The Extra Is Too Strong Chapter 287

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Extras Are Too Strong Episode 287

Chapter 87: The Living and the Dead

A fire was burning in the middle of the field.

It is not a naturally lit fire, but a trace of magic.

A powerful heat wave spell set the target on fire and set the surrounding area on fire.

“Whoa, whoa… … .”

And in front of the fire, a handsome boy with long red hair and golden eyes gasped.

He was a boy with a attire that anyone would have thought of as a mercenary.

This is because the design of each part of the light armor worn by the boy was played separately without unity.

This was a characteristic seen in mercenaries who, due to poor financial conditions, either bought equipment one by one whenever they had money, or armed themselves with equipment captured as loot.

However, if someone with a keen eye sees it, they will feel a completely different impression.

This is because every single part of the boy’s armor, no, not only the earrings, rings, and bracelets were not magic items.

“Aidan, are you okay?”

A man ran towards him from beyond the flames.

He was about 170 centimeters tall, similar to Aidan, but he had thick muscles, so he looked much bigger, and was a warrior who used a spear as a weapon.

He looked like he was in his 40s and had fresh blood. Even now, he had transformed into a divine blood and was engulfed in a silver flash.

“It felt like I was hit by an arrow.”

“The arrow was not real. It was a cursed arrow filled with the power of poison. The divine blood of Esau, the god of the bow… “You have an annoying ability because you can shoot cursed arrows with an empty bow.”

Aidan used magic to lift the curse of poison consuming his body.

However, the effects the poison curse had already left on his body could not be helped.

I drank the healing potion, but it will take time to recover.

“Are you going to be okay?”

“It’s not the time to relax anyway. “Let’s get out of here quickly.”

“Pick me up.”

“It’s okay, Kelo.”

“At times like this, listen to me, kid. “With your current condition, you’ll be able to speed up just fine.”

“… … .”

Aidan bit his lip.

However, instead of being more stubborn, he silently let the new-blooded man Kelo ride on his back.

Kelo started running, carrying Aidan on his back.

‘I was too hasty.’

The Silver Blood Execution Unit was chasing them.

Although we dealt with the advance party led by the divine blood of Esau, the god of bow, it took up too much time.

Their reinforcements will arrive soon.

‘Damn… … . I didn’t know they would think of me this highly.’

Aidan bit his lip as he watched the scenery quickly passing by.

* * *

After the secret organization Dark Sage was destroyed, Aidan began to take a completely different path than before.

This was possible because Erethvan, with whom he had a cooperative relationship, provided information about the Silver Blood and called him to the battlefield to fight against them.

Instead of being frustrated by wandering around looking for the tail of the organization called Silver Blood, he was able to fight them directly and take revenge.

As the fight began, Aidan took several actions.

First, he retired his teacher Revan.

With the destruction of the Dark Sage and the death of Archmage Elricson, Revan fulfilled his lifelong wish.

He had now lost his will to fight.

Still, he wanted to fight together out of a sense of responsibility for his student Aidan, but Aidan, who was receiving his help, did not want that.

Aidan has already received so much from Revan that it is difficult to repay it all.

I wanted him to rest in peace rather than share in his revenge.

‘Master, you are not the kind of person who can be persuaded unless there is a good reason. I’m not the type of person to just relax as long as my fight isn’t over.’

So Aidan created a reason for Revan to retire.

‘I also need rear support.’

The reason was half practical and half personal emotion.

‘I don’t have enough time to research because I have to keep fighting against Eun’s blood. ‘If Master could do research on my behalf and share the results, my burden would be greatly reduced.’

In fact, it would be much more helpful to have Revan, a 6th circle wizard skilled in combat, fight alongside you.

However, Aidan somehow succeeded in forcing Revan to retire by giving a reason.

‘I need an organization that will gather information and support me. Like Eresvaan… … .’

Revan and his friend, Pulse, who was originally a bar owner, was familiar with the underworld.

Aidan asked them to settle down in the underworld and gather information.

Since force is essential to working in the underworld, there was ample reason for Revan to fall into a rear support role.

‘I have sister Cecile, so everything will work out.’

Originally, Cecil Tisis was scheduled to continue fighting alongside Aidan.

However, she also changed her mind after experiencing a battle in cooperation with Erethvan.

This was because I painfully realized that I could not be of much help at her level.

‘It’s hard to fight alone. I need to find a comrade who can fight with me… … .’

Aidan judged calmly.

His combat ability is at an excellent level compared to the underworld or mercenary industry.

But there was no way he could fight the silver blood alone.

From Eresban’s perspective, Aidan is merely an external combat personnel. Of course, we will not share important information or achievements.

‘We don’t know how long this cooperation system will continue. Even if we break off our ties with Erethban, we must be able to fight against the blood of silver on our own.’


