The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 392

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Chapter 114 Agoris (2)

The devil destroys humans. Perhaps the root is desire rather than hostility.

In particular, there are many demons who initially have desires for humans, such as cannibalistic desires or murderous desires. Even if there is no war, they will continue to cause harm to humans.

“You said you could predict two reasons why the demons were stopped. “What’s the second one?”

It was Arald who answered my question.

“Earlier, Frontier said that humans are holding on in Bael thanks to ‘numbers’ and ‘preparation.’”

It was like that. To help them understand the situation, I relayed my conversation with Bael and Marco to them.

Arald said as I nodded.

“Numbers are literally troops. If there were no one as strong as the Zodiac, the greatest power they could have against the devil would be to push them in a positive way. Furthermore, the humans here probably didn’t suffer as much damage as the Demon War, so I think there are more humans than in the Terst Empire.”

“Then what about preparation?”

“As you know, most Zodiacs have the power of 100 per unit. They have some negligible force in numbers. And that goes for 72 devils too. “They may not be as bad as the Zodiac, but just having a lot of them is not enough to stop them.”

“So you’re saying the humans were ‘prepared’ to stop them?”

“From here on out, it’s just my complete prediction and any wishes.”


While I was tilting my head at that word, Arald continued.

“There is a possibility that the magic engineering here is more advanced than that of the Terst Empire.”

“… … aha.”

Indeed, if humans are weak, the weapons and tools they hold can only become stronger. In a way, it is the most humane way.

Weapons or weapons made through magical engineering may not be as powerful as legendary or mythical weapons, but once mass-produced, they can increase the average level of human strength.

The humans of Agoris may have resisted the devil with that.

“For some reason, your eyes sparkle when you say that.”

“of course. Because I am none other than myself.”

“That’s the most conceited thing I’ve ever heard.”

Hitchcock’s chairman, Arald. Is it natural for him to be interested in Agoris’ magic engineering?

“Unlike the Terst Empire’s magic engineering, which focused on convenience and people’s welfare, this one may have been designed to raise the skills and potential of warriors and wizards. “This is truly a dream unfolding.”

“It means that it is developing in the direction of war.”

It’s just a nightmare unfolding.

But it definitely bothers me. If Arald’s prediction is correct, Agoris’ magic level will be high, which will be helpful in finding Hercules.

So what about demons? Are they really preparing for war with humans?

“… … Well, if you ask me, you’ll know.”

“Are you sure you want to go?”

Lily asked worriedly at my self-talk.

I answered with a smile.

“don’t worry. Bael is on our side.”

* * *

“You really are crazy.”

When Bael finally saw my face, he flew over and stood in front of me as if he couldn’t bear it anymore.

I smiled and welcomed him.

“It’s been a while, Bael.”

“How did you come to this land?”

“I was kicked out.”

“No matter where you were kicked out, there will be plenty of places for you in the empire.”


I said with the same smile.

“I was kicked out of the empire.”

“… … “The Empire kicked you out?”

“okay. “They are treated like demons.”

Bael looked at me with an expression of bewilderment at what I said.

“Didn’t you plan to live your life whining about getting credit for driving the devil out of the empire? “You’re being treated like a devil even though you stopped the devil’s war?”

“… … ah… … .”

Since you say that, I have nothing to say.

I didn’t mean to complain, but I also didn’t expect things to turn out like this.

“Anyway, that story is a bit complicated. “That’s not why I found you.”

“No matter what reason you came to visit me, there is only one thing you will do the moment you appear before my eyes.”

Bael was furious. His eyes sparkle.

“I’m going to hang my head here and go.”

“… … .”

I scratched my head.

I really don’t understand why it’s so fierce.

“Come on. “We promised to be on the same side.”

I took Bael out of the Pantemonium. He was promised obedience in return.

Bael spoke as if it were absurd to hear those words.

“Did you really believe you would protect it? “You know I’m the devil?”

Of course, the promise at the time had no force whatsoever. There was no contract, and it wasn’t something magically done. A promise that was only shared in words.

“Of course.”

But I know.

“Because you need me for your revenge.”

“… … !”


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Bael’s expression changes.

In fact, if Bael really wanted to play it off, he could just treat the promise as if it never happened.

I never made such a promise, no, I never lost to Pantemonium in the first place, so just treat me like I don’t know you.

But Bael didn’t do that.

It wasn’t that Bael was particularly pure or loyal, but he wanted to know my intentions.

Knowing the meaning, I personally tell Bael what he wants to hear.

“You have to avenge Satan, right? “Going back to the demon world is something I have to do at the same time.”

“Going back to the demon world is not a sham!”

“Well, whatever.”

To be honest, I’m not a devil, and I don’t know which Bael values ​​more.

But both would be incredibly important to him.

“I don’t know how long you have stayed on this earth, but you have to do what you have to do. Now that we know that the demons of the Empire are not our enemies, we must think of a way to return to the Demon World.”

