The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 372

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Chapter 372

Liana has become a different person.

It was an inevitable situation. Liana was actually a guy who spent years and wasted years, but she was a very powerful psychic who grew up on her own.

He had the power, but he had no intention of living while using it. However, in the face of this situation, Riana was grateful that she had the strength she had accumulated in the time she had spent in vain, and she was working hard to sharpen it with all her heart.

In addition to simply training superpowers, he was focusing on physical training that he hated and hated until now. Only Cliff was helping with that part.

As a result, being the target of Liana’s revenge is not something I can do.

If so, who is the target that Liana should truly take revenge on?

Owen de Getmora who betrayed at the crucial moment after secretly working inside the revolutionary forces?

Chanapelle and Saviolin Tana, who are believed to have actually carried out the operation?

Bertus who planned all this?

Or the emperor who sanctioned the plan?

or not.

Turning round and round, in the end, I became the clue that all these things happened?

I don’t know which way Liana’s blade of vengeance really should be.

It seems unfair that I was hit with that, but if you think about it strictly, it’s not that unfair.

Liana pursues strength.

More than any one of us, we longed for it and hoped for it.

Just like that, the remaining time of winter vacation was passing by.

And, I really have to prepare.

Prepare to become everyone’s enemy.

That moment was approaching moment by moment.

* * *

[Achievement Points: 17,730]

Until now, I hadn’t used it in particular, and I kept it as an emergency fund in case something big happened. The most recent one was used in a way to strengthen the spirit to create a big gap in Lebarrier Ranche during the festival.

I strengthened the spirits to bind his movements, and stabbed Tiamata, who had become a demonic sword, into his heart. After that, I became the true master of Tiamata, and I was able to freely transform Tiamata into a holy sword or a demonic sword according to my will.

Achievement Points have always been a very powerful weapon for me in that they can create huge variables.

Remaining Achievement Points.

There are quite a few things you can do with this.

With 8,000 points, you can unlock your fourth talent.

My talents are three: self-suggestion, speech, and magical control.

[Swordsmanship – 8,000 points]

In order to become a master class, talent for combat is required, but autosuggestion already functions as a talent related to combat. However, acquiring a talent for swordsmanship could not be a bad thing.

Acquiring swordsmanship will speed up the pace at which you will reach the Master Class.

After spending 8,000 points, you get 9,000 achievement points. You will need 16,000 points to unlock the fifth talent, so you will need 7,000 more achievement points to unlock the fifth talent.

However, I am torn between two talents.

[Swordsmanship – 8,000 points]

[Spirit resistance – 8,000 points]

You may need resistance to psychic powers.

As a holy spirit, it is almost immune to mind-type magic, and it will require exorcism, but that part can be trained.

However, it is impossible to resist psychic powers.

If my identity is discovered, many people will become my enemies.

That would include Liana de Granz as well. Liana’s blitz abilities became immensely powerful through her awakening.

Of course, Liana’s resistance can be counteracted to some extent with the defense that comes from magical power enhancement. However, if there is supernatural resistance, it can be safe to some extent not only from Liana but also from other psychic people who exist.

And, the real problem isn’t Liana.


Scarlett’s immune powers completely incapacitate me. In front of that power that nullifies the scope of my supernatural power, I can’t use either self-suggestion or utterances.

Already in the tournament, people saw Scarlett’s power cripple me. If it turns out that I am the Demon King and a fight breaks out, the really dangerous enemy is Scarlett, not Ellen.

If Scarlett’s immune ability is classified as a supernatural ability, can it be offset by supernatural resistance?

If not, of course, you can make it possible.

[Add Settings]

I’ve never used it, but I can add a setting that allows me to resist Scarlett’s immune ability with supernatural resistance.

However, in this case, there is a downside to having to earn a significant amount of achievement points to deal only with Scarlett. It’s not like I have to fight Scarlett either. In this case, points are wasted.

Achievement points are saved for when they matter, not worthless.

Will you get to the master class faster by securing your talent for weapons?

Or, should I pursue a little more stability by acquiring supernatural resistance?

The worry didn’t last long.

[Uses 8,000 achievement points.]

[Talent – ‘Swordsmanship’ has been acquired.]

Unless it’s urgent, we pursue versatility.

My talents are now swordsmanship, magical control, and auto-suggestion and eloquence.

The optimal conditions for becoming a master class are in place.

The remaining achievement points are 9,730.

I’d like to leave this in case, just in case.

[Spirit resistance – 16,000 points]

I wanted to equip myself with the ability to resist the supernatural ability in case of an emergency.

There was one thing I held back because I thought that having too much talent might cause suspicion.

Was the ability resistance good? … ?

Talent that has been eaten cannot be spit out.


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I spent a lot of achievement points, so now I have to build them up again.

I don’t know if it’s time to do something like this, but after all, achievement points are more important to me than money.

Achievement Points are your only ability to interfere with the world. And at this point, the only way to earn achievement points is through challenges.

Not surprisingly, the challenge list is updated periodically.

[Challenge List]

[Identification of Akasha’s identity – 50,000 points]

[Find Cantus Magna – 30,000 points]

The top two challenges were also consistent with my goals. This won’t go away for a while.

At first, absurd things like slapping the emperor were at the top of the challenge, but now, seemingly trivial things were offering huge achievement points as rewards.

Now is not the time to joke around.

I wanted to

[Coming out to classmates (dressing up contest) – 5,000 points]

[Date with Bertus as a woman – 4,000 points]

[Dating Kono Lint as a woman – 4,000 points]

[Date with someone while dressed as a woman – 2,000 points]

[In crossdressing… … .]