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Shifting his original colleagues to a rear support role was a decision based on that calculation.

‘A person who is trustworthy and has excellent combat skills to the point where he can work hand and foot with me… … .’

But Aidan’s standard of companionship was too high.

Stuck by realistic limitations, he had no choice but to fight alone.

Aidan fought Eunhyeong every time Erethban requested cooperation, while running an intelligence network based on the information he obtained from them to track Eunhyeong.

And in the process of dealing with Baron Tasana, a high-ranking executive of silver blood that I had found, I met a person.


He was a mercenary warrior who inherited the blood of Ransleycia, the god of spears and spearmen.

He lost his family in the Shinblood hunt led by Baron Tasana.

After miraculously surviving alone and running away, he worked as a mercenary for 10 years, gaining strength and dreaming of revenge.

However, after attacking Baron Tasana for revenge, he was captured and was in despair.

Aidan rescued him and helped him take revenge on Baron Tasana.

‘You can trust Kelo.’

After that, everything went well for a while.

I gained new powers by targeting ancient ruins found based on clues found in Baron Tasana’s safe and ancient ruins found based on new clues found on the black market.

Together with Erethvan, we caught a big name belonging to the ‘24 Hours of Silver’, the 4th tier of high-ranking executives of the Silver Blood.

We also dealt with one mid-level executive who was discovered through an independent information network.

That may have been why.

‘White Silver’s 24 hours, this time we’ll handle it without Erethban’s help.’

Aidan, who was overconfident, made the mistake of single-handedly attacking Freak, the third son of Viscount Defro, a member of the 24 Hours of Silver Blood and a member of the 24 Hours of Silver Blood, whom he had captured through his independent intelligence network.

Freak himself wasn’t that scary of a person.

But the wizard who was with him was on a different level.

Aidan and Kelo managed to escape the scene and run away, but the problem was that Silver Blood had already designated Aidan as a person of interest.

Even before he could escape the Viscounty of Defro, the execution squad sent by Silver Blood caught up with him.

* * *


Kelo cursed.

Quack! Quagwagwagwang… … !

This was because flashes of light were pouring down in all directions and exploding.

If Aidan, who was riding on Kelo’s back, had not continued to use defensive spells, he would have been swept away by this bombardment.

“I run really well, but… How far do you think you can run away with someone on your back?”

At some point, the bombing stopped and a blonde man stood in front of them.

‘I was cornered.’

Kelo bit his lip.

The purpose of the wizards’ concentrated fire was not to kill them.

The goal was to control the route and drive it here.

“Are you giving up? “If you surrender obediently, I will guarantee your life here.”

“Doesn’t that mean they will kill you after they are captured?”

Kelo put Aidan down and raised his spear.

The blond man grinned and opened his eyes.

Whoa… … !

The man’s size increased rapidly.

Kelo grumbled as he looked at the 2 meter 50 centimeter tall silver-haired tow.

“Is this Parikka’s new blood again?”

“We are a bit common.”

It was the divine blood of Parikka, the god of wild dogs.

Because they often made a name for themselves in the mercenary industry, they were a relatively common type of blood compared to other blood types.

“Whoa… … .”

Aidan caught his breath with his back to Kelo.

The surrounding area was already surrounded.

‘There are eight wizards… shit.’

While Aidan was being rushed here, he engaged in a magic battle with those wizards.

So, I had a rough understanding of the situation, and all eight of them were advanced wizards of the 5th and 6th circles.

‘What kind of wizard do these guys use to make a mold? Why do you always use so many wizards?’

Aidan just grumbled indiscriminately, but it was close to the truth.

The eight wizards assigned to this position were all Halsa series clones manufactured by Silver Blood.

‘Twelve Graces… … .’

Basically, the executives of the Silver Blood have private soldiers.

However, the unit moving for a special purpose included special troops created directly by the blood of Eun.

Grace, a product of black magic created using divine blood collected through divine blood hunting.

They wore pitch-black masks when sent into battle, had exceptional physical abilities, and were dark magic warriors with numerous spells imprinted on their bodies.

‘There are three more new blood… uh?’

For a moment, Aidan was startled.

Let’s go!

And a thunderbolt exploded in the empty air.

It was the result of intercepting a lightning spell that was secretly targeting him.


And then an exclamation was heard.

The troops forming the siege were retreating left and right, and a man was walking between them.

It was a man dressed in brown robes and a long staff that made it easy to tell that he was a wizard.

A man wearing a white mask and long blond hair looked at Aidan and said.

“By any chance, how old are you?”


“I asked how old you are.”

Aidan didn’t answer that question.

Puff! Puff puff puff!

This is because I had to block the spell secretly thrown by the other person while talking to him.

“Even if we assume that her face looks much younger than others, she is in her early 20s… Maybe mid 20s? “I don’t think it’s more than that.”

