The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 526

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Chapter 526

Razak Castle was in a commotion due to a quarrel between the scribe and the head of the Holy Church.

– It’s a puppy!

-Is it a cat?

-puppy! dog! I like dogs!

-Is it a cat? What do you really not know?

Naturally, there was nothing much to do until the next dispatch, so Thunder King Liana de Granz, who was waiting in the castle, had no choice but to watch the sudden quarrel.

cat or dog

What kind of nonsense is this in a place like this?

-no! I’m not going to do anything, but the two of us keep fighting over what?!

Reinhardt, whose face was white, was sighing between the two as if they were going to grab each other right away.

He went to reconnoitre the Allied garrison, and then came back.

“… … What are you doing?”

Liana asked Olivia and Harriet, who were red-faced as they approached.

“liana! what do you think?”

“What do you think?”

Liana tilted her head at Harriet’s question.

It was Olivia who answered.

“Ha, this is the same for him. dog of course dog is better Will he agree to this?”

“Because it’s a cat!”

Harriet exclaimed.

Olivia and Harriet started staring at Liana.

Reinhardt was ignoring the situation as if he didn’t want to hear it.

dog or cat.

Liana’s troubles were short-lived.

“Wouldn’t it be good for a dog to eat?”


“Uh, uh uh uh?!”

Olivia opened her mouth at that short answer, and Harriet was shocked.

Reinhardt also looked away from the situation and his complexion turned blue. Liana shrugged her shoulders in response.

“Weren’t we talking about what would be good to eat in times of food shortage?”

“Crazy bitch… … .”

“Lee, Liana… … .”

“… … Don’t take antidepressants. Things are getting weirder.”

Liana started to giggle at the shocking reaction of the three.

“I’m kidding, of course.”

Liana was getting more and more tasteful.

* * *

“You said you turned into a cat?”

“… … okay.”

After hearing the details of the situation, Liana crossed her arms and thought for a moment.

Reinhardt transformed into a baby black cat.

Returned from a lot of cuteness at the Royal Class Garrison.

“It’s coming up.”

As if she was about to vomit, Liana pretended to empty her stomach.

“Did you do it because you wanted to!”

“Then who forced you?”

“That, that… … . It’s not! It’s not like that! uh! Originally! The original plan was… … . done. What’s the point of explaining it?”

“So Olivia said dogs are better and Harriet was fighting with cats?”

“huh. Of course it’s a cat.”

“You’re like this because you like insignificant creatures that don’t even know how to be loyal. You’re going to follow the animal you like.”

“ah… … . That’s why I’m a bitch like a dog… … . Is this?”

As Harriet covered her mouth and said with a smile, Olivia’s face turned red.

“what?! doggish… … . Did you say everything?”

“You say so!”

“stop! stop both! It’s my fault! It’s my fault for turning into a beast, so stop it!”

In the end, Reinhardt shouted with his face flushed as if he couldn’t see the two scolding with both eyes open.



Both of them turned their heads away as if they didn’t want to see each other.

“A dog or a cat… … .”

Liana crossed her arms as if she was worried about something and started thinking.

“In fact, dogs and cats are all too common.”

“… … I chose it because it was common.”

“I want to try raising a reptile.”

“… … ?”

“How about a snake? I am either a snake or a lizard.”

“What can I do?”


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“No, he said he did cats and dogs too! Why not a snake?”

“Then why me!”

Reinhardt never listened, saying he would never do it.

“Ha, pretending not to be cute and pretending not to be cute means that you have absolutely no intention of changing. naughty bastard.”

“Because it’s not like that!”

Finally, Reinhardt exploded.

* * *

Tormented by Liana, Harriet, and Olivia all day, Charlotte couldn’t even visit until late at night.

The dog/cat debate is a time-honored one, but Liana has asked for something bizarre, saying she wants to see her suddenly turned into a reptile.

Of course, after Liana appeared, she didn’t transform.

If you keep showing it, it will become a habit.

however… … .

I mean honestly.

‘Come again.’

I feel like I’m going to have to transform into a cat and go to the Allied Garrison.

I’m not sure, but the cat seemed to act as a tranquilizer for Ellen.

Then, I’m sorry I only showed it to Ellen, so if I show it to other people, isn’t it that I spend more time walking around in my animal form than in my human form?

What’s this?

I didn’t intend to look for the dignity of a king, but what is this, a pet demon king who can transform into any animal?


I’ve dug my own grave again

Eventually, after the sun went down, I was able to visit Charlotte.

Charlotte, who is in charge of Edina’s governance, has been extremely busy.

Because I was locked in my office until midnight.

“Ah, Reinhardt. I heard you’re back.”

Charlotte, wearing a black dress, stood up and straightened her clothes when I knocked on the office door.

