The Extra Is Too Strong Chapter 139

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Extras Are Too Strong Episode 139

Ilden asked.

“Did you defeat all six people?”


“Huh, I expected it, but you still managed to beat the new director.”

“It was a tough opponent. “It was a victory decided by a single piece of paper.”

“No, absolutely not.”

New Director Yusden smiled bitterly at Mord’s words that saved his face.

The fight between the two was intense, but not close.

Although the new director was able to face Mord on equal terms, he was defeated without being able to push him even once.

“I never imagined that all six of us would be hit during such a limited period of time. “You didn’t say anything, so I guess the general wanted to trouble me.”

“Isn’t it fair since I didn’t tell Mord the whole story?”

Ilden grinned.

Mord asked, puzzled.

“Was there anything you didn’t tell me?”

“You defeated all six of them, right?”


“You don’t have to win in the first place. For a limited time, the six priests measure your level, and it only functions as a trial. Therefore, the more powerful a priest participates in the blessing ceremony, the higher the value of the trial and the greater the effectiveness of the blessing.”

“… … .”

Mord looked at the priests with surprised eyes.

Ilden smiled mischievously.

“Think about it. Originally, the resonance ceremony of the new blood stone was generally performed at a young age. Official lineages experience the awakening of divine blood at the age of fifteen, and once they can handle that power to a certain extent, they shorten the process of opening the divine blood through resonance with the divine bloodstone.”

That was one of the reasons why formal bloodlines reached new blood opening much faster than illegitimate bloodlines.

Among the illegitimate children, wasn’t Kesner, who was evaluated as having genius talent, achieving a new level of openness at the age of 19?

“If high-level priests like this participate in the blessing ceremony, do you think the young guys will be able to handle it?”

“It won’t work.”

Mord shook his head, recalling the skills of the six priests he had faced.

They were strong enough to far surpass most regular bloodlines.

Of course, it was not their original ability, but the result of being strengthened by receiving the blessing of the Lord of Battle… … .

‘Even considering that, Director Shin was too strong.’

This is because he was a level 2 Auror, a master-level magic magician using an accelerator, and a level 2 divine blood unlocker.

Ilden grinned.

“Therefore, the blessing ceremony is not a ceremony that requires victory. “The ordeal of fighting six warriors who are stronger and more skilled than you is something that has meaning.”

“So that’s what it was.”

Bernas, the god of fighting, is not a god who only cares about results. Value is given to the will to struggle and the process of struggle itself.

“But you beat all six in a limited amount of time. “Even if you don’t have to win, winning is still worth it.”

It doesn’t matter if I don’t win.

But of course, winning is better.

By winning against all six, Mord received the maximum effect of the blessing ceremony.


Somehow, while performing the blessing ceremony, I felt as if power was continuously pouring down from heaven, but I had no idea that it was an effect of winning the blessing ceremony.

Mord closed his eyes for a moment and contemplated his inner self.

Tushin’s divine blood became even stronger.

‘Not only quantitative expansion… It feels qualitatively more stable.’

Mord, who was pondering what the change meant, was soon able to think of an answer.


Basically, the power of divine blood is borrowed from the power of their ancestors, gods.

The divine blood becomes a medium for borrowing power from heavenly beings.

The more you use that power, and the greater your divinity and the higher your godhood, the different your feelings will be.

Rather than using someone else’s power, the feeling of controlling your own power becomes stronger.

Mord confirmed that the feeling that the divinity that came from the divine blood of the fighting god was his had become stronger.

‘It must have been the same as the process by which the demigod Bernas, the son of the sky god Arita and a human woman, became a fighting god.’

After digesting the divine blood of the heavenly god as his own and writing his own myth, he achieved an independent godhood called Tusin.

Although the myth has ended, the essence of the life-long process that the gods and bloods of this world walk through is the same.

“This is at least the first time since I became the priest that all six priests lost in the blessing ceremony. Lord Mord, I salute you for your great feats of struggle.”

New Director Yusden politely bowed.

The other five priests also expressed their respect one by one with expressions of awe.

“thank you. It’s thanks to everyone’s hard work.”

So Mord left the temple, leaving behind a record that would be talked about for a long time among the priests.

* * *

After Mord and his party returned to Antak Castle, they rested and reorganized for a while.


Mord, who absorbed the Godblood Stone, went to Farwell and asked.

“Have you mastered the 6th circle?”


It was in November of last year that Parwell mastered the 5th circle and entered the 6th circle.

In just 8 months, he mastered the 6th circle on his own without a teacher, proving that he was a genius worthy of achieving the level of great wizard.

Of course, it was thanks to Mord preparing everything Parwell needed to master the 6th Circle.


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By visiting and dealing with not only magicians belonging to the gatekeeper unit, but also magicians who were not part of the gatekeeper unit, he procured all reference order books for the 6th circle.

‘Kel is the one who had a hard time.’

Mord had many materials to trade with the wizard.

