The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 398

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Chapter 398

While trying to investigate the fabricated truth, Olivia and I found out about other circumstances.

The people of Raziern, the capital of Levina Kingdom, lost their sanity after experiencing the shocking situation of an attack by demons.

The demons and the demon king disappeared without a trace, but the demon king’s attack still exists.

They didn’t know why the demon king attacked Lazierne, so they tried to find out the reason. They don’t believe the announcements of the royal family or the empire, and they are suspicious of their neighbors who are usually suspicious, and they are putting the bondage of the Demonic Cult on them.

The reason is usually trivial.

Always walking around with a grim expression and talking incomprehensible things.

I don’t get along well with people and I’m confined to my house.

Or accusing them of idol worshipers after seeing an unknown statue in the house.

Maybe that’s why it doesn’t sound like such a big deal.

In extreme circumstances, non-universal human beings are branded as objectionable, and people will try to make them deserving of disgust because they do not want to admit that they are objectionable because they are objectionable. The reason is probably good.

I want someone to be a person who can die, so I just make it that way.

Neither Olivia nor I intervened in the scene.

That field is not under the jurisdiction of the Empire. The empire is investigating the demon lord attack, but in the end it’s just that, and that’s why Olivia’s role and I only end there.

If someone from the empire recklessly discusses the affairs of the royal family of the vassal state, it becomes an interference in internal affairs. And the problem of politics like that is that I have neither the confidence to do well nor the obligation. Even though I am not of the imperial family, I have the imperial crest, so if I act recklessly, it will be the imperial family, not me, who will be in trouble.

To think about the tension between the imperial family and the vassals when he was nominally a beggar and entered the temple. Even on such a subject, in reality I am the Demon King.

It was just a funny thing.

No matter when we went to Lazierne, we immediately returned to the ecliptic Gradium. The fact that I was participating in a special activity would have been communicated to the children, whether it was Mr. Epinhauser or Saviolin Tana, so they would not be concerned about me.

No, rather, he was worried that he might have gone to do something dangerous.

“Anyway, the imperial crest is nice, you can get on the warp gate right away. Shall I say that I am the champion of Tuan and ask for one?”

It was so convenient that Olivia was able to return to the ecliptic right away, she even said that.

“Then, the Tuan Church will come to you 20 times a day to come back saying that you have to live in the arms of God. Is that okay?”

“Ugh, that’s right. I could have told only the imperial family, but that’s just what I said. I hate it when someone bothers me more.”

Heading to the Merchant Guild Headquarters in the Ecliptic, Olivia silently looked at me.

“By the way, Reinhardt.”


“I remember? In the finals of the tournament with me… … .”

Lydia Schmidt.

I almost couldn’t manage my expression at the sudden mention, but I didn’t make a strange expression.

“Yeah, I remember. Lydia Schmidt.”

“Have you ever seen him since we met then?”

Lydia Schmidt talking nonsense to Olivia. I told her to leave her Olivia alone while doing her twins.

After that, Radia Schmidt followed me with the intention of killing me, and Elleris subdued such Radia. Thanks to the information he got from Ladia, he was able to save Adriana and Olivia.

“no. why? Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it at Temple.”

Olivia’s expression darkened at my words.

“I’m missing… … . after that day.”

He became disillusioned with his faith and hated those who enforced it, but in the end, it seems that the name of a friend remains in Olivia’s heart.

We know each other without having to say what that day is.

“… … Was that person also from there?”

Olivia looks up at the sky.

“maybe… … . Wouldn’t it be Of course I didn’t see it there. Still, I don’t really know who the heck was there. The list of deaths of the Templars is not properly listed… … . maybe there… … .”

Olivia seemed to think that Ladia Schmidt was not missing, but died in an attack by demons.

If so, it would be a story that the demon king saved himself and killed my friend.

“Since Lydia’s body has not been found… … . I wasn’t sure, but when I saw that there was no news like this… … .”

Olivia seemed to view Ladia’s chances of survival as very low. It seemed that the reason why she needed confidence in the demon lord wasn’t just because of the Raziern attack.

Despite being a Temple graduate on time, Lydia Schmidt did not graduate and went missing. From somewhere I don’t know, Temple is probably looking for Lydia Schmidt’s whereabouts, and by linking it to the Templar raid, they may have concluded that Radia Schmidt is already dead.

How the hell is Lydia Schmidt doing in Epiax?

I think Elerith will do just fine on her own.

* * *

-Whee Oh Oh Oh

Goseong Epiax.

Lydia sat on one side of the kitchen, blankly watching as cut vegetables and meat were sautéed on a greased pan, while in the other, stew jars were boiling.

“I’ve felt it before… … . You cook well.”

Despite being a body that doesn’t need to eat, Ladia carefully swallowed those gossips.

“Because when you live a long time, you learn how to do this and that. Even if it’s something I don’t need.”

