The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 363

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 363

Chapter 107: Family (2)

In the end, I was moved to my seat.

Originally, it was a situation where Kian had to be scolded, but now the subject has changed to me.

Besides, it was Pascal who dragged me away, not Jane.

Pascal gave me a smile and a quick, ‘Come here for a moment’ and walked ahead.

It was an order that could never be refused.


Pascal opened the empty classroom door, closed it as soon as I entered, and then cast ‘Whisper Wind’.

It’s been a while since I was in this mood.

Pascal sat on a random desk, not a lectern. It suited Pascal, who had a youthful face and build, strangely well.

“Frondier student. Come to think of it, we’ve never talked openly.”

Pascal said.

If you think about it, it was like that. The first time I met Pascal was when he participated in my class as a teacher.

I had a dangerous sparring with Pascal, who mistakenly thought I could use Aurors, and then I pretended to be controlled to deceive the monster Kraken. After that, the day a demon appeared in the imperial palace and the Zodiac gathered.

The only time I met Pascal was when I was going through a crisis.

“I have a lot of questions.”

Pascal said with a smile. There was not a cloud in that smile, so I couldn’t tell how Pascal was feeling.

This is also how people can hide their emotions. Pascal’s smile grows stronger as the days go by.

“I heard that you were the one who stopped the demons from attacking the imperial palace. He was also in charge of the operation at the imperial palace meeting, and in addition, the power to defeat Belphegor, how he obtained it, and why he hid it from Constell… … . “There are so many things I want to ask.”

ha. Pascal sighs.

“I have no choice but to repeat what I always say.”

“… … “Let’s put it off until later.”

“that’s right. “That’s not what we’re going to talk about today.”

Pascal’s eyes turned to me. Even though he was smiling, his eyes were cool.

“What is it about in the end? “What a female student named Kian just said.”

“… … “I spoke with her in her prison cell after Kian was captured.”

I had no choice but to briefly explain the situation to Pascal.

What I said to persuade Kian.

“… … .”

After hearing my whole story, Pascal lowered his eyes. He seemed lost in thought for a moment, but then he opened his mouth and asked me.

“What do you think of Frontier?”

“… … “I never once thought of killing your majesty.”

“That’s not it.”

Pascal shook his head.

“It’s a caste system.”

“… … !”

Caste system.

In this world, the royal family, nobles, and commoners are divided.

However, it is not a thorough class like that of the Middle Ages.

The very possibility that I told Kian that the caste system could be overthrown if Aster becomes the protagonist of the war means that the caste system at this time has already become sufficiently weak.

The same goes for the group called Indus, which received support, and the educational institution itself, where all classes called Constel gathered.

However, saying that the caste system has become weak and abolishing it itself are completely different things.

For some people, the most important thing is the caste system.

Pascal said.

“In fact, this has already been discussed in the imperial palace before.”

“Is that so?”

“yes. These were the words of His Majesty Saleh. At that time, His Majesty’s health was not good. It was a time when attention was focused on Saleh as the next emperor.”

Saleh. She is Fili’s second daughter.

Unlike the first or third, which resemble a lot of black and white in Philly, Saleh is blurry in either. He himself likes to take a step back, and as a result, he naturally takes on the personality of a contemplative person.

Saleh, being Saleh himself, took a step back, looked at the whole picture, and then suddenly opened his mouth.

─There are much better people than me in the empire.

“… … “He is truly like Saleh.”

“yes. The moment I heard that, I felt scared. Even when I asked him a question later, it was exactly what I guessed. It seems that Saleh was thinking of abolishing the caste system once he was crowned emperor.”

That’s probably true.

The reason I decided that the caste system would disappear was because it was when Saleh became emperor.

“What do you think? Frontier. Should the caste system be abolished?”

“… … .”

I was silent for a moment.

This is a very natural thing to say. For me, who used to live in this world, the caste system is fundamentally a system that is difficult to understand.

However, given the current situation of the empire, I cannot say anything.

If you try to abolish the caste system now, there will be a huge backlash from the nobility and the imperial palace, and besides, that’s not the real problem.

The walls will fall.

Nowadays, a system has been completed in which each noble protects his territory and maintains an army to protect the walls. If the caste system is destroyed now, there will be no one left to defend the walls.

… … However.

“yes. Someday.”

I said.

Whether this world is a game or not, I hope it becomes a more proper world anyway. I believe that is the path to clearing.


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I hope humans don’t fear anything beyond the wall. Whether it’s a monster, a devil, or a god.

I couldn’t lie to this question.

