The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 376

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Chapter 376

There is no sense of war crisis due to the remnants of the Demon World forces yet, but since the demons are engaged in guerrilla warfare everywhere, mankind is once again engulfed in fear of the demons.

It is not a situation where there is a clear enemy base called the Dark Lands.

Demons can suddenly appear anytime, anywhere and attack humans.

It was felt that such fear pervaded the entire continent.

The reason was none other than winter vacation, and it was felt that the students were returning to Templo even before it was over.

“Students are coming back.”

“Because they think the temple will be safe.”

On a hill on the Temple Walk, Mr. Epinhauser and I were looking down at the Temple, which had become as crowded as during the school year, as students returned from their hometowns for winter break.

Most of the students who had returned to their hometowns were returning to the temple, thinking that the temple would be safe.

Not knowing that the devil they fear most is looking down at them from the middle of the temple.

Mr. Epinhauser did not ridicule such students, nor did he say that I was the Demon King.

He called me because he had something to say to me.

“A number of possible inferences have been made from the Order regarding the function of the Akasha, none of which have been definitive.”


In the end, you won’t know what Akasha is until you see Akasha in person, or unless you meet Kantus Magna.

“However, it is certain that the artifact itself, in which magic is recorded indefinitely, will never bring good results.”

Unusual things are bound to cause extraordinary things.

“The Order will be taking an unusually large risk to truly attract Cantus Magna this time around.”

The Black Order didn’t know what Akasha was, but they wanted to end the long-standing conflict.

“Will you cooperate?”

The answer to that question was already ready.

“We’ve already been on the same boat, so what’s the difference?”

Join hands with the Black Order and draw in Kantus Magna. Epinhauser was still looking down the hill.

It was time to talk about how to attract Cantus Magna. And there, we would have to talk about what role the Order plays and what I and my forces are supposed to do.

But Epinhauser was silent.

“It’s not what you did.”

“… … yes.”

I knew what that meant.

A series of events related to the death of Duke Grantz.

People don’t know what the devil wants, so they think they can do anything.

Suddenly, they attacked the Knights Templar, and unexpectedly killed Leverrier Ranche.

Therefore, it is possible to suddenly attack the capital of a small country in the south and accidentally kill the large investors of the Merchant Guild on the outskirts of the city together.

I don’t know if Epinhauser knows anything about the revolutionary forces, but you will find that the quality of this case is different.

That’s why I also seemed to know that I didn’t do it.

“Is it unfair?”

That would not be a question as a black order, but a question as my teacher.

At his question, I look down at the hill.

Because of this commotion, I see many students who want to return to the temple to spend the rest of the winter vacation.


What do you do if you feel sad?

There is still more work to be done.

“So, what should I do now?”

“The tomb of a Lich has been found in the Darklands.”



It was too sudden.

“Of course, adventurers will flock there.”

The adventurers of the Dark Land were still prowling all over the Dark Land, and the cursed Tiamata was also found there.

In the process of discovering something and finding new treasures, Rich’s dungeon was discovered.

“Cantus Magna covets the spellbooks in the Lich’s tomb… … . Is that so?”

“It could be, but a lich wouldn’t have developed such a great sobriety. Of course, it is true that he is a powerful wizard who is different from the ordinary. That’s probably not the level Kantus Magna covets.”

Seeing Epinhauser saying that the lich was something, he knew how well-versed in magic the Black Order and Cantus Magna were.

“But the important thing is that while it was two months ago that the lich’s tomb was discovered, it’s been less than a week since it’s really known to be the lich’s tomb.”

The first discoverers of the dungeon must have been killed by the lich or died in the dungeon without even reporting their discovery.

The search had been going in the direction of the adventurers who had not returned, and now it must have been known that the tomb of the lich was found by the adventurers who were alive.

“The order intends to strengthen the tomb of that lich.”


