The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 532

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Chapter 532

It wasn’t until two days later that the tornado swept through the Senkerian neighborhood and died down.

The allied forces were ready to advance before the monsters poured out again to fill the empty plains.

After the extreme weather situation was over, the Allies immediately marched on Senkerians.

It was to the point of nonsense.

Divided into three large-scale units, the allied forces attacked the tornado-swept Senkerians from east, south, and west as if encircling them.

It wasn’t just monsters that Tornado reduced.

Because the entire city was destroyed, all the outer walls and debris of buildings where monsters could be hiding were swept away.

The Allied Forces were in a situation where they only had to deal with monsters newly appearing in the already captured city or powerful monsters that survived the tornado.

And the number of such powerful monsters was not so many, and they were swept away like autumn leaves by the master class combatants in charge of the forefront.

Due to the nature of Senkerians having three warp gates, it was never possible to say that the number of monsters was small.

However, compared to the size of the Allied forces, it was only shabby.

The super-sized weapons brought in were installed, but they couldn’t fire a single shot because of the guerrillas who had entered the city at once.

I didn’t even have to fire it in the first place. It was a weapon for pouring out and destroying a large group of monsters.

There was no need to fire at a group that had already been devastated, and even if they did, there was a greater risk of friendly casualties.

The first Allied offensive was over in less than half a day.

A squad led by Ellen Artorius opened two medium-sized warp gates.

One of the large warp gates was the end of the Senkerian attack when Saviolin Tana broke the barrier and collapsed it.

It was a ridiculously easy attack.

Allied casualties were less than a hundred.

casualties, not deaths.

It was because the number of monsters had been drastically reduced, so the conditions for the best to quickly enter the scene and hit the warp gate were met.


Ellen gazed at the ruins of the collapsed warp gate and put the Void Sword in its scabbard.

Of course, breaking the gate is not the end. There remains work to do with the surviving monsters, but only a handful.

“Operation is over. Thank you for your effort.”

“… … yes.”

Ellen nodded quietly.

The operation was completed safely.

There are few casualties.

Ellen has a certain intuition about whose help this happened.

Ellen held on to the necklace and took a deep breath.

When you return, you will hug and pet the cat.

I intend to tell you that everything turned out better than expected.

I wish it would be like this in the future, I hope everything will be resolved like this forever.

Of course, it would only be possible if the cat that disappeared and came back was in the garrison.

* * *

Allied forces successfully captured Senkerians.

Even the Allied Headquarters knew that it was no coincidence that a large-scale natural disaster occurred at the right time.

A significant number of Allied Commands, excluding the General Headquarters, thought it was the Empire’s leeway.

It ended so easily that it was futile, but it deserves to be called a great victory.

First victory since launch.

Starting with this, all small and medium-sized cities and large cities in Riselen and the capital area will be restored, and the Gate Crisis will end.

There is still a long way to go.

But there’s no reason not to congratulate yourself on this first win.

After cleaning up the vicinity of Senkerian, a banquet was held in the garrison.

In a battle where huge numbers of casualties were expected, there were very few casualties, so there is no reason not to celebrate it.

Although not in excessive amounts, the Emperor permitted some drinking.

Songs sung by soldiers wishing for the complete end of the war, peace, and the death of the demon king were spread throughout the garrison.

It was natural for such a banquet to take place within the Royal Class Garrison.

Students who were able to do so drank a glass at a time, and Ranian Sesor, while drunk, strummed his instrument.

Of course, I didn’t have that skill, so even when I was drunk, the performance was not accurate, but it was fun.

– Ajaaaaaa!

Until now, the allied forces had fought numerous battles, but today was the first time that could be said to be their first victory.

So it was only natural that the students were also intoxicated with the sense of victory.

In order to keep their senses sharp, or even those who do not yet think that this is a true victory, they listened to the song of victory today without splashing cold water on the atmosphere.

Allied camps revel.

