The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 395

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Chapter 395

No more words were spoken.

Ellen and Harriet both went to their respective bedrooms to sleep without saying a word, while I sat on the terrace and stared blankly at the surf.

I made this choice because if I didn’t do this, I would lose Charlotte.

So I lost something else. I can’t explain exactly what I lost, but I have and will lose something.

This is not the end.

I must be a hero

Only when it becomes known to the world that I am the owner of Alsbringer and I gain public fame will I have a political standing as a princess engaged to such a hero.

Hero’s incorporation into the imperial family.

Bertus wanted it. I don’t know exactly what Bertus intends to rekindle a fight that has already ended. Is it really for fun, or is there some other ulterior motive behind it?

However, I have to be a hero.

To become a hero, you must do something, not just be known as the owner of Alsbringer.

You have to do a lot of things that are obviously dangerous.

-Shoot it

At the beautiful beach where the sound of the waves and the sound of grass insects can be heard, I stayed up all night without being able to sleep.

* * *

The engagement of the beggar Reinhardt and the princess Charlotte de Gradias would have been unfunny if it had been a year ago.

But now, in a different sense, it was not even funny.

The princess is losing her political position.

The owner of Alsbringer, which has the most powerful symbolism among holy relics since the Pandemonium War.

In other words, the successor to Lagann Artorius.

This engagement is now, why should the descendant of the hero marry a princess who is only a facade? With that kind of logic, it had become a nonsensical thing.

The three left for the Kamsencha Islands and returned the next day. There was hardly any conversation. Ellen was silent, Reinhardt was speechless, and Harriet wanted to say something but was silent, knowing that no words could answer.

I wasn’t even in good shape to train.

Reinhardt locked herself in her room, and Ellen wandered around the dormitory in a daze.

In the central lobby on the second floor, Ellen was able to face Charlotte de Gradias, who had been in the palace and was returning to the temple.

Naturally, Ellen and Charlotte’s eyes met.

“uh, ah… … . hi?”

Although they are of different classes, they have encountered many things, and Charlotte can say hello to Ellen because they are not strangers.

It can happen.

But even as he raised his hand to say hello, his fingertips trembled slightly.

shaking eyes.

That gives Ellen a sign.

Charlotte seemed to feel guilty just by facing herself. She did that even when she ran into her a few times before.

Ellen didn’t remember that well.

However, it was because he now knew what Charlotte’s actions meant.

The fact that Reinhardt’s condition was a little strange these days, the tip of his sword was shaking, and he seemed uneasy.

That it wasn’t because of the demon king, it was because of this problem, that it was because I didn’t know how to explain this to myself.

now i just know

When Ellen refuses to greet her, she walks towards Charlotte, who vaguely passes her by. As Ellen approaches, she backs off about half a step, as if Charlotte is a bit afraid.

Ellen is also a commoner after all, but she is the holder of a sacred object with ramen and the younger sister of Lagann Artorius.

From the time she entered Temple, Ellen was a person who did not know her status, but was second to none in terms of her position.

It’s just that Ellen never once tried to use it.

That’s why Ellen has never flinched at anyone.

Ellen stared straight into the princess’s eyes.

“Tell me one thing.”

“uh? eww… … . uh. huh.”

Seeing the princess slightly biting her lip, Ellen asked.

“Reinhardt, do you like it?”

“… … .”

Charlotte’s eyes widened as if she hadn’t expected to ask such a direct question. She could have run away with a mixture of embarrassment and disgust at why she asked such a thing.

However, Ellen’s expression when she asked about it made her look as if she would catch her by the throat if she ran away.

Charlotte must have intuited what she knew from Ellen’s question.


Knowing about the problem, I was resentful and saddened, but knowing that I couldn’t change Reinhardt’s mind, I couldn’t ask Charlotte anything else.

Charlotte looked into Ellen’s eyes.


Speak the truth in a miserable mood.

“many… … . very… … . I like you a lot.”

Ellen could fully feel it in Charlotte’s eyes. At least Reinhardt wasn’t being used by her Charlotte. She said that if Charlotte was just using Reinhardt to stay alive, Ellen couldn’t figure out what she was going to do.

But Charlotte is serious. She doesn’t know when it started, but she says that Charlotte expects a lot from Reinhardt, and she doesn’t even feel happy in this situation. She likes Reinhardt to the point where she feels sorry for him.

The last hope you ever had.

because it collapsed.

Ellen is blank.

“I… … .”

After muttering blankly, Ellen stopped talking.

me first

me more


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much more time.

“… … .”

The more she spoke, the more miserable she was, the words that Ellen couldn’t utter until the end.

In front of the expression of Charlotte de Gradias, who is distorted in guilt just by facing herself.

I said I liked you first, not you. Even when everyone thought Reinhardt was from a humble beggar, I was with Reinhardt. He said he had spent precious time that could not be exchanged for anything.

This situation where Reinhardt has to choose you because his life is in danger.

I wonder if this is too unfair.

Ellen couldn’t bear to say that.

“Sorry… … .”

In front of Charlotte’s fragile expression, Ellen turns away from Charlotte’s gaze.

“… … .”

It was painful to look at Charlotte, who was not even happy about having what she wanted the most.

* * *

In the dormitory, Harriet, as well as Ellen, passed me by without saying a word.

Harriet felt unsure of what to say, and Ellen just walked past with her head down.

