The Constellations Are My Disciples Chapter 152

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◈ Episode 152. fruit? (One)

“… … “Why does it seem like there are more?”

“Oh, you mean that?”

Four hours after Kim Joo-hyuk saw various items piled up near the training room, he went inside and started training.

Kim Joo-hyuk made a strange expression as he felt that there were more boxes than before, piled up near the training room, which he had left without opening because he was too lazy to open them.

Black Cat and Adelia Bentrick, who had been rolling around like dogs under Kim Joo-hyuk a little while ago and then escaped to eat lunch, were looking at the stacked boxes with blank expressions.

A moment of silence.

Kim Joo-hyuk, who was looking at that scene, asked Black Cat.

“Who did you say you left behind with whom earlier?”

“The Knights Templar and the Kingship, as well as the Brotherhood and the Holy Name Assembly… … “I think it was sent by quite a few other groups.”

“now… … ?”

“There is probably a report in my office, so I will check it right away.”

Black Cat, who disappeared into the black space with those words, soon came out of the black space again and spoke.

“… … “I think the places I left the gifts this time were ‘The Road Ascending’ and ‘The City of Silence.’”

“Why on earth?”

Kim Joo-hyuk looked at the money piled up on one side of the training room with an expression of complete incomprehension and asked.

“As I mentioned earlier, there are several letters sent to the office with this gift. “I’ll bring it to you.”

Black Cat immediately enters the black space once again at Kim Joo-hyuk’s nod.

Likewise, Black Cat, who escaped from the space after some time, showed the letters to Kim Joo-hyuk.

“This many? “How many?”

“I think there are about 20 letters.”

At Black Cat’s words, Kim Joo-hyuk took out one of the letters he had, immediately tore it up, and began to read the contents inside.


Kim Joo-hyuk soon realized that this letter was from the Knights when he looked at the writing at the top of the letter.

Kim Joo-hyuk, who read the letter for some time, soon realized that it contained a request for apology and forgiveness.


Kim Joo-hyuk, who was staring blankly at the letter with an incomprehensible expression, seemed to think for a moment and then opened his mouth.


[Did the Butcher of the Unknown Call with a powerful voice, Master!! The answer is!]

Immediately in the notification window that popped up in front of Kim Joo-hyuk, he asked Ji-ral briefly about the current situation.

“Anyway, what happened up there?”

[The Butcher of the Newspaper nods his head. A while ago, some arrogant bastards came to us, saying they were going to put us down! I answer.]


At those words, Kim Joo-hyuk immediately remembered the story he heard from Barche a while ago and let out a low exclamation.

[The Butcher of No Newspaper frowns slightly and asks, “What else have those bastards done?” I ask.]

“No, it’s not like that, so don’t worry about it. “You didn’t get hit like that, did you?”

[If the Butcher of Mushinmun had been beaten by those bastards with a very natural expression on his face, he would have been in disgrace as a teacher, so you don’t have to worry about it! He says.]

“I get it.”

I looked at the last notification window that appeared and nodded lightly.

“What should I do with the boxes?”

Kim Joo-hyuk seemed to think for a moment about Black Cat’s question that was soon heard.

“Well, there’s no need not to take it just because it’s given, right? Take care of everything. “I put a box of fruit inside so you can pick it up one by one during training.”

“What should I do with the letter?”

“Throw it all away.”

After saying that, we decided to dispose of the gifts piled up in the training room.


A conference room on one side of Daegongdong.

“… … “Where has everyone gone?”

The ‘overthrower’, the head of the ‘Kingdom’ who is the leader of the created coalition, asked this while looking at the empty seats in the conference room here and there.

“… … .”

The constellations quietly glance at him without saying anything.

The overthrower who was watching this naturally frowned and sighed.

In fact, the one who overthrew it knew very well why the Constellations were not joining this alliance.

‘Musin… … !’

Martial God.

At the point when the constellations of the Tower of Destruction regained their names and went down to earth, all the constellations in the Great Hollow could hear the rumor that the God of War had been reincarnated on earth.

No, actually, it wasn’t even a rumor.

At that point, a week had already passed, and it had already been revealed that Musin had been reincarnated.

Of course, the constellations of the Great Communion, including those who overthrow them, do not know the process through which Musin came to be reincarnated in this world.

But in the end, what was important to the constellations was that Musin was reincarnated in this world.

Thanks to this, groups began to quietly fall out of the coalition led by the overthrower, one by one.

In any case, although the Union was defeated unilaterally, it had the experience of being defeated by the disciples of the Musinmun.

“after… … .”

As the overthrower sighed as he looked at the few unfilled seats, the leader of the ‘assembly’ group, who had been sitting in silence the entire time, looked at him and spoke.