Strictly speaking, it is a hierarchical relationship, but behaving too much like a hierarchical relationship is something… … . How to say… … .

kinda like that

By the way, didn’t he hear that? About my beast transformation?

“Are you busy?”

At my words, Charlotte shook her head.

“Not really. Today’s work is finished, and I have some things to think about.”

I’m glad I didn’t hear it.

I didn’t have the confidence not to show it to Charlotte if you asked me to show it to you.

Charlotte looks at me still, as if to tell me if there’s anything I need to do since I’m done with my work.

Black hair and evil eyes.

to be honest.

I think it’s the shape of the devil… … .

It’s not as cute and lovely as before.

Now, instead of a princess, she exudes an aura like a queen.

Looking at it, I’m used to it, so I don’t think this kind of Charlotte is bad.

what is that

strangely… … .

that… … .


“I have something to discuss.”


At that, Charlotte tilts her head. It sounds like you have something to discuss with me.



The sound came from Charlotte’s stomach, not mine.

You said you did all your work, but you didn’t eat.

“… … I have to eat and work.”

“That, that… … .”

Charlotte, her face reddened, nodded her head in embarrassment.

“It’s not really a secret, so let’s talk while eating.”

“That, uh… … . huh.”

Charlotte silently followed me.

* * *

Edina’s royal castle is not such a splendid or expansive space in the first place.

The structure itself is a castle, not a palace. It is not like there is a large-scale banquet hall, a court orchestra, or a gallery.

Compared to the imperial palace, Edina’s royal castle was no different from a thatched-roof house.

“Isn’t it uncomfortable living in a place like this? Did I ask too late?”

When I asked Charlotte, who was walking next to me, she shook her head with a bewildered expression.

“No, no really. It’s really good. I don’t care. You know I don’t care about things like this… … .”

I couldn’t help but watch Charlotte’s expression die as she spoke.

After being kidnapped by the Devil’s Castle, Charlotte has no particular choice between eating and sleeping.

Charlotte is silent, as if they have touched each other’s opposites without my knowledge and without your knowledge.

After my identity was discovered, I couldn’t properly talk to Charlotte.

Why did I have to do it, why did I have to do it. Charlotte hadn’t heard of me, and I wasn’t in a position to tell her.

Only knowing the truth that I really wanted to stop this situation, we haven’t had any conversations with each other for two years.

It is the same now.

Charlotte was feeling guilty about me. She just kept apologizing for it and we never revisited everything from our first meeting until now.

why did i lie

I wonder if he lied to me from the beginning knowing that you were the princess.

About the truth about your abduction.

About the days when I went back and forth with letters.

Yet, it dawned on me that we hadn’t talked about anything.

Can small stories be buried in the face of such important things as the huge event of the gate crisis, the fate of the world at stake, and the management of a country?

Is there no need to have such a conversation? Charlotte had already buried the questions in her guilt, so she didn’t have to talk.

I walk to the restaurant with Charlotte, who is silent with her head down.

Let’s eat something first.

Let’s talk while eating.

Whatever it was.

* * *

“directly… … . going to do?”

Instead of calling someone, I tried to go directly into the kitchen, and Charlotte looked at me with an absurd expression.

“Isn’t there a law saying that the demon king can’t hold a sword?”

“I see… … . yes… … .”

I have little awareness that I am a king, and I have no idea of ​​the rules or face that I must abide by as a king.

And, to be honest, I wanted to make something for Charlotte with my own hands for the first time in a long time.

Honestly, to be honest, I have a superior relationship with these guys, but I don’t know if they consider me a monarch or not, but to me they are just friends.

There are limits to what I can do alone. So, get help from your friends.

I don’t know if it’s right to think like this as a king, but my mind doesn’t change from this, so what should I do?

And in fact, what I got sick of at the temple was the training sword, followed by the kitchen knife.

They made it without hesitation and ate it without hesitation.

Between meals before breakfast and late at night after training in the evening.

with Ellen.

Sometimes Harriet and Charlotte too.

“… … .”

I can’t help but feel hesitant when I think of the Temple days.

It makes me think of things that have changed.

It reminds me of the moments that I couldn’t go back.

I definitely thought that way even then.

that one day everything will change

I knew it would have to be like that.

Even at that moment, I kept thinking that one day there would come a day when I would remember these days, and that this moment would never last forever.

Those thoughts were true after all, and I had no choice but to live in the present, unable to return to that moment.

But just because you know, just because you knew it would happen, doesn’t mean you can easily accept when it truly happened.

Moments you can’t go back to.

irreversible relationships.

I feel resentful and unfair about it.

Again, it was sad.

* * *

It’s kind of funny that the royal castle isn’t given the same environment as the academy run by the empire, but the empire is on a different level in the first place.

