The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 394

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 394

Chapter 115: Atlas (2)

There are no classes on the first day of the new semester at Atlas.

Frontier’s class also left early after he and the students introduced themselves.

However, even in that short period of time, Frontier was quickly imprinted in the minds of students.

With Elodie who came in with him.

The two teachers, who had outstanding looks and were very young, attracted the attention of nearby students whenever they passed by.

The same thing happened when they walked down the hallway, sometimes meeting each other from opposite directions.

“Hello, Mr. Elodie.”

“Yes, Mr. Frontier. nice to meet you.”

The two passed each other with simple, brief greetings and very friendly smiles.

It becomes annoying if your friendship is discovered within the atlas. Therefore, it was assumed that the two met for the first time here. This is the same for Pielot.

Frontier became a teacher for his achievements in designing three-dimensional maps, and Elodie touted his success in combining three elements.

In the case of the three-element combination, Elodie had already completed it last year, but it was a rare and great achievement on this continent, even more so than on the Palind continent. The concept of four-element combinations had not been established at all.

Therefore, although Frontier also received a lot of attention, he could not beat Elodie. This was especially true because Frontier was in charge of theory classes.

Students were more interested in practical training, and Atlas, knowingly or unknowingly, was appealing to students that practical training was more important.

It was a good thing for Frontier. He became a teacher anyway for the sake of research and information gathering. Because there was no need for him to stand out.

“… … “This is a bit inefficient.”

However, when he checked the class materials distributed in the teacher’s office, his thoughts changed slightly.

“Hey, Teacher Frontier.”

As he was reviewing the class materials, a middle-aged man approached him.

“Master Giotto.”

“The teacher’s office is bright because such a young and handsome teacher comes. ha ha ha.”

“thank you.”

Giotto tapped Frondier on the shoulder and spoke nonsense.

“Your design of the three-dimensional map looks really interesting. “Is that really possible?”

“There is a company that has already started manufacturing according to the blueprint I completed.”

This was true. Of course, Arald conducted several negotiations. Because its practical utility was proven, Frontier was able to become a teacher.

“That’s really amazing. Hmm, but… … .”

Giotto brought his face a little closer to Frontier.

“Well, Teacher Elodie, the teacher who came in with you this time.”

“Ah, yes.”

“Do you have any kind of friendship?”

“That can’t be right.”

Frontier answered neither quickly nor slowly. It is natural to have such doubts. However, that is not the case. It was the beat and the answer that meant everything.

“Not only are we the same age, but we both did great things and became teachers. Besides, he is a handsome man and a good woman.”

“ha ha ha. I have nothing to say about looks, but Atlas is a great place. Aren’t there many people besides me who want Atlas? This time, I was just lucky enough to become a teacher. Teacher Elodie will do the same.”

“Is that so? I guess so, right? Haha, if we’re friends, I’d like to introduce you.”

At that time, when Giotto spoke in a soft voice,


Elodie, who was passing by, stopped as if she heard their conversation.

“Please cancel that statement.”

“Eh, Teacher Elodie?”

A neat but firm voice at the same time. Giotto was taken aback by Elodie’s words.

Although she was worried that she had heard that she wanted to be introduced, Elodie’s eyes turned to Frondier.

“Cancel it, Mr. Frontier.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was lucky. You may be, but I am not.”

Elodie looks down at Frondier sitting there with callous eyes.

“I became a teacher of Atlas with a clear and definite qualification. “I didn’t get lucky like you did.”

“Hoo, I got caught.”

“Is that so? Things like 3D maps, it’s not clear whether they will really be of help to the continent. “It’s something that hasn’t even been fully completed yet.”

“Are you saying you don’t?”

“Of course.”

Elodie frowned as if she was displeased that Frondier even asked her a question.

“The combination of the three elements is something that guarantees a wizard’s future if he or she succeeds just once. But there I gained the stability to achieve more certain success.”

“Of course you’re amazing, but you shouldn’t be able to do this on your own. Shouldn’t teachers teach that to their students?”

“I will teach. Even though it may not be possible for all students. Teachers must be an example for students. It would be meaningful just for students to chase after me. What about you, Mr. Frontier? Do you have the skills to make your students trust you and follow you?”

Frontier and Elodie’s eyes collide in the air. Giotto stood in an awkward position looking at the scene.

“… … joy.”

As Frontier remained silent, Elodie turned her head.

Then he said.

“I know you like to be humble, but please don’t try to humble me in the process. “I’m not someone who got into it by luck or anything like that.”

“Of course.”

Elodie leaves. Seeing that, Frondier sighs and shakes his head.

“As you can see, there is no such thing as friendship. “I wonder why it was filmed wrongly.”

“Yeah, I see.”

Before he knew it, Giotto was looking at Frondier with pity in his eyes.


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* * *

“So, this is a story where I later see your true skills, realize my own arrogance, change my mind, and our relationship gets better, right?”

“Where on earth did you see that story?”

“It’s not like I saw it somewhere, it’s just like that.”

What is it all about in the first place?

I said, looking at Elodie who was grinning.

“I don’t plan on it being that kind of story, Teacher Elodie.”


“The relationship between you and me will be bad forever. Until I leave this school.”

Elodie opened her mouth as if shocked by my words. Her expression was dead as she swallowed her despair with her open mouth.