[dress up! – 500 points]

“… … .”

그럼 그렇지 이 개새끼가.

Are you going to worry about this until I get it?

* * *

I decided to forget about achievement points for the time being.

In the first place, I was blinded by the achievement score, so I went to a dress-up contest and saw that snowball roll like crazy, so I had no intention of doing anything else with it anymore.

Problems beyond embarrassing might arise, and they actually happened.

Acquiring swordsmanship talent did not miraculously improve my swordsmanship. So far I’ve been mostly pushing with the specs.

Absolute skill difference.

My swordsmanship is inferior to Cliffman, Scarlett, and Ludwig, purely. Ellen doesn’t even need to be mentioned. Even if she pulls all of them, she will be pushed back.

The reason I was able to gain an advantage over them was because I had autosuggestion, and also because I was able to enhance my magical power.

So it was my way to push the difference in skill with overwhelming physicality.

But now, by acquiring swordsmanship talent, she was given a future in which pure skill itself would be superior.

In the end, in such a situation where gradual change was a little faster than dramatic change, I spurred on my training.

one of those days.

Ellen, I, and Cliffman were huddled together in the gym.

“… … Do you think you are too weak?”


Cliffman came out with a serious expression and asked for a consultation with Ellen.

“I thought I would help… … . As you can see, I say this, but… … . Liana’s psychic powers were originally strong… … .”

“I am stronger now.”


Riana’s psychic powers have become extremely strong through unwanted awakenings, and are getting stronger. It’s a pity that the trigger was her father’s death, anger, and regret, but it’s true that her Liana got stronger as a result.

And Cliffman tries to help Riana get revenge.


“I really… … . I didn’t think it would help anything if I said that such a fight would really happen… … .”

Cliffman was thinking he was redundant.

How is he… … .

Why can’t I get away with this kind of crap?

Cliffman belongs to the monster axis if you think about not being strong at the normal level.


The people this guy asks for advice are me and Ellen.

Needless to say, Ellen, I have already gone beyond the ark of the ordinary, and have gone beyond the ark of the monster.

as it were.

Among the monsters of the royal class, if there is anything like martial arts, it is me and Ellen. It’s true if you look at the growth rate rather than actual skills.

In addition, the guy who promised to fight together was originally a superpower of a tremendous level, but this time his ability itself suddenly grew explosively.

In other words, Cliffman, who is not a thousand, but is a thousand, has a very overwhelming comparison target, so his rice bowl looks infinitely small.

“Shouldn’t I be able to strengthen my magical powers…?” … .”

no this

Originally, you shouldn’t have realized that in first grade. Even Ellen couldn’t do it in her first year. She’s in a weird situation, so she woke up too soon. Actually he vomited blood and I passed out for a few days?

It’s just that someone else’s rice cake looks big, and he’s a stork, but he’s reached a level where he thinks he’s a sparrow.

At this rate, it was clear that when Liana really had to fight, she was imagining that she might have to be crushed because she was just a hindrance. And if a fight breaks out right now, it will definitely happen with a high probability.

As always, Ellen stared blankly at Cliff.

“Don’t be too hasty. You don’t have to be in such a hurry.”

It is also Ellen’s strength to calmly comfort her.

“You never know what will happen when. The demon king might attack the temple right now, saying that he might threaten them later.”

uh… … .

It might be so if the Demon King really wants the destruction of mankind and wants the Demon World War.

But am I not?

I’m here with you guys!

Is it a word you use when you feel like you’re about to explode?

“… … That’s right.”

However, it was more problematic that it was a credible word.

The incident disguised as an attack by demons this time gave birth to various misunderstandings about the forces of demons.

People came to believe that not only some of the powerful demons that had been in operation until now, but also demons, including orcs and ogres, existed under the command of the demon king.

People’s imagination that they would already have a considerable army was added.

There is also a question as to why the demons attacked that place, but as Bertus intended, the people were engulfed in fear of the demons. Few people questioned the true reason.

To be precise, it was understood that the Merchant Guild branch in the outskirts was unluckily attacked while trying to raid Laziern, the capital of the small country Levina.


The fear of not knowing when and where the demon king’s hand might reach is dormant in everyone’s heart, and Cliffman was no exception to that.


The temple, where talented people who can be called the future of the empire are sleeping, corresponds to the highest priority for raids in humans.

Royal class there too.

It is the place where the demon king must be conquered first in order to break the future of the empire while dreaming of a great world.

Cliffman’s anxiety that I was still too weak at a time when I might be in danger had to be persuasive, regardless of my actual intentions.

To be precise, it’s too weak compared to Liana.

“So I’m going to focus on magic response training for now, but I was wondering if you could help me.”

“You already did that.”

“… … It just didn’t work.”

“still… … .”

Cliffman seemed to have judged that if he did not succeed in strengthening his magical power, he would not even be able to start.

However, Ellen and I were telling Cliffman about magical power enhancement.

I somehow woke up, but Cliffman is still in place.

Isn’t it training that you didn’t do in the first place, just because you focus on it miraculously awakens your magical power? There can be no such thing.

“I understand what you think, but in the first place, only this girl and I can enhance magical power during the first year. And it’s kind of like saying, but we’re unusual. Even though they are in the senior year, there are seniors who still have no idea, but if you do it too hastily, the magic circuit may be destroyed, causing more serious aftereffects… … .”

“There is one more, now.”

In the middle of my words, only Cliff cut off and entered.

“What is one more?”

“A person who can enhance magical power.”

Cliffman pointed somewhere.

It was clearly in the direction of the class B dormitory.



The main character kid.

Where did you eat me without knowing me?

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