The Archmage’s Restaurant Chapter 33

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Chapter.8 Great City’s Feast

I spoke in a whisper so that the duke could not hear, and the crown prince glared at El with an embarrassed face. Then he quickly looked at the duke. But the Duke was obsessed with eating Palenque.

After confirming that, the crown prince looked at the dish again with a serious face, then looked at Gray and then turned his gaze back to El.

The crown prince, who was curious about who this man was, began to panic.

A man who realizes his true intentions and even advises him to go one step further and take care of his people.

My expression was rotting inside as I wondered what all these people were like.

However, the position is still poor. If his true intentions were revealed to the duke at this point, he could have been dethroned from his position as crown prince.

Interfering with work is natural, almost like play.

If this man uses his mouth incorrectly, everything will be in vain, so you have no choice but to be embarrassed, regardless of the man’s identity or status.

But I couldn’t continue to look embarrassed.

The crown prince forcefully brought Palenque to his mouth. And he forced a smile. Because it’s in front of the duke.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

The crown prince started laughing and began to eat the Palenque greedily, as if he was acting. Looking at that, the duke just thinks it’s as shallow as before.

Although it looked like he was eating ravenously, the crown prince was actually so surprised that he couldn’t even taste the taste of Palenque.

I had a great ambition in my heart to correct the imperial power of the empire that was being played by a few nobles. However, it is still as weak as a leaf. Besides, he honestly never thought about the people.

“But anyway, I like this clay. Because there are infinite possibilities. If peace is maintained in this city, I will continue to like mud.”

As I continue to watch the man’s gaze while eating, a line that shakes me comes out again.


The crown prince started laughing at this point.

What are you thinking about right now? I feel like I’m naked.

The first bet he made was to get naked and walk through Grace City.

This is tantamount to defeat. No, it was already a losing situation.

It wasn’t until the very end that I tried to help Grayke keep the duke in check as if I were being generous.

The crown prince began to laugh. Although the original concept was to laugh, the crown prince was laughing sincerely for the first time since he was born.

Who is the main character of this edition?


no. He is the most thoughtless being.



However, he was not the crown prince himself.

The commander commanding the current battlefield is this man in front of me.

I can’t help it. The crown prince thought so. He now had to see himself get out of this situation. It’s not like I can stop her by killing the duke in front of me and Medrine who is guarding her.

“Okay, Great! I lost this bet! I admit it honestly. How can I say I won when I ate such delicious food? Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Then the duke, who had been quiet, intervened, frowning as if he had been hit in the back of the head.

“Your Highness, what do you mean by that? Even if you lose, such a bet cannot stand. “Your Majesty is walking around naked!”


The duke responded to the crown prince’s words with a puzzled expression.


“The terms of that bet have changed.”

“What is that?”

“I promised that if I lost, I would leave Grayke straight away, without making any demands! But this is legendary meat? It’s delicious, right? It’s a legend, so what should I do to admit it? Because legends are great things! It’s a fun dinner. It’s funny, so didn’t I lose? So I’m sorry, Duke. Don’t be too sad. “But how much tax does a fiefdom like this cost?”

“It was definitely delicious. But your highness, cooking and politics are two different things.”

“I don’t know anything about politics. But the important thing is that I have already said with my mouth that I will bet, so I cannot go back. “I am the crown prince!”

The crown prince laughed, got up from the table, and left the banquet hall. Then the duke ran after the crown prince without hiding his red face with anger.

“majesty! “I didn’t hear it!”

“Master! “I will follow your Majesty too!”

Grayke also disappeared after chasing the prince.

As a result, the only ones left were Elle and Medrine. There were only two.


“I asked you if you were coming, but you are disturbing me?”

A thousand dollars boiled inside the duke. But it is true that he was no longer able to openly pressure the rake. Thanks to the crown prince’s capricious bet. You’re disturbing me for the trivial reason of fun.

If they had not planned to make him a puppet emperor, they would have toppled him from his position as prince long ago. There were many other princes aiming for the crown prince position.

However, since he was the crown prince, his declaration had absolute effect.

Right now, I can’t reach out to Gray City. And because the crown prince is leaving right now, I can’t even try anything else. I have to follow the crown prince.

There are eyes to see the world. Even if he is in power, the crown prince has a high ranking. He is something that cannot be ignored.

“Hello! Where is Medrine?”

The duke thought it would be no fun unless he used Medrine’s magic to do something for Great City, so he called her.

“Did you find it?”

Medrine was called and trudged into the study occupied by the duke. Very slowly. slowly. So much so that the duke was completely upset.