The other person was firing various spells as if testing Aidan.

‘shit. ‘Did this guy follow you here?’

The white masked wizard who suddenly appeared showed skills that were completely different from those of the other eight wizards.

It was natural.

Because he was the same wizard who was with Freak Defro, a member of the 24 Hours of Silver, and defeated Aidan and Kelo!

“… … .”

Aidan broke into a cold sweat.

‘I have to catch a high-ranking wizard…’ … .’

A feeling of gloom came over me at the fact that the enemy was a much higher level wizard than myself.

* * *

The execution squad formed to deal with Aidan and Kelo included eight Halsa series and one Carian clone.

Although Aidan and Kelo killed several Silver Blood executives, it was quite unusual for a Carian clone, a high-level wizard of the 9th Circle, to be sent into the pursuit unit.

Unless specifically requested, Karian does not use his clones for this type of work.

That was the reason why there were no Carian clones in the execution unit that attacked Mord.

The reason the Karian clone was deployed this time was because they got involved by chance.

While staying with Freak Defro to handle a task he had been asked to do, he was attacked by Aidan and Kelo.

During the fight to protect Freak Defro, Carian Clone, who was interested in Aidan, volunteered for the execution squad and was able to face Aidan once again.

“I’ll stop the attack while we talk. So answer me. “How old are you?”

“I don’t know why I’m curious about other people’s ages… “I’m seventeen.”

In fact, since the Karian clone stopped attacking, Aidan revealed his age.

Underneath the mask, the Karian clone’s turquoise eyes took on a different color.

‘I’m at this level at the age of seventeen…’ ‘He’s a genius.’

The Karian clone licked his lips with his tongue.

Aidan was an undisputed genius who became a high-ranking magician of the 7th Circle at the age of only seventeen.

‘Not only has he learned reference orders, but his operational skills are also excellent. It’s an amazing talent.’

What I like more is that Aidan is a new blood.

‘Master will be happy if you take this guy.’

He was truly a talent who perfectly met the conditions that Archmage Karian desired.

“I’ll make a suggestion.”

“What offer?”

“Surrender. And become one of us.”


For a moment, Aidan wondered what kind of nonsense this guy was talking about.

But the Carian clone’s eyes, looking at him through the eye holes of the mask, were serious.

“Then I will leave behind everything you have done so far. The same goes for your colleagues.”

“Are you saying that now?”

“of course. “I think these are generous enough conditions?”

“Well, I admit it’s generous.”

Aidan smiled a life-changing smile.

“But you saw me as someone who would kneel before you out of fear for his life… “I’m really angry.”

“I know we have a grudge, but… Isn’t that resentment something that can only be repaid if one is alive? Think rationally.”

“I don’t like that attitude either. It looks like they are all prey that I can catch and destroy at any time… … .”


At that moment, the Karian clone felt the hair on his entire body stand on end.


When judged objectively, Aidan was like a prey that had already been caught.

Above all, even if Aidan and Kelo join forces, not even a single Karian clone can overcome them.

But what do you believe and why are you so confident?

‘It’s not just bravado.’

The Karian clone intuitively decided that.

‘First of all, I’ll have to beat it to get some strength out of it. If we capture him alive, the Master will take care of it.’

With his decision made, it was time to form a spell to capture Aidan.

‘hmm? ‘What is that?’

Suddenly, a large, thick book with a blue leather cover appeared in Aidan’s hands.

It was a book imbued with powerful magical power, with a gold leaf pattern on the cover shining.

-It seems like a crisis situation.

The magic book spoke to Aidan.

At the same time, Aidan’s consciousness turned inward.

The conversation between Aidan and the magic book took place in an extremely accelerated mental world.

“Let’s make a deal.”

This magic book was a magic book that Aidan obtained from an ancient ruin containing world fragments.

It was a magic book left by an ancient great wizard and had its own will, and through trading, one could learn the spells written in the magic book.

And according to what the magic book explained at the beginning, it was possible to do even more than that.

-What do you want?

“Kello and my survival. Of course, this is a level of survival that leaves no serious injuries or disabilities. And annihilate all enemies here! Including that unlucky white masked wizard.”

-There are a lot of things you wish for. Do you realize that such a large price is required?

“I’m prepared.”

-i get it. The price is to go to the location I request and check the situation there.

“… “I’m hoping for less than I thought?”

-Because it takes a lot of time and there may be danger waiting. And if you die or are tied up by those guys, I’ll be in trouble too, so I’m providing you with a service.

“good. But the requirements are similar to last time. “It looks like there’s a lot you want to check, right?”

-Quite a lot.

“Where is it this time?”

-Deep in the Limos Mountains. I will guide you to the detailed location.


-Then I will fulfill the deal.

“Can you do it?”

-Aidan, whatever you wish will come true.


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