The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 446

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Chapter 446

Olivia’s insistence that the demon king’s new recruits be led to the Five Major Churches.

Ellen’s insistence on giving a chance to call.

The two claims are similar, but different. First of all, it wasn’t until Ellen insisted on bringing the Demon King’s recruits.

At the very least, you have to give the demon king a chance to tell you what he’s been up to, and whether or not it was intended to harm mankind.

Fortunately or unfortunately, rather than Olivia’s extreme assertions, the popes were more than happy with Ellen’s resemblance to a middle way.

“Let’s do something like a public interrogation… … . What is this story about?”

Upon hearing the results of the papal-level meeting of the five main denominations, Bertus had a hard expression on his face.

I don’t know what that might mean.

“Yes, it’s not absurd to ask for the demon lord to come out, so it’s better at least… … .”

It wasn’t Olivia Ranze’s crazy voice telling her to choose either the demon king or the war.

“I don’t know what will change with this, but for now, if I can keep the main church silent… … .”

Although it is not possible to clarify the nature of the place, whether it is an open trial or an open interrogation, Olivia Ranze’s saengte has a reason to resist to some extent.

During the last public interrogation, I already gave you all the rights you should have taken care of, so please don’t ask for more.

Interrogating the Demon King in a public place.

It wasn’t a choice as extreme as Olivia’s, but Bertus bit his lip.

If even Ellen Artorius sided with the Demon King, the situation would get out of hand.

Tiamata, Alsbringer, Rament.

If the three holy relics stick to the demon king’s side, there is no reason why the five main religions shouldn’t stick to the demon king’s side. Denying those three is to destroy the foundation of faith altogether.

Of course, the high-ranking members of the church probably don’t support the demon king because they want to support it. It’s literally like eating mustard while crying.

If a situation arises in which the entire five main religions support the demon king, the world will literally be destroyed.

“What about Charlotte?”

“Currently quarantined in the Spring Palace.”

Bertus sighed.

The worsening of Charlotte’s condition was also a serious concern for Bertus.

caught the devil

Because of that, all the problems had to be solved, but somehow it seemed that the situation was getting more and more twisted.

* * *

The five major religions and the empire will openly interrogate the demon king.

What kind of conspiracy had been conspired so far, what process was involved in the selection of the holy object, and whether the process was truly fraudulent.

Whether or not the Demon King is truly an unclean being.

We will interrogate the demon lord about him and decide the disposition based on what we mutually agreed upon.

Such content spread widely.

Of course, since it was an open interrogation, civilians were not allowed to observe it.

It was allowed only to those who had the right to speak about it or to observe it.

Emperor of the Empire, Nelliod de Gradias.

First Prince of the Empire, Bertus de Gradias.

The Popes of each denomination of the five major denominations.

Commander of the Templars, Ileion Boelton.

Tuan’s champion, Olivia Ranze.

Mensis champion, Ellen Artorius.

And Shanafel and the Imperial Wizardry for guarding and escorting.

The Holy Knights of the Five Major Churches.

In addition to that, there is even Scarlett, a person with immunity to prepare for a situation where the demon king might use the demon’s spirit to make a fuss.

Charlotte, who was in no condition to make a public appearance, was unable to attend.

It was decided that the interrogation would take place inside the main building of the Temple.

The interrogation did not proceed immediately. In preparation for an emergency, numerous barriers and magical measures began to be taken even inside the temple, which had already been verified for safety.

As a result of this interrogation, it will be decided whether the relationship between the five main religions and the empire will become hostile or a precarious peace will be maintained.

two days later.

The public interrogation of the Demon King begins.

“… … .”

Harriet looks at the headquarters building from a distance.

Harriet cannot attend the public interrogation.

Whether it’s the right thing or not, I don’t know.

That’s probably not right, thinks Harriet de Saintoine.

But I decided to do it.

decided to believe

that urgency.

that sincerity.

Harriet couldn’t deny it.


try to do what you have to do

If you have to betray everything you know to trust just one person.

I decided to do that, I did.

* * *

“two days later… … . you mean?”

“The head of demand said so.”

Eleris nodded at Antirianus’ words.


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“I think the time is right. If a situation arises, we will go into action as prepared.”

“… … .”

“Did you know enough about how to use Akasha?”

“… … yes.”

Ellerith nodded quietly.

Preparation work for the tool of creation to be used for destruction.

Elerith has completed its preparations.

Balie will resent himself.

I can’t help but feel resentful.

Because of this, the Demon King will become a symbol of hatred and hatred for all beings.

just for survival.

just to survive.

Is it really right to accept all that hatred and hatred just for the sake of surviving?

Would it be okay to throw someone into such a situation in order to avoid death?

Will Bali be willing to survive?

Elerith knows the answer.

It won’t.


To save the last descendant, the child he put in danger.

