The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 512

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Chapter 512

Liana sat down on the beach, head bowed, silent.

– rumble

“Don’t you think it’s a coincidence?”

“… … Iknow, right.”

In the sky that had been so blue-blue just before, black dark clouds were looming, and thunder could be heard from within the clouds.

If there’s anyone in Edina who can kill Liana with words, that’s me.

it’s all because of you

At that word, Liana was only staring blankly at the grains of sand on the beach with empty eyes.

Not sincere.

Liana wanted to find out for herself if it was really possible to change the weather when she went into an extreme mood, so she said something she didn’t mean to.

But that back view.

That’s what I was thinking too.

It’s more painful for me to see.

After staring at the sand for a long time, Liana raises her head and looks up at the darkened sky.

I can’t help but know that it definitely works.

how long has it been

Liana wakes up with dead eyes and approaches me.


“… … uh?”

“A little more, say something.”


I know what you mean!

“… … You guys look so perverted.”

Lucinil looks between the dead-eyed Liana and me with a daunted expression.

“… … Are you okay?”

I can do it if you want me to, but I think it’s going to be like stepping on the half-dead Liana’s spirit completely and killing it?

Do you think it will collapse even if you touch it?

“It’s not okay. It’s not okay, so I want you to do more.”

It’s definitely effective, so I’m telling you to beat me more.

Can this be like this?

Didn’t Liana choke herself while listening?

Tearing the mentality of a child whose mentality is not normal, no matter how much you say it is for the awakening of abilities… … . I’ve already done it, but is it okay to do more than this?

“… … okay.”

In the end, it was Liana’s request with her own mouth.

In the end, hearing some words of reprimand from me could be a certain process for Riana to feel at ease.

Rather than not listening to anything, could it be more comfortable to listen to the word tree in the end?

I don’t know, but Liana might need my criticism apart from the awakening of her abilities.

I was scolded, so I paid the price.

I wouldn’t think so, but it might ease Riana’s heart just a little bit.

I sat down next to Liana while sitting on the sandy beach.

And talk about terrible things to say.

“To be honest, it’s not all because of you.”

As long as I decided to do it, I have no intention of doing it in moderation.

“Isn’t this what happened because this and that happened?”

“… … .”

“Well, a lot of people died… … . Olivia noona went through rough times too. I almost passed out, and… … .”

“… … .”

“Later, it became either I killed Ellen or I had to kill Ellen… … .”

“… … .”

“So a few days ago, I’ve been having nightmares on purpose to make Ellen kill me. Later she tried not to be easily killed.”

“… … .”

“therefore… … . all of this.”

“… … .”

“How did this happen? Is this all because of you?”

Liana’s lips twisted.

In the end, Liana burst into tears, trembling all over.

“mi… … . Sorry… … . Sorry… … . I’m sorry, Reinhard… … .”

Even if I knew I was doing this on purpose, Liana couldn’t help but be hacked up by my words.

“I… … . I’m all wrong… … . I was wrong. All, all because of me… … . It’s because of me… … .”

I put my hand on Liana’s shoulder, who shuddered and sobbed, and whispered in his ear.

“You said it was all your fault. Didn’t you say you were good at something?”


“By the way, what are you doing well?”

“Black… … . eww… … . Ugh! ugh… … ! Ugh!”

I had no idea what to do.

Soon, it started to rain.

– Kurleung


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The rain soon turned into a storm.

* * *

-Shoot it!

A storm was raging with fierce winds.

The waves raged wildly, and in the dark clouds, thunderbolts raged ceaselessly and scattered sharp thunder to the earth.

This is certain.

It is true that Liana has awakened to the ability to control the weather.

Not even a goblin.

It rains when you cry

Standing on the beach, I am greeted by the raging sea and the pouring rain.

-Hey, you know that Valier doesn’t really think so.

– Oh, I know… … . i know… … . know. know… … . I know… … . ugh… … . ugh… … .

-Ugh. That kid is a little too lighthearted. You ruined the kid.

Lucinil took Liana under the palm tree and patted her on the back, trying to comfort her somehow.

There is an awareness that I said more than enough.

But maybe Riana needed something like that.

Liana didn’t pay for her wrongdoing. She couldn’t be held responsible for anything that happened because of her fault.

So little by little.

Even if it’s such a reprimand or accusation.

Wouldn’t it be better to pay a little bit for hearing these words?

It may not make you feel comfortable, but wouldn’t it mean something just by being criticized by me, the person in charge?

A storm rages, thunderstorms roar.

The sound of the wind blowing against my skin and the raindrops hitting my face with the wind were fierce.

weather changes.

Is it this far?

Is it this far?

I stand under a palm tree in front of Liana, who is patted by Lucinil.