“okay. I plan to make it known that what is there is more than a lich. I plan to manipulate it so that rumors of it being even more mysterious and strange than that. I will construct a maze barrier around the dungeon, cause anomalies, and release ominous summons, chimeras, and homunculus. It’s a fictional existence that comes out of legend, but I hope adventurers misunderstand that Acrich has appeared.”

Sprinkle the bait.

A bait named Acrich.

“Adventurers will flock, and some of the survivors will hear and send magic books of a level that does not exist in the world. It’s ominous, but it’s so big that it could be considered a discovery.”

“… … .”

Cantus Magna would not covet a forbidden book in a lich’s tomb.

That’s why the Black Order sells traps to misunderstand the discovered Lich’s dungeon as the home of a more powerful and dangerous being. Even the insignificant books that the miraculously resurrected people ran away with in their hands are things that could be great discoveries in the magic world.

It was the sound of artificially scattering forbidden alcohol or secret arts in the world.

That’s about the amount of books I brought, but what kind of magic or treasures are sleeping in the depths?

It is certain that rumors will spread one wave at a time, and if so, it is certain that Cantus Magna will also know about it.


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“for a moment. Then Kantus Magna won’t be the problem, other adventurers and wizards will be seduced.”

At that, Epinhauser stares at me.

“I should have said, but the order decided to take a very big risk in this matter.”

It was also prepared for a large number of adventurers to flock to it. He said he wouldn’t care if they lost their lives.

Of course, it’s a problem for adventurers who know it’s a dangerous place but go there blinded by the quick fortune.

It is a structure where people have no choice but to die until the real big fish called Cantus Magna is caught.

Richie’s grave has been discovered.

However, apart from that lich, the tomb is disguised as the tomb of a very powerful being.

“Then the tomb’s lich… … . Things are going to be a little strange.”

Isn’t it like the outside forces are making a fuss while the person himself is still? Isn’t that the kind of situation where you’re quietly researching magic in a tomb, but suddenly the adventurers knock on the door while talking about Acrichi?

“No need to worry about that. Because we have already agreed to cooperate.”

“Are you cooperating?”

“Yes, graves need owners, so I didn’t kill them.”


Raid into the lich’s grave. Hey, I’ll write it here.

It’s okay, be comfortable (not your own house).

Was it like this?

I felt sorry for Richie, who had no one-sided relationship.

“The tomb will need to be expanded, and the barriers and magic to be installed around the dungeon will need to be tweaked. While we are talking about this, Order is still working on it.”

Attracts Cantus Magna.

The Black Order was even prepared to unleash countless mystic arts into the world for that purpose. The idea was to expand the Rich’s dungeon and make it a more complex and dangerous dungeon than the original structure.

“What can I say… … . Running a dungeon to attract Cantus Magna… … . I guess that’s how it feels.”

“So to speak, so it will be.”

Running a dungeon?

Of course, the Black Order is doing it, not me, but the means to reach the goal are a bit messy.

Lich’s tomb was discovered, but he subdued the original owner and forcibly expanded the tomb, making it a more dangerous place to wait for the real game to come.

The moment the depths of the dungeon are dug up, the dungeon will lose its value, so no one should penetrate to the depths of the dungeon. So the dungeon continues to suck in adventurers, and sometimes you have to let them escape with treasure.

However, in the process, it is very likely that a search party made up of strong people will be dispatched from the wrong group, not from Cantus Magna.

So the Black Order is trying to erase Cantus Magna from the world forever, even though they know that this is very dangerous.

It is a very dangerous job that draws continental level aggro, and many adventurers will die.

“however… … . To do so, disguise yourself as a genius with a lot of magic or a reclusive wizard… … . Wouldn’t that be more comfortable?”

Is it really necessary to go this way?

Wouldn’t it be okay if we proceeded in a way that the reclusive archmage appeared? After long research, he developed numerous magics. Then I don’t think I’ll be attracted to unnecessary aggro.

“Then you will be hunted down as a warlock with a lot of taboo. He too will end up fighting. Rather, it will be on a larger scale.”


