The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 423

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Chapter 423

– Kwachang!

The new moon sword wielded by Luna collided with the blue magic sword summoned by Ellerith.

“… … !”

However, the sword filled with moonlight shattered Elerith’s magical sword just by touching it.

It was hard to accept the fact that Elerith was an Archdemon, but what I saw was that Elleris was excellent not only in magic, but also in close combat.

– Kaang! Kang! keying!

Elleris summons a sword made of magical power and engages in a battle with Ellen’s mother.

It’s surprising that Elleris was quite good at close combat, but Ellen’s mother overpowered even that.

And that’s not all.

The abnormally huge appearance of the moon was neither a hallucination nor anything else.

Did the magic work in the first place?

And the New Moon Island, which seemed to have been plucked from the enlarged moon, was gently shedding cool moonlight.

Most of all, the movements of Ellen’s mother, Luna Artorius, were bizarre.

It was difficult to find a way to express it.

Luna Artorius had a human form, but did not move like a human.

“… … .”

She did not perform normal swordsmanship movements such as jumping, charging, or slashing with the sword. She didn’t even seem to have much strength in every movement.

However, Elerith was unable to respond to each and every movement that moved slowly.

If you attack, you will hurt Ellen’s mother.

But there was no need for such concern. I knew best that it would be tantamount to committing suicide for me to intervene.

– Kang! Jjoong!

The magical sword Elerith summoned shattered every time it met the moonlight sword, so Elerith had to summon the magic sword continuously.

Elleris was struggling to parry the blow that seemed slow at first glance.

-bang! Caang! Kwachang!

Dozens of times, Elerith was in a hurry to retreat.

Elerith’s melee combat skills were incredible, and Luna Artorius’ lightly surpassed them, all of which I couldn’t believe even when I saw it with my own eyes.

Slow but fast, Luna Artorius was attacking with a feeling that transcended cognition.

Elleris, who seems to have a hard time just enduring it, speaks as wide as possible.

“I don’t know who you are… … . We don’t have to fight.”

Eleris, of course, could not help but know that Luna Artorius was Ellen’s mother.

But Luna shook her head slowly.

“Hey Archdemon. There is no one in the world who wants to fight.”

“The last Pandemonium War did not stem from the desires of demons and humans, but from mutual fear.”

“All fights happen that way.”

Luna Artorius, holding the New Moon Sword of Moonlight, slowly walked toward Elerith.

“Whatever you want, it has nothing to do with me. It doesn’t matter what the previous demon king wanted or what he wanted to do.”

“I didn’t know, and I still don’t know, whether Valie, the previous demon king, was good or evil. Also, I am not curious.”

“However, the existence of the Demon King caused a great war in the world, and the war ended in the death of my son.”

“Even now, I don’t know if you guys are good or evil. You guys can be good, and humans can be evil. No, it could be all good or all evil. Or, the actions of my son who killed the demon king could be the result of evil. But none of this matters.”

“The important thing is that it is fear, not lust and greed, that invites the fight.”

“Like the fear of the Dark Land and humans of each other conceived the Pandemonium War and took away my son.”

“The current fear of the demon lord will conceive another fight, and this time it may even take away my daughter.”

“I don’t know what you guys want, and I don’t know what you guys are trying to achieve by building these things up. But knowing it makes no difference.”

“You are the image and symbol of fear as you already exist. As long as it exists, you will cause a fight by your very existence, and my daughter will be involved in that fight.”

“Just as everyone’s fights stem from fear, so do I.”

“I am afraid you guys will take my daughter.”

“So, I’m not for such trivial reasons as good and evil or justification for existence. I want to kill you because my daughter is precious.”

“It is an action from the other side of good and evil, out of simple fear.”

“As a mother.”

“I want to protect my one remaining daughter.”

It doesn’t matter if I’m Ellen’s friend or whoever I really want.

Ellen’s mother wants to kill me because my existence itself is already the seed of a fight.

Neither persuasion nor my sincerity would work at all.

Luna Artorius speaks with her back to the moonlight.

“So, die.”


As soon as she took one step, she had already reached Elerith as if she had crossed space.

Although the movement was slow, Elleris did not even have time to respond to the rapid speed that crossed the space itself.

– Jjaeong!


Elerith, who had been hit in the chest by the new moon sword in the moonlight, bounced a long way and rolled several times on the floor.

“Huh… … . ugh… … .”

It seemed that the fatal wound had somehow been avoided, but Ellerith let out a few breaths while holding on to her chest.

