The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 82

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 82

Chapter 24 Tavern (4)

I climbed up the barrier.

It was so chilly that the harsh wind bit my skin.

The cold alone is enough to make this place miserable. In the meantime, you have to fend off monsters, so it’s not a living hell for nothing.

“… … “Are you going to stay here?”

Selena, who was next to me, asked me.

A maid uniform that is unnecessarily revealing. Of course, it would be extremely cold in a place like this.


“… … Jeor, even if she changes her clothes… … .”

“Wasn’t the purpose to protect me? “This is outside the building, on top of a wall where people can easily be sniped. Are you going to leave me in this dangerous place?”

“Oh, no. “I will stay by your side.”

After saying that, Selena stood next to me.

Although I was holding it in, I could almost see with my own eyes that my body wouldn’t stop shaking.

Tsk, I clicked my tongue.

“Get changed and come back. And next time, please wear something normal, no matter what.”

“Hey, these clothes are normal enough. It’s just not suitable for the season… … ,”

“Okay, so go.”

Selena quickly nodded to what I said and disappeared.

I sighed and checked the condition of the barrier.

It wasn’t very good. There were padding marks here and there, just like on a beggar’s clothes.

If there are no rocks, they are made of stones, if there are none, they are made of wood, and if it is urgent, scraps of cloth or trash are scraped together and placed here and there.

… … Weaving had the function of ‘restoration’. It’s still locked, but the feature may be unlocked as you level up.

Of course, there is no way the monster will wait for that, so until then, we have to fight against this unstable barrier in front of us.

“… … “It’s normal for things to break down the way they are.”

In fact, the Tavern is unable to survive during Constell’s vacation and breaks down.

If you play the game normally, you will learn about it through stories and newspapers told by Librarian Ainen.

The defense wall collapsed, Tavern was devastated, and the professionals and knights who were urgently dispatched could barely hold on by pulling the wire.

Although the entire Tavern was not torn down, the shrinking of the area was planned.

As a player, Aster cannot stop this flow. Aster is a commoner, and if he forces himself to come to this time, he will only be written off as a soldier. Even if he survives, he will not be able to achieve any significant changes.


“… … .”

I looked beyond the barrier. Beyond the grasslands and fields trampled by monsters, there is a sacred forest that even the monsters outside cannot defile.

A sacred ground that can be seen right here. A distance of less than 1 km.

… … Somewhere in that forest is King Arthur’s sword, Excalibur.

The reason why Excalibur, a weapon with different performance and level of quality, is so close in this game is because this Tayburn is ‘scheduled to collapse’ in the first place.

Tayvon’s front line is pushed out by the monsters outside, and Excalibur naturally moves away.

After greatly increasing the character’s abilities, only when the monsters outside were barely able to be pushed away did the players think, ‘There was Excalibur so close!’ and realize it.

Even if you realize this and restart the game and go to Tavern as Aster first, in the end you will only be watching Tavern collapse right in front of your eyes, so I can only see that the game was designed that way.

“Not right now.”

I will reach Excalibur within this vacation.

If I go now, there is only a future where I will be slaughtered by monsters.

I heard the sound of trudging steps.

A gentle but precise pace. I guessed the identity.

“You are here.”

When I turned around to see those words, it was, of course, Robert.

“Sir Robert.”

“Mr. Frontier. What on earth is going on at Tavern?”

This is a question I have already heard several times. But I laughed because the question was natural.

“It’s just like vacation homework.”

“You came to Tavern for vacation homework. “Does Constell want to kill the students?”

Constel was getting criticized instead of me.

“What about the other knights?”

“Still waiting. Well, everyone is chatting.”

They’re probably still laughing at me.

If I had told anyone else that no one dies in this tavern, I might have laughed.

“Sir Robert is very polite. “He has been using honorifics for me ever since we first met.”

“I learned it from my superiors. Since you use honorifics everywhere, I guess I’ve become similar to you.”

When you say superior, do you mean Empress Fili?

… … Fili’s honorific title probably doesn’t mean ‘polite’.

“Why are you here Sir Robert?”

“I am a knight. “I just follow orders.”

“You mean you don’t even know why?”

“If you follow orders, you will naturally learn it.”

Truly loyal. So much so that it makes perfect sense what Philly has underneath.

I laughed bitterly.

“It would be nice if other knights were like Sir Robert.”

“I am no different from them. “It’s because the environment here is so harsh.”


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I half agreed with what Robert said. As I said before, in this environment, it may be better to go moderately.

However, harsh environments only reveal a person’s true nature.

Not all knights have the mindset of Robert. It seems that way when you belong to the knights and act together, and you yourself think that way.

If they escape from this extreme cold as an individual rather than a knight, they are not knights but only humans.

“Please go in now. It’s too cold on the wall, not during the battlefield. “I have plans for today.”

“What is the schedule?”

Now that I think about it, I can’t see Ridwi, who sent me to the barracks. I thought he must have been sent to the waiting room because of a monster.

If they aren’t monsters, why are the knights gathered in the waiting room?

“Didn’t you know? “The princess is coming for inspection.”

“… … “If you are a princess.”

Isn’t there only one princess now?

