The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 634

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Chapter 634

I returned to Razzak with Elerith. Not to the royal castle, but to a secluded place nearby.

“Yeah, that’s it… … . It’s a situation where I don’t have anything to say… … .”

When I explained why I was in this state even though I had done everything right, Ellerith’s eyebrows twitched.

Adelia likes the Archduke.

However, the Grand Duke considers Adelia as his daughter-in-law.

And Harriet’s third brother likes Adelia.

“I feel like I’m being punished… … .”

“Are you saying that the Grand Duke is being punished?”

“no… … . It’s not… … .”

It seems that I am being punished, not the Archduke!

I wrote so many last dramas in my life that I had to see something worse than this last drama even in the midst of war!

I feel like I’m being punished, not the Archduke!

I couldn’t bear to say anything to the grand duke who was talking like that.

“I don’t know, what am I going to do with that.”

“I have no choice but to watch… … .”

Yeah, well, that’s not something I can do anything about, but I only saw blood because I was curious about it.

it will work out somehow! uh!

First of all, if everyone can survive safely, is the last drama a big deal? They say Lee Seung-gi is the best even if you fall into dog poop, but you have to be alive to have a last-minute drama.

I will protect the world no matter what, even for the next episode of the last drama.

Thinking like that is a bit dog-like.

I don’t want to watch that drama anymore.

“Anyway, it seems that the principality has agreed to cooperate?”

“uh… … . It happened. It didn’t turn out like I thought.”

“Didn’t it turn out the way you thought?”

“I thought the grand duke would treat me like a daughter-in-law of a thief, but he didn’t. Rather, he made me feel guilty.”

“ah… … .”

Rather, it’s the situation I don’t know the most about me.

To be precise, other people can think what I can’t because I’m not Balie.

“It seemed more like that after I realized that the Great War of the Demon World was a pointless war.”

It is said that the previous demon king Valie created a new world through Akasha and tried to migrate there.

The Grand Duke was most shocked by the truth.

Without the Pandemonium War, demons would have quietly disappeared from this world.

However, humans invaded the Dark Land and slaughtered the demons.

As a result, the demon king died, but the prince, Valie, survived, which caused the gate crisis.

The saying that everything would have been fine if I hadn’t done anything applied not just to me, but to humans as well.

That’s why the Grand Duke seemed to think that humans were paid for their sins.

Ellerith’s expression was, of course, dark.

“If I could go back to before the Pandemonium War, would I be able to undo everything?”

Can it be made without all the wars, fears, and invasions?

If you go back to the past knowing that the Great War of the Demon World will lead to this, can you stop everything?

“I don’t think so.”

I was negative.

“If I tell you not to touch me because I intend to move to another world, who will believe me? Even if the demon king said that, even if someone else said that, you wouldn’t believe it.”

Akasha was a very powerful artifact by itself in the first place.

For example, persuading them to be relieved that they are developing nuclear weapons for peaceful use. If you believe in that, it’s an asshole in the first place.

Rather, the moment mankind learns of Akasha’s existence, war will start to take away or destroy Akasha before it is completed.

So Balie kept Akasha’s existence a secret.

The Pandemonium War is an event that eventually occurred when fear and hatred for each other reached a critical point.

As long as the accumulated history of fear, distrust, and hatred does not disappear, nothing will change by going back to the past.

The expression of Ellerith, who was responsible for the fear, distrust, and hatred, was never good.

Elerith is an ancient demon king who was betrayed by his son and exiled with his horn cut off.

Ellerith activated Akasha herself.

That’s why I couldn’t help but feel the greatest responsibility and guilt for all of this.

Ellerith traded my life for the whole world.

Because you loved me that much

I cannot fathom how much Elerith cares for me.

“The time is coming when everything will end.”

“… … .”

Responsibility and guilt will not go away just because the gate crisis is over.

However, it is clear that the time when everything ends is approaching.

“Let’s think about everything later.”

“yes… … . majesty.”

By the way, after the dizzying talk, the Grand Duke said that.

‘Do you remember what happened at the Lich’s grave?’

‘yes. I remember.’

At that time, Antirianus and Acrich had a fight.

I was shocked to see the Grand Duke suddenly there.


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‘Among the people I saw then, there was one very strange person.’

‘ah… … .’

The Archduke knew who he was talking about.

Because I was the first person I saw that day.

Someone you never imagined you would see.

‘Do you know?’

‘maybe… … . She must be Ellen’s mother.’

‘… … I thought they looked alike.’

In terms of time, it would be after meeting Luna that the Grand Duke began to pay attention to Ellen.

So the Archduke must have been surprised to find that the hero was a girl who looked very much like the strange person he met on the way to the grave of the lich.

The Archduke did not see me fighting Luna at that time.

You will remember it as suddenly disappearing.

Obviously, the archduke couldn’t help but get a pretty strong impression from Luna.

‘A hero is a hero, but Luna is thought to have a more bizarre history. If I could afford her, I wanted to find her and seek her help… … .’

