The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 655

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Chapter 655

Liana’s meeting with Cliffman was actually not necessary.

Whether Cliff is on our side or not doesn’t mean much.

But Liana met Cliffman.

When I saw that, I thought the same thing.

Me too once.

Even so, I’ve always been doing things with a purpose.

Maybe it’s okay for me to meet someone who just wants to see me, at least once.

Just like Riana was afraid, so was I.

I was afraid that Adriana would vent her anger on me.

But like Cliffman did, Adriana didn’t resent me.

Presumptuously, he wanted to get Adriana out of the battlefield, but Adriana refused. She also knew she would refuse.

Indeed, by that logic, if no one should fight, there should not be a single soldier in the Allied Army. After all, there is no such thing as a person who has no choice but to fight.

So it was natural for Adriana to reject the words she spoke out of selfishness.

hope you survive

Adriana, me, anyone else.

A promise to survive will not guarantee survival.

Regardless of that promise, someone will die.

Because war is like that, fighting is like that.

“are you okay?”

“Oh, that’s fine.”

After returning to Razak, I nodded at Harriet’s question.

“Your expression has gotten worse.”

Was it

Harriet puts her hand on my cheek and looks me over concerned.

Liana seemed a little relieved.

After meeting Adriana, my heart became heavier. There’s no such thing as an argument, rather, Adriana was worried about me.

I should be feeling better, but I’m more subdued.

Still, I don’t regret meeting Adriana.

“I just want to do better.”

“… … ?”

“That’s why.”

After a short break, I had the mindset to do better.

Although you can’t protect everyone.

Isn’t it wrong to think that we want to protect everyone?

* * *

“Christina, what’s wrong?”

“… … .”

To Louis Ancton’s question, Cristina just sat in front of her desk with a hard expression on her face, giving no answer.

It was Christina’s own decision to take Ellen hostage.

Neither Louis Ankton, nor Anna, nor Ludwig had any idea that Cristina intended to do such a thing.

So, in the eyes of others, Cristina suddenly looked pale and silent.

Cristina couldn’t say that she had planned it.

“What’s going on?”

“No, nothing.”

“It seems like nothing, but why are you doing this these days? Eat something.”

Ellen Artorius.

If you want to bring out the demon king, you can use Ellen.

There was certainty in that thought.

So I thought it was just a matter of running it.

I didn’t think I would be able to take it lightly.

So, he led only the best of the immortals and aimed for a time when there was no other outside gaze.

However, instead of overpowering Ellen in a place where there were no eyes to see, Immortal was mercilessly sliced ​​away.

And, Ellen seems to be thinking for a while after subduing Christina. She put Christina down and passed away.

I couldn’t even resist the slightest.

It is true that Immortal suffered because Ellen was strong.

However, the reason Christina couldn’t resist wasn’t because Ellen was strong.

Cristina felt with her skin that she was taking the fight too lightly.

I don’t even need the same Battle Mage.

You don’t even need to strengthen your magic power.

Even when asked to fight a strong soldier, Cristina only realized that she was weak enough to be killed helplessly.

Making an immortal doesn’t make Christina herself stronger.

I was mistaken that I became stronger because I held strong power.

But there is something more important than regret for such misery and arrogance.

A few days after that day, the moment Ellen strangled her becomes a nightmare and appears in her dreams, but that is not important either.

‘I’m not human… … . That’s not human.’

While trying to take Ellen hostage, he noticed something very strange.

Ellen’s voice.


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A strange voice that could never be human.

I felt the kind of pain I had never felt before in my life, as if tens of thousands of people were speaking at the same time, as if my soul was torn apart just by hearing it.

Ellen has no taste.

It’s not something that can be expressed at that level.

Ellen became something other than human.

Very dangerous, terrifying and terrifying all at the same time.

Something that even has a certain will of its own.

‘Dangerous… … . This, this is dangerous.’

Originally, in order to kill the demon king, he tried to capture Ellen in order to bring out the demon king.

However, Cristina made the mistake of provoking Ellen in front of her in her arrogance.

However, that mistake was rather fortunate now.

The most dangerous thing right now is the demon lord, the empire, and the immortals.

It’s not even a gate incident.

A sword that cuts through anything.

A cloak that blocks any attack.

Ellen Artorius, who held the two relics, was swallowed by something strange.

