The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 427

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 427

Chapter 121: Contract (4)

As Frontier expected, Bune was strong. No, it exceeded expectations.

The golem prototype he creates is teacher Vinkis’ masterpiece. Beyond the time of imitating Ajie’s techniques, he has now become a warrior who cannot compete with most humans in battle.

However, Vinkis aimed to complete this golem anyway, and did not even think about mass production.

So even if you were to make the same thing again, it probably wouldn’t be easy. It would have been a lot of trial and error.

But Frontier is possible. Because his clones don’t need machines for mass production.

‘Exactly 7 bodies. ‘They all were destroyed.’

Even though Frontier sortied 7 vehicles, it was considered excessive. It wouldn’t be easy to deal with even the fully prepared Zodiacs, as Antero’s body suffered considerable damage and loss of aurors.

Nevertheless, Bune prevailed. This alone can be said to put it at a decent Zodiac level.

It is indeed worthy of the name Paladin. Frontier liked that very much.

Even if Bune is a devil.

“There are many things I want to ask you. really.”

[…] … That will happen.]

Bune said with a feeling of half giving up.

Frondier said, extending his hand towards him as if to guide him.

“Now, sit down.”

[Sit down, where]

As Bune said that and looked around, a chair was suddenly created next to him.

[…] … It’s like I’m in someone else’s dream.]

“haha. “It’s not that different.”

So the two sat facing each other. As soon as Bune sat down, her shoulders sank deeply.

In fact, we fought for a very long time and didn’t even have time to rest. Even if you’re a devil, you’ll still be tired. Perhaps the human body has reached its limit.

[This guy is going to scream the next time he wakes up.]

“Where did it break?”

[no. This guy is just a cruel person.]

He is strict with those he gives power to. Frondier tilted his head at that sight.

“So in the end, why is the devil lending his power to humans? like,”

[It’s like divine power.]

Frondier nodded.

Just as pantemonium appears when the powers of the devil clash with each other, pantemonium also appears when a target uses divine power.

From that, I learned that the power of the devil and divine power are not much different.

‘God and the devil are both powerful beings. It is said that all of the seven deadly sins are equivalent to most gods. 72 Even the devil will defeat the shy gods. Of course, it would be difficult for a devil to win against the highest gods.’

From Arald’s explanation earlier, I was told that the Seven Deadly Sins do not have an overwhelming leader who commands them all. In other words, the difference in power between Belphegor, whom Frondier fought, and Lucifer, whom we have not yet seen, will not be very large.

In contrast, in Greek and Nordic mythology, the king of the gods clearly exists. Zeus and Odin are like that.

They have overwhelming faith and recognition in humans. That’s probably where the devil gets offended.

‘I see that Arald needs a demon king. This is probably what not only Arald but also many demons want.’

The king of demons is born.

Arald didn’t know why he wanted it to be Frondier, but he knew he needed a king anyway.

“For me, it’s the same as God or the devil. I hope both of you stop interfering with humans and just turn it off. In that sense, God and the devil are similar. What do you gain by lending your power to Antero? Is that the will of all devils? Or, furthermore, are the gods’ purposes similar to yours?”

That’s what Frontier is really curious about.

If we learn about Bune’s purpose and intentions, wouldn’t it be a hint to find out the intentions of the gods?

There, Bune lowered his eyes a little.

[Frondier, it’s just a difference in perspective. What I’m doing is what you already know.]

“You think I already know?”

[The devil lends his power to humans. This in itself cannot be surprising. Because you’ve probably already seen something similar.]

A devil who lends his power to humans.

Frondier thought for a moment, realized it, and spoke.

“… … contract.”

[okay. Devils are originally beings that are anxious to lend their power to humans.]

The devil covets human souls. That’s why he makes a contract.

“So, Antero decided to give his soul to you?”

However, in response to Frontier’s question, Bune shook his head.

[No, that can’t be possible.]


[There are very few transactions that involve selling one’s soul to the devil. Or maybe it’s from a fairy tale. No matter how crazy you are, you can’t do something like that. Why would you do that when you can experience a better afterlife if you just live a normal life?]


Frontier nodded as if he understood.

‘It is a world that firmly believes that there is an afterlife. It is natural to believe in the existence of the soul. So, the contract with my soul is much heavier than the world I was in.’

Therefore, even if humans want to lend a helping hand to the devil, they do not sacrifice their souls.

“Then how is the contract made? How does the devil plan to take your soul?’

[I’m not trying to take your soul just for trading. Usually, the purpose is to corrupt the soul.]


[okay. When a devil and a human make a contract, they are temporarily connected to each other for the duration of the contract. That is why humans and demons faithfully fulfill each other’s contracts. Otherwise, you will pay the price.]

The contract was not originally created to benefit the devil. Even Frontier realized this.