Apparently, just like I thought, the Archduke seemed to be thinking about how to seek help from Luna, who was by no means an ordinary person.

‘Actually, I’ve already received help.’

‘… … what?’

‘There are various circumstances, so I can’t help you directly.’

The Archduke couldn’t help but be surprised that I had already visited Luna and received help.

I couldn’t tell the details without Luna’s permission, so I was vague, but the Archduke seemed to understand that the person who was strange even at first glance was, of course, even more strange.

Not really.

Because he can create this world with his own hands, and he can control the time and space of that world.


It is not one, but the incarnation of the gods.

It’s not a very long time ago that I went to Lizaira, but somehow it feels like a very long time ago.

Luna, of course, how are the people of Lizaira doing?

I thought about that for a while.

In the end, he received enough help from Lizaira. I don’t want anything more than this.

I explained to Elerith the whole conversation I had with the Archduke.

We talked about this and that, but the result was simple.

A total of three forces were secured with this.

main church.


Principality of Saint-Ouan.

“To be able to swallow the world with just a few words… … . No, it’s already half way over… … .”


“It’s so scary right now.”

It was rather easy, as if the blood in my body was drying up.

Swallowing is easy.

The important thing is whether you can digest it. If I can’t digest it, I die and the world dies.

Ellerith carefully embraced me.

“Everything will be fine.”

“… … Is that right?”

“sure. I heard the Archduke said it?”

Elerith says while holding my head.

“Your Highness is the greatest and most perfect demon king in history.”

“… … .”

“I think so too.”

greatness and perfection.

I, who had been the farthest from it, was the closest to it before I knew it.

As always with the cold body temperature of a vampire, it seemed that some degree of tranquility dwelled in the heart that was stained with fear.

Eleris is the best, after all.

“Thank you, Grandfather.”

“… … I’d rather call you mother.”


Elerith tugged at my ear.

* * *

The Principality of Saint-Ouan is not a very large country in terms of scale, but it is meaningful in that it is the main axis of the imperial power.

In a situation where you don’t know what will happen later, just being able to block one of the Empire’s main weapons, the Titan, is of great value.

If we capture Adelia, we can make Titan ours.

It is rather a very simple situation for the Empire to lose control of Titan.

Could this be Bertus’ intention?

don’t know there

convened a meeting of the Senate.

All except for Sarkegar, who resides in the Allied Forces, and Liana, who is recuperating.

five lords.

Olivia Ranze.




and to me

“With this, Kernstadt and even the principality are in our hands, so in fact, we can disband the Allied Forces anytime we want.”

It was the horse of Lruen, the head of the tree.

Yes, it is impossible to seize it at this point, but it is possible to disintegrate it right now.

All you have to do is immediately withdraw Kernstadt, the Archduke, and the Templars from the Allied Forces.

Allied forces will panic. And there is no way the panicked army will roll properly.

“However, even if the allied forces are disintegrated, the main focus of the war right now is the Immortals. As long as they are in good health, I don’t think there will be any bleeding from the Empire’s armed forces.”

As Galarsh said, the current situation is that the Immortals, which can be said to be the best power of the Empire, cannot be affected at all.

“Of course, you can disintegrate the allied forces, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to do that.”

Just like Lucinil said, Lluen said that he was able to do that, not that he wanted to. It’s just about checking our influence.

Conquest is impossible, but disintegration is possible.

And the Allied Forces are the armies of all of humanity, and where the remaining leaders of all of humanity have the decision-making power.

Soon, it is no different than half of humanity has been handed over.

If the war ends like this, we can already divide the continent into two.

Antirianus was wearing a grim smile.

“It’s not just the Allies. We currently have the main forces of the imperial ecliptic Gradium, the main cult, the demonic cult, and the warrior cult. It means that anyone who believes in ‘something’ of any kind is within our control.”

All human beings connected with the faith are under our influence. Most don’t even know we’re there above the top of their heads.

“Even beyond the Allies, you already control half of humanity. You are a great being.”

Whether humans accept our rule or not.

whether you accept it or not.

I was already their ruler.

“How about the Holy Church?”

“The ecliptic side is teaching selected people how to use the divine power of demons. It’s difficult to get the effect in a short time, but the important thing there is faith, not divine power. The effect should continue to emerge.”

The denomination of the main denomination is also steadily progressing.

A few words.

a few conversations.

Can you rule the world like that?

However, laying the paving stone itself is bound to be easy.

What matters is the moment when conflicts and conflicts become visible.

“If we only know how to deal with immortals, then we won’t have to fight the Empire.”

Those were Lucynil’s words.

Even if there is a countermeasure yet, there is nothing to write about.

However, if you face the end of the gate crisis without knowing it, many troubles will arise.

“Yeah, that’s how you deal with it.”

Not too long ago, new information arrived through Rowen.

To be precise, the information Bertus sent through Rowen.

“Is there a law to break the law?”

The most important thing right now is not all the other projects, but the response to Immortal, so I couldn’t help but look serious.

“It’s not a breakup law. never.”

You can’t call that a breach of law.