It’s not the same environment as the Temple, but it’s a king’s castle after all.

I had enough ingredients, it was late, and I didn’t eat a lot of shallots, so I made a light sandwich.

A glass of water and a sandwich.

“Thank you, Reinhardt.”

“What’s wrong with this?”

“still… … .”

Even though it was nothing special, Charlotte seemed to be moved and began to eat the sandwich with her eyes shining.

In the meantime, I made mine too, so I ate a sandwich too.

“When is the next departure?”

“well… … . It depends on the Allies’ movements, not on my will. You should keep an eye on their trends.”

“Um, I guess.”

The decision to advance the Allies is not mine. Therefore, due to the nature of our work, which has to follow the movements of the allied forces, it is unknown when the next dispatch will be.

When the allied forces advance and dispatch an advance party to ensure the safety of the advance, we attack the point further ahead.

“Anyway, I’m glad nothing happened. The other units shouldn’t be any big deal either.”

“Perhaps. It was because they all promised to escape immediately if they lacked strength. There’s no need to overdo it on purpose.”

Since the amount of personnel involved is small, the loss of personnel is very fatal. It was a job that the Lord Vampires were fully aware of, so there shouldn’t be a big problem.

Refrain from clashes with allied forces as much as possible.

In the case of a battle in which personnel losses are expected, withdraw immediately.

As long as the two major principles are followed, there will be no problems with other units.

Come to think of it, there is one thing I need to tell Charlotte.

It’s not important information on Charlotte’s side, though.

“And I also destroyed a gate. Although it was small.”

“I heard about that from Harriet. Still, I’m a little worried that destroying the warp gate is a bit overkill… … .”

“I didn’t overdo it. Strictly speaking, it was the same as Liana and him alone.”

It was only a squad of five, but even the four of us, excluding Liana, didn’t even have a moment to work hard.

It summoned a large-scale blizzard and almost turned the area into a sea of ​​snow, flying monsters fell to death, and a significant number of monsters froze to death.

“Still, I think it’s better not to trust that method too much. Because I don’t know how long it will work.”

Charlotte must have already heard the first report from Harriet, so Charlotte nodded quietly.

“It’s not like that. Still, I think this will be a pretty important card in our strategy going forward.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

It was a strategy to reduce the number of monsters due to extreme cold, but after experimenting, I realized that the additional effect was significant.

Like I said, the monsters are all very different. To kill with the environment rather than with a direct hit, several methods must be mobilized.

Some are similar to normal creatures, while others are completely different.

That’s why we need different kinds of death.

verb and fall.

I was only thinking about that, but I could see the effect of suffocation and stampede.

It was confirmed that the blizzard is a weapon in many ways.

Of course, it’s even more horrifying that there are monsters who survived despite such an extreme environment.

“We should be able to advance on our own while dealing with small gates this way. I don’t know what it will be like from medium to large, and if it’s super large, we won’t be able to do it alone.”

The blizzard is a very useful weapon at this point, but one day enemies will appear that will not work.

“Anyway, when the allied forces arrive, they will be quite embarrassed… … .”

“I don’t think the snow won’t melt by the time you get there, but well, it’ll work out somehow.”

Once Heinrich is here, the snow will soon melt if you burn it with flames.

It’s also something that Riana can do if it doesn’t work out.

In other words, it’s causing large-scale environmental destruction, but I don’t care about nature. The throat is vineyard.

After Charlotte finished her sandwich, she was staring at me blankly.

Yes, I decided to consult.

Somehow, since we are making and eating something together at night separately like this, I feel like we just want to talk about this and that.

Should I say I’m in a sentimental mood?

Even though I know it’s not such a moment, it’s been a long time since I’ve had that sentimental feeling, so it’s quite unfamiliar.

I still have to do what I have to do

I don’t know everything

And there are many things you can’t do.

So there are many people around me.

People who can think what I don’t know, people who can do what I can’t.

All of them are precious to me.

“Do you know anything about the Schwartz family?”

“You mean Kernstadt?”

“Oh, yes.”

Charlotte tilts her head, as if she doesn’t understand why I’m asking this.

“You know what you need to know?”

It is not a small regional country, but a first imperial country.

Number two among human nations, so to speak.

So Charlotte knows what she needs to know.

Those words were pretty funny.

It’s not that I know as much as I know, but I know as much as I need to know.

It was a story that she knew as much as she needed to know as a princess, not as much as the generally known knowledge.

Soon, there is also knowledge about the unknown details.

“You know Heinrich.”

“Yes, Heinrich von Schwarz. You were classmates. After the Gate Crisis… … . I know you’re doing quite well.”

“He thinks he’ll be assassinated by his brothers soon. I think so.”

“… … what? assassination?”

Naturally, Charlotte responded in disbelief.

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