The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 630

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Chapter 630

“ha… … .”

Rowen let out a deep sigh as he left the Kernstadt military camp.

A royal family is also a royal family.

Not even an ordinary royal family.

I knew they couldn’t be chess pieces that could be played in the palm of my hand, but Louise von Schwarz was out of my mind.

Even though I knew I had to hold the reluctant hand, I finally got what I wanted.

No, to be precise, I didn’t even say I wanted it.

Louise didn’t tell Rowen that she wanted you dead.

You said you ‘need’ to die. She is to the devil, not to herself.

The reason why Louise’s negotiations and requirements were terrifying was because Rowen herself was convinced by those words.

In troubled times, the dog’s use is to bite.

I don’t need a cute dog.

All it takes is a big, ferocious dog to bite the enemy.

However, when the chaos ends, the usefulness of the hounds will diminish, and the mad dogs must be eliminated.

The demon king, who clearly dreams of reigning, may need Rowen right now, but once the situation stabilizes, there is a possibility that what she has done may hold her back.

For the sake of the demon king’s world, Rowen must die with all his sins the moment that world is completed.

You have to confess that it was your own sin that has nothing to do with the devil and leave.

She is already a scoundrel, and the rolls of the dice will continue every day as to whether or not she will be revealed as a scoundrel.

The longer she lives, the more she will be responsible for the demon king’s condoning of Rowen’s crimes.

“… … .”

Louise von Schwarz was a huge success.

Now, even if she withdraws that requirement, Rowen made her feel that she must die the moment the world she wants arrives.

The fundamentals do not change.

A royal who grew up in nobility will be royalty until he dies.

She seems to have succumbed miserably to the demon lord right now, but when the world of the demon lord begins, Kernstadt will be the first country on the seniority list.

Even if Louise von Schwarz hears rumors that she is a traitor to humanity or a mean person who has succumbed to the devil, it does not change that she will live a royal life.

But for Rowen, the things she’s been doing eventually catch her ankle.

Existence itself must disappear because it becomes the one who serves.

The fundamentals do not change.

The words you say and the things you do don’t change.

Rowen was a being who should not appear in the sun.

If I hadn’t come out, if I had continued to live in the fog and shadows, I could have lived like that.

However, as a reward for coming to the bright side, you must die rather than return to the dark side.

the shadow that covered itself.

A tree named Pope.

On the subject of living in the shade they created, Moss, who sat presumptuously, must die as a price for cutting down the owners of the shade.

Rowen is not particularly sad or sad about it.

It’s just that it’s distasteful that someone from the royal family made him realize what he should have known.

But of course you think.

If only I hadn’t lived as a Heretic Inquisitor.

How was it?

Like children entrusted to a monastery, she was also an abandoned child.

Some children grew up as entrusted children and showed talent for divine power and entered the temple.

Adriana did.

Or, open to the eyes of the commander of the Knights Templar and be raised as the next leader of the Knights Templar.

Olivia Ranze is like that.

Someone had a similar talent, but the monastery where they were adopted was a training institution for heretic inquisitors.

That’s why he was raised as a Heretic Inquisitor.

“… … .”

Who decides the basis?

Is my decision correct?

Wouldn’t it have been different if it had been raised differently?

All in all, it is a bitter country where it snows all year round. In a dark and desolate monastery built to avoid people’s eyes.

It’s not about learning terrible techniques to torture and brainwash people and make them confess to crimes they don’t have.

It is not that I am taught how to convince myself of betraying the doctrine even before I learn the doctrine.

Wouldn’t it have been different if I had grown up in a place like Temple without knowing how to hate people?

Olivia Ranze.

The person who shared the temple life with the demon king.

The position of the leader of the Holy Church and the person who will become the next emperor of the Holy Empire.

Wasn’t that person’s seat supposed to be mine?

Rowen, originally a twisted and dark-hearted person, was further twisted by Louise’s words.

“… … dog sound.”

Fortunately, Rowen only knew Louise’s intentions.