Of course, not everyone was drunk, everyone was enjoying the banquet in their own way.

A corner of the royal class garrison banquet hall.

– Aww

Some of the students were watching a black kitten wriggling over a pile of green leaves.

“this… … . Are you okay?”

Ellen looked at the twitching cat and at Anna de Guerna, who had brought the mysterious leaves.

“It’s okay… … .”


The cat was rolling around, twitching and sniffing the leaves as if it were drunk.

As always, it disappeared somewhere, and after the occupation of the Sankerians, the black cat found a royal class garrison.

The Royal Class students were all used to the cat disappearing for a few days and then reappearing again.


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Now everyone thought that even if they disappeared for a week, they would come back someday.

But this time, Anna de Guerna spread the leaves and put the cat on top of it, afraid of the cat’s return.

It has been like this ever since.


The Royal Class students, including Scarlett, Christina, and Adelia, watched as the cat twisted its body around as if it were drunk.

It seems dangerous, but Anna says it’s not dangerous.

“Is this what you put on the supply list last time?”

“huh… … . It’s called catnip.”

I wondered if something strange had been inserted into the supply list of important alchemy reagents.

“It’s like a drug for cats… … .”



Startled by Anna’s words, Ellen lifted up the cat lying on the catnip leaf and glared at Anna.

what did you do to my kid

It was a gaze that read such thoughts.

“drug… … ?”

“That’s what it says, it’s not a real drug.”

“… … Really?”

Another senior nodded.

“that’s right. Wouldn’t it be bad for the body? I know that too.”

“… … .”


The cat was limp and still wandering around. He’s completely out of his mind, as if he’s intoxicated, but he sure looks good, whether he’s in a good mood or not.

Ellen hesitated and placed the black cat on the pile of leaves again.

– Yes

The cat started to roll around on the catnip leaves again.

Of course, only you know what the distraught cat is screaming inside.

* * *

A banquet was also taking place in the barracks area of ​​the Kernstadt Army Headquarters.

A generous table is set, and the victory of the operation is celebrated.

“At this rate, don’t you think the gate crisis will end soon?”

“It’s way easier than I thought. I don’t know why I haven’t done this until now.”

“I wonder if there was a need to organize such a large-scale army if it was only this much.”

“If this war ends, none of those who served will be left in history.”

Heinrich listened quietly to the conversation between the commanders.

Alphonse, Louise, and German were sitting side by side in the obvious seat of honor, and Heinrich was also sitting next to German.

However, Heinrich feels an obvious sense of distance.

“Sister, how long until the next operation area?”

“They say it’s about a week away.”

“It’s pretty close.”

“But it is only a small town. It will be a bit easier than this operation. It looks like there is only one small gate, so it might be solved with the guerrillas alone.”

German von Schwarz was talking with Louise, with his back turned to himself.

are clearly ignoring

However, Heinrich is not a person who can be ignored.

“Does Prince Heinrich not drink?”

A commander with a flushed face, as if already slightly drunk, asked from afar.

“ah… … . I’m not the type to enjoy it.”

“But on a fine day like today, shouldn’t we have a drink?”

“About a cup… … .”

“For the Prince!”

As he shouts, others pour in and lift their glasses and drink.

Heinrich also reluctantly quenched his thirst with the wine in his glass.

Heinrich did not know much about the structure of Kernstadt’s army.

He only follows the instructions of his commander, Louise von Schwarz, but he does not know the military system, the hierarchy of commanders, or even their names.

However, the status of Heinrich von Schwarz, who always stood at the forefront and swept away enemies in the special situation of war, could never be low.

The one who kills the most enemies is no different from saving those who should have died fighting the monsters.

No matter what the royal family who sits by his side and ignores him thinks, Heinrich has no choice but to gain the support of the absolute majority of soldiers and commanders.

He didn’t show it properly, but Heinrich couldn’t help but feel Alphonse, German, and Louise’s expressions harden.

