The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 190

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“I’ll be back then, Sir Eusus.”

Eusus also nodded as he took his stance.

“Okay, come!”


Thesron looked serious as he watched the two knights sparring again.

‘They have become stronger in their own way, but… … .’

Filena, who consistently practiced magic, slowly reached the late 6th circle. Stevan also became sufficiently proficient in Berserker Armor. Sayre’s Holy Knight, Christine, is also steadily increasing her strength with a burning will to retrieve Silan.

Yes, everyone has become quite strong.

The problem was that Tethron had become much stronger than that.

‘As expected, there are limits to relying on magic tools… … .’

Tethron smiled bitterly as he looked at Eusus. Before he knew it, he had reached a level that far surpassed that of the Golden Knight Yusus, even without magic and just as an Auror user.

In fact, Yusus has already been completed as a magic swordsman. No matter how much you train Barded Eldrad, its power does not become stronger. You can become stronger by gaining strategic or tactical experience, but the skills themselves remain the same.

The growth rate between Tesron, a true powerhouse, and his colleagues who used shortcuts is very different.

My heart was pounding. The situation was so hopeless.

Eusus and Stephen are borrowing the power of magic tools, and I’m sorry to say, but Christine’s level is too low compared to the others. It is clear that he is an excellent paladin, but he is not at the level of a superhuman.

The only thing that is believable is… … .

‘Is it about Filena?’

Even though it was thanks to Tethron’s help and support, if you were in the middle of the 6th circle at Philena’s age, you were not an outstanding talent. Although he is not as good as Jade in his previous life, he is good enough to be called a genius wherever he goes.

‘But that’s not even close to that level.’

Even so, compared to the monsters of the Four Heavenly Kings and the Sword Saint Cyrus, there is nothing particularly outstanding about him.

The Demon King is steadily seeking out minions from his previous life and increasing his power. They are all truly powerful people with guaranteed results through the future.

If time is given like this, Tethron and the others will definitely become stronger. However, the opponent becomes stronger as well. And the result is, at least, a landslide victory for the other side. In the past, both sides were at a similar stage of development, but since the difference in talent is so great, it is inevitable that they will be at a disadvantage as time goes by.

In a gloomy mood, Theron raised his sword again. And he raised his auror.


A yellow aura forms on the tip of the sword and shines brightly.

Tethron muttered softly.

“Calamity Horn.”

Aura ripples began to gather around the tip of the sword.

1 stack, 2 stacks… … .


For a moment, Tesron groaned and let go of the sword because his grip was covered by tremendous force.


The sword flew through the air and landed so hard that it trembled. Soon, the ripples raised by the Aura subsided. Tesron’s expression became grimly distorted.


Can not be done. This body cannot do it.

Even though I thought about it and tried so hard, I couldn’t demonstrate Jim Unbreakable’s skills with this body. At best, all I could do was change the spiral guard into a sword and unfold it.

Tethron’s truly strongest strike, Calamity Soul, cannot be realized in this cursed body!

“Damn it!”

Tesron’s heart was so frustrated that it felt like it was going to burst, and he cursed into the air. Philena was fidgeting and she came over and she soothed him.

“Calm down, Tethron. There’s no need to give up yet, right? If you take a little more time… … .”

“hour! “Time is not on our side!”

Tethron covered his head. Even during this time, the Demon King was steadily recovering the state of his previous life.

It’s okay as long as he’s still in the 9th circle. Until then, there is still a way.

But when you reach the 10th circle, that terrible point, hell unfolds.

‘Once he enters the 10th circle, even the power of the Silver Sage will be useless!’

In his previous life, the Silver Sage could not do anything against the Dark Empire. It was because of Leffenhardt’s terrible 10-circle magic.

The magic that the Silver Sage feared most was not ‘Nuclear Burst’, which instantly turns a mountain range into a flat surface, nor ‘Meteor Fall’, which makes stars descend from the sky, nor ‘Hell of the World’, which summons 10,000 demons from another world at the same time. .

‘That damn AMP Shockwave!’

The silver sage was completely helpless in front of that terrible magic that stopped all magic tools regardless of their power once it exploded. Any powerful ancient artifact becomes useless in one blow. Even if that happens, the forbidden artifact will be taken away by the Demon King. And the Demon King studies the forbidden artifact and develops a new 10-circle magic!

So, in his previous life, the Silver Sage did not dare to come near the Demon King. If their true identity were to be discovered, if the Demon King knew that there was an organization called the Silver Sage that had a monopoly on all kinds of ancient artifacts, everything could be taken away in one fell swoop.

In such a situation, all the Sage of Silver could do at the time was to use his influence as a high-ranking human being to gather truly powerful people and drive out the Demon King with a large army. It was impossible to fight against the Demon King unless one was a truly powerful person, a truly strong person who did not borrow the power of artifacts.

Of course, that was an incredible feat, but how much blood was shed in the process? We cannot recreate that terrible hell again.

It is now. The only chance to use the artifact is now.

But I can’t seem to improve my skills. Tethron himself, and his colleagues… … .

Looking at Tethron in despair, Filena cried.

“Ugh… … .”

“sorry. “I did it because I was so frustrated.”

Tethron sighed and comforted her. What is this? No matter how much she turns back time and becomes younger, she still makes a child cry when she is almost the age of her granddaughter.

“no, that’s fine.”

Wiping away her tears, Filena forced a smile. Tethron stood up again.

“Whew, I can’t help it. “I have no choice but to find a way somehow.”

At that time, a voice was heard calling him from beyond the mansion.