“Ardemon. stop… … .”

Seeing my expression, Lucinil shook his head with a sad expression.

But I have no intention of stopping.


“… … huh.”

Liana lifts her head with difficulty and looks at me.

“wake up.”

“stop. You did check. what else are you going to do here? huh?”

As if telling her to stop, Lucin shook her head as she grabbed Liana’s collar as she tried to get up at my command.

It has been confirmed that weather changes are possible.

It is true that Liana’s ability has evolved.

Liana’s expression, trying to hold back her tears, was miserable and miserable.

“What the hell can I do with this?”

“… … .”

“Pull out some more.”

I point to the beach.

“What would be so different about letting the wind and rain blow?”

Can rain kill monsters?

Can you kill monsters with wind?

Lightning was originally a usable force.


“… … .”

“I have to show you something more useful.”

“… … .”

“If you’re going to take responsibility for what you’ve done, you’ll have to show me something more useful than now.”

“… … .”

“You think now is enough?”

“… … no.”

Liana shakes her head with a miserable expression.

I don’t know if this is true or not.

Liana has blossomed a new ability, and it is clearly no ordinary ability.

But Liana found a new use for herself and reported it to me.

If so, some more.

A little more practical, a little more practical, a little more useful.

more destructive.

There must be such a thing.

I said something I didn’t mean to provoke Liana.

But, not from now on.

“show me. If you don’t have it, pull it out. I mean, even if you don’t have any strength, make it and show it.”

I’m serious.

“Don’t you have to show me something more than this to take even the smallest amount of responsibility for what you’ve done? Am I wrong?”

“To Bali! you really!”

Lucinil can’t stand it and grabs the hem of my clothes.


“… … .”

Facing my gaze, Lucinil froze and said nothing more to me.

“Are you saying I’m wrong?”

“… … that’s right. You’re right.”

You can’t kill a monster with a storm.

So something, something bigger.

Something more ruinous.

“If you know, do it.”

Can sin be held accountable?

I don’t know.

However, Liana and I are in a position to live and do something.

It takes strength to do that.

If hope is your strength, you must find it.

If anger is your strength, you must surrender to it.

If despair becomes strength

You have to eat despair.

At my violent command, Liana blankly stares at the beach with dead eyes.

I don’t know if my words gave off power, or if it was Liana’s despair and melancholy that my words stimulated.


In the distance, I could see a huge waterspout rising and sucking up the sea.

Lucinil was staring blankly at the disaster beyond that overwhelming meteorological phenomenon with his mouth open.

I didn’t settle for the storm. If you dig a little deeper into that power, you can see that it has this kind of power.

Power enough to overcome storms and cause disasters.

Liana would be the strongest psychic.

That’s enough.

I’ll have to get used to the power here a bit more before I can use it in real combat.


But you know?

“that… … . I know it’s not something I’ve been saying until now… … ?”

“… … huh?”

After giving orders and pressing back, when my tone returned to normal, I could feel Liana’s embarrassment.


I tried to bring out the ability somehow, and it’s good that I pulled it out.


I could feel the rough storm created by the huge waterspout through my skin.

“that… … . Can I get rid of it?”

I was only thinking about pulling it out, not thinking at all about how to get rid of it.

Liana and my eyes meet.

“… … .”

“… … .”

It was only natural that I had no countermeasures, and Liana seemed to have no countermeasures either.

No matter how uninhabited this place is.

What the hell happens when that tornado lands in a populated area?

Finally, the last card.

I couldn’t help but look at Archmage Lucinil.

“Me, my lord. Can’t I do something with magic?”

“… … I know the magic that summons tornadoes, but do I know the magic that dissolves naturally occurring tornadoes? And the magic that summons the tornado is also dead and can’t wake up on that scale.”

It was the same that Lucinel had no countermeasures.

In the end, there is no choice but to return to the original story.

This is a meteorological phenomenon created in response to Liana’s gloomy image.

That means that when Liana’s mentality recovers, the storm as well as the tornado will disappear.

“You know what I’ve been saying all along?”

“… … .”

Liana’s face contorted at my words, and she started to shed tears again.

That’s it.

A picture where you can’t even cry while being scolded by your parents, but when they pat you on it, you burst into tears in sadness.

“Ugh… … . ugh… … . Hehe!”

“Ooh, yes. Cry. I was sorry.”

Let me start patting Liana on the back. Rain-soaked Lucinil looks at me with a frightened expression.

“You really are in Bali… … . It’s like real dog crap.”

“… … .”

Anyway, Lucynil and I tried to soothe Riana.

Fortunately, the waterspout quickly dissipated.

Although the storm continued to fall.