“Hey! Keck!”

Covering her mouth, Elerith vomited blood.

It wasn’t pierced by the sword, but the impact alone seemed to have ruined my body.

Once again, Luna Artorius steps forward.


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If she crosses the space again.

Elerith dies.

can you do it


can i stop her?

A lot of thoughts tangled in my head, but my actions were faster than my thoughts.

– Jjaeong!

The next moment, I had already summoned Alsbringer and attacked Luna Artorius before he could take a step.

I, who attacked with tremendous counter-resilience, rather bounced back, but she narrowed her eyes as she looked at the sword in my hand.

“… … Alsbringer?”

For the first time, an expression appeared on her.

Luna Artorius doesn’t know me. But you must have heard my story from Ellen.

Ellen would have told her mother what kind of person I was.

You must have also heard that I am the owner of Tiamata.

And, he should have known that I was known to the world as the owner of Alsbringer.

As Luna puts the puzzle together, Artorius’ expression gradually hardens.

“no way… … . You are Reinhardt… … ?”

It was clear that it would be impossible to survive the new moon sword in the moonlight, so I had to take it out inevitably.

It never did me any good for her to know that I was Reinhardt.

“Did you play with my daughter all this time?”

Of course, there will be no choice but to come out like this.

She, who had been moving slowly until now, bounces her knees toward me with her eyes shining.



– Jjaeong!

“Ouch… … !”

just one blow.

I broke my wrist just by enduring it, and Alsbringer slipped out of my hand.

“Was that fun, Archdemon?”

Life overflowed in Luna Artorius’ eyes.

You can’t help but think that I played with Ellen’s heart.

If she found out that the Reinhardt Ellen had spoken of was actually the Demon King, her thoughts would have to come to that conclusion.

That’s why Luna Artorius, who tried to kill me without emotion, felt anger.

Alsbringer escaped my hands and my chest opened wide. Whether she thrusts her sword in or she twists my neck, the next moment I die.

I die and Elerith also dies.

In the place where he came to catch Cantus Magna, he was killed by Ellen’s mother, quite strangely.

But, was it rather fortunate to have provoked her anger?

– Knock!

“nice… … Ugh!”

She grabbed my neck with her left hand and lifted me into the air. Her furious eyes turn to me.

The moonlight sword in her right hand flashed a dangerous light.

“Ardemon, why did you play with my daughter’s heart?”

she stares at me If she put the slightest strain on her grip, I would break her neck. Enhancing magical powers, utterances, and self-suggestions are useless.

At least the same level as Saviolin Tana, or higher.

This Absolute could now treat my life as less than a fly.

“Is this your revenge? You were trying to get something by playing with the heart of the brother of the one who killed your father. Is this petty thing your revenge? Is it just something like this?”

She can’t help but think so.

The fact that the demon king’s son met and became close to the hero’s sister would be something she couldn’t understand, no matter how detached she was.

Luna Artorius, who seems to lack the human side somewhere, is trying to kill me because she can’t abandon her humanity as a parent.

That’s why I can’t help but think like this now that I know the truth about my relationship with Ellen, which is bound to hurt Ellen.

All my actions are for revenge.

“Did you enjoy imagining the hurt my daughter would have when she found out about this later? Even if you die at my hands in this place, will you think that you have won because you will be able to grieve my daughter as her death? why. Not the empire, the imperial family, or humanity, why my daughter… … . why my daughter… … !”


“Tell me, Archdemon.”

As the rage in her eyes increased, as if she couldn’t properly control her emotions, the power in her left hand gripping my neck was increasing.


To think that I, who has no vengeance, would take such revenge.

Actually, it can’t be revenge.

That’s why Luna Artorius’s eyes are filled with suspicion as wild as anger.

In the pain that seems like it’s going to cut off soon.

I managed to pull my broken hand up and grab her hand that gripped the nape of my neck.

“then… … no?”

It’s not okay.

There’s no way this could be revenge.

You don’t understand my behavior either.

“I… … . your daughter… … . If you like… … . no… … ?”

“… … what?”

then what

In the end, I just did it because I liked it.

That’s the only reason why it’s so fresh.

I was so surprised by my words that Luna Artorius’ grip weakened.

I desperately grab her hand and open it, shouting.

“okay… … . I’m the Demon King and I like your daughter! So what! whatever!”

“uh… … . uh?”

Following the rage, I could see the bewildered expression of Luna Artorius.

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