The Demon King Who Leveled up Without Attack Chapter 100

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Episode 100

Erie community in the wilderness.

And a stocky dwarf.

Those involved in this incident had no intention of sending any of them away.

Martin was dragged by the Atlas Gauntlet’s gravity and thrown to the floor.

“Well, I was wrong. I made a mistake by not recognizing the precious person!”

“Everyone can make mistakes. Forgiving them is another thing.”

If you pulled out a knife.

On the other hand, you have to be prepared to get stabbed.

This guy lacked the will to stab others.

I looked around.

Several blacksmiths glanced at me and then turned their heads.

The rest are completely indifferent.

Hakan, who made a deal a while ago,

Yes, not a single face was shown.

Maybe it’s because of my rant.

Or maybe you are indifferent to your surroundings.

‘It’s a beautiful place in many ways.’

It is closer to the hometown of my previous life, Pandemonium, than to Korea.

I threw Martin on the floor and stepped on his chest.

“Off. Ugh!”

A scream that squeezes out one’s lungs.

Martin crawled and wriggled on the ground.

“If you kill me too, the community will definitely retaliate.”

“Wasn’t this the end?”

“Women in the wilderness are a community of as many as 100 people. If we leave here, there will be no further damage.”

“Ah. Thank goodness.”

I looked relieved.

Martin’s face brightened.

“Chu, clack. Can you please move your feet…

“If I hadn’t known there were more of them, I would have passed by.”

Parents –

Martin gaped.

It seems like you didn’t really understand what I said a moment ago.

This guy can’t understand the atmosphere.

“Because I don’t like a bad aftertaste.”

“So we’re going to wipe them all out.” There was silence for a moment.

Martin’s eyes fluttered open, and he

I opened my mouth at a slow pace.

“You… are crazy.”

I gently gave strength to my feet.

Wow! A dry scream came out.

“Guide the guys.”

“Chu, clack. I understand.”

“If you do something stupid, I won’t leave you alone.”

I took my feet away from the stocky guy’s body.

“Hakan. Can you hear me?”

“Why are you looking for big tits now?”


Hakan rolled up the cloth and came out.

I pointed to the attackers lying on the ground.

“Can I leave it to you to collect the items?”

“You’re making me do troublesome things.”

“I have to move quickly to get a hit.”

“I understand. You will be paid for overtime.”

Even though he grumbles with his mouth, he does everything he needs to do.

I left the cleanup to Hakan and left the alley.


North of the Hanging Gardens.

It was also called a community district.

If the Blacksmith Earth had a consistent atmosphere, this place seemed like a collection of all kinds of worlds.

‘There are so many people.’

There are several races mixed together, including Orcs, Dark Elves, and Trolls.

They are not ‘half-babys’ who appear at the gate, but are truly beings from another world.

“This way.”

Scattered hair.

Martin, who was covered in dirt, gave directions while trembling pitifully.

As I followed his guidance, the crowd gradually decreased.


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Outskirts of the community district.

I entered a dark alley with few people and shadows everywhere.

End of alley.

A building located in a quiet place

It caught my eye.

Orange light is leaking through the slightly open door.

“That’s the wilderness community.”

“Good work.”

“What happens to me then?”

“You have to keep your promise.”


Dark Star transformed into a sword again and quickly stabbed the short dwarf in the heart.

“Why why……

“I told you I won’t leave you alone if you do something stupid.”

I whispered in the dwarf’s ear.

While giving directions.

The guy activated something he had hidden in his arms.

A secret magic wave.

It was not possible to deceive the spirit of Seongcheonjogyegong, who had reached 6th grade.

‘It must have been some kind of signal.’

A promise is a promise, so shouldn’t you keep it?

I didn’t say anything twice.

The moment the dwarf was defeated, murderous intent poured in from all directions.

“I know, so come out.”

Sa’/Sasak” _

Several shadows were cast around the alley.

The number was more than twice that of the blacksmith district.

“You have a lot of patience for being a newbie, right?”

Dry voice.

A woman wearing a black robe appeared on the roof of the Kerr Unity building.

Long ears protruded from the hood covering its head.

It was a dark elf.

“It looks like you are the leader of the wolves of the wilderness.”

“This new recruit is arrogant. He only has a snout.”

“Are all your subordinates who were killed by a man with only a snout a dead body?”

The community leader was silent for a moment.

“What did Croden do?”

“Killed it.”

“Thanks to you, the position of vice-leader of our community has become vacant.”

“It’s a shame. I mourn.”

I answered in a soulless tone.

“I’ll give you a chance to join as a new member, vice-captain of the community.”

“Who. Me?”

“If you defeated Croden, you have the skills, and I like the distribution.”

“I guess you’ve already forgotten that I killed your men.”

“I will forgive your sins if you join as vice-captain. These are good conditions.


“How does a dragon’s head attach to a snake’s tail?”

The community leader’s countenance hardened.

“Hoho. I guess newbies will need a sharp assistant.”

Clap clap!

The moment the leader claps his hands.

The members who filled the surrounding area took action.

Arrows and arrows flew in from all directions.

Front and back, left and right.

There was nowhere to escape.

[Use self-defense equipment.]

I used 1,000 chaos weapons to surround my entire body.

‘It’s an attack that even an Auror couldn’t carry.’

Tea teating!

Memorization didn’t do any harm to self-defense strength.

I opened a subspace created with the power of immortality.

The blue inferno site burned red through the distorted space.

Warrior 3.

And then the first knight appeared on the 5th floor.


When the immortal army landed, the earth shook due to its massive weight.