The eldest daughter was stripped of her position, and the second daughter must have been busy inheriting the emperor’s position.

“… … But that guy can’t be.”

“That guy?”

“I’m talking to myself.”

* * *

Aten arrived at Tavern with the Imperial Knights.

It seemed like too much protection to protect just one person, but it was only natural for Tayvon.

“Aten. Please stop going back. It’s too dangerous here. “You never know when a monster might break through the barrier and attack.”

The knight next to me spoke in a serious tone.

“If the defenses are unstable, if monsters invade and cause greater damage as a result, then of course, as a member of the royal family, we must take care of it.”

Even if it wasn’t necessarily this vacation, Aten thought that she should stop by Tavern someday.

Unlike Jeranhes, which Ampere protects, even in the northern part of the country, Tayburn was the most unstable corner of the empire.

Frontier was that opportunity, and Aten’s thoughts about the residents of Tavern were sincere.

“… … All right. Then, let’s go to the accommodation. Even the horses are tired.”

The road to get there wasn’t easy.

A car is good for just getting around, but if you’re thinking about fighting, it’s much better to have a horse with you.

Unlike cars, horses need food, rest, and are sensitive to temperature. In other words, it feels the same way as human suffering.

We came a long way from the center to here. The horses were tired, and so were the knights.

“Of course. “It was definitely a tough march.”

As Aten spoke, he looked around the audience. He wanted to look at the knights’ faces.

“Everyone worked hard. There are probably only a few people who come from the center to here on horseback… … ?”

Then it stopped.

In the corner of Aten’s field of vision, a horse was walking alone.

At first, I thought one of the knights had deserted. But it wasn’t. His horse was not wearing barding, and the person riding on it was dressed plainly without any armor.

“… … ??”

The horse continued to walk, clattering, and passed by Aten’s left side. The appearance was so strange that it captured the attention of not only Aten but also the knights.

“… … Hmm, I guess he’s a traveler. “It looks like the person on top is sleeping.”

“Well, I guess so.”

As the knight said, the woman on the horse was breathing gently with her face pressed against the horse’s neck.

But that behavior and silhouette seem like I’ve seen them somewhere…

“… … Hmm. Are they all there? “I’m awake, so you’re all gone, right?”

The man on the horse straightened up.

Long pink hair, green eyes. A beautiful and coquettish face that cannot be hidden even by disheveled hair and dust.

“… … Cybel?”

Aten called the name without thinking.

The pink-haired woman inadvertently turned her gaze to Aten and opened her eyes wide.

“Oh my, Aten! Wow what happened? Why are you here? How did you get here? Wow, that’s really amazing!”

“… … “This is everything I want to ask.”

Cybel Forte.

The girl who was loved by fate came to Tavern.

* * *

“Ahaha, I’m surprised.”

Cybel let out a breath as if she was releasing tension in the dorm.

The moment I tried to approach Aten without thinking, I had to face the tips of the knights’ spears.

Even though Aten tried to stop me, I felt drowsy.

“That’s right, indeed. Aten was a princess. Without even realizing it, it was a habit from when I was Constel.”

“sorry. “The drivers care for me.”

“No, it’s my fault.”

“… … “If we meet in public, it is possible that he, Mr. Cybel, may be in danger.”

“Yep. “You have to be formal.”

Cybel nodded with a bright expression.

The two were currently in the room Aten had rented at the hotel. Since we couldn’t have a comfortable conversation if other knights were present, it was just the two of us in the room right now.

“Hmm, I see. Because of inspection. As expected, Aten has a lot of work to do.”

“… … “Why is Mr. Cybel here?”

Aten had no idea that Saibel would come here. She would never have thought of anyone in Constell.

Could it be that he did something ridiculous like Frondier for ‘training’ or something like that? … .

“huh? “I am because of Frontier.”

“… … !”

Saibel answered simply. Aten was a little surprised by that.

Aten clearly came to inspect the Tavern, and that was clearly his main purpose.

Somehow, at this moment, I felt like I couldn’t be more honest than Cybel.

“No, don’t misunderstand? “I just came because I was worried and as a friend.”

“… … okay. I’m just worried, from the center to the tavern… … .”

“Isn’t that guy funny? I suddenly go to Tavern during vacation. “How can I hear it through rumors faster than I can hear it from him?”

“… … I also heard it through rumors. “I think Elodie is probably the only person who heard it for the first time.”

“hmm! That’s right, Elodie! I told him directly and not me. Well, the problem may have been that the rumors spread too quickly!”

Saibel shook her head while saying that. Aten swallowed his saliva without realizing it.

Somehow, I feel like I should turn to another topic.

“Well, how did you get here? “It couldn’t have been an easy road.”

“Hmm, how did it happen? With a lot of help? “Maybe I was lucky?”

Aten may have thought that Cybel’s words were vague, but Cybel’s answer was honest.

For most of what Cybel wants, chance and luck usually help.

“I borrowed the word ‘Kassian’ from Constell. Very smart. “It feels like he’s following me for some reason.”

“… … You borrowed Cassian? “That simple?”

“huh? “They just lent it to me?”

“… … .”

My head thinks it won’t work, but the opponent is Saibel.

That alone made Aten understandable.


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