“Is this a question you really need to ask? “At first glance, I ran away because I didn’t want to be seen by Musin and his disciples.”

“… … .”

“From what I heard already, they said they were going to punish the military god and his disciples and send them gifts and not make a fuss.”

Hearing the words of the torch collector, the overthrower sighed as if he was in pain.


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‘to be honest… … .’

The one who overthrew could understand the constellations that were not here.

In fact, this union has already become a failed union after being broken by the disciples of Mushinmun.

In addition, I also knew that the reason why the alliance was maintained even after it was broken by the disciples of the Martial Arts was not because of mutual trust or alliance, but because everyone was just watching.

In short, the one who overthrew had been expecting this situation to come someday since he was broken by the disciples of the Martial Arts.

However, as soon as the constellations began to leave, the person who overthrew them became filled with resentment.

‘I can’t believe it slipped away like this… … .!’

As I said before, it wasn’t that I didn’t understand what they were getting away with.

In fact, the person who overthrew also wanted to hit his head against the god of war after leaving this failed alliance.

But those who overthrew failed to do so.

Because he was the leader of this coalition.

Of course, being the leader of the alliance did not mean that he could not escape the alliance.

But after the problem goes away.

After leaving the alliance, other constellations were able to express their own apologies to Musin and his disciples.

In any case, although he belonged to the coalition, he was just one of its members, and he could say as much as he wanted to defend his group.

But what about the leader of the coalition?

‘No matter how much you think about it, it’s impossible.’

In the first place, the position of leader of the alliance had a strong feeling that he was the decision-maker, and it was very likely that the disciples of the Martial God and the Martial God would never forgive those who directly attacked them and overthrew them.

And that was the reason why those who overthrew have not yet broken the alliance and gathered together.

In any case, he and the group he leads will have nowhere to go the moment this union is broken.

That’s why he sighed heavily again, looked around at the constellations that were still in place, and thought.

‘From now on, we will prevent the constellations from escaping from the alliance, even if it means using slightly harsher methods.’

I felt that if it remained ambiguous like this, other constellations remaining in the alliance would also be taken away.

‘From now on, I will take revenge.’

The overthrower began to think about carrying out the plan he had been thinking about all along.

No matter how much he thought about it, there was no way to stop those who could escape this union right now.

Because there is nothing in this union.

So, on the contrary, it was decided to create a penalty for those who overthrow to leave this union.

If you leave the alliance from now on, you will be subject to a penalty of retaliation from the alliance’s constellations.

Of course, it was a very difficult task for the overthrower to do alone, but since there were quite a few constellations still remaining in the alliance, this method was a very good way to keep the constellations in check.


The overthrower clears his throat for a moment.

He looked at the constellations looking at him and then opened his mouth-

“Then now-”

“for a moment!”

-However, the voice of the overthrower was soon blocked by another constellation that suddenly rushed in.

Soon, the overthrower realized that the person who opened the door of the conference room and entered the conference room without having time to show an unpleasant expression was a constellation belonging to his group, ‘Kingdom’.

“Whew. Sorry, King… … !”

“… … “What’s going on?”

When the person who was soon to be overthrown asked the question while looking at the ‘Portrait Commissioner of the Century’ who had approached him, he seemed to be taking a quick look at his surroundings and soon slipped the story into his ear so that no one could hear.

[Something really good happened… … !]

“… … ?”

Hearing a very small but clear voice, he looked at the bailiff with a questioning expression. He smiled and began to talk about the current situation.

And the overthrower, who had been listening to the story for a while, spoke with a surprised expression.

“… … “A magician of words?”


“That’s true?”


In response to the bailiff’s answer, the overthrower smiled haughtily without realizing it.

‘The magician of language secretly sent a gift… … ?’

In fact, the one who overthrew did not send any significant gift of apology to Musin, and even told other constellations belonging to the group not to send gifts.

This was because they thought that Musin would never accept their apology since they had already completely turned into enemies anyway.

However, the magician of language disobeyed the words of the overthrower and secretly sent a gift of apology to Musin.

In fact, if you listen to this point, the magician of language had to be disciplined separately within the group because he disobeyed the words of the person who overthrew him, but the point is as follows.

‘Musin… … I received a gift… … ?’

Mushin received a gift.

A gift of apology that I thought I would never receive.

‘That means… … !’

It was no different from Musin saying that he would fully forgive him at least once.

Therefore, the person who overthrows it completely erases from his mind the plan to impose fatalities that he had been considering to maintain the union just a moment ago.

“I will tell you now.”

He who overthrows.

“As of this time, I will retire as leader of the Coalition and withdraw from the Coalition.”


“thank you.”

He immediately escaped from the Union.


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