Rather than hating me, it seemed to be a slightly different problem.

It felt like I was avoiding it because I didn’t know how to deal with it now.

funny thing. Just as Ellen and Harriet find it hard to deal with me, so does Charlotte. When she sees me, Charlotte hesitates, as if she doesn’t know what to say.

Does saying thank you and sorry feel strange?

However, no matter what I said, the major classes were supposed to be taken with Ellen.

It felt like the first time I met Ellen in first grade.

Ellen Artorius was in front of me with a cold expression, excluding emotions and trying not to feel any emotions for me.

The tip of the sword was not emotional, but rather restrained.

A dry class followed that only overpowered me at the right time and in the right way.

Ellen never said a single word to me personally. So, the class only lasted all day.

“Today ends here. Go back and rest.”

After class, Saviolin Tana said so. Ellen left without a word.

“Reinhardt, stay for a while.”


I thought I knew why she was calling me. After Ellen had left, I was left alone in the waiting room at the High Combat Training Grounds, where she sat next to me, her arms crossed.

“I heard that you decided to get engaged to Her Highness the Princess.”


“… … .”

Looking at the exit from the waiting room, she had a complicated expression as to what she was thinking.

“Your Majesty has struggled with this issue in many ways. About whether or not to publicly announce your existence.”

Publicizing my presence would secure Charlotte’s safety, but at the same time put me in danger. Therefore, the emperor was approaching this matter carefully.

“The imperial family will not take any position. However, rumors will spread in aristocratic society.”

“So it seems.”

“Yeah, because it’s safe.”

The problem now is not Bertus, but Charlotte’s supporters. In order to prevent their betrayal, rumors spread within the imperial family and aristocratic society.

The next successor of Alsbringer has appeared, and the heir and the princess promised to be engaged.

It is a way to stabilize the current unstable situation without taking any position in public.

“What is the purpose of this… … . You know.”

“… … yes.”

After all, this is a scandal. The fact that the imperial family did not take any official stance on rumors of that level implicitly implyed that they were true, and at the same time, it was also in order to later dismiss such rumors as unfounded rumors.

It is to be considerate of me not to be overly bound to the imperial family in any way.


That would be Charlotte’s will.

“If it becomes known that you are the owner of Alsbringer, you will inevitably face a dangerous situation. There’s no guarantee that you’ll be safe even at the temple. The Demon King may target you first. You know that.”


I am a demon king, how can I be my threat? Since that part is not a problem, there is virtually nothing to bear.

The important thing is not the fact that you decided to get engaged.

I have to build up my achievements.

Rumors about the owner of Alsbringer spread throughout the aristocratic society, and at the same time, achievements must be made to appeal as a great guy.

Soon, you have to do hero making.

“There could be several things. There will be demons in the Dark Land, there will be hordes of small bandits and thieves, and since you have Tiamata, it will be easy to annihilate the undead. Of course, as long as your body is there to ensure your safety, Shanafel’s support units will take care of it for you.”

The Empire won’t like to see me in danger. So it’s not literally becoming a hero, it’s making a hero.

It only matters that I was there, and the actual fights and battles are solved by veterans who are better than me. And I wrap it up as something I did. In other words, you eat your reputation raw.

That’s good for me and for the empire.

“I have no intention of doing that.”

“… … .”

“You have to deal with it yourself. whatever it is.”

“Reinhardt, I know you are not conceited. But if you jump into a dangerous job yourself and get hurt… … .”

“Fake skills inflated by fake fame will make me more dangerous. No matter what I do, if it is known that it was made, it could make things worse.”

The bigger the scale of the work I haven’t solved myself, the more my skills are overestimated. Then I become more dangerous. Of course, the Demon King has nothing to threaten me, but this is rather to avoid the Temple’s surveillance.

It’s more comfortable for me to be alone.

So instead of making a hero, I will really solve something with my own hands and I have to do that. Xavi Olintana looked at me and nodded her head gently.

“I thought you would say that.”

It seemed like he naturally assumed that, given his personality, I wouldn’t like that.

I don’t need the help of someone who is too strong than me. It would be nice if there was such a person, but if there is such a person, it might rather become my shackles.

Saviolin Tana is silent when I say I don’t need help, then stares at me.

“From now on, all classes will be replaced under the name of special activities. soon. This means that the period during which you are engaged in special activities counts as fulfilling the Temple curriculum.”

It must mean that because he became a special student, he did not mind going around outside the temple.

“Do you know about Levina?”

“If it’s Levina… … . Isn’t that where the raid happened some time ago?”


The location of the royal family’s secret operation disguised as a demon raid. There Duke Grantz died.

“Go to Lazierne, the capital of Levina.”

There is an investigation into the demon raid, but I know it’s not actually a demon raid.

There can be no threat from demons, so are you trying to send me there? I know there’s nothing to be salvaged from there.

“There will be Olivia Ranze at the Special Investigations Headquarters.”

Olivia Ranze.

Suddenly, an unexpected name came out, and I was a little taken aback.

“Go and help Olivia. Even if an emergency situation arises, Olivia and her investigation headquarters staff will be able to cope with it. The chances of anything dangerous happening are slim.”

Come to think of it.

It’s been a while since Olivia didn’t visit me.

It’s not that he didn’t come, was it that he wasn’t at the temple at all?

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