‘It’s not a good place for the Immortal Warrior to demonstrate his power.’

Similar in size to the surrounding buildings.

His large size of 10 meters was a disadvantage on the battlefield.

I pointed to Immortal Knight.

“I will give you command. Take them down with the Immortal Warrior.”


The Immortal Knight’s entire body was wrapped in a black air current.

[Immortal Knight uses Polymorph.]

[The size is reduced, so you receive a penalty to your stats. All abilities except magical power decrease by 30%.]

The large body that was 10 meters long shrunk to 2 meters.

Similar size to me.

The momentum decreased a little, but it was still strong.

『Miscellaneous things. Do not disturb the supreme event.』

The Immortal Knight took command of the warrior class and began slaughtering the members stationed on both sides.

The color disappeared from the community leader’s face.

I surround myself with sacred flames


Following Seongcheon Jogye-gong, the ability has been increased repeatedly.

Preparations for battle are over.

“You bleached idiot. We have something to talk about, right?”

I ran quickly down the alley and kicked the ground hard.

The ground was torn apart by the impact.

In reaction, I jumped high and went straight to where the community leader was.

“You’re so arrogant for a new subject!”

The leader waved his arms.

The guy’s shadow wriggled behind his back.

Shadow Fiend.

Like the monster that was encountered on the first floor of the Tower of Trials, the Fel Beast, it was a demonic beast that inhabited Pandemonium.

The shadows turned into dozens of blades and rushed towards me.

‘They are all entities with physical power.’

I held the king’s sword and unfolded the Changgung Muai Sword method.


The powerful sword was fired at a speed so fast that it was invisible to the eye.

Dozens of shadow swords were broken in an instant.

Without losing his momentum, he launched a martial arts attack directly at the leader.


The railing was cut off by the sword.

Just before the king’s sword split the leader’s head, its body turned black and disappeared.

[Shadow movement]

This is Shadow Fiend’s skill to skip between shadows.

The leader appeared on the rooftop of a building dozens of meters away.

“It’s quite a feat to be able to handle a magical beast so freely.”

“Ik, you. Was that power really a challenger belonging to the martial arts group?!”


It’s a familiar name.

In the past, when active on the Mu continent, it was a term referring to the world of Mu people.

“No. I’m from Earth.”

“Don’t lie!”

The leader waved his hand again.

Several dark spirits moved around and cast a black curtain.

‘You’re using a trick.’

I quickly closed the distance.

That moment.

“Dark Spear!”

Dark mana rearranged in an instant.

A 3m long black spear flew quickly through the air.

I just stepped on the railing and took a leap.

It was aimed at.

“It was a pretty good idea.”

He loaded the chaos energy into one of the Seomjeonbi and threw it at the exterior wall of a nearby building.

Rain that easily penetrates stone walls.

I pulled Arachne’s thread and changed the trajectory to where Bido was.

A black spear narrowly grazed my hair.

“Spirit liberation!”

Five dark spirits flew in at once, releasing energy.

black sphere.

It is a form of pure dark mana gathered together.

It is a powerful technique that explodes the power of a spirit in an instant, but after use, the spirit cannot be summoned for quite a long time.

Spiritists rarely used it unless it was an emergency.

‘It would be difficult to avoid it.’

Spirits with will.

Like the Dark Spear, it won’t end with just dodging it once; it will continue to target me.

Transform the Dark Star into a Unicorn Horn Spear.

[Use the musical singing method.]

[The spear is filled with strong energy.]


The grooves on the horn spear amplified the power of the chaos machine.

I quickly thrust out the tip of the spear and pierced the spirit in the center of the sphere.


The dark spirit was reverse-summoned while screaming.

“Megalith Head!”

While I was neutralizing the spirits, the leader did not stay still.

The ground around me was stained black.

The ground turned into the maw of a black shark under the influence of magic.

Hundreds of teeth covering the surrounding area.


Teeth sharper than blades crushed my body.

“Hohoho! You’ve finally been caught. I’ll make you pay for putting this sister through a hard time.”

“What about you, sister? You have a long story to tell about bleached ears.”


I strengthened my arms.

Quad Deuk!

The shark’s mouth, made of dark mana, was unable to withstand the force and was torn in two.


The reaction that destroyed the magic struck the leader.

They barged in.

A situation where hundreds of blades are stuck in the body.

My body was fine.

‘As expected, transcendent grade equipment is different.’

A smile appeared on my lips.

Megalith Head was only targeting my torso.

Teeth with concentrated dark mana.

Since it was not a full body, I trusted the defensive power of the [Primitive Shadow Armor] and did not use the self-defense magic steel.

The effect was amazing.

Only a small amount of shock is transmitted to the body.

Although it was partially frayed, its durability did not decrease significantly.

“This, this, this! Cheeky newbie!”

A leader who widens the distance by using magic bullets or curses.

I chased after it without stopping.

The upper body was protected by [Primal Shadow Armor].

It was difficult for a single spell to penetrate the armor’s defense and cause damage to me.

Even if it inflicts enough damage to pierce armor.

The sacred flame quickly healed the wound.

“The ability to run away is amazing.”

I meant it.

Shadow Fiend is a difficult monster to deal with in any environment.

Because the leader had completely assimilated the Shadow Fiend, it was quite difficult to chase him.

There is no game of tag that never ends

How to do it.

Although it was only for a moment, a gap appeared in the leader’s use of magical power.

My hands got tangled as I tried to forcefully rearrange the dark mana over and over again.

“Let’s end this now.”

I thrust the royal sword into the leader’s vital spot.

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