Elleris was just sitting next to Ladia while she was eating, not even lifting a finger. Eleris was cooking three types of dishes at the same time, all with telekinesis. So, the ingredients cut in the air go into the jar, and the fire under the fan was also made of magic, so Radia watched blankly as the fire was freely controlled.

Ladia doesn’t know how difficult this is, but she just stares at it in wonder.

There were no tools in the shop where the prince of the Demon Realm visited, so he couldn’t provide food, but as he took charge of Ladia’s life in Epiax, Elerith brought in household items.

So even though I was lonely, I was taking care of convenience like this so that there was no inconvenience in eating and sleeping.

Ladia doesn’t even look at the process of cooking, she sees a vampire resting her chin on her hand and looking out the window.

Been together for several months now.

Contrary to first impressions, Ladia knows that this vampire is just strangely kind.

He knew he would be brainwashed as if he were remodeling his mind to be friendly with the demonic forces, but he never said anything like that.

They just take care of themselves, they don’t want anything. Without asking for anything, we talked about ordinary things, saying that if we were bored, we would have a conversation. What was the temple life like and how did you come to faith? As Ladia lived with such personal stories, she became unaware of it.

Even Lydia Schmidt now admits it.

He no longer feels hostility toward very powerful and kind vampires.

No, even the hostility, even the embarrassing last bit of fear, was gone.

Although this cold and desolate old castle is lonely, a warm meal prepared by a vampire is always served on time. He said that if he ate alone, he would be lonely, and he would watch over him without even mentioning his mouth.


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If he seems to like it, he even smiles warmly.

This vampire is not something to be wary of.

If it was to the extent that he could do well without even looking at a dish that was useless to him with his psychokinetic powers.

If it was a being that could learn the skills necessary for others, not for itself.

I feel sorry for living in a cold place, so there is someone who cares about me enough to always cook me warm dishes to warm me up.

There was no way this kind of existence could be dangerous, Radia was convinced at some point.

A bowl of hot stir-fried food and stew is given to herself, and as always, Ladia carefully brews a drink and savors the warm taste of sincerity.

“Ellerith, why did you become a vampire?”

“Hmm. Why are you curious about that?”

“just… … yo. this.”

Ellerith looks at Ladia and smiles softly.

“Because I don’t want to die.”

There was no substance in those words that oversimplified the past.

“To die like this is too resentful and unfair. Because I’m sad.”

However, Elerith’s self-deprecating words that followed contained some substance.

“So it was.”

However, Ladia gazed at Elerith’s complex expression, which did not explain everything in the end.

“By the way, are you there? If you live too long, time dulls everything.”

“… … .”

“Anger, sadness, hatred, and desire have all become dull. I ended up not wanting anything at all.”

A being without longing.

Radia does not know what kind of terrible hatred and hatred she had in the past, but she senses that Elerith is a weathered existence.

“then… … . What is the reason for being loyal to the demon king… … ?”

“Hmm… … .”

The smile disappears from Elerith’s face, leaving only sadness.

“There is no wish, but there is work to be done… … . Because there is something to watch… … . should I do it?”

Elerith sees Lydia.

“I’m sorry, it’s not a past worth bragging about.”

“Oh, no. that… … . thank you… … . Thanks for telling me.”

“I am grateful. I’d be lonely in a place like this, but I wouldn’t complain… … .”

Ellerith looks out the window at the snow falling quietly, and Ladia eats the food Elerith prepared.

Ladia had no family.

Growing up in an orphanage, he excelled in divine power and joined the Order of Als. And he decided to walk his priestly path by reading sermons and scriptures.

Ladia looks back on her life now that she has fallen away from her faith.

How did I come to serve Ars and how did I come to believe?

I was certain that I was the chosen one. Unlike other orphans, he was treated specially because he showed talent in divine power.

Different food was set on the table for herself and the other children.

When I tried to share it, I was scolded.

Since God has foretold my talent, it is only natural for me to be treated so special because I was chosen by God. It is not given by the director at the orphanage, but given by God, so only you should take it. Teachers and priests always tell me to take it for granted. have been

Radia believed that she was a special being, and she dug into her faith to affirm herself.

It’s natural for people who are inferior to you to be treated worse than you. It was taken for granted that children with more talent than God were treated with more dignity than they were. I thought that I just had to work hard to be treated better than them.

Talent, power, and mastery.

It was a natural thing in Ladia’s life.

Those who proved were to be treated as much as they proved. That was Ladia’s truth, and even if Olivia, who was superior to anyone else, had everything in the world, Ladia had thought it right. She thought Olivia’s rejection of it was rather sinful in itself.

But now.

Olivia eats a hot meal prepared by someone who wants nothing from her. She doesn’t want anything, she doesn’t force herself to study or pray. Even so, she always asks if she’s okay, and through her spatial movement, she says let’s get out of the cold and take a walk in a nice and refreshing place.