Christina paid the price for her arrogance and mistakes.

And, because of that, I learned what I needed to know.

Right now, the most dangerous being is none other than Ellen Artorius.

Having been treated badly once, Cristina will not step forward any more.

Just because I’m not used to fighting, I have no intention of going the way of a battle mage now.

As usual, all you have to do is put the Immortal in front and give orders from the back, acting according to the theme.

Cristina thinks that Scarlett’s threat has already been dealt with.

but other threats.

What should Ellen do, who cuts down Immortals like paper?

Is there anyone in the world who can deal with Ellen?

What the hell has Ellen Artorius become?

what the hell do you want

But one thing is clear.

Ellen, who had become something unknown, clearly said so.

It’s still useful, so I won’t kill it.

Even if the Immortals’ forces were built, Ellen could advance through the fire and attacks.

No one else knows, but Ellen is a being who can actually do that.

That means that after everything is over, I don’t care what happens to the Immortal, so I’ll kill Cristina.

Ellen does not represent either the empire or the demon king.

That’s why Ellen is the only one who can try to annihilate Immortals regardless of the interests of the world and kill Christina without hesitation.

Only then did Cristina know the strength of Ellen Artorius, whom she had only heard about, when she saw it with her own eyes.

People take it for granted that the hero is an ally.

That’s why I just praise the strength of the hero.

However, I can’t imagine what would happen if such Ellen Artorius became an enemy.

But Christina saw it with her own eyes.

If the hero becomes the enemy, no one can stop the hero.

I saw that no army, no sword, no magic could work.

Ellen, who had at least a human appearance, was cured.

Ellen Artorius, who was gradually crumbling in guilt, was able to communicate because he was human. That’s why he was able to touch the guilt and make it back.

However, no conversation goes through.

for example.

What should I do if the hero has turned into a monster?

Humanity has developed a weapon to end the Gate crisis.

Not a titan, not an immortal.

Humanity’s strongest weapon has been in human hands ever since the Gate incident.

Ellen Artorius was mankind’s greatest weapon.

However, the weapon was now, only the aspect of a real weapon remained.

The hero who lost his humanity is still on the side of mankind, but not on Christina’s side.

From the beginning, it was not something that could be treated as bait.

It is unknown whether Ellen will be a threat to humanity, but to Christina, Ellen is a clear threat.

‘I have to kill Ellen.’

The unknown is itself the greatest threat.

If Ellen isn’t removed, everything might be ruined.

Cristina begins to get buried in the idea.

“Christina, why is that? what’s going on Don’t worry alone, speak up.”

However, it is clear that no one will agree with the statement that Ellen should be killed.

Cristina couldn’t get the idea out of her mouth.

* * *

The allied forces now begin their advance towards Diane, the final objective.

Will the Gate crisis end or will humanity end?

Under normal circumstances, the army’s fighting power should be weakened as it advances. Strangely, however, as the battle progressed, the fighting power of the Allies increased exponentially.

First of all, it was like that when the Titans were introduced, and secondly, after the joining of the Immortals.

As the gate situation became more and more dangerous, the allied forces were getting stronger.

Everyone knows the identity of Titan.

The identity of a super-large golem created by the Archduke of Saint-Ouan and the genius wizard of the Temple.

But the second power, everyone saw it, but no one knew what it was.

It may be fortunate that the formidable force is part of the Allied Forces, but in the end, unless you know what it is, everyone has no choice but to feel a sense of fear.

However, those who know the truth cannot keep their mouths shut forever.

It was inevitable that stories from unknown origins had no choice but to spread throughout the Allied Forces.

The unidentified powerful army was an undead army created by the Empire by stealing the bodies of the dead.

That’s why all troops are wearing helmets with face shields or robes that cover their faces.

It was because someone might recognize the face inside the helmet or robe, so he wrapped his whole body tightly.

The story of how the emperor dabbled in forbidden power to end the war.

The truth, but too hard to believe, spreads like a rumor.

Rumors didn’t stop there.

The story that there was a traitor in the Allied Forces and that there were people who swore allegiance to the Demon King also spread.

The emperor dabbled in sobriety.

There are those who swear allegiance to the Demon King in the allied forces.

The allied forces heading into the final battle were being swayed by two bizarre rumors that would shake the entire allied forces.

and last.