However, since the devil knows more about the contract itself than the human, it is more likely that the devil is the one who uses the contract as a tool to deceive. Humans can also fool the devil. If you plan to overcome the devil.

Frondier thought for a moment with his eyes turned to the side.

“… … It is said that the devil takes a human soul but does not keep his promises. Originally, I thought it was a serious bad taste, but it turns out there was a reason.”


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[From the devil’s point of view, humans who make contracts in exchange for their souls are rather scary. Ordinary people don’t have that level of determination. The soul who makes such a contract is more likely to be noble. Even if they receive such a soul in return, clumsy demons cannot swallow it.]

Even demons cannot handle a noble soul.

In other words, most demons don’t want that many souls. A soul they can handle, a soul that is not noble, a soul they can easily corrupt.

“… … I see “That’s the difference with divine power.”

[Yes. God wants strong humans and gives them strength, but we want weak humans. There is a power gap there.]

“So, regardless of whether humans risk their souls in exchange for the contract, the process of corrupting humans is absolutely necessary for the devil.”

[okay. And low-level demons do not come to contracts where humans exchange their souls. In general, there is a high probability that it will be a contract that you cannot afford.]

In a contract with the devil, the soul is not necessarily put on the scales.

Because it is an absolute tragedy for humans, a contract that involves such a high price inevitably becomes powerful and dangerous.

‘It is understandable that Satan appeared when the secret women risked their souls in the imperial palace.’

Frondier finished thinking and asked.

“Then what was your deal with Antero? No, how did you get the contract? “I don’t think Antero knows you.”

[You know it when you see the situation, right? Everything I do now is what Antero wants.]

Frondier tilted his head for a moment at those words.

Then, that impression was distorted.

“No way, Antero, I hope you become a paladin.”

[They say they want to forget that the country exists. So that it feels like it was all done by oneself.]

“Is that possible?”

[Although it was a bit far-fetched, there were two possible reasons. One was that the content was advantageous to me.]

“Advantageous? “Forgetting you?”

[of course. It’s obvious. Humans and demons are enemies who must make a contract with each other and at the same time be endlessly suspicious. However, if one party completely forgets the other, the party with the memories has an overwhelming advantage. If I make this proposal, the contract will become extremely difficult, but the human side has asked the devil. So, if you look at the terms of the contract, the difficulty becomes easier. Because humans themselves have placed unfavorable restrictions on themselves.]

Frondier’s eyes grew cold.

I wondered if Antero’s arrogance and incompetence were due to the influence of the devil, but it seems to be his roots.

[And one more thing, this guy is the medium that summoned me.]

“Medium. That’s right, gates that connect each other. “You mean something like Dragon Heart?”

[That’s what I’m talking about when I was in the Demon World and had to cross the world. There is no need for a medium to that extent. Because I was already on this continent before signing with Antero.]

Yes. Demons summoned by Satan to attack the continent of Palind. Among them was Bune.

[But it was a valuable item in its own way.]

“What was it? What medium did Antero use?”

[I had ‘Goetia’. Do you know what it is?]

Frondier opened his mouth at those words.

“… … A magic book written about 72 demons. They had a text containing Solomon’s deeds? “Does that exist?”

[Oh, that’s not it. That’s a false rumor.]

Bune shook his head.

[Goetia is not a single completed book. That’s a human fantasy. There is no such thing as a book containing complete solutions to all 72 demons.]

“Then what is Goetia?”

[It’s like an encyclopedia. It’s like a huge database themed around the 72Devils category. It is a collection of knowledge and experiences about the 72 devils in human history. Not only is there incorrect information written, but there are also demons that have no way to deal with them at all. It is not the kind of book where you can deal with demons at a glance like Solomon did.]

“72It’s strange that the devil would say something like that.”

[Because all of the 72 devils have memories of being harmed by Solomon. From what I know, the Goetia that Antero has now is of much lower quality than Solomon’s.]

Hearing that, Frontier was a little disappointed.

The 72 devils include not only Bune, but also Bael, whom Frondeer met, and Asmodeus, who shares the same name as one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

If Goetia is what Frontier knows, it would be helpful in their response.

[Anyway, the Goetia that Antero had was genuine. Although it is genuine, it is not something that lives up to human fantasy, but it has its own value. So I was summoned. To make his trivial desires come true.]

“So when does this contract end?”

[What Antero wanted was to become a paladin and have seven wives and concubines. Surprisingly, the back was more difficult. This guy is strangely unpopular with women.]

“It doesn’t look bad,” Bune tilts his head.

[Still, it seemed like the three of them could use their status and money to achieve something, but you got in the way.]

“Surprisingly, you faithfully fulfill your contract. “Isn’t the purpose of twisting the contract and leading humans towards tragedy?”

[That’s only when it’s necessary.]

Bune shook his head.

[The guy’s soul has already been corrupted. When the contract is over, it’s mine.]


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