Moreover, the one who came in with me was the cook I didn’t like from earlier. In the end, the plan went wrong because of that damn chef. The first place is the crown prince. And second place is this chef.

The Duke thought so and glared at El.

“Yes, you! “How dare you know where this is!”

The duke was shaking, but El calmly entered the study, looked around, and spoke.

“Your Royal Highness Duke Taiwuran. Nice to meet you… .”

El went and stopped in front of the study window. And she opened the window. The wind comes in.

“Medrine, put that guy on his knees immediately!”

The Duke’s brutality made the veins in his neck stand up and he screamed loudly. I’m already so pissed off, how could a mere chef have such an attitude towards himself as a duke? This is something that cannot happen.


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However, Medrine opened her mouth as if such an attitude was natural.

“Your Majesty, I am sorry. “That can’t be possible.”


“That person is a dragon slayer. He is someone who doesn’t even dare to mess with dragons. “How can a human being kneel down to such a being?”

The duke looked back and forth at Elle’s back and at Medrine. A dragon slayer. There was only one person in this world called by that title.

“What does that mean?”

“That’s literally it. Oh, by the way, didn’t we talk about it yesterday too?”


The duke uttered a short word.

And then I looked at L’s back again. Medrine was kneeling and trembling.

Medrine actually committed a sin against El in the last war. That’s why she never had an easy relationship.

But it’s not something that can be done by running away. It was also impossible to escape safely from El. So she’s just shaking.

She is the best wizard in the empire.

He is a high-ranking magician that even the most nobles have no choice but to give up. In fact, he has shown that he has everything he wants to say to the duke.

The Duke began to feel goosebumps at the sight of her trembling so unilaterally. He wondered what kind of being she was talking about.

“majesty? First, let me tell you one thing. I am retired. Whether it’s the center, power, or civil war, it has nothing to do with me. Whatever you and your majesty do. But if you disturb my lair in Great City, you will see dragons rampaging through the capital again. And then, don’t think I can do anything to help you. If you don’t want to lose that little bit of power you’ve worked so hard to maintain your whole life, you should behave yourself. “I hope you erase the word Gracesy from your brain, including the memory of meeting me here.”

“Well, that’s… !”

Elle quietly looked at the duke.

And freed mana.

Soon the study was enveloped in darkness. Black darkness. At the end of it, a huge fireball swirls.

“The road to hell is close. majesty. Please keep that in mind.”

El left those words and disappeared into the darkness.

After the 9th class magic disappears. El disappeared. All she can see is Medrine still kneeling.

What kind of darkness did you see?

Medrine realized that fact and even her teeth chattered.

The duke stood blankly and blinked. Cold sweat continued to flow.


Peace is important.

The duke will face hell if he tries to destroy my well-being. Because he came to show me the end of hell.

For some reason, I felt like he wouldn’t give up and bother me, so I had no choice but to threaten him, but I really didn’t like the process.

The prince was scared with his cooking, but Medrinne’s presence was the problem.

I retired because I hated this dirty and miserable life.

If I hadn’t declared that I would build a rare here, I might have just left.

When I returned to the restaurant with such confusion, the night was getting deeper.

I didn’t wake him up, but Lulin was still rolling around on the bed and whining. He could have woken up and come looking for me.

Rather, it is fortunate.

As I approached and sat down on the bed, Rurin wriggled as if she felt someone I was looking at.

“How long do you plan to sleep, our dragon?”

“Is it you?”

Then he stuck his face out from under the blanket. With half-closed eyes.

“you? “Why is your expression like that?”

Then he suddenly raised his upper body. Thanks to this, the blanket rises into the sky, flutters, and then falls to the floor.

In that state, Lulin crawled over and grabbed my arm.

I can’t believe you’re quick-witted in times like this. It’s an amazing dragon.

“I just happened to be a little tired.”

“Tiring work? What kind of person made you tired? “This body cannot tolerate such a thing!”

“I know. “It’s unacceptable.”

I also felt like I felt a little better when I stroked Rurin’s head.

Lurin suddenly got up from the bed as if she remembered something and grabbed my shoulder.

“Now that I think about it, the woman told the man who came in tired that she should give him a massage.”

Thinking of my colleague, Lurin began to rub her shoulders. It is a wrought iron rather than a cast iron.

Something felt good.

It felt like I was forgetting something that made me tired.

“How do you feel, dear?”

“Yeah, that’s good.”

“is it! Hehe, if you like it, I like it too.”

As she said that, Lurin began to laugh. Why is this dragon touching my emotions so much today? I suddenly feel like hugging it.

“But I’m hungry.”

Lurin puffing out her cheeks.

That line barely brought me to my senses.

Fortunately, that is.


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