The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 386

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Chapter 112 Departure

Quinier seemed to have already talked to Arald, and the demons, including him, obediently boarded the ship.

Quinier said as I watched it.



“What can I say, I think it ended up like this because of me.”

Queenie scratched her head and said.

“I thought that if I hadn’t shown the Wizard View video to the Empire, there might have been a different result.”

Oh, you mean when you defeated Belphegor.

After hearing that, I answered.

“Even now, when I think about that time, my eyes feel dark.”


“I couldn’t hold my head up for several days.”

“Well, it was still something to be proud of. I want everyone to recognize the hero of the empire… … .”

Queenie muttered uncharacteristically.

I said with a smile.

“yes. “Thank you.”

“Uh, huh?”

“Thanks to Mr. Quinier, the war ended quickly and the damage was reduced.”

Because Quinier showed the wizard view, the shepherds and troops of Mangot at the time lost morale and gave up.

It’s not that I don’t know that.

Of course, it was embarrassing and shameful at the time, and more than anything, it was difficult to attract the attention of the empire.

It’s true that my mood lifted when people looked back at me and gave me compliments.

“Mr. Quinier has nothing to apologize for.”

“… … still.”

“The enemy is clear.”

Odin. Without his intervention, things wouldn’t have happened this way.

Quinier may think that the fact that I was brought to the attention of the empire was ultimately the reason why things turned out this way, but no human being can accumulate good deeds by thinking that way.

If good deeds require everything to work correctly until the very end, then who on earth can do that?

The enemy is clear and obvious. I like it because it is such a simple story.

“I’m going to drop my shoes.”

“… … .”

“When that time comes, I will realize that leaving the empire was ultimately necessary.”

Quinier looked at me without responding to anything I said.

She asked after a few blinks.

“As expected, don’t you want to join our family?”

“This time, let’s abandon Roach—”

“That’s not it!”

As we were having this casual conversation, I heard a voice calling me from far away.

“Mr. Frontier. “Everyone is on board.”

At those words, loneliness spread across Queenie’s face.

“Okay, go now. Frontier.”

“Is this where we say goodbye?”

“Can I come with you?”

I couldn’t answer Queenie’s words and kept my mouth shut.

Queenie grinned.

“I’m kidding. I can’t leave the empire anyway. “I have a clan with my superiors.”

“… … Yes.”

“But the day you come back, you will have grown even more, so I look forward to that time.”

“I look forward to it.”

Quinier’s eyes at that time, as always, were clear and contained a certain determination.

“When that time comes, no one will ever spew nonsense at you again.”

“… … .”


I nodded at those words.

I have no doubt that Queenie can do that.

“Then I’ll go.”

“huh. See you later.”

Queenie waved her hand in response as if they would meet soon.

After shaking my head, I got on the boat.

Everyone was already waiting for me as if they were ready.

Feeling a little embarrassed by the look in their eyes that seemed to be waiting for my command, I cleared my throat once and spoke.

“From now on, we are treading on unknown ground.”

Agoris, the land of the west.

A continent that we only know exists, but whose exact location and distance are unknown. All I know is that it’s west from here.

“Arald, can this ship go straight west?”

“of course. Please leave it to me.”

Arald answers in a voice full of trust, but I don’t know if it’s really worth trusting.


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“The demons flew from Agoris to our continent. When you think about it, it probably isn’t an incredibly long distance. “I would like to believe so, but nothing is certain.”

When demons emerge from the west, they are always seen flying through the wings.

Demons have wings, so they don’t use mana to fly, but they do consume enough stamina to use their wings. Additionally, there is the issue of food while moving.

If you think about it, you can think that Agorine is not far away, but they may have passed through somewhere, or there may be a method that I don’t know about.

“We were kicked out of the empire. We must head to Agoris. Before we can live there, we must overcome earlier trials. It’s about getting there.”

I don’t know the monsters of the sea. How powerful they are. Will this ship reach Agoris safely?

‘Above all, when it comes to the sea, of course.’

We cannot say for sure that there will not be divine intervention again.

“Nothing is certain and we will go out on a limb. “I hope everyone fully understands that.”

Everyone nodded their heads without shaking at my words.

Our choice was decided from the beginning. The resolution must have been made long ago.

I said with a grin.

“Okay then.”

I tried to shout coolly, “We’re setting sail.”


Suddenly, thunder rumbled loudly.

And as if it had some kind of beat.


It rained.

The weather for the first departure was perfect.

It’s not a drizzle, but rain that falls like it’s hitting your face. In an instant, everything including my hair and clothes started to get wet.

“… … “It’s departure.”


I spoke in a weak voice, and the answer I received was the same.


And at an odd timing, the smartwatch rang.

When I looked at the screen, I realized it had been a long time.

[World quest begins.]


“… … “Are you really going to destroy this smart watch?”

The smartwatch that announced the end of the world quest named Etius.

After that, there was never a single notification about the main quest or world quest.

‘In the end, it was decided that I would head to Agoris?’

I had thought about it before.

Once the world quest is over, shouldn’t we move on to the next ‘world’?

That was indeed true.

It’s just that I was the one moving on to the next world.

