a group of masked gangs run under the cover of darkness. Those who carefully moved along the castle of the Imperial Gairach stopped at some point and looked around.

One of the masked men in the lead opened his mouth softly.

“Nothing strange, right?”

The man standing behind him just nodded without saying a word.

“good night. We will soon open the path to the ‘Sage of Heresy’ from within.”

These were professional assassins secretly hired by the Vastalon Empire, the assassins of Talos, the god of death.

While observing the position of the moon, the Assassins hid in the darkness and waited for the right moment. After a while, a small side door under the castle wall opened and a woman appeared.

“Are you here?”

One Assassin nodded arrogantly as he looked at the slender figure of the elf woman.

“Is there any problem, elf girl?”

These days, there are very few people in Aranan Grad who use that kind of language towards elves. Nowadays, it is common for elves to click their tongues and curse when they see such an attitude.

However, this elf woman just lowered her head even further with an expression that seemed natural.

“Yes, everything is as planned.”

The assassins carefully entered the side door. The elf woman opened the inner door with the key she had prepared in advance. The Assassins who looked inside the passage disappeared one by one into the darkness.

Finally, the leader of the Assassins who entered the passage suddenly turned to look at the elf woman.

“In this crazy place, you manage to maintain an elf-like attitude. “Good job, Relsia.”

The elf woman, Relsia, smiled brightly with joy.

“It’s just a natural obligation. “Elves are truly happy only when they are servants of humans.”

The Assassin nodded happily.

“Your merits are truly great, yet you are humble. It is truly nice to see you.”

In fact, without Relsia’s cooperation, they would never have been able to infiltrate this place.

If it were an ordinary lord’s castle, it could climb up the castle wall under cover of darkness and move by clinging to the ceiling to avoid prying eyes and head to the lord’s bedroom. This is only possible if you are a top-level assassin, but the Assassins gathered here are all top-notch and blessed by Talos.

But when it comes to the royal palace, the story is different.

The guards’ skills are top-notch, the alert posture is flawless, and the magical barrier is operating steadily. When a country becomes prosperous, it is thoroughly prepared for Auror users, so even if an Auror user is able to ‘infiltrate’, ‘infiltration’ is impossible. It’s impossible not to get caught along the way.

So, you had to infiltrate in advance by forging your identity the traditional way, but that was impossible for Gairach. The dwarves have strange tricks and can see through all lies, so anyone who is hiding something will be caught before they even set foot inside the castle gate.

It was the empire’s agent, Relsia, who prepared the way here.


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I don’t know what she did, but she was able to lie in front of the dwarves and was safely working as a maid inside the palace. As Relcia gave her all the information and prepared a path for her, the Assassins also succeeded in reaching this place by deceiving the human servants and avoiding the eyes of the dwarves.

“As security on the outskirts is tight, there are no separate guards within the Ministry of Finance. “The servants and maids are all asleep, and the magic alarm barrier has been damaged in advance.”

Everything went according to plan. The leader of the Assassins turned around, satisfied. Lelcia muttered worriedly as she watched the other person’s back disappearing into the darkness.

“Then please be careful… … .”

As he walked away, the leader of the Assassins laughed as if they were the same.

“under! The other person is just a weak writer. “Do you think you will fail once you come in?”

“… … yes?”

At that moment, Relsia’s expression suddenly darkened.

‘A proficient writer?’

But before he could say anything, the Assassins were already disappearing into the darkness with swift movements.

☆ ☆ ☆

About a dozen Assassins ran down the hallway with quick steps. Even though everyone was running like a top-notch race, there wasn’t a single sound of footsteps. Eventually, an assassin arrived in front of the Prime Minister’s bedroom and opened the door without a sound.

“… … “Who are you?”

Even though there was obviously no sound, a sharp girl’s voice rang out from above the bed. Assassin clicked her tongue.

“It’s that dwarf girl.”

From what I heard, a person named Carol often sleeps with a perverted little dwarf girl. It seemed like the girl had somehow noticed them.

Well, it was already too late. The assassins quickly surrounded the bed and took out their weapons. A sharp dagger painted black to kill the reflected light was held in the hands of the assassins.

Only then did the bushy-bearded man stick his head out from under the blanket.

“Haaam, what’s going on, Tila?”

The moment one of the assassins saw that face, he was startled. The impression was somehow different from what I expected.

Long beard hangs down his chin and nose, and his shoulders exposed above the blanket are extremely broad. What can I say, more like a general who enjoys some kind of entertainment rather than a wise man?

At that time, the leader of the Assassins calmly frowned.

“I heard that the other person is quite large, uncharacteristic of a tactician. “Nothing surprising.”

Understanding the opponent’s information is a must for an assassin. There wasn’t much information about the Principality of Antares, but I had at least heard that Prime Minister Charles was uncharacteristically bulky for a man of letters.

The leader of the Assassins calmly raised his dagger.

“There is someone who wishes for your death, heretic sage.”

Tila blinked and looked back at Carol.

“They came after you?”

Carol sighed deeply.

“Well, I thought I would definitely try, but… … How on earth did you get here? No matter how hard I tried, there was no way… … .”

We were on high alert and looked for all loopholes, including Carol. He assumed that he would send an assassin and tried all sorts of measures.

However, the Dwarf’s ‘Sound of Truth’ was truly an ability that was close to fraud. Even Carol couldn’t find a way to send an assassin here to avoid the dwarves… … .

“The Imperial General Staff is looking for a method that even I couldn’t find. I don’t know who it is, but I wish I had heard about it.”

The leader of the Assassins was impressed by Carol’s curious appearance. Somehow, he doesn’t have a fearful attitude at all… … .

“Oh, even if I die, wouldn’t it be okay to wear some clothes when I die? Because I’m dressed a little embarrassingly right now… … .”

In fact, I wasn’t even wearing ‘clothes’. After making love to Tila, he fell asleep right away… … .

But Assassin did not listen. If you listen to every detail of someone else’s situation, does that make you an assassin? Counseling branch.


The leader ruthlessly gave orders. The two assassins in the lead quickly approached, pointing their daggers.

There was no spirit. Because there is no such thing as an assassin who bursts with energy while slashing.

Carol clicked her tongue as she watched death approaching silently.

“Tsk… … .”

At the same time, two Assassins flew backwards, spraying blood.



Even though there was no spirit, there seemed to be screams. For a moment, the leader was taken aback.


I saw it clearly. The moment Carol’s fists flashed and disappeared, the two subordinates flew backwards with their faces crushed.

It was a terrifying blow. I’ve met some pretty famous boxing artists, but I think I’ve never seen such a perfect punch. Are you saying that this action was performed by a ‘heretic sage renowned for his wisdom’?

“It’s a good thing I learned a few moves from Master Gerard.”

He too was a beneficiary of Gerard’s strange way of thinking, ‘I’m not allowed to call him master, but it’s OK to be a teacher!’

Carol calmly got up, wrapping the blanket around her waist. The naked upper body was clearly visible through the lamp.

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