“That’s a very sad thing to say. “I can’t believe we’ve been on bad terms forever.”

“… … No, that’s the setting.”

It’s difficult if you feel hurt after hearing the lines in the script.

But Elodie seemed unconvinced.

“So you’re saying we’ll continue to be like this from now on? “Are you going to talk bad about me and make me tick?”

“You’re doing well in the teacher’s office, so what?”

“Every time I said a word, it felt like my heart was being ripped out?”

It’s exaggerated.

Since I know it’s just a pretense anyway, I say it’s okay, but it seems like Elodie isn’t okay.

“I felt like my soul was being tainted?”

“Think of it as a white lie. “You will feel like your soul is cleansed.”

Besides, you didn’t say anything that bad. To some extent this is true.

The combination of three elements is better than a three-dimensional map. The evaluation on this continent will also be the same.

“I like it when you are highly evaluated rather than me. “The human sloth Frontier always behaves like a human sloth,”


Elodie suddenly interrupted me and looked at me with serious eyes.

“Don’t do that. Using a nickname like that to yourself. “Pretending like that.”

“No, that kind of setting,”


Elodie turned her face towards me.

“That’s not true.”

“… … No, I mean,”

“don’t do it.”

What is this, a continuation of the fight in the teacher’s office?

However, Elodie’s eyes were burning brightly as if she would not allow any refutation, so I had no choice but to nod.

“Yeah, yeah. okay.”


Elodie smiles again.

I continued speaking, feeling something strange.

“Anyway, since it is a theory class, I think interest on the first day will decrease somewhat.”

I looked at the class materials I brought with me again.

For reference, the place where Elodie and I are located is accommodation provided to teachers.

Atlas is a very famous educational institution, so people come from all over the country, and the same goes for the teachers. This is a teacher’s accommodation prepared for those who come from a long distance.

Of course, Elodie and I stayed in separate lodgings, and now Elodie came over for a quick discussion.

It seems like I just came here to have fun.

“… … hmm.”

I looked at the class materials again and stopped what I was going to say.

My plan falters a little every time I look at this class material.

“You don’t like that class material?”

Elodie asked as if she sensed what I was thinking.

I said.

“I had expected this since I heard that there was no one as powerful as Zodiac on this continent, but it seems like magic theory is not as developed as the Palind Continent.”

There was a monster war in the past on the Palind Continent. I’m not sure, but Ragnarok probably happened further in the past.

Because there was such a huge and brutal fight, humans became stronger and combat and magic developed.

On the other hand, even though there are demons, there doesn’t seem to be much development in combat in relatively peaceful Agoris. The same goes for magic.

I teach magical theory at Atlas. It’s a bit strange that I, who learned the skills of a warrior when I was a student, am teaching magic, but magic is what I can teach most effectively with my abilities.

My weaving contains all the theories I have learned, and magic is better suited to teaching theories than combat techniques, which require an overwhelming amount of physical conditioning, training, and experience.

So, in my eyes, I can see what level this class material is at.

If you don’t want to be noticed, just keep teaching like this. Then the students will soon lose interest in me.

But every time I try to do that, for some reason,

“… … “I feel like I’m going to get scolded for something.”

“huh? To whom?”

“Everyone who taught me. Especially to Teacher Jane.”

Constell’s teacher, Jane, was the teacher who taught me until the end. From Frontier, who was a human sloth, to me now.

When everyone was tired of Frontier’s laziness and ignored him, Jane treated me the same as all the students. I don’t know if it was just inertia or work ethic.

When I first entered this world, the voice I heard was Jane’s.

It was one of the many lucks I had to have someone like that as my homeroom teacher.

I learned from such a person,

Now I find myself teaching students unintentionally.

“… … “Let’s try to do it right, just a little bit.”

In the end, I worry about choices that are not at all rational.

However, he nodded as if he actually liked Elodie.

“Yes, yes, try that.”

“You were listening to me, right?”

“What if I stand out? “Are you worried that you’re such a good teacher that all your material will be rejected?”

“No, that can’t be possible.”

is it. Maybe I think the risk of being in the spotlight is too big.

“Then I’ll go. See you in the atlas.”

“huh. “If you meet me there, don’t forget to treat me like you would in the teacher’s office.”

“I hope we never meet again.”

Elodie said that and fluttered her hands.

As I watched her slowly moving away, I suddenly remembered and called her.



“Are you okay?”

If you think about it, Elodie didn’t have to go through this kind of trouble.

Of course, it was her choice to follow me, but if you think that her hardships are worth it, it is not.

Elodie was the most promising wizard on the Palind Continent. If he had just continued like this, he would have lived with the best treatment in the empire. No, he can decide for himself whether to live like that or not, Elodie is everywhere.

So I was worried.

Being too much everywhere means being too much for me.

Are you probably regretting going through trouble that you don’t need to go through? She has her family, her friends, and things she has done.

“It’s not okay.”

Elodie said.

He stopped walking but did not turn his head.

She looked back with an indecipherable expression on her face and spoke, showing off the tip of her very thin chin.

“Because you’re not okay, I’m not okay either.”

“… … huh?”

When I asked back because I didn’t know what it meant.


Elodie, who hesitated like that, showed her face to me again and smiled a sparkling smile.

“Sleep well, Pron.”


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