The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 54

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 54

Chapter 15: Fishing (3)

I looked at the clock in front of the Constel building.

It’s noon, it’s time to come.

I made an appointment to meet Aten.

The excuse was that since we had decided to act together in the future, we wanted to discuss roles during battle and such.

Aten asked me,

“What should I wear?”

He said that it would be left to Aten’s choice.

The reason I called Aten is because today is the midterm re-exam day.

The re-exam itself had nothing to do with me, and I had to take care of the events taking place during this period.

It is only today that I can feel the reward of writing a summary at the library to prevent Aten from failing.

And after waiting for a while, I saw Aten coming from afar.

“Aten, this way, in, de…” … .”

Without speaking, I saw Aten approaching.

Aten was coming wearing a white blouse and jeans.

Maybe it was because I always saw him in school uniform, but his appearance was very different.

She seemed like the epitome of everything white and cold, but today she looks more lively and brighter than usual.


“… … “Uh, hi.”

Aten greets you as usual.

His facial expression is the same as usual.

“… … How about this? “It’s my first time wearing this style of clothing.”

“It was your first time wearing it. “I’m surprised.”

“What does that mean?”

“It looks natural, so I never thought about that.”

I thought it was my stereotype that I thought it was different from my usual image, and it seems that Aten himself thought the same way.

“… … Well, I see. So why did you call me today?”

Aten asked with a brighter expression.

“As I said before, if we act together, we will become a ‘party’, so we need to decide on our roles during battle. “There are other things we need to discuss besides that.”

It’s not a lie.

It’s just that important words are missing.

There are many reasons why I came here today.

One of them is to improve the relationship between Aten and Aster.

If my thoughts are correct, there is a high probability that we will encounter Aster today.

I hope the relationship between Aten and Aster improves.

As Fili said, if the future of the two of them together is ruined, it is impossible to put them together.

However, it is not good to continue to have a cold relationship.

The same is true even if Aten is a member of my party, not a member of Aster’s party.

But I know that if I say this, it will never come out.

“Indeed, that’s why you’re heading to the training room.”

Aten nodded as if he was convinced.

… … Hmm, now that I think about it, it seems to be the direction to the training room.

A good reason occurred to me, so I nodded without realizing it.

As we pass the corner of the building.

“uh? Frontier.”

“Hello, Aster.”

Aster appeared.

As soon as Aten, who was next to him, saw Aster, he immediately became alert.

“… … Mr. Frontier.”


“You probably didn’t mean to make me meet Mr. Aster.”

“No way.”

As expected, Aten is quick-witted.

But it can’t be proven, and from Aten’s point of view, it’s actually nonsense.

How could I have known that Aster would pop out of here?

But that was Aten’s position, and in fact I knew it.

I will meet Aster here.

There was no confirmation.

Today, an unexpected quest literally pops up out of nowhere.

A sudden quest that can only be triggered if you have Aster.

From the player’s perspective, the main character is Aster, so of course he comes here to solve this unexpected quest.

However, as I said before, Aster, who is not a player, does not know where he will end up.

I just read that Aster goes in and out of the training room every day, so the possibility of encountering this unexpected quest is very high.

There was definitely a possibility that we wouldn’t be able to meet.

I’m glad we met.

I saw a smartwatch.

The time has come.


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“See you again. Aten.”

“… … “It’s okay to call me ‘nim.’”

I silently watched their conversation.

Then, I heard a notification from my smartwatch beeping and checked the screen.

[An unexpected quest has been created.]

[Surprise Quest: Robald’s Deviation]

– Robald is tired of re-exams and decides to escape.

– Objective: Stop Robald.

– If successful, reputation within Constel increases.

– In case of failure, the possibility of Robald being expelled from Constel slightly increases.

As expected.

It is the same as what I received when I was a player.

In other words, a quest I received when I was ‘Aster Evans’.

“Frondier, you also have business in the training room-”

When Aster said so,


There was the sound of glass breaking above our heads.


3rd attack system

Grade – General

iron shield

I woven my shield and swung it towards the pouring glass.

Hmm, blocking glass shards with a shield feels somewhat nostalgic.


After I removed the glass with my shield, a high-pitched voice rang out from above my head.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!! teacher! “I need to get out of here!”

“Rovald! “You can’t come right now!”

“I don’t like it! “I’m sick of it!”

The three of us looked up.

On the 3rd floor of the Constel building, where they are probably taking the re-exam,

A man was exposing himself outside the window.

Of course, it was a shattered window.

“──Ah, that idiot.”

Aster put his hand on his head.

Only then will Aster know who Robald is. Because we are in the same class.

Robald Lief.

If Frontier is the least incompetent person in Constel,

Robald is the biggest problem child in Constel.

In some ways, she is the most transparent character in Constell and the most flat character.

Hot-tempered, cheerful, reckless, with the execution power and driving force that seems to have half a spoonful of courage and recklessness.

Anyway, the character who seems to have been created by gathering all of those similar things is Robald Lief.

However, if we were to find the ‘three-dimensionality’ of Robald’s character.

He is a genius who surpasses Aster when it comes to fighting.


Robald threw himself out of the fourth floor window without any hesitation.

I couldn’t see it from here, but I heard something like screaming from inside the classroom.

You probably thought you were watching people die.


And Robald fell in front of the three of us.

No auras, no magic, of course.

I just fell from the 4th floor barefoot and landed on my feet.

That’s it.

Robald’s body makes this simple, ignorant and dangerous behavior possible.

“… … “Wow, it hurts more than I thought.”

Well, that doesn’t mean there is no pain.

“… … Robald.”

Aster, who could not see anything, opened his mouth.

Aten next to me, um, just makes a bewildered expression.

Robald raised his head when he heard a voice calling him.