Another news that spreads through those who have no choice but to go in and out of the ecliptic for reasons such as supply.

In the imperial capital, even rumors were spreading that the current gate situation was actually caused by the emperor, not the demon king.

– Nonsense.

-What is it that His Majesty regrets about?

Of course, few believed the rumors.

-There are many people starving in the imperial capital, so the only person to blame is Your Majesty.

-okay. I heard that there was a big uproar last time and a lot of people died? it must be because of that

-Originally, if something explodes, I have no choice but to assume that it must be their fault.

Most of them did not believe the rumors.

However, rumors are bound to gain weight, and are bound to be mixed up.

first rumor.

An army made of the dead.

second rumor.

Those who swore allegiance to the Demon King.

third rumor.

Rumor has it that the emperor is the main culprit behind the gate scandal.

There are people who don’t believe in rumors, but there are also people who are weak in rumors.

And people who are weak in rumors combine rumors.

-however… … . If it’s true that His Majesty the Emperor caused the gate crisis… … . What is a demon king?

– Don’t say crazy, big trouble.

-no… … . that’s weird… … . In the first place, the demon king left us alone until now… … . Don’t you think it makes no sense?

The actions of the demon king who had never attacked mankind before.

It was already becoming a basis for itself.

Assumptions that people have not made until now are being embodied in bizarre and overly unreliable rumors.

-Think about it, if the demon king really wanted to annihilate humans, he could have done it a long time ago. We just need to aim somewhere else, not here where we are. But why don’t you do that?

If you think about it normally, it didn’t make sense that the human race was still alive.

But until now, no one had thought of it, and even if they had, they hadn’t said it out loud.

However, from the moment the name is mentioned, things get out of hand.

The story of the Demon King was coming and going from all over the Allied Forces.

-Isn’t the demon king actually not interested in destroying humans or anything like that?

– Nonsense! I heard the demon king attacked the ecliptic last time? that… … . It was during the princess’s execution ceremony. At that time, everyone heard that he made the imperial city a mess.

-no. As far as I know, I heard that he disappeared with only the princess at that time. That no one died.

– I heard that thousands of people were burned to death?

-Anyone who was in the ecliptic at that time?

In the end, rumors give birth to speculation, and speculations disguised as facts become other rumors and hover around the allied forces.

In the end, everyone has no choice but to touch the biggest suspicion.

Why does the demon king leave mankind alone?

It was an established fact that no one doubted until now that the demon king caused the gate incident to destroy mankind.

But why is there no next move?

To think that the demon king has disappeared, there is a record of the demon king appearing at the princess’s execution ceremony in the not-so-distant past.

There were no people who saw the fight in person.

I don’t know where the imperial army is, but the demon king appeared at that time and mercilessly slaughtered the sword master and the archmage, and disappeared after being stabbed in the heart by the hero who appeared at the end.

-Maybe the demon king actually died then… … ?

– No way, I couldn’t have died just like that… … .

In fact, the story that the demon king died at that moment began to come and go.

Did the demon king die a long time ago?

-No, if the demon king is dead, who are the traitors who are now on the side of the demon king?

-I know?

People are confused because they cannot tell where the rumors are true and where they are lies.

That’s why people who combine rumors are created.

There are people everywhere who pick up scattered stories and create their own truth.

The demon king had no intention of destroying mankind in the first place. The fact that the Demon King has not attacked mankind until now is proof of that.

The gate incident was an accident or conspiracy caused by the emperor through certain circumstances, and the devil was blamed for it.

Some of the leaders of the Allied Forces who learned the truth began to side with the Demon King when they learned that the real culprit was the emperor.

So, feeling a sense of crisis, the emperor stole the bodies of the dead and began to create an undead army. To protect the empire and oneself.

It’s a story that has nothing to do with the facts, and the relationship is arbitrary.

There is no explanation as to what the Emperor gains from causing the Gate Incident, and if he did, it is not explained how he would organize an allied force to end the Gate Incident.

Even the background where immortals came first and the devil’s supporters were born is reversed.

In the end, a believably processed story becomes more convincing.

Anyway, just as the story that started from the premise that the demon king was evil won people’s trust.

Now, the story that started with the premise that the emperor was evil is just starting to gain credibility.

Some stories are easier for people to believe when someone has done something absolutely wrong.

Of course, there are many who treat such stories as nonsense.

