The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 447

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 447

Chapter 126: Using magic weapons (2)

Heroes don’t do it on their own.

Frontier said so. As if it was something that needed to be said, as if it was obvious.

So Aias could not speak honestly at this moment.

‘… … ‘I thought so.’

A hero is determined by fate.

Aias actually believed that. It was only after hearing Front Deer’s words that he realized that he was thinking that way.

His talent, the expectations of those around him, and his innate pride. It all seemed to lead him to become a hero.

But no one can lead a hero. Because it is the hero who leads everyone.

It’s a simple fact.

“… … teacher.”


“What will I end up doing if I don’t keep making decisions to be a hero?”

“It doesn’t really matter what happens.”

Frontier’s answer was simple and easy. As if it were a question that didn’t require much thought.

“You just follow the same path as most who haven’t made a decision.”

“… … !”

“The world is cruel yet merciful. No, I would say that humans are so merciful that they feel cruel.”

Frondier pulled out a fist-sized piece of black cloth and placed it on his hand.

“Do you know what this is?”

“… … “He defeated me and Glaucus a while ago, that’s it.”

“okay. “Touch it.”

Frondier took Ajax’s hand and dropped the black cloth on it.

“Oh, wow.”

Aias was embarrassed. This is because the black spring, which was a sphere on Frondier’s hand, flowed down like water as soon as it touched his hand.

The moment I unconsciously grabbed it, it hardened, but when I opened my grip, it started flowing again.

Aias asked, clenching his hand hard to pick it up.

“What is this?”

“It is a material that has the property of becoming metal only when force is applied. Any power is possible. “You are making it hard with the power of your fists, but it can also be done with magic power.”

Frondier lightly waved his hand and controlled the Black Heaven again. What was in Ajax’s hand scattered like water and stayed in the air between him and Frondier.

“The world is similar to this.”

“… … “With this black liquid?”

“If you make no decisions, the world flows like a liquid. There is no success or failure there. No, it exists, but it’s not that big of a deal. It will lightly moisten you like water and then cease. It’s the way most people live. That’s why it’s important. “Because they blend together like liquid and live without major collisions.”

And the next moment,


The liquid that seemed to be scattered in the air gathers in an instant, forming a crystal structure and sparkling.

“And this is the life of decision. “How does it look?”

“… … Sparkling, and… … .”

“Pitch black.”

“… … yes.”

Aias nodded. The collected black liquid crystals are much blacker than when they were liquid.

“If you walk the path of a hero, success and failure will become more clear. “Success will reward you as sharply as a jewel, and failure will hurt like swallowing a rock.”

If you decide to become a hero, you can no longer run away from the countless blades that will appear in your path.

Because I decided to walk that path.

That is the weight of the decision.

“I thought you were putting off making a choice because you were afraid of this. So I understood. Walking this path is not something everyone can do. “I thought you were hesitating because you know the pain.”

Frontier recovered the black cloth. Then he shook his head.

“But now, it seems like you were worrying about the wrong things to begin with. It shows impatience rather than hesitation. “Did you think you were late?”

“… … yes.”

Aias thought he was being pushed off the stage.

So I kept thinking about how to get on stage, and that was how impatient I was.

I felt like I would be completely pushed off the stage if I stayed like this.

“There is no need for that.”

Frontier denied it outright.

“The reason you’re late is much simpler. “It’s because you’re procrastinating.”

“… … “Because you haven’t decided to become a hero, you naturally distance yourself from being a hero.”

“okay. “Usually we call it fate.”

“… … !”

Ajax raised his head in surprise.

Just something.

Frontier said something that should never have been overlooked by him.

Frondier tilted his head at Ajax’s surprised face and joked a little.

“Or you can call it laziness.”

* * *

Frontier sighed as he returned home.

‘That guy like me is talking nonsense again.’

I just needed a place for practice and experimentation, but I ended up teaching elective subjects in earnest, which was not suitable for me.


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‘… … Well, it is welcome that Aias and Glaucus are growing up.’

The possibility of a person named Aias.

Frontier knows better than anyone else. Perhaps even more so than Aias himself.

There are two Ajax whose names were revealed in the Trojan War. It is commonly called Great Aias and Little Aias.

Although both are active in war, their evaluations are clearly different. One is a person who feels shame due to a series of events and takes his own life to protect his honor, but the other is a person who has committed the crime of raping others.

Therefore, Frondier was very worried about which of these was the Ajax he knew.

However, if you look at it over time, you get the feeling that both sides are mixed. When you hear her mother’s name, she seems to be from Great Ajax, but she has divine powers and is also arrogant.

Maybe Ajax in this game has the potential to be either way.

“I didn’t want to be the one affecting that possibility.”

Another sigh.

After hearing Frondier’s words, Ajax’s eyes changed and he turned around. Not even Frontier knows how he changes. Will it change in a positive way, or will he become more of a mess than he is now?

Anyway, now Frontiere has to come up with a curriculum. It is suitable for use in horse warfare.

Utilizing both magic and combat. Frontier actually never seriously considered teaching this. Because he’s been fighting like that since the beginning.