Elerith decided to destroy the world.

Live in evil, live in hypocrisy.

In the end, they decided to open the path of absolute evil, neither hypocrisy nor hypocrisy.

* * *

Two days passed in an ambiguous time where everyone felt an ominous nervousness for no known reason.

In front of the temporary camp building where the Demon King was imprisoned, Chanapell, the Imperial Magicians, and a number of Paladins were already lined up.

From the point of view of the empire, it was a place to find an agreement with the five main religions, and the five main religions were a place to find out if the existence of the demon king was legitimate.

In order to escort the demon king to the headquarters, numerous people were prepared to lead.

Even in this situation, onlookers exist.

There were students who wanted to see the scene from a distance around the prison cell where the demon king was clearly trapped.

Saviolin Tana and Scarlett stood next to the gagged Demon King to respond to emergencies.

Those who can be said to be the best of mankind gather to escort the demon king.

It was only those who were the strongest of mankind, who were selected and selected to the extent that it could be said that even if the former demon king Valie returned alive, he would not be able to rescue his son in this situation.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the Demon King from afar.

Soon after being known as a hero, he sees a demon king in human form, who was revealed to be a demon king.

Is that really the devil?

Appearance is sometimes everything, so people only smell human when it comes to demons in human form.

Could something be wrong?

Many people who did not know the details had no choice but to think that way.

There’s something like a conspiracy we can’t figure out.

Aren’t you trying to kill a normal warrior?

There were bound to be those who reached such an idea.

Of course, apart from people feeling such doubts, the convoy escorted the Demon King to the main building in a strict posture.

People were already waiting in the seats prepared in the main building, and the demon king sat on a wooden chair in the middle of the open space.

Not a throne, nor an overly shabby chair, but an ordinary chair that is always and everywhere, even in the Temple classroom.

Scarlett and Saviolin Tana stood next to the chair she was sitting on as a student, next to the person sitting as a demon king.

Olivia was watching this scene with her teeth gritting.

Those gathered for interrogation.

And even the manpower that was put in place for security.

The Demon King, surrounded by people, just sat quietly in a chair.

Reinhardt, who was once her daughter’s fiancé and believed to be one of the warriors who would save the world.

However, the emperor looked at the existence that was the demon king and said.

“Remove the gag.”

At that command, Scarlett carefully removed the gag from Reinhardt’s mouth.

“From now on, I will give the demon king one last chance to call.”

“How could I become the owner of two sacred objects?”

“What is Akasha, an unknown magic tool that can become a god? What was its whereabouts?”

“What have you been wishing for so far?”

“If you mean it when you said you wanted peace, how can you prove it?”

“This is the last one.”

“Young Demon King.”

“For everything, explain.”

The handcuffed demon lord, Reinhardt, sits in a chair and quietly looks around.

Olivia Ranze.

Ellen Artorius.

Bertus de Gradias.

I stare at their faces slowly.

The Demon King intuited something.

Being driven, being driven.

As if I felt some fate that I couldn’t resist anymore.

It turns into an expression that seems to have realized something.

“That doesn’t matter anymore.”



The demon king clicks his tongue.

“You won’t believe it anyway. you guys.”

At the arrogant attitude shown in this situation, everyone’s expressions, which were already serious, became more serious.

It seemed like he had given up on everything until now, where did he go?

Still gloomy and gloomy, the demon king with an arrogant attitude speaks.

“You’ll think I can’t help but hate humans, so you won’t believe that I tried to save you guys.”

“If I said I did all this because I wanted peace, you wouldn’t believe it.”

“Since you all killed Valie the predecessor, and I am his son, and since the Dark Land was destroyed, of course I think I have no choice but to hate humans.”

“With that in mind, I can’t understand why I wanted to do something because I love humans and because I wanted to save everyone in the world.”

“I don’t particularly hate humans.”

“And, staying at the temple. It was enjoyable just by itself.”

“I wanted to help the kids if they were in danger.”

“I wanted to comfort them when they were sad.”

“Two relics? Can I tell you something interesting?”

“Alsbringer only selects people who are ready to sacrifice for the world.”

“Why do I know something that even the Pope of the Church of Als doesn’t know?

“Anyway, I’m ready to die for you guys, but you guys won’t believe it. yes, of course You won’t believe it.”

“So now I won’t tell you the truth that you guys won’t believe.”

“So, I’ll tell you a story that you guys can believe from now on.”

“No matter how much I tell you, I think it’s better to tell the future than the truth that you guys won’t believe.”

“My men told me that they might activate the Akasha to destroy it to save me, so either kill me or free me as soon as possible, but you guys did neither of those things.”

“So the worst thing I expect, the worst I was trying to prevent, will start to happen.”

The demon king raises his head.