It was only that he clearly understood the intention of not showing up and leaving the grave.

So, thinking too deeply about him would only doom Louise’s malice.

Olivia Ranze’s seat is Olivia Ranze’s seat.

There is no reason to covet it, and there is no reason to regret it.


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If dying and disappearing would be helpful to the demon king, that’s fine.

Twisted loyalty is loyalty.

And the devil doesn’t even like himself.

You just have to think about what you need to do.

Louise von Schwartz took over.

now the next

The current goal is to have those who are likely to be recruited step by step come over one by one.

The most important hemp, Louise von Schwarz, came over even though she asked for a price.

Actually, it’s not even worth it. Because it is necessary in the first place.

There is no need for Rowen to embrace everyone.

‘Is the grand duke next? … .’

Now it is the turn of the Archduke of Saint-Ouane.

‘They said I didn’t have to go…’ … .’

The person who should step in to recruit the Grand Duke of Saint-Ouane.

Isn’t the most suitable person already right next to the Demon King?

* * *

It was around noon the next day when the report from Rowen’s side to Sarkegar’s side reached me.

Looking at the report, I couldn’t help but feel that something was either bitter or not.

“Hmm… … .”

Louise von Schwarz wants to purge Rowen.

Not right now, but after everything has been resolved.

Harriet, I, and Charlotte gathered in the office to read the report together.

“It is not necessary. Of course, I didn’t ask for it because it was necessary, but it seems certain that I asked for it because I wanted to see it.”

Charlotte looked at the report and nodded in approval of Louise von Schwarz’s intentions and necessity.

I do agree that Rowen is a bitch to kill.

I agree that a purge is necessary.

But if I were to put it that way, how many of my people would not have to die?

“It’s scary… … .”

Harriet, of course, wasn’t used to this kind of thing, so her fingertips were shaking slightly.

“Purges are a necessary thing in the first place. It’s not just Rowen who has to be killed. Too much credit will ruin the country.”

“I know what you mean.”

It is true that public trust should be treated.

However, if treatment is excessive, it results in the dispersion of power, and if it goes beyond generations, it becomes a seed of division. Therefore, the purging of meritorious subjects is rather an inevitable decision for a monarch to make when conquest is completed.

It’s not just killing Rowen.

I’m going to kill Rowen too.

“You know what you mean?”

At my words, Charlotte shrugs.

“If necessary, kill me too. No, you should rather kill me.”


It was Harriet, not me, who was taken aback by Charlotte’s nonchalant words.

“If you leave me alive and appoint me, I will be the seed of the resurrection of the Gradias Imperial Family. If you think rationally, I should die.”

Yeah, I don’t know that far.

“Will I?”

“So I am worried. I will never do that.”

“How many times have I rolled on the ground just to save you? If I have to kill you later, I will bite my tongue and die?”

It doesn’t even sound like words.

How many times have you tried to save Charlotte?

But now, after everything has stabilized, they hang Charlotte in order to lay the foundations of the country?

I’d rather die than live with my eyes open.

I know that such a decision is necessary for a monarch, but if that is the life of a monarch, I would rather not live as a monarch.

However, this does not mean that we do not recognize the necessity of purges.

have to listen

But if so, from where to where?

I have no intention of doing so, but I have to weed out the meritorious subjects who were under my command before coming to Edina, worthy of being called meritorious subjects.

Olivia and Liana should also be killed if necessary.

A purge of that level could never be done, and this report was written by Rowen himself.

It is not only written that Louise von Schwarz made such a request.

Rowen wrote in detail why he had to die.

If you die, you are ready to die anytime.

“I don’t like this guy so much. It’s burdensome.”

It’s so burdensome that it makes me dizzy.

“I don’t know, it’s a purge, it’s a nabal, it’s not a problem to think about right now. Say you’ll do it once I mean, you can change it later.”

Anyway, even if Louise took the purge as collateral, she would get the price later.

You might say you can’t do that later.

When the situation is like that, you can think differently according to the need at the time.