* * *

There was quite a bit of time left before the dispatch anyway, so Liana, Lucinil, and I were able to spend a little more time training on the deserted island.

Of course, it wasn’t eating and sleeping on an uninhabited island. It’s training with a great wizard who can mass teleport, but there’s no reason to do that.

“You go home and sleep.”

“… … house?”

“Go and sleep where your mother is. Come to the castle by noon tomorrow.”

I instructed Liana with a gloomy expression like that. Liana tilted her head, though her expression was still dark, as if she had to do that.

“Go and hold Mom’s hand. Even if it’s the strength that comes out when you’re mentally bad, is it necessary that your mentality is always bad?”

“… … Are you doing this on purpose?”

“How did you know?”

When I giggled, Liana looked like she was about to cry again.

Are you rather moved by the usual puns?

“Yes, even if I am sad and depressed, I should go home and sleep with my mother. pestilence.”

Liana left the castle with a lonely smile as if she was self-deprecating.

“Haa, strength comes only when you are depressed. Being a psychic is also very complicated.”

“It’s still better than no power.”

“… … It is.”

Lucinil was looking at Liana’s back as if she was going back.

* * *

That night.



Today was the day Airi wasn’t called, so it was just the two of Harriet and I in the bedroom.

“Meteorological phenomenon manipulation… … . It’s amazing.”

Harriet looked at her research journal while sitting on the bed, writing down a few things, but her eyes shone in amazement.

It is even possible to call a tornado.

But it doesn’t end there either, Liana’s ability will definitely have more potential.

Since it can cloud the blade, it will be able to clear it, it will be possible to make snow fall, and it will be possible to make hail fall.

Going further than that, wouldn’t it be possible to cause natural disasters such as earthquakes?

It is unknown how far Liana’s psychic potential is.

So, for now, I want to focus on developing Liana’s abilities until she leaves.

“By the way, Liana’s ability is only revealed when she is depressed?”

“Uh, that’s why I felt like not only him but also me because of the harsh words.”

“A harsh word?”

“what… … . Hey. That, this day… … .”

“ah… … .”

Harriet nodded her head with a tired expression, as if she understood what I was talking about without having to elaborate.

It was me who had to say it, Liana who had to listen, and Lucinil who had to watch the crazy scene from the sidelines.

It was something we couldn’t do with each other.

“It must have been difficult… … . Both you and Liana.”

I couldn’t help but feel terrible when I thought about whether I would have to do this again tomorrow.

Harriet was repeating writing down something in her research journal, thinking about it, writing it down again, thinking about it and writing it down again.

“hmm… … . But, if you think about it, is it really necessary?”

Harriet looks at me as if she remembered something.

“Do you really have to… … . What, are you saying something you don’t like?”

“Yeah, is it really necessary?”

“It seemed like strength came out when I was depressed, so I couldn’t help it… … .”

“No, if being depressed is the condition, you don’t have to… … . You don’t have to say anything you don’t want to say.”

“Then how do you make me depressed?”

This situation itself is bizarre and horrific when you seriously talk about how to make your friend depressed.

“Will the drugs be enough?”

“… … uh?”


What is this sound?

“Isn’t it enough to mix a mood-lowering drug? I don’t have to… … . Rather than saying something that would hurt.”

“No, that… … . With medicine then… … . Isn’t that bad?”

I couldn’t help but overhear Harriet’s words because I was startled by the word drug.

“It’s okay if there are no side effects.”

“… … is it?”

“Except for the addictive part, it’s a drug that makes you feel depressed. I don’t think there is anything I can’t do to make it.”

If you think about it, Christina was in charge of producing moonshine, which can be said to be the secret of alchemy, but Harriet took a role in manufacturing moonshine as well as power cartridges.

So, Harriet has no choice but to have considerable knowledge in alchemy.

Harriet jotted down something in her research journal, then tore up a page and handed it to me.

“If you show it to the head of demand, you will know what it is. Mix it up like this and feed it.”

“Yeah, but it’s a drug… … . Are you okay?”

“… … You won’t believe me, is this?”

“It’s not like that, but… … .”

As soon as I get scared at the word drug, Harriet looks at me with a sullen look.

It is better to create such a state with drugs than to beat me into depression with words. After the effect wears off, the mood will return.

As Harriet said, if there are no side effects, I wonder if this is what Liana needs.


However, it is really absurd to live and live and receive a prescription for depressants instead of antidepressants.

is this right?

“As with all medicines, long clothes are prohibited. Just know that.”

After saying that, Harriet turned her attention back to her research journal.

Power is good, but hurting with words like this is not something you can do.

In the end, they just eat each other up.

So rather use drugs.

That was Harriet’s prescription.

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