“Sage Lestin?”


Puzzled, Tethron turned his head. It was a voice I had never heard before.

When he appeared, a silver-haired girl was walking towards him.

“I am Guardian Sereline. “In the name of the Silver Sage, I ask for your cooperation.”

☆ ☆ ☆


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“… … So, since the assassin has failed, you need a reason so that the world will not find it strange if you target him. Wise man Lestin, I heard that you have been in a relationship with King Kwon for a long time. “For this reason, I would like to receive your cooperation.”

Sereline, accompanied only by Tethron, finished her explanation in a calm tone. Tesron’s expression brightened after hearing the story.

‘Finally, even within the Silver Sage, they are starting to be wary of the Demon King!’

However, seeing as they were still trying to send assassins to deal with him, it was clear that they did not know the true fear of the Demon King. Well, looking at the current information, it would be natural for it to come out that way.

Serellaine glanced at Eusus, Stephen, and Christine who were a short distance away, and asked a question.

“I guess these are the silver allies you chose, Sage Restine?”

“That’s right.”

The Silver Sage had the authority to recruit up to five collaborators if necessary for the mission. Although the silver collaborators do not officially belong to the organization, they have the right to know about the existence of the silver sage, and through their cooperation, the silver sage can more easily carry out his mission to protect humanity.

“They… … “Are they trustworthy?”

Serellaine expressed slight concern.

There was no problem because Yusus was a descendant of the Tennes family, which had been Eun’s collaborators for generations. But others were in a different situation.

The existence of the Silver Sage is a secret among secrets that must never be revealed to the world, so choosing a collaborator must be very careful. At least, since Stephen was from a noble family, it was believed that he would keep the secret at the risk of honor, and Christine was a paladin of Sayre, so he just turned a blind eye.

On the other hand, Filena was a wizard from lowly backgrounds, so she was not trusted.

“Is there any possibility that she may speak ill of the Silver Sage?”

Tethron furtively looked at Filena. She was glancing in this direction with curious eyes from a distance away. Because Tethron used magic to block the surrounding voices, their conversation never leaked out.

“That is not likely. “She is trustworthy.”

Tethron answered with confidence. Tethron himself knew better how much Filena was in love with him.

‘If you feel like it’s shaking, just take it off and press it down.’

Since ancient times, Thesron firmly believed that a woman would sacrifice her body and soul when she was embraced by a man. Until now, she had not touched him due to her guilty conscience (?), but her body had gradually become quite strong, so she was fully qualified to hug her. She had no problems at all.

It can truly be said that this is a way of thinking that has reached the extreme of macho. But Sereline seemed to understand things a little differently.

“You are also one who has received the name of a wise man. “If you made that judgment, you should trust that judgment.”

Suddenly, Serellaine raised her silver eyes and spoke again.

“Sage Lestin, you have not yet responded to my request for cooperation. Are you and your allies willing to help me?”

Tethron gave an ambiguous expression. Finally, the Silver Sage extended his hand, but he was unable to grasp it at first. That’s why my skills here were still too weak.

“My heart is earnest, but not yet…” … “It is difficult for us to deal with Leppenhardt’s gang on our own.”

“huh? “Why?”

Sereline tilted her head. Tethron made a sullen expression.

“Even with that powerful artifact, we were defeated. No matter how good the equipment is, you will be outclassed, so you need to improve your skills for a while.”

Then Serellaine nodded as if she understood.

“Oh, I see.”

And he gave a clear answer.

“Then we can give you more powerful equipment.”

“… … .”

In an instant, Tesron looked enlightened and opened his mouth.

He was unmanned. No matter how much he gained Reppenhardt’s brain and his scope of thinking became wider and deeper than in his previous life, he was basically unable to break away from his unmanned way of thinking.

Usually, at this point, warriors blame their lack of skills and don’t even think about asking for more equipment. So even Tethron, who coveted the silver sage’s taboo items, did not think like that.

On the other hand, Guardian Sereline is the backbone of the Silver Sage who has a warehouse full of all kinds of artifacts.

This is the difference in thinking between practitioners and managers.

“Well, that would be fine, um… … .”

Serellaine spoke quietly to Tesron, who was puzzled.

“Then, bring your collaborator and follow me. “Let’s see if there’s anything useful.”

☆ ☆ ☆

A pure white steel hallway lit up with all kinds of magic lights.

Tethron and Serellaine were passing through the hallway on a round disc. Looking around, Thesron stuck out her tongue.

‘Where on earth is this? The power of the Silver Sage truly knows no bounds.’

This is what happened when Tethron gathered his colleagues at the mansion.

As people gathered, Serellaine immediately took out a small jewel and stuck it in the ground. The jewel began to glow and soon turned into a large magic circle. As they stood on top of the large magic circle, the light obscured their vision, and when they next opened their eyes, they were already in a place they had never seen before.

There were pure white steel walls everywhere. In a large hall that looked like a temple or palace, others were already waiting for them. It seemed like he was Serellaine’s subordinate.

Yusus and the others followed him and were led to a room in the corner of the temple.

“They will also be given appropriate equipment. “Sage Restine, you come here.”

As I followed Serella to the other side of the temple, this steel corridor appeared. After that, Tethron was passing through the hallway with Serellaine on a floating disk.

“Guardian Sereline, are you planning on giving me some equipment as well?”

“of course.”

Tethron continued speaking as if he were suspicious of Sereline’s reply.

“But I am already an Auror user. We’re past the point of borrowing the power of barding, but… … .”

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