“It is Cristina who controls the Immortal.”

Everyone knows this much information, of course, because I told it to them.




Those three are key.

Harriet, who had already heard the story with me, didn’t look very good.

“If you touch them carelessly, the immortals become weapons of massacre that cannot be identified as friends or family. Literally, runaway.”

At those words, silence fell in the hall.

This is not a breakup law.

Only Antirianus smiles faintly and tilts his head.

“If I’m right, it sounds like the controller will eventually disappear.”

“… … I guess so.”


This is by no means a breaking law, but the most terrible thing is that it is a way.

The man driving the mad dog is trying to kill me.

If I kill the owner of the dog, the mad dog won’t come looking for me.

Instead, it will bite and kill everyone it sees.

If I don’t want to die, I can kill the owner of the dog.

You can do that.

If you’re thinking of avoiding someone else getting bitten to death, you can do that.

“It’s a very easy option, but the moment we choose it, everything we’ve done so far to end the Gate crisis will be meaningless, and even end humanity with our own hands.”

Also Antirianus.

The crazy old man starts laughing like he’s dying for joy.

Until now, I’ve been giving gossip to save humanity.

However, I was afraid that the Immortals were hunting me, so the moment I killed Christina, Anna, and Louie, the immortals would go berserk and wipe out the human race instead of the monsters.

The runaway Immortals will not be able to reach Edina Archipelago. Soon, even if the continent is destroyed and humanity perishes, Razak will be safe.

I have worked so far to protect mankind, but to the end I destroy mankind because I want to live.

Antirianus was giggling as if he imagined himself choosing the option of trampling with my own hands what I was trying to do somehow.

Really, sometimes I want to kill that crazy old man.

This isn’t stopping Immortals.

It’s possible to make the Immortals not kill as much as me, not as much as my people.

Rather, it is too easy.

It is not that there is no answer.

There is an answer. It’s just that you can’t choose that option.

Rather, it’s such a choice, as if I knew I would never choose.

No, you might want to choose.

if i pick it


In the end, your life is the most important thing, right?

Are you going to die laughing while talking like that?

My death to the Immortals they lead is not revenge.

Revenge is complete the moment Christina, Anna, and Louis are killed in order to save only the lives of those I love.

That would be a hell worse than death.

“I’m talking about it here.”

I look at everyone and say

“The moment you touch Christina or her kids to save me. I will slit the throat of the bastard who did that and I will die too.”

The gate crisis happened to save me.

I can’t let that happen this time.

I didn’t mean to criticize Elerith, but I couldn’t help but bite my lip when I saw Elerith lower her head.

It was something I had to say.

“Great One, why don’t you rather bring them in and touch their brains? Isn’t that what it’s supposed to do if you don’t kill it? Or perhaps there is a method called torture.”

“You should be careful about acting hastily in a situation where you don’t know how far the scope of ‘touching’ will go. I couldn’t have imagined that much.”

Antirianus laughed as if he liked my cautious attitude.


what is that old man?

The more I struggle, the more I rejoice.

That’s not to say I’m not cheating, and I just do what I’m told to do.

“Don’t do anything. We will deal with it after the gate incident is over.”

Antirianus is obviously going to make a fuss, but he didn’t do it unexpectedly, so I don’t doubt it.

Rather, there is a possibility that nonsense will occur in order to protect me from the other side.

A typical example is Sarkegar, who is not here.

And Rowen, an up-and-coming nerd.

You’ll have to talk to them both.

“Right, there is no law that says there must be no other way.”

Harriet looked at me and said that, as if it wasn’t just one of the two roads.

“That’s right, absolute magic doesn’t exist in this world. Just as absolute barrier magic and sealing magic don’t exist, there are ways to destroy it. I just haven’t found it yet.”

Galarsh nodded as if agreeing.

But Galarsch wasn’t as hopeful as Harriet.

Although it was surprising to himself that he could now read the expression of an orc.

Galarsch wasn’t nuanced to say that you just need to find another way.

“If we had time, we could find another way, but I don’t think we have enough time for that.”

“… … .”


Time always catches up

Obviously, there could be a way to neutralize an immortal in some way other than force.

But will there be no conflict with the Immortals until such a way is found?

I don’t think so.

there will be a way

But finding it takes time.

Will that time be enough?

Harriet suddenly raised her head as if she had remembered something.

“that’s right. Immortals are golems after all.”

“… … If you ask me, right?”

“If it’s Dad… … . Maybe you know something?”

Immortals are golems.

And the Archduke of Saint-Ouan is an expert on golems.

“I don’t know right now, but my dad might know something more.”

Things are different from before.

Now we can get the cooperation of the duchy of Saint-Ouan as well as the Grand Duke.

So, in the end, I was able to bet on the possibility of the Grand Duke of Saint-Ouan, who had mastered the same type of magic.


Archduke Saint-Ouane.

“Right, with that said, I need to ask you something.”

A problem I couldn’t decide on my own.

“I want to show this place to the Grand Duke, can I?”

At those words, Harriet was startled and jumped out of place.

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