Until then, my journey from the smart watch’s perspective was nothing more than ‘waiting time’. Stopping the devil, putting Lili and the devils under my control, and getting kicked out of the empire.

‘Then what is Etius in the end?’

I am now trying to leave the continent of Palind. This alarm went off when I was heading to Agoris.

In other words, is Etius a Palind? Why are the names different?

‘Is Etius the old name of Palind? or not… … .’

The smartwatch is now starting to confuse me more than it helps me.

Of course, regardless of what I thought, the ship slowly moved and set sail.

* * *

I had roughly expected it from the moment we set sail, but

It was a bad journey from the beginning.



The rain became more and more intense as the boat moved forward, and along with the wind came waves and a vicious ensemble began.

The waves of the sea lifted the ship all the way up and then threw it to the bottom, and the wind, waves, and rain crawled in between the falling ship as if something had been buried there.

My son-in-law was dizzy, I had no idea where the boat was going, and I was experiencing an unprecedented situation.

Still, it was okay up to that point.

Perhaps Arald had predicted such a time, and had made his own preparations.

“This ship will definitely head west no matter what. “There is no need to get lost.”

Arald said so and proudly showed off an artifact.

“Let me tell you this, it is made based on magnetic fields. In fact, the earth has magnetism, so floating objects made of metal must move in a certain direction. To put it simply, the direction shown here is always constant.”

“Is the side painted red the north?”

“… … ! Yes, yes it is.”

“good. It’s easy to find out. “It’s designed to stay level, right?”

“… … ! Yes, that’s right.”

Needless to say, what Arald showed me was a compass.

If you think about it, in the old world, the compass was invented for navigation.

Since there was very little sea sailing in this world, was the concept of a compass too late?

‘There is a car, there is a wizard view, and Constell’s training room is over-tech, with even holograms developed, but there is no compass?’

Well, in a world with magic, isn’t it rather strange to think that ‘holograms’ are over-technology? In this world, the compass may actually be a more advanced technology.

Arald’s ability to read it in advance and develop a compass is amazing, but unfortunately, it’s something we already know, so it’s not very inspiring.

Moreover, Arald’s eyes are shining as if he is looking at me, which makes me a little embarrassed.

Anyway, because of Arald’s compass, this ship will definitely head west. There is no room for confusion as it seems to have a magical device in addition to the compass I know.

And one more thing.

“This boat won’t capsize.”

Before boarding this ship, Quinier proudly told me:

“It doesn’t turn over?”

“huh. Even if it breaks, it won’t turn over.”

“… … “It’s an indomitable spirit.”

And Quinier diligently explained to me the principles of the ship.

… … To be honest, Quinier’s explanation was not much different from what I already knew about why boats do not easily turn over.

However, this is also equipped with a significant magical device, so this is not an exaggeration, this ship really does not capsize. No matter what happens.

It would be meaningless if it were broken to the point of being turned upside down, but of course it is durable.

‘If this ship splits in half and only one side turns over, does that mean it has turned over? … .’

Suddenly, something like a strange paradox occurred to me and I began to think about useless things.

Anyway, since we had these two defenses, we didn’t have to worry too much about waves or rain.

Saying that the ship is strong is not an empty statement; it is so incredibly strong that it does not even make a creaking sound even when a considerable number of waves come. To be honest, it doesn’t look like it’s made of wood.

Next, I was worried about the people’s conditions. Demons like Lili and Arald basically don’t get seasick, Selena’s movements she was trained for were more dizzy than this, and Elodie wasn’t free from seasickness, but she had recovery magic. It was all there and just floating in the air.

May also seemed to be immune, and the bouncing waves were soothing her boredom.

And in my case, I was prone to seasickness, and like Elodie, I had many ways to deal with it.

So really, there were no problems up to that point.

“Captain! “This is a big deal!”

Until one of the demons approached me and let out a loud voice.

“Because I’m not the captain.”

I sighed and answered. For some reason, since I got on this ship, everyone has been calling me captain.

After hearing that, Elodie seemed amused, so she called him captain, and before she knew it, it was becoming her official title while on this ship.

As expected, the devil didn’t listen to what I said and only said what he wanted to say.

“We found someone who secretly boarded the ship.”


I stiffened my face at those words.

Is there someone secretly on this ship? Could it be that he was sent by the imperial palace?

‘okay. Even if we can’t fight an all-out war, we can think about sneaking inside and raiding the place.’

Is this a plot to attack from within since they can’t win due to the difference in power? Perhaps a member of the dark club? Indeed, what he is doing is extraordinary.

“Where is he?”

“I’ve tied it up now. “I will guide you.”


I headed after the devil.

Most people were already there, and of course there were Selena and Elodie.

However, the two seemed to have a somewhat troubled look on their faces, so I was suspicious.

And when I checked out front for an intruder.

“… … What’re you doing?”

I was shocked and saw the man being restrained.

The man’s face was pale and cold sweat was flowing. His eyes lost focus and his expression became distorted, as if he was going to die at any moment. It was a classic symptom of seasickness.

“Please, save me, Senpai… … .”

The man found me and said.

I looked at him with cold eyes.

“Pielot. “How did you get here?”

It was Pielot.

Pielot von Libanze snuck into our ship without saying a word.


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