“Why do I need you there? “As devils, we haven’t found a way to return to the demon world yet, so what can you do?”

Of course, as Bael said, there is nothing I can do yet. I also don’t know how to get to the demon world.

There I raised my finger.

From here on, you have to work hard with your mouth.

“I’m just saying this in case you don’t know, but when people are sick, they go to the doctor.”

“… … ?”

Bael suddenly looked like he was asking what I was talking about.

“What are you talking about out of nowhere?”

It was a face-to-face question.

“For example, if you get food poisoning, you may complain to the restaurant or company that did not properly manage the food, but you leave your body to the doctor. “I don’t go to a restaurant and make a fuss about getting better.”

“… … ? “Isn’t it natural?”

okay. Of course.

I’m glad the devil knows that this is normal.

“If you are cursed, find a priest, and if you are possessed by a ghost, find an exorcist. “The cause provider and the solver are not the same, and the solver is usually rich in knowledge.”

“What do you want to say?”

“By the same logic, if a human is possessed by a devil.”

“… … !”

“Should I go find the devil when I try to help him escape from it?”

That can’t be possible.

Of course, you will find a human who knows a lot about demons.

The only ones who know much about the devil are not the devils themselves.

These are the people who confront and fight against him the most.

“On the other hand, demons know very well about humans. That’s why humans are possessed by the devil.”

“… … “It’s sophistry.”

“If this is sophistry.”

I grinned.

“Aren’t you curious about the knowledge that the humans in Agoris have?”

“… … !”

“My friends say that the demons of Agoris are dangerous to humans, but somehow I can see their clear motive.”

Originally, these demons were burning with revenge against the demons of the empire.

I had a desire for revenge, and I believed that the demons of the empire would know how to return to the demon world.

But I told Bael the truth, and they knew that the demons of the Empire were not their enemies.

But nothing has been resolved.

The desire for revenge against Satan still remains, and the hope that there will be a way to return to the demon world has also been dashed.

There is only one thing left for them.

Among the demonic knowledge possessed by the humans of Agoris, there may be a way to return to the demon world.

Perhaps, if the demons here and now challenge humans, that will be the only time.

“You need me there.”

“… … “Are you saying you’re going to help us?”

“You said you were kicked out of the empire. I want to join the human society here. But I don’t think people here will easily accept me, whose identity is unknown.”

With Bael’s help, I enter human society with my colleagues, and Bael hears about the demonic knowledge I gained within that society.

There is no need for Bael to fight with me, much less to wage war on humans.

“How can I trust you?”

Nevertheless, Bael still doubts me.

The devil is used to offering deals, not receiving offers. I completely understand that feeling.

“You don’t have to believe it.”


“You let me into human society without any problems. I give you the knowledge about returning to the demon world. That’s enough for now. “As long as the procedure is carried out.”

“… … !”

These words are a repetition of what I said when I took Bael out.

At that time, I was fully aware of the possibility that Bael would betray me. Of course. It was such a lax verbal contract that Bael couldn’t have known that I was aware of it.

However, following the procedure, I saved Bael. This is clear.

After that, Bael stopped Marco from attacking me. He already felt then that Bael might need me.

I don’t believe in the devil.

The devil doesn’t trust me.

But this is not a contract made by faith.

“Chase the gain, devil.”

Even if Bael sends me to human society, there is no harm to him.

Rather, every minute I stay here will be a loss.

Just looking at the demons I defeated on the way here, it is clear that Bael feels like a potential threat to me.

… … Of course, I tried to be kind.

“… … good night.”

Bael nodded.

“If you hide the information about the demon world after getting it, then all the demons in the world will bite off your limbs one by one.”

He speaks very harshly.

I said.

“You don’t have to worry about that.”


“Do you think I would want you to stay in the human world just because you’re pretty?”

Bael and other demons returning to the demon world is something I have always hoped for.

At least in this respect, Bael and I have perfectly aligned goals.

“joy. “He is like that too.”

As expected, Bael also closed his eyes as if acknowledging it.

“So where are you going? Have you thought of a good location to conduct research?”

“I don’t know much about Agoris, but it would be nice to have an educational institution like Constel.”

I said what I originally thought.

If possible, wouldn’t it be possible to properly enter this educational institution as a transfer student?

There Bael tilted his head.

“Of course there are educational institutions. A very famous place from a continental perspective. However, it is impossible for you to join as a student.”

“After all, you can’t fake it well?”

“It’s not that kind of problem.”

Bael shook his head.

“As you know well, Agoris and Palind have no contact with each other. “We don’t know how the system works.”

“Of course I know.”

“And the seasons here and on the Palind continent are opposite.”

“… … huh?”

“And coincidentally, the school year ends in the winter here too.”

… … uh.

Bael shook his head there.

“You can lie about everything else, but you can’t lie about your age. “In Agoris, there are goddesses nearby who manage the remaining lifespan of humans.”

… … uh.

I mean, I mean.


Bael said as if to think again.

“You have already graduated from here.”


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