The rolling stone is getting bigger and bigger.

So Heinrich seemed to understand a little bit now that the stone stuck in it couldn’t help but feel a sense of danger.

But why.

why so far

Do you think of yourself as a thorn in the eye?

“I am the youngest.”

“… … Yes, sister.”

“I must have been tired. Go in first and rest.”


It’s not a very pleasant banquet, but they kicked it out as if they didn’t deserve to sit here.

Do you hate the praise of the youngest prince’s dance so much?


do you hate me so much

“Yes, sister.”

Heinrich held back something rising in his chest and left the barracks where the banquet was taking place.

The departing commanders sent encouragement to Heinrich von Schwarz, the hero of the Kernstadt army, to go in and rest.

Heinrich had no choice but to get out of the scene where praise and envy coexisted at the same time.

Garrison where the night fell.

There’s a banquet going on, and we’ll be staying near Senkerians for a few days in the name of rest, but we’ll be leaving soon.

Soldiers could be seen eating and drinking in the banquet hall as well as throughout the garrison.

You can’t enjoy it in the banquet hall, and it’s painful as if your breath is choked.

I have time for a few days.

Seeing the soldiers carrying food and alcohol, Heinrich approached them.

“Ah, Prince!”

“Excuse me.”

Heinrich took out a bottle from a box of wine that was about to be moved into the banquet hall.

* * *


The first time I drank it was at Riana de Granz’s mansion.

After hearing that he was electrocuted by Liana while telling the truth, he realized that he had no control over his drinking.

Of course, things were a bit strange back then.

Since the first memory was not good, Heinrich did not have to look for alcohol.

But now that I’m an adult, no one can say anything about drinking alcohol.

Of course, after becoming an adult, he couldn’t drink alcohol for reasons, so Heinrich was the first to drink alcohol after that day.

In his barracks, sitting on a chair, Heinrich drinks wine without a glass.

Is the original sin of the past too great?

I can’t help but be big.

Still, I’m doing my best in my position.

I don’t even remember, it happened a very long time ago.

Are the brothers still unable to forgive themselves?

It’s just an eternal uninvited guest.

“Whoa… … .”

Heinrich did not know how to distinguish wine because alcohol was not his hobby.

However, I had no choice but to feel that this wine was not so good.

The empire still had room, but the condition of the wine supplied to the headquarters barracks was telling that it wasn’t much.

Heinrich knows that this operation was too easy.

It was surprisingly easy.

If the gates are overpowered with such strange ease in the future, the complete end of the gate crisis will come soon.

if so then

what happens next

There are many soldiers as well as commanders who treat themselves excessively as heroes.

Soldiers returning to Kernstadt will talk about the majesty of the youngest prince, and songs will be written about them.

Brothers who hate themselves will hear the song of the youngest resounding in their country.

your brothers will kill you

“Heh… … . flaw… … .”

Heinrich now had an intuition that those words weren’t particularly absurd.

I can see it from the side.

Seeing the brothers who strangely hated themselves, it occurred to them that such a thing might happen enough.

Anyway, they’re brothers.

“… … .”

Even if I tried to suppress it with such thoughts, I couldn’t help but keep thinking about them.

Heinrich doesn’t know much about politics.

I don’t even know family love.

That’s why I don’t know why the hell I hate my family to the point of wanting to kill them.

I don’t know love, so I don’t know hate.

You can’t remember something you’ve never eaten, so you can’t hate it.

Heinrich was just frustrated.

why do you hate me so much

Are you really trying to kill me?

Heinrich gets up from his seat after drinking all the remaining wine.

Ask what you don’t know.

If you don’t know, just go find someone who knows.

Heinrich von Schwarz is courageous.

If you don’t know politics, you have to find someone who knows politics.

Borrowing the spirit of alcohol, Heinrich tries to visit someone he has not seen for a long time.

Bertus de Gradias.

It will definitely remain in the garrison.

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