The Extra Is Too Strong Chapter 299

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Extras Are Too Strong Episode 299

The era when Theron became a lycanthrope was the end of the continental turmoil.

A time when the power structure of the continent was gradually being organized into the Four Kingdoms and one empire.

However, it was not completely resolved and wars were taking place all over the world.

Then and now, lycanthropes had nowhere to go.

Just because they were cursed by God, contempt and rejection were bound to follow.

Moreover, lycanthropes are basically a product of wildness and madness.

Who would look kindly at a monster that transforms into a monster on a night when the moon rises and runs wild?

There were many people who died as a result of such rampage, and many people were not only killed but became food for the lycanthropes.

“I was an orphan who did not know the faces of my parents, and I was raised to be an assassin in an assassin village from a very young age.”

“… yes?”

For a moment, Darcy thought Theron was joking.

However, Theron continued with a grin, as if he knew he would react that way.

“At that time, there were a lot of people who made a business out of war. Assassination was also one of the business fields of war merchants. A group of guys who make assassinations for a living gather together and take in children orphaned during the war and raise them to be assassins… There were quite a few villages like that. “There were many cases where warring parties wanted to end each other through assassination.”

It was a bit difficult to understand now.

However, at that time, it was a time when various fiefdoms called themselves countries and fought with each other.

And even if those fiefdoms were gathered together to create a relatively large-scale country, it was natural for the lords to go to war with each other for one interest as it was a feudal society.

As a result, the number of mercenaries as well as assassins was incomparable to today.

“I heard that the outskirts of the empire have that kind of atmosphere… … .”

“It’s similar in the southern area near the Great Magyeong. And I haven’t been there, but I heard that the island countries to the west of the Duchy of Bernas are still fighting each other because they have that system.”

In any case, Theron, who was raised as an assassin in that era, was an assassin of exceptional skill.

But that was before he became a lycanthrope.

“At that time, there was no combination more incompatible than a lycanthrope and an assassin. “Actually, it’s not much different now.”

The essence of the curse that lycanthropes receive is the loss of control over themselves.

The powerful wildness that humans lost while building civilization, and the madness that comes from the curse, drive them on a rampage.

For an assassin who had to control himself to the limit, becoming a lycanthrope was like a death sentence.

The assassin organization Theron belonged to decided to destroy him for becoming a lycanthrope.

“But I succeeded in killing them all and becoming free.”

This was possible because Theron was a special lycanthrope.

From the day he was first cursed and turned into a werewolf, he had been able to control himself to some degree.

“Maybe it was because my heart was dead.”

I don’t know if it was his natural personality, or if his mind was broken as he experienced many inhumane things while training as an assassin.

Theron was a human being who lacked empathy.

It wasn’t that there were no emotions. I feel joy, anger, sadness, and pleasure.

However, he lacked the sensibility to sympathize with others and to regard them as human beings like himself.

“I didn’t feel guilty even when I killed someone who had nothing to do with me. “It was a sad thing.”

Theron had been raised to be an assassin since she was so young that she couldn’t even remember, so she didn’t know normal emotions.

It was after he began working as an assassin that he realized that he was different from ordinary humans.

In order to carry out an assassination, you must be able to disguise yourself as an ordinary person.

Sometimes you need to go beyond just disguising yourself and build relationships with other people.

Such work showed Theron that she was a being detached from normal sensibilities.

He felt sad that he lacked what other humans naturally had.

Because he was alone.

This is because you still have no choice but to be alone, not only when you are bound to an organization, but even after you become free.

“It was the same even after I became a lycanthrope.”

Free, Theron began to wander the world.

Although he could control himself as a lycanthrope to some extent, there were limits to that. When the moon was full, he could not control his transformation and rampage.

So he wandered the world trying to gain complete control over himself.

It was easy to blend in with people if you stayed in one place for a long time and didn’t have a lasting relationship with anyone.

“Then I found myself in the East… “I came across some ruins in the land now called the Imperial Territory.”

“… “Have you been to the Imperial Territory?”

Darcy also traveled around the continent while working as a mercenary, but never crossed over to the imperial territory.

This is because the relationship between the Four Kingdoms and the Empire was very difficult.

With her ability, crossing the border itself wasn’t difficult. However, after she moved to the Empire, she was bound to be in quite a bit of trouble if it was revealed that she was from the Four Kingdoms.

“Back then it wasn’t as difficult to get there as it is now. This was because the empire had not yet completely unified the eastern part. “I still go there often, so what’s the point I can’t go back then?”

“… … .”

Now that I think about it, Theron was a key figure in the special forces unit that often went over to the Imperial Territory and carried out missions to screw over the Imperial Army.

“In those ruins, there was a relic left behind by the lycanthrope god.”

“God of lycanthropes?”

“A being more like a lycanthrope than the forgotten gods I met today, a being with a mythology closer to its origin.”

Of course, in the end, she would be defeated in the war of myths and integrated into the myth of the moon goddess Runia.