The most important thing is that confusion of faith has begun to occur among people.

When a rumor is overblown, even if there are only a few people who believe the overblown rumor, a very small part of it must be treated as truth.

Those who believe in the fictitious truth that was created are a minority.

However, as far as the source of the rumor goes, I believe it to be true.

The emperor created an army made of the dead.

The Demon King is intervening in the allied forces.

Among the allied leaders, there are those who sided with the Demon King.

The Demon King has never attacked mankind since the Gate incident.

Those four truths are stuck in people’s heads.

Excessively inflated and absurd rumors make people recognize that the basis of the rumor is true, regardless of whether or not they trust the rumor itself.

Really, did the demon king cause the gate crisis?

If the demon king didn’t cause the gate incident, it’s understandable that the demon king hasn’t laid a hand on mankind until now.

Rather, if it is true that the demon king caused the gate incident, it is a situation that does not make sense that mankind has continued to this day.

In fact, there was no story of the demon king directly killing people or destroying human cities other than the Gate Incident.

like that.

Allied forces advance on Diane in confusion.

With the fundamental confusion of not knowing who to hate.

So, the road to the final battlefield.

“It’s the maximum charge anyway. You don’t have to do more.”

Looking at Kaier Bioden sitting in the Arc Crystal Chamber, Rdina said.

“I know that.”

Rudina’s role is to extract and use Kaier’s magical power from the Arc Crystal.

However, after learning that Kaier’s physical condition had deteriorated greatly after the continuous battle, Rudina did not insist on asking Kaier about the arc crystal issue.

Only then did Rudina know.

In the first place, Kaier was doing what he had to do, whether or not Rudina told him to.

That’s why, as if Kaier had done his job even without Rudina’s prompting or urging, he didn’t listen to people telling him to stop.

“If you sit there for no reason, you will only lose your mana. I told you not to come in here when you have nothing to charge.”

When mana depletion reaches an extreme state, a person dies.

The source of life is running out.

Now, more than Kaier himself, Rdina knew how weak Kaier’s condition was.

However, as the battle continued, the relationship that could not be said to be so good in the first place was completely lost.

If this is the only thing you can do, what will you do if you don’t do this?

Kaier, who was undermined by Rudina’s verbal abuse, had no choice but to obsess over the only thing he could do in the abyss of self-esteem.

Even if Rdina apologized or begged out of regret, Kaier wouldn’t listen.

“I don’t mean to do that.”

“What are you doing then?”

What are you doing in front of the already fully charged Arc Crystal?

Rudina, who had told her not to come out and lock herself in here, knew how that action affected Kaier’s body, so now she herself was the most anxious.

“I have a talisman for mana management, but I can put mana into the Arc Crystal. So, I was trying to see if I could adjust the speed at which magic is injected.”

“… … .”

the only thing you can do

Kaier seemed to be trying to see if something else was possible for him.

i broke it

Rudina had no choice but to watch Kaier with her eyes wide open.

“But it doesn’t work. The Ark Crystal doesn’t give me mana, it takes my mana.”

I don’t deliver it by my will, but the Arc Crystal takes it.

In the end, Kaier, who got up from the chamber saying he didn’t know, smiled bitterly.

“Adelia who made this must be amazing.”

A great talent that was born with enormous magical powers.

However, the inability to use mana.

I’m nothing, but thanks to my outstanding classmates, I’m useful. Rudina bit her lip as she saw Kaier mocking herself.

All of Kaier’s self-help was what Rudina once said.

He said he was an idiot with nothing but a lot of magical power.

Stop playing around and charge the arc crystal, and if you make eye contact with it, you will be threatened.

Every battle, the appearance of those who could not be saved due to lack of magic power.

Because of the sight of people dying in hundreds, not just one or two.

I can’t help but think that it was because of the insincerity of just one person.

You’ve hurt Kaier so far.

Kaier does not deny the wounds he received.

Rather, what Rudina had said, she now said with her own mouth.

i am useless

All you can do is this.

Instead of saying that, now I do it myself.

Rudina looked down at Kaier and lowered her eyes.

“Can we talk for a minute?”

It was a thing of the past that he always spoke in a commanding tone and threatened.

Rudina now tries to treat Kaier as politely as possible.

Actually, Kaier himself didn’t pay any attention to the way he spoke.

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