“Soon, all warp gates on all continents will be transformed into dimensional gates that connect to other worlds.”

“The monsters from the other world that jumped out of there will destroy your world.”

The demon king with gloomy eyes declares as if to curse.

“So, be prepared.”

Everyone held their breath at the gaze of the demon king.

* * *

Temple Royal class, sophomore B class dormitory.


Ludwig tilted his head at the sight of someone suddenly running into the hallway.

“uh… … . Scarlett?”

“omg… … . Heo-eok… … .”

Red-haired Scarlett, who was drenched in a cold sweat, was gasping for breath as she looked at Ludwig.

As if something very big had happened.

It was the same with Ludwig.

“No, if you are here now… … . Isn’t that okay?”

Scarlett must be by his side to control the demon king’s superpowers. And the interrogation would have been going on now.

However, Scarlett was now running out into the hallway in her pajamas, all covered in sweat.

“No, I saw you leaving earlier… … ?”

And, obviously, Ludwig had just watched Scarlett leave the dormitory with a determined expression on her face. But now, Scarlett was here.

Upon hearing that, Scarlett shook her head while looking at Ludwig with her complexion white.

“I am… … . It’s not me… … .”


“who… … . knocking me out… … . Disguised as me… … .”

The one closest to the demon king right now was someone other than Scarlett.

* * *

The defense of the interrogation room where Reinhardt had been confined until now was in a situation where the number of troops was reduced.

The demon king to be monitored had moved, and all the information that could be obtained from the demon king’s servants who were imprisoned together had already been obtained.

The Archmage and Swordmasters all left, and the Temple’s guards, not the knights of Chanafell, were guarding their positions.

And now, all the troops inside the prison cell were in a state of sleep, possessed by the curse of the sorceress.

– Jerking away

Then, two people enter the dungeon.

The barricade opens, and the gray-haired woman sees two people standing in front of her.

Royard had never seen Epinhauser and Lucinil in person.

However, I seemed to know what the expressions on their faces meant.

“It’s your only chance.”

“… … .”

“Let’s go find Valie.”

Lucinil freed Loyar from his shackles.

Royard, who stumbled to his feet, tried to move his limbs that were not moving. It’s been a long time in prison, but Royard does a few stretches and takes a deep breath.

“There is something I want to ask you.”

Royard looked back and forth at Epinhauser and Lucinel, as if he wanted someone to answer.

“Rotary club kids… … . How did it go?”

Lucinil didn’t know what Royard was asking.

“Isn’t it obvious what happened to those who were recognized as the Demon King’s collaborators?”

At Epinhauser’s words, Royard nodded slowly.

“Adriana, who was a Temple student, seems to be protecting Ellen because of her request, but all the others were hanged.”

“ah… … . okay… … .”

Royard nodded.

“Then, I can die without any regrets.”

The white-haired woman laughed.

With a look that wasn’t happy at all.

* * *

Right next to the Demon King, Saviolin Tana and Scarlet were guarding their seats.

Silence hung over the hall at the shocking future predictions of the demon king. Olivia in particular was looking at Reinhardt with her eyes wide open.

“The key to the gate crisis is to break the warp gate. If you destroy all warp gates on all continents, the gate crisis will end.”

As if foreboding a terrible fate, the demon king had no doubt that the world would roll according to his words.

Bertus stared at the Demon King.

Was it really right to release the demon lord?

If such a thing happened was his own plot, the demon king had no reason to tell him about the answer to that.

The demon king is talking about things that haven’t happened yet.

Everyone feels confused about whether the demon king caused that situation or whether it was really true that he tried to save mankind.

Ellen was staring at Reinhardt.

Problems caused by not trusting Reinhardt.

And, if Reinhardt’s words were true, if something like that really happened.

The cause of the problem will be in the devil himself and his subordinates.

Also, he was responsible for not trusting Reinhardt.


And then, the Chanafell knight with an urgent expression opened the door roughly.

The complexion was almost blue, so everyone couldn’t help but wonder.

The knight of Chanafell, who hastily approached the emperor almost as if he was running, whispered something in the emperor’s ear.

The demon king looked at the expression of the emperor.

“ah… … . It seems to have already begun.”

As if he knew what had happened just by looking at the change in his complexion, the demon king smiled helplessly.

“So, you should have trusted me… … .”

-Goo oh oh oh oh

from very far

Far away.

Everyone heard the cries of an unknown monster.

Everyone looks at the emperor, not the demon king.

It’s like you heard something.

“At the warp gate… … . Unidentified monsters… … . It’s appearing… … .”

The gate crisis has begun.

That wasn’t the end.

“The sky… … Strange… … .”

A wizard from the Imperial Magicians, who was wary of the outside situation, came in and said with a pale face.

“Yooseong… … . It’s pouring… … .”

The sky opened, and a meteor fell towards the temple.

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