“… … “You are a ‘Roach’, but do you still want to give up your noble status?”

“I’m not answering this because I want to. “I just say what I believe is right.”

“… … is it so.”

Pascal Schlitz.

Although he is an imperial knight, he is a commoner. The proof is that his name does not have ‘phone’ or ‘de’ attached to it.

To Pascal, class might be unfair, but he smiled bitterly.

“… … “Then.”

The look in Pascal’s eyes that made him cry like that.

I knew it as soon as I saw it.

It’s clearly a thought that contradicts mine.

“What will happen to Her Majesty the Empress?”

“… … !”

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, and all your daughters. Are they going to lose their place and fall?”

Pascal asked about the safety of Her Majesty the Empress.

Even though the Emperor must come first, clearly, before him.

“I became an imperial knight with the determination to be loyal to Her Majesty the Empress. “Now, only His Highness Philly can bring about balance and development in this country.”

Pascal’s loyalty to Philly. I knew that from the beginning. That’s why he was jealous of Robert, Philly’s closest knight.

“The feats that the Emperor and Empress have achieved for the empire are so high, but I will destroy them all. “Isn’t that what it means to collapse the caste system?”

“… … I am well aware of that achievement. I don’t even want to get rid of it. So, it is impossible to eliminate the caste system now. “It’s impossible to begin with.”

What I said to Kian is also the same.

This is not something that will happen in an instant. If you try to do anything urgently, blood will flow.

I don’t think the history of this world will turn out much differently from the world I know.

“But one day you will have to throw it all away.”

“The name Roach won’t be a big deal, right?”

“It’s not like that.”

About that I declared.

“Where all identities disappear, Roach’s name will shine.”

In this world, the Roach family is my pride.

Atjie said. Ampere is making atonement to me. I accepted my sin, and it wasn’t really a sin, so Ampere wants to pay for his past mistakes.

Literally speaking, I have understood Ampere for a long time.

I understood everything about the frontier of the past steeped in laziness, the life I lived under the curse of sloth, and the present me who worked hard to repay that debt.

That’s why Roach is my pride.

Not because they are nobles.

Protecting the wall in the bitter cold of the north.

Live an honest life with a heart as straight as steel.

I am proud of the fact that despite his clumsiness, his love for his children is deeper than anyone else’s.

“… … “I still can’t accept it.”

Pascal, who seemed to be thinking deeply, shook his head.

He continued speaking.

“With time, you will see results. “I don’t know if I can accept it.”

Pascal lifted his butt up from the desk.

He took a step towards me and said.

“I’ll be honest with you. “We can’t delay it any longer.”


“I was investigating you. Of course, I wasn’t following them directly, I was just collecting information from the surrounding area.”

“… … “Then you.”

“yes. An investigator who relays your information directly to Her Majesty the Empress. “That’s me.”

I wasn’t surprised that Philly had an investigator passing along information about me. Because she thought, of course she would.

I was also convinced that it was Pascal. Considering his position, he is a more appropriate person than anyone else.

But it was definitely surprising to hear Pascal tell me that directly.

“Frondier, be careful.”

The smile disappeared from Pascal’s face as he said that.

It is a very rare signal, and therefore a signal that should never be missed.

“Bad winds are blowing over the empire. “With you at the center.”

“Bad wind… … .”

“The wind started blowing longer than you realize.”

“What do you mean?”

“You will know. “The wind is gathering as if something is guiding you.”

Pascal was speaking in a way that did not suit him.

However, as he said, I vaguely feel it.

That this world is forcing something on me.

“… … “The rumor that you might abandon Roach’s name,”

Pascal says:

Those words that were included in the rumor that he was Monty’s adopted son.

“The rumor that you were never Roach from the beginning.”

A little lie I told to convince the demons of the empire.

“These big and small stories started going up and down. After the war you became a hero. Therefore, the wind blowing now may only be a breeze. However,”

At this time, I already felt a kind of premonition similar to chills.

Having passed the final hurdle of the game after the war, I no longer know the future.

So, it suddenly occurred to me that even though fate had sent a signal to me, perhaps I had not yet noticed it.

“Don’t pass everything off as a joke. Don’t take this lightly. Based on the information I have researched about you, it feels like you are a very big typhoon right now. “The frontier is in the eye, so it just doesn’t feel it.”

After the war ended, I—

I realized that Leah Reese was a demon.

It was the first time the demons and humans of the west encountered each other.

He was asked by Hitchcock’s chairman to become the ‘King of the Demons’.

I lied to the empire’s demons that I was not Roach’s child.

I made the nobles of the empire and Lