The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 401

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 401

Chapter 116: Magic Design (5)

Basileo, a student of the Department of Magic and a talent that Atlas is proud of, has recently been watching teacher Frondier’s every move.

He was very interested in Frontier’s home style poem that he showed the other day.

How on earth do you achieve that high-speed casting? Frontier’s magic, where even the process of the technique was not visible. I believed that if I could know the secret, I could become stronger.

However, when I asked about it in class, I noticed the accident I had last time, and Frontier was very busy at other times.

What I found out while researching about Frontier was that even though Frontier was busy, it was very busy. The other students haven’t realized it yet, but it’s definitely not a normal schedule.

Not only is it not enough to teach combat theory and magic theory at the same time, he is also responsible for teaching almost all third-year classes. Was this Frontier’s greed, or was it some kind of order from above?

‘And yet your expression is so relaxed, in a sense, it’s scary, teacher.’

So Basileo targeted after school. The last class happened to be near the teacher’s office.

As soon as class ended, Basileo headed to the teacher’s office, but Frondier was nowhere to be seen.


This is not the only time that Basileo fails to meet Frondier. No matter how quickly I looked after school, Frontier was no longer there.

Its incredible speed is surprising, but it is beyond surprising that it cannot be seen even when heading straight for it from a classroom so close to it.

“Hey, teacher. “Do you know where Mr. Frontier went?”

Basile gathered more courage and asked a nearby teacher whether he really wanted to meet him this time. The teacher seemed to think for a moment, and then he spoke to Basil Leo.

“I saw it go outside, but if you look in the direction, it must be a restaurant.”

“thank you.”

So Basileo headed to the restaurant.

It felt strange while heading there. Why does the teacher go to Atlas’ restaurant after school? Did you like the food here so much?

Even the dining room at Atlas is spacious. As soon as Basileo entered the restaurant, he searched every corner for Frondier.

And much later.

“… … Crunch crunch.”

In the end, it was a complete waste.

Basileo eagerly ate his rice as if to soothe his aching heart. It was already late in the evening when I found Frondier, and I naturally felt hungry after smelling the restaurant.

“Crumple, where on earth are you? Creep, you look like a ghost teacher. gulp.”

A rib with flesh attached went into Basileo’s mouth and when it came out, only the bone remained. I drank water cheerfully through my puffy cheeks. The rice and meat that filled his mouth went down along with the water. The feeling of falling heavily relieves some of his stress.

Atlas’ restaurant is open quite late, but no matter how long you wait, you can’t see Frontier.

Well, I couldn’t see it when I first looked for it, but there’s no way I can see it now. It’s rare for teachers to come here.

“──They say there is a ghost.”

I flinch.

Basileo shrugged his shoulders while eating.

I looked at the table next to me and saw two female students talking about something.

Basileo was bothered by the fact that he had unconsciously referred to them as ‘ghost teachers’ a little while ago, so he listened to the two female students.

“lie. “What kind of ghost is a ghost?”

“Is it true? He said he’s at the gym. “They say that at night when no one is around, the lights suddenly come on in the dark gym.”

“That’s right, someone must have come and turned on the light.”

“no. “I heard it’s a light so bright that it can’t even be compared to ordinary light.”

“… … That was probably just a misunderstanding. “When light comes out of a very dark place, it feels very bright.”

“But think about it. Our gym only has a light switch on one side of the door, right? “If you don’t go there, you can’t turn on the light.”

“Why is that?”

“If you see that light and open the door to turn off the lights in the gym, the lights will disappear and there will be no one in the gym.”

In other words, someone must be at the door to turn the light off again, but the fire was turned off by me without anyone else.

The female student’s face turned white as she heard those words.

“S-stop talking like that. “It’s just a ghost story.”

“Furthermore, the light was red at first, but later turned blue, like the color of a ghost.”

“stop! “I told you to stop!”

A female student shaking her head in horror, and another female student laughing as if it was funny.

“… … Crunch crunch.”

And Basileo listened quietly.

“It’s a ghost.”

He muttered quietly.

The gym is not far from the restaurant.

If you think about it, the reason the teacher who asked the question first thought that Frondier went to the cafeteria was because he assumed that Amman would not have gone to the gym.

Restaurant and gym. It was a natural inference since the two buildings were close together.

“Because you have to lose to get your money’s worth.”

After finishing his meal, Basileo decided to go to the gym at night.

In fact, with a normal mindset, it would be difficult to think that Frontier would be in the gym. It’s strange for a teacher to go to a restaurant after school, but it’s even stranger to go to the gym.

But Basileo went.

Because Frondier is a strange person!

‘Maybe I’m training secretly at the gym. We might uncover the secret of high-speed casting!’

Basileo walked to the gym with high expectations.

As it turned out, his reasoning was correct.

Frondier was strangely unrivaled, so he was in the gym.

However, getting the inference correct and getting the desired result are two completely different things.

Basile saw something that he should not have seen today.

‘Oh, there it is.’

Basileo checked the inside through the gymnasium window.


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A man with black hair standing in the center. It’s definitely true. I know it without having to see his face. Only Frontier can have that unique atmosphere.

Basile held his breath and watched Frondier’s appearance.

There was no way I was standing in the exact center of the gym like that without any business to do. Frontier is clearly up to something. He had no doubt that he had discovered Frontier at a very good time.


Basileo heard Frondier sigh. Since there was only Frontier in a huge cavity like a gymnasium, voices rang out well.

‘It’s surprising that that teacher sighs.’

Basileo felt refreshed after seeing something he had never seen before from Frondier.

Actually, I didn’t know that Frontier just doesn’t show that kind of behavior at school, and that he sighs very often.

“Please do better this time.”

And a murmur like a complaint. Fresh appearances continue one after another.

‘also! Teacher Frontier was secretly training here!’

Basile clenched his fists. As expected, that high-speed casting was the result of tremendous effort and training.

In other words, Basileo can do it if he tries hard. Basileo’s heart swelled with dreams and hopes.


At that time, Frontier raised his right hand. At the same time, a strange light blooms around him. It was a manifestation of mana.

‘What kind of magic are you trying to do?’ … !’

Frontier’s amazingly fast house style poetry. Basileo, who remembered that, was excited to see what kind of magic would come out.

There, Frontier recited a line.

“… … “The light is like a thread, like a candle that is scattered in the winter wind.”

It’s chanting. Basileo opened his mouth at that.

A chant performed by a frontier who did not use all of the chanting and starting words in his house wind poetry. Just how great is this magic!

‘But this is my first time hearing such a powerful chant.’

Usually, chanting is used to fix an image, but it usually contains the user’s wishes because it is expected to amplify its power. So, it becomes more noble and hopeful.

However, Frontier’s chant is very negative. It’s as if he’s praying for me to become weak.

And soon something appeared in front of Frondier’s hand.

Something with brilliant, bright colors that you can’t tell if it’s a pattern or a symbol.

‘… … What is that?

It’s far away so I can’t see it well. That’s when Basile narrowed his eyes.

“Will O the Wisp.”

Frondier said.

Basileo’s frown frowned.

‘Will O the Wisp? Such basic magic.’

What is the reason for chanting and chanting when there is only so much magic? No, why come to the gym and practice those basics in the first place?

Basileo’s thoughts are thoughts, and in any case, Frondier creates a small flame before his eyes.

‘… … okay. It’s just a wisp.’

A flame created before Frontier’s eyes. This is the magic that Basileo clearly knows well.

When Basileo’s heart cooled,



Basile could not believe his eyes for a moment.

This is because they seemed to overlap, as if another wisp was born in the same place where the wisp was born.

‘Are your eyes dim?’

Just think about that for a moment.

Pot! Pabababababat!!!

A repetition of wisps surging one after another. Wisp, created with just one starter word, runs wild in Frondier’s hands without knowing how to stop.

The first flame floating in the air was just an ordinary flame. However, the flames continue to be born on the spot, colliding and distorting as if they were fighting, and gradually increasing their light.

─The light was red at first, but later turned blue, like the color of a ghost.

The red flame explodes in Frondier’s hand, burning more intensely.

Frondier, who was in front of him, was sweating coldly and biting his lip.

“Please, please…” … !”

The red flame soon turns blue and then white.


Basileo frowned. It wasn’t that he was in a bad mood, it was just too dazzling. The light emitted from the small flame resting in Frondier’s hand was enormous.

‘What is that… … !’

Even though Basileo was so blinded that he could not see clearly, he could never avoid that gaze.

Is that really Will O the Wisp?

‘That thing isn’t meant to provide light! ‘What happens if a person gets hit?’

Of course, Basileo does not know the exact temperature of that light. In the first place, you probably don’t even know what Frondier is currently casting.

But most likely, this is not the wisp’s original purpose.

‘Teacher Frontier, is that chant from earlier really true?’

When I asked why he was chanting so exhaustingly, it was not Basileo’s illusion, but an accurate interpretation.

Frondier hoped that his magic would help him lose some of his strength.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh… … !”

Frondier gritted his teeth and held on. Basileo doesn’t know much about what Frontier holds up. I didn’t even know how a wisp like that was made, but there was no way I could know anything.

But something was clearly going on. The wisp running rampant in Frondier’s hand continued to shine brighter, but at some point, its rampage began to calm down.

For example, like using up all the bullets in a fireworks display.

“haha… … .”

And finally, Frontier’s breathing seemed to have become a little more frequent. There was a light floating in his hand that he couldn’t look at.

That light probably isn’t hot even if it’s nearby. Because that is the nature of the magic called Wisp.

But a fire is a fire. What if it even touches another living thing?

Gulp, Basileo’s throat naturally trembled.

“it’s okay… … .”

Frondier’s expression was bright, as if he was quite happy that he had succeeded in controlling it. It was the third time Basileo had seen it for the first time.

Frontier said with that face.

“It was successful. my… … .”

Basile waited for the next words. What on earth is that magic? By what principle is something like that possible?

And Frondier’s next words were:

“Will O the Wisp!”

“That’s not a wisp!”

Basile cried out, unable to bear it any longer.

Frondier’s comment just now seemed to completely shake his entire magical life.



Of course, Frontier found Basileo.

The two looked at each other awkwardly for a while.


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