‘… … No, to be exact, he just randomly pulled out something that wasn’t magic or combat.’

Although he attracted all of Atlas’ attention with the ‘Spear of Black Lightning’, Frondier is actually better at combat than magic. The learning and training experiences are overwhelmingly different.

So what Frontiere needs now to create a curriculum is knowledge about magic rather than combat.

“I am receiving a lot of teachings from Elodie.”

Frondier stopped walking. You can see his house right in front. Elodie is probably staying next door.

He thought for a moment.

A combination of magic and combat knowledge. There was a method that immediately came to mind to solve it.

But for that to happen, Elodie’s help was desperately needed. Even more than now.

And that method was to reveal one of Frontier’s own secrets to Elodie.

This does not fit with his policy of always providing information to others only to the minimum necessary.

“… … what.”

Frondier chuckled.

“What are you worrying about, idiot?”

On the contrary, he smiled with a cool expression on his face.

Now, what are you going to hide from Elodie?

What does that mean?

“Don’t forget. Frontier.”

Someday when he makes a mistake.

When his heart breaks and he does something that endangers his companions and humanity as a whole.

“The only one who can stop that is Elodie.”

Frondier nods and walks away.

To show Elodie a secret he had been hiding for a long time.

* * *

And the next day.

“… … .”

“how is it? It’s not too dark, right? “This is a place where no light source comes in, so it has to be created from within to ensure visibility.”

“… … .”

“So I installed Wisp in advance and turned it on every time I came in, and I think it worked better than I expected. After all, wisps that were not created through magic crystals provide an appropriate amount of light.”

“… … .”

Even as Frondier explained, Elodie looked around in confusion.

She is now standing in the middle of a huge building.

As Frontier said, there was no light coming in from the outside, the door she entered was completely gone, and her mana detection showed that there were many dangerous things spread throughout the huge building.


She is now in the workshop.

“… … what’s this?”

Elodie’s question was surprisingly reasonable.

Frondier nodded and said.

“This place. ‘Workshop’ is a space that becomes the source of my unique skills. “It is also an armory and an archive.”

“… … “The source of unique skills?”

Elodie tilted her head.

“You take out that weapon and use it?”

And I quickly came up with an answer.

Frondier nodded.

“I can duplicate an object I have seen with a skill called ‘Weaving.’ If observed properly, any weapon can be cloned. “The more powerful the weapon, the higher the mana consumption.”

“Then this is where the ‘observed’ objects are registered?”

It’s also quick to understand.

But Elodie said as if she didn’t understand.

“But that’s usually the realm of magic. Is it possible to be registered inside a real building like this?”

It was the correct inference.

“that’s right. Originally, this workshop was also a concept of skill, but later it became possible to duplicate this workshop itself.”

“… … Nonsense.”

Elodie lowered her posture and placed her hands on the ground.

Immediately the corners of her eyes frowned.

“Of course, this isn’t just a building. It’s not just magic. The concept popped into reality. “This is the realm of great magic.”

“Oh, so I’m also an archmage?”

Frondier asked as a joke, but Elodie’s expression did not improve.

Frondier kept his mouth shut because he felt like he had become a very tactless person.

“… … “It’s not wrong.”


“It’s okay to call him an archmage because he’s limited to this workshop. Just using this is a dream for wizards.”

Frondier was embarrassed by Elodie’s words.

According to Joan of Arc, weaving is a skill given to those who have experienced other worlds. So the same goes for workshops.

It’s something that could never be done using normal methods, but Frontier didn’t do it with effort. Even though it’s his ability, it doesn’t feel like it’s his, so it’s a subtle feeling.

“So why are you showing me this? “Are you trying to brag?”

Elodie quickly became upset and asked Frondier.

“Of course not.”

Frondier waved his hand.


Something flew from upstairs. Elodie was surprised and saw that countless papers were flying as if dancing.

In the meantime, a bulletin board was created next to the frontier, a blackboard was created behind it, and in front of the frontier, a three-dimensional map device that I had seen before came to mind.

Even though Elodie understood the principle, what she saw in front of her was still absurd, so she looked at it with her mouth open in a daze.

“… … what are you doing?”

“From now on, I want to learn magic here.”

Frondier grabbed several bundles of paper and held them out to Elodie.

When Elodie read it, there was a summary of the magic taught to Frondier so far, and a summary that seemed to have been taken from a certain book.

“Everything you can do to teach and learn is possible here. You can use a blackboard, post content on a bulletin board, or visually express what you have learned using a three-dimensional map device. “The curriculum of the class I will be teaching this time is one that does not exist before, so these facilities are essential.”



Elodie read the paper she received carefully and then looked up.

She said, looking at Frontier with her wise lake eyes.

“You got perfect scores on all of your last written exams at Constel.”

“… … .”

“Was that cheating?”

Although she may not be an archmage right away, Elodie is on the verge of joining the Four Elements.

Indeed, its wisdom is ahead of Frontier’s thinking.

“… … “Did you get caught?”

“You pathetic guy!!”


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