Between adventurers who covet treasure coming one by one, and a reclusive archmage developing countless mystical techniques and appearing in the world, the latter is more dangerous.

The wizard guild could threaten them with research materials, and if that went wrong, the wizard guild units would come hunting instead of the level of adventurers flocking to them.

Rather, Epinhauser’s words that the scale of the fight would increase when a human wizard drew such aggro came to me terrifyingly.

Dark Land’s work takes place beyond the borders of the human world.

Because of that psychological distance, a lot of people turn off their minds to some extent whatever is there.

However, if there is a dangerous black magician inside the world of humans, they will rush to step on it as if their feet were on fire.

Epinhauser’s point of view that building a dungeon was a way to see less blood was rather understandable.

The Black Order creates fake dungeons to attract people.

However, it is much more dangerous than a real dungeon, and it will contain powerful treasures.

However, there is no way the Black Order would be the only ones to lose money by doing this.

It was something we wanted too.

“First of all, if you guys have magic that can affect the dungeon composition or the external environment, anything is good, so I’ll have to support it.”


“And the most important thing.”

Epinhauser sees me.

“The original owner of the place, the lich, is also a powerful wizard and has agreed to cooperate with us, but we need a powerful force to prepare for an emergency. One person is scheduled to be stationed in the order, but I would like you to hire one from your side as well. In other words, I think you can think of each of us as having a person in charge in the dungeon.”

The words themselves were not wrong.


After all, in the house where the owner is, we talk about this and that regardless of the landlord’s doctor.

Feeling like something more than trash?

“Let’s talk about it.”

A strategy to attract Cantus Magna.

Running a fake dungeon.

I don’t know how this will turn out, but word needs to spread as quickly as possible to attract Cantus Magna.

And a person in charge who could claim to be the dungeon’s watchman.

But is there anyone who can do it?

* * *

Goseong Epiax.

“I will do it.”

As soon as Antirianus heard the details, he readily accepted.

Antirianus answered right away as soon as he convened the Vampire Council and brought up the matter, so everyone was taken aback.

It’s good that the council is opened one day after delivering the request to summon the council to Lucinil.

It seems that this has made everyone except Antirianus go nowhere?

Elerys, Galarche, Lluen, and Lucinil were all staring at Antirianus.

why are you again

It was these expressions.

“… … Aren’t you making decisions too hastily?”

At my question, Antirianus laughed blankly.

“On the contrary, I think it is a very good seat.”

“Are you good?”

Lucille tilted her head.

“First of all, the idea of ​​tempting Cantus Magna by making an already existing dungeon into a more dangerous place is interesting. But didn’t you say you would throw a lot of bait for him in the end?”

The Black Order was prepared to take risks and leak numerous prohibitions and secret arts. And I’m also thinking of supporting if there are magic books that can be helpful in the bunker of the castle.

“I could read any number of visions to be used as bait, but I don’t know why you guys don’t want that position.”


Did you approach it with that concept?

“The vision of the Black Order… … . Of course, the field is limited, but… … .”

Lluen nodded as if he could, and the rest seemed convinced.

The dungeon manager is not a bothersome position, but a position where you can see countless forbidden books and visions that the Black Order will throw as bait. They would be things he decided to throw into the world as bait anyway, so he wouldn’t let Antirianus see them.

It is not a dungeon watchman, but a place where you can steal the visions of the Black Order.

That meant that he just ate it up and had no other intentions.

But really… … .

It’s overly honest, so I have to say it’s a subtle liking, but there’s something like that. Although still a bit cheap.

Antirianus, isn’t it actually rather thoughtless?

“Then you should know that the head of the family of Toyo will take care of it. The date and place to meet with the members of the Order will be communicated later through the Head of Demand.”

“I will gladly wait, great one.”

After arguing over who would be in charge of this, I was anticipating that in the end Ellerith or Lucinil would do it reluctantly.

The greedy grandpa readily took over, and the matter was immediately resolved without much discussion.

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