But in the end, you can stick out your flippers later, so I’m saying that I’ll give you everything I want for now.

“What should I say… … . kinda like that… … .”

Harriet couldn’t help but put on a shaky expression.

“Because people have to tell a lot of lies when they sit in a chair like this, right?”

“It is.”

“And then let’s pretend that things worked out the way we wanted. Do you think Louise can turn around saying why she didn’t keep her promise? never.”

“Well then. of course.”

When Charlotte and I started talking about how well we got along, Harriet hated it, saying both Charlotte and I were trash.

The purge will be done once.

I think about whether or not to really kill Rowen at that time.

It’s rubbish logic, but, well, even Louise knows that my warranty is unreliable.


I am already thinking about something that is not a problem to worry about at this stage.

Let’s just think ahead.

Charlotte stretched out and said as if she had been properly organized.

“Now next.”

Louise von Schwarz took our side with the promise to pay the price later.

The Knights Templar, the Church of the Five Greats, and Kernstadt.


Principality of Saint-Ouan.

and the Archduke of Saint-Ouan, the king of the duchy.

“I’ll try.”

Harriet nodded with a determined expression.

look at this guy

look cute

“What are you going to do?”

“huh? yeah… … . persuade… … ?”

Since it was to convince the Archduke of Saint-Ouane, Harriet seemed to think that it was natural for her to go.

“Why are you going? I’m going.”


“What are you talking about? Why are you going yourself?”

Charlotte didn’t seem to understand either.

“Honestly, I don’t think it’s bad for you to go. Shouldn’t we think about what parents are like?”


“ah… … .”

“If you go and ask for a side, it would be easier to say, but the Grand Duke… … . Wouldn’t I look disgusting?”

I’m not a hostage, but it might seem that you’ll have to listen to me to see my daughter happy.

If I were a parent, I would be very offended.

Where do you think it is?

you have to come by yourself

“Even though the Grand Duke understands your behavior, I am the bastard who stole my daughter after all. You can understand, but understanding me is a whole different matter.”

“… … ah?”

“So this time, it’s okay for me to go and hit the head.”

“Is that so?”

“Certainly, it would be fortunate if he didn’t slap Reinhardt as soon as he saw him. No, Reinhardt should go get slapped at least once out of etiquette. I think so.”

Harriet seemed puzzled, and Charlotte agreed as if my decision was correct.

Yes, just like Charlotte said.

I should have gone once for a slap. I’m sorry. I haven’t even come to see you until now.


that… … .

What should I say?

Let’s say the cheek is hit. then what to do next

Father-in-law, please.

My daughter took it, this baby!

not my daughter Her daughter has already taken it.

Then what! What more do you want, son of a bitch!


Give me your father-in-law.

have to say that… … . is that the situation?

Anti-aircraft can use teleport.

So, you don’t have to meet them at the Allied Garrison.

If the Archduke wants to meet them in the Principality of Saint-Ouan, if he wants to meet them at the Allied Garrison, he can do so.

Unlike Louise’s case, the Archduke would not refuse an offer to meet and talk, since my daughter is with me.

“Dad… … . What if I try to kill you… … ?”

Harriet was in tears.

In fact, Harriet had gone to the Duchy of Saint-Ouan once before to meet the Archduke. At that time, the Grand Duke said he understood Harriet.

But that’s it, wouldn’t it be natural for the Archduke to feel like crushing me?

“I think it would be right for me to go with you.”

“… … No, it gets even weirder.”

It’s like going to get permission to get married!

After my daughter went missing for 3 years with a man, went back with him, and then fell on each other’s knees.

yes… … .

that… … .


has arisen. yes.

It sounds like you are going for this!

“are you okay. I will go alone.”

“I don’t think so… … .”

Harriet began to weep as if she was uneasy.

“No, the Archduke really might try to kill me if I go with you.”

“You mean if you come with me? Dad? why?”

“There is just such a thing! I guess so!”

No kids! no!

“ah… … . I guess… … .”

Only Charlotte nodded with a rotten expression, as if understanding what it meant.

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