“According to the myth, lycanthropes were not the product of a curse but a blessing. But the reason it was possible was because the common sense and sensibilities of that era were so barbaric.”

* * *

In primitive tribal societies, the belief that animals were gods was common.

Compared to animals, humans were truly weak beings.

Their feet were slow, they had no sharp teeth or claws, their eyes were dark and their noses were dull.

As civilization developed, these aspects of humanity were no longer disadvantages, but on the contrary, in barbarism where civilization had not developed, it was a huge disadvantage.

So the humans of that time dreamed of having the power of beasts. They devoted their faith to large and strong beasts, calling them sacred.


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The lycanthrope god was born from the gathering of the beasts that were the object of that faith.

The god served by humans blessed humans and turned them into powerful beings with the power of beasts.

“But those ‘blessed lycanthropes’ were no different from today’s lycanthropes.”

The difference would be that the god who blessed them existed in the world.

Even lycanthropes could control their madness to some extent if there were priests who served the gods.

It was just a matter of distinguishing friends from enemies.

“At that time, it was a truly primitive tribal society, so there was no proper smelting technology, let alone magic fighting skills. “The only way for humans to become strong was to be born with an unusual bloodline or receive the blessings of God.”

In those times, becoming a lycanthrope could have been a blessing.

Unlike now, instead of being randomly cursed, only those who were directly blessed by God could become lycanthropes.

Above all, barbarism and madness reigned in those days.

Neither killing and plundering enemies nor even cannibalism by eating the blood and flesh of those killed did not arouse disgust. It was just something that was taken for granted.

“At that time, the legacy left behind by a being called a god happened to fall into my hands… Through that legacy, I met the lycanthrope god.”

Then he killed it and buried it.

“wait for a sec. Aside from killing God, what is it that you buried?”

“Do you think that the part about killing God could be possible?”

“Well, just today, I killed three people with my own hands.”

“… … .”

When I thought about it, it was like that.

Theron smiled and continued.

“That god wanted to invade my mind and take my body. But I won the battle inside… Instead of granting my wish, God placed two conditions. One of them was asking to bury him.”

“hmm? “You literally buried it?”

“That’s right. She asked me to bury him where she said and never come back, so I did. “They said it was for when someone other than me connects with them and finds themselves.”

“… Isn’t that dangerous? “They’re trying to eat someone’s mind.”

“Probably so. But at the time, I thought it didn’t matter because I got paid a fair amount.”

“… … .”

“When I look at you like that, it hurts my heart a little. But, as I said, at that time I couldn’t feel other people as fellow human beings. So, it was none of my business to know what happened to strangers whose faces I didn’t even know.”

“… Please tell me where it was buried. I don’t know if it’ll still be there now, but I’ll go and deal with it later. “I think there might be world fragments.”

“indeed. “After listening to you, I think that might be the case.”

Theron was a little impressed.

What he encountered was clearly a trace of a myth.

It would not be surprising if the legacy left behind by the lycanthrope god contained fragments of the world.

“i get it. I’ll teach you. “It’s a bit far away from here.”

Theron asked Darcy to bring a map of the continent, marked the location, and gave specific clues to find the location.

Darcy remembered that fact and asked.

“What was your wish that came true that way?”

“It was a very simple wish.”

Theron wanted to have a very human heart, seeing others as human beings like herself.

“That god granted that wish. But it was achieved in a slightly twisted way.”

I couldn’t tell if it was because I lacked ability or if that’s how gods grant wishes in the first place.

Anyway, Theron got her wish.

“I have come to regard lycanthropes as human beings like me. Only for lycanthropes.”

And when the forgotten god granted his wish, the condition he gave was that he would ‘take care of the lycanthrope.’

Thus Theron began to live for the lycanthropes.

“God granted my wish and also blessed me with not growing old. “It wasn’t a blessing bestowed on me, but something I did to ensure that what I hoped for would last as long as possible.”

Since then, Theron has lived a life of finding and guiding those who have been cursed by Manwol.

He taught me how to control the curse and the skills necessary to survive.

“But that wasn’t enough.”

Even with Theron’s teachings, few lycanthropes were able to completely control themselves.

“Most lycanthropes had clear limitations no matter how hard they worked. “Because there were too many loopholes to hide our identity.”

As lycanthropes grow older, all of their characteristics become stronger.

Not only does his wildness and madness become stronger, but he also transforms regardless of his will.

Even for lycanthropes who were able to control themselves to some extent, it was difficult to suppress transformation on the night of the full moon.

“Darcy, cases like you are very rare. “Usually the period of time I take care of someone and teach is much longer than that.”

“As expected, it was like that. After breaking up with her uncle, she traveled around the world and saw many lycanthropes… Most of them were stealing. In the case of working as a mercenary, the transformation was sealed through some magical measure, or the authority to control oneself was given to someone else.”

After seeing other lycanthropes, Darcy knew that he was a very special case.

She was a genius not only as a warrior but also as a lycanthrope.


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