He checks on Aster and grins in pleasure.

“Oh, Aster, what’s going on?”

“What is going on with you? “What are you doing?”

Robald scratched his head in embarrassment at Aster’s words.

“No, hahaha. I had to retake the test because I failed, and I was so bored. “We are trying to escape.”

Robald says that and smiles cheerfully and coolly.

His face shines so brightly that it makes you forget that he is engaging in actions bordering on crime.

“Rovald, the princess is watching.”


Robald checked Aten next to me.

One of the reasons I brought Aten.

Because Robald’s escape can be easily prevented.

By this time, the original player had become quite familiar with Aten.

Aster and Aten are both hard workers, so going to the training room together is a good excuse to celebrate this event.

Of course, this unexpected quest has nothing to do with Frontier.

An event in which Robald and Aster establish their relationship with each other.

If you handle it well, you will become a rival, and if you do not, you will become an enemy, so it is quite dangerous for an unexpected quest.

However, if you have Aten, you can easily get through this event.

If we are not careful, the relationship between Robald and Aster could become enemies, but this reduces that risk.

“… … Tsk, I see. “No matter how much I look like an ugly person in front of the princess,”

Robald sighed in resignation,

“──I guess I can show it sometimes!!”

rushed at me

… … her?


Workshop 17

Grade – General

wooden stick

As soon as I could, I took out the weaving from the workshop and swung it around.

Of all the melee weapons I have, this is the longest reach bar.



Clean hit.

A blow that hit Robald precisely on the temple.


Robald collapsed.

[Surprising quest success]

– Successfully stopped Robald.

And the quest notification that rings without notice.

Yes, I know I stopped you too.

‘It shouldn’t be like this?’

Sure enough, Aster and Aten were looking at me with wide eyes.

Normally, when Aten is there, Robald listens obediently and gives up escaping, but I don’t know why this happens.

‘Is it because of me?’

I don’t know what Frondier’s presence caused in Robald, but he seems to have had some strange thoughts.

The plan was a bit off, but I managed to stop it.

… … It must have been done.

* * *

We brought Robald to the nurse’s office.

I said an awkward hello to Malia, put Robald down, and a little while later a teacher came to the nurse’s office.

As soon as the teacher saw my face, he immediately frowned.

It was Ales.

Ales is famous for standing on the side of the common people in Constel.

For him, Frontier is probably the type he hates the most.

“… … Good job, Aster. And Aten.”

Aless turned to me and thanked Aster and Aten.

“Sir, it was Frondier who stopped Robald.”

Aten showed a displeased look.

“… … Right.”

Aless looked a little embarrassed, as if he didn’t know that he would take my side.

at that time.


Robald wakes up.

It was noisy even when I woke up.

Instead of talking, we looked at Robald.

Malia said it was a mild concussion, so I expected to wake up soon.

Robald looked around blankly and found me.

“… … .”

“… … ?”

Then immediately silence.

When Robald saw me, an angry expression appeared for a moment, a question mark appeared in his head, and then he rolled his eyes as if he was thinking deeply about something.

He immediately asked me.

“Aren’t you Frontier?”

After all, you know me.

“okay. Frontier de Roachda.”

“… … “I am Rovald Liev.”

And he gives me a handshake.

What kind of conversation is this?

Anyway, we met.

Robald smiled provocatively.

“I will pay for this shame later.”

“okay. “I’ll prepare something new next time.”

At my provocation, Robald let out a “huh” sound, but his smile remained the same.

Robald likes strong people anyway.

From his perspective, the fact that he was knocked unconscious by my blow seemed like something that would increase his opinion of me.

Although it was a coincidence.

“Rovald, why did you suddenly threaten Frondier?”

“Um, no, I heard a rumor that Frondier is taking the princess with him.”

… … Are you taking me with you?

It’s true that we’ve been acting together recently, but it doesn’t feel right to say that I’m taking him with me.

“By taking advantage of the princess’s weaknesses.”

“… … .”

“So, I thought that if I tried to run away and give this guy a punch, the princess would look at me kindly.”

Aster sighed and asked at Robalt’s confident statement.

“… … “In addition to being kind to you, are you also taking notice of your escape plans?”

“hmm! It could be said that it was a very reasonable decision, killing two birds with one stone! ha ha ha!”

… … It was a reasonable, but stupid decision.


Ales called Robald.

The sharp stare was a bonus.

“From the broken window to the escape attempt, I can’t just ignore this time.”

“Ugh. “I’m sorry, teacher.”

“We will contact the parents later.”

Robald’s face immediately darkened at Aless’s words.

“Please, just that!”

“Please use this opportunity to reflect on your rude behavior at school.”

After saying that, Ales turned his back.

I thought he was going to hide it, but he glanced at me and said,

“… … Frontier and Constel will give you a reasonable example. Good job.”

Ales left the nurse’s office with no expression on his face that he had done well.

I looked at the back for a moment.

“I’m going to the bathroom for a moment.”

I got up.

I gently pressed Aten’s shoulder as he tried to stand up with me.

“I told you I was going to the bathroom. Are you trying to follow me? “Take this opportunity to become friends with those two.”

To be exact, with Aster.

Aten openly showed a displeased expression, but soon sat down again.

Even I thought it would have been absurd for him to follow me to the bathroom.

Plus, the training room is in the opposite direction from the bathroom.

If you talk to Atendo Aster, you will be able to understand Aster’s true humanity.

If we meet like this often, the magic that Fili has cast will be lifted.

──And in the meantime, I must carry out the most important purpose of coming to Constel today.

I handed the note to Malia, who was sitting in the nurse’s office.

The content written in the note was brief.

‘let’s begin.’

Just today.

I’m going to catch the rat within Constel.


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