There was money, and there were a lot of magic items piled up that were not functional enough for the party to use, but had very high objective value.

However, Mord got stuck in the process of finding out which wizard would be a suitable business partner, and when Kael saw the situation, he sighed and took care of everything from start to finish.

‘When I think about it now, I don’t know where I would be or what I would be doing without Keel.’

It was doubtful whether half of the achievements achieved so far could have been achieved.

Mord thought that having Keel as his companion was the best decision he had made since his reincarnation.

“Then it’s time to give this to you.”

“What do you mean?”

Parwell tilted his head.

Although he had mastered the 6th circle, he was not yet blocked by a wall.

It was necessary to optimize the reference spells learned so far and solidify the substance by creating creative spells.

But what else is Mord trying to give to Parwell?

“From now on, study this.”

What Mord handed over was a book.

A gorgeous book made of black leather and decorated with silver and sword edges.

Parwell recognized at a glance that it was an unusual magic book.

“… “Is this a high-ranking wizard’s spellbook?”


Mord had previously given Parwell a magic book captured from an enemy. Among them was a high-ranking wizard’s magic book, which has been a very useful research material for Farwell.

“This is the archmage’s spellbook.”


For a moment, Parwell was so surprised that his eyes popped out.

“Are you saying you’re an archmage?”

His usual calm and adult demeanor was everywhere. Parwell’s pupils were shaking as if there had been an earthquake.

It had to be that way.


For a wizard, it was a dream state.

If the high-ranking wizard who practiced the 9th Circle was the highest being in reality, the Grand Wizard who mastered the 9th Circle and pioneered the realm of myth was a legend in itself.

“He was a person from a time when the traces of mythology were much stronger than now.”

This was obtained from the remains of the God-Blooded Archmage, whom Mord ate raw with Kael.

From the moment I recruited Parwell as a teammate, I was deciding to give it to him. However, qualifications were required to view this magic book.

‘You must have mastered at least 6 circles.’

It was the minimum qualification that the Great Wizard of Divine Blood required of those who could see his legacy.

Because of those conditions, Mord had kept the existence of this magic book hidden until now for fear of disturbing Parwell’s mind.

“oh my god… … .”

Parwell groaned as he looked at the magic book he received from Mord.

I was wondering if I was dreaming, so I pinched my cheek, but it was definitely real.

“An archmage’s magic book… Even if you get just one spell book, it would be considered the luck of your life, but a magic book… … .”

“That magic book is a rather special magic book.”

“Oh, it’s an archmage’s grimoire, so of course it’s special. I don’t know how many things are recorded… … .”

“That’s not what I meant.”

Mord shook his head.

“That magic book was originally created by the Great Wizard of Divine Blood in order to pass on everything about himself to someone in the future… “It’s not just a magic book, it’s closer to a magic item.”

In Sedokma, after Aidan reaches the 6th circle, he grows rapidly through this magic book.

The existence of this magic book played an essential role in Aidan being able to reach the level of an archmage at an incredible speed.

Parwell asked.

“Do you even know how it works?”

“I heard that the New Blood Archmage teaches it himself.”


Parwell frowned.

Mord added.

“The will of the Divine Blood Archmage remains in that magic book, so that will will be in the form of directly transmitting magic.”

Actually, Mord knew more details, but decided to keep quiet about that.

“I guess I’ll have to try it right now!”

Parwell opened the New Blood Archmage’s spellbook with sparkling eyes.

And soon you will regret that choice.

* * *

Parwell opened his eyes.


My memory was interrupted for a moment.

I clearly remember being happy when I received the Archmage’s spellbook from Mord. And I even remember opening the magic book with joy… … .

[Welcome, wizard.]

Suddenly, someone appeared in front of Parwell.


Parwell saw him and opened his eyes wide.

A middle-aged man with a warm expression was looking at him.

His teacher invited by the family.

A benefactor who lost his life to protect him from the clutches of an evil enemy.

[He is a teacher. That’s what I’ll be doing from now on, but… I don’t want to be called that either. This appearance leaves the strongest impression among the wizards you know, so I borrowed it from you, but I think a different appearance would be better.]

At the same time, the other person’s appearance changed.

He was a skinny young man whose name Parwell didn’t even know. But he was a wizard I had seen while working in the gatekeeper unit.

Because Parwell had an excellent memory, he clearly remembered the face he had seen recently, and the unknown person borrowed that image.

“… Who are you? “Are you trying to invade my mind?”

Parwell raised his guard to its highest level.

At the same time, we took action.

It was a task of defending oneself and attacking the opponent at the same time to elicit a reaction.

[That’s great. I’m used to fighting.]

The other person made an expression of admiration.

[But stop. Because it’s meaningless.]

At the same time, all of Parwell’s attempts were crushed.

“… … .”

Parwell’s face hardened.

The power of divine blood was forcibly released.

Not only that, but even all the spells Parwell composed in a short period of time!


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