I don’t want anything from me

try to do anything for me

“… … .”

Ladia realizes.

I never had a family.

Maybe this is what family is.

They don’t want anything from each other, but they are passionate about each other more than anyone else.

Could that be family?

I know she won’t consider him family.

But Ladia, who had never experienced such warmth, was confused.

The process of believing in God required many things. There was a price to pay for believing. I had a better life, and I had to read the scriptures and study what God claims and what God seeks through prayer.

To believe in God, you had to know God. And he demanded and urged those around him to know God.

But now.

Ladia believes that Elerith is harmless to her.

But still, Ladia doesn’t know who Elerith is, and Elerith hasn’t told her anything properly.

I was just there. While staying by her side, Elleris’ words, actions, and trivial acts of taking care of herself piled up over and over again.

Lydia Schmidt came to believe in Ellerith.

Faith in a different sense than faith.

For the first time, Radia felt it from a non-human being.

Ladia knows something about Elerith.

That there is such a thing as Lord Vampires, that there are seven families of Lord Vampires, and that this place is where Lord Vampires sometimes gather.

And Hwayo’s patriarch, Ellerith.

Although he is the owner of the family, there are no other vampires belonging to that family.

Radia knows that much now.

There is an existence in front of you that directly denies the teachings of the Five Great Gods, which taught that all evil beings are evil.

Ladia couldn’t find the slightest hint of evil anywhere in Elerith’s face.


Have you been given the wrong teaching?

If you don’t believe in this goodness and kindness right in front of you, where in the world is there anything you can trust?

For Lydia Schmidt, such distrust had been sprouting in her heart for a long time.

God might be wrong.

so that.

For Lydia Schmidt, experiencing this kind of warmth for the first time, something in her heart crumbled.

No, it might be wrong to describe it as having collapsed.

It is also in a cold place.

In this cold old castle where everything freezes.

Maybe something melted.

* * *

Ecliptic Gradium, Merchant Guild Headquarters.

“The guild master is currently absent.”

An obvious, if obvious answer came back to Olivia and I’s request for an interview. There is a good chance that discussions have taken place in advance. Like telling me not to meet Olivia Ranze when she visits.

“So when are you coming back?”

“We also do not know the detailed schedule. We know you’ve been very busy lately with major business issues within the Guild. He might come back after a few days, or it could take a week… … .”

If Owen de Getmora intentionally does not want to meet Olivia, then Olivia will never be able to meet Owen.

Of course, since Olivia has no way of knowing that this case is a fabrication by the imperial family, it is difficult to notice that the information is being intentionally concealed and that the key people involved in the case are not being intentionally met.

In the end, Olivia and I had no choice but to leave the Merchant Guild Headquarters without meeting Owen, an important person.

It’s the best response if you didn’t meet on purpose. We could make perfect excuses when we meet, but it’s best not to talk at all. It wouldn’t be a situation that raises suspicion at this stage.

“It’s getting cold… … .”

He even went to the southern Kingdom of Levina and returned to the Ecliptic, but he was unable to meet the guild master.

“I think I’ll have to choose between going back to Razierne and investigating more, or waiting for the guild master to return.”

I was more than happy to be without Owen. If Olivia gets to the truth, she might go beyond her disillusionment with humans and really try to stick to the devil’s side. No matter how jokingly she said it, if Olivia didn’t have me, she might end up sticking to the devil’s side.

Olivia said she needed reassurance.

He didn’t say what kind of certainty it was. Concerning the certainty of hating the demon lord or the certainty of hating humans.

When Olivia learns the truth of this case, she will be convinced that she hates humans.

I wouldn’t know if it was a situation where I was discovered to be the demon king, but Olivia is on the demon king’s side in the current situation, so saying anything is the same as crawling into a pit of fire.

“Let’s go back to Lazierne.”

“Is that so?”

So I wanted to avoid a situation where Olivia would ever meet Owen.

* * *

The distance itself was enormous, but since we were using the warp gate, leaving and arriving were literally instant.

Returning to the ecliptic and then returning to the site, Lazierne, was also quick after all.

“I always feel that without warp gates, how on earth would people live… … .”

Olivia stopped talking about the convenience of the warp gate and kept her mouth shut.

And that was me too.

Olivia was looking at a place in the plaza where the warp gate was located with her eyebrows narrowed.

It took about three hours for us to leave Lazierne, stop by the Merchant Guild Headquarters, and return. Even if you went through the warp gate, there was a time when you actually had to go to the merchant guild headquarters.

So, we returned to Lazierne in three hours.

“what… … . this?”

Olivia muttered in a trembling voice.

in just three hours.

– Burn it! Burn the cultists!

People who had been driven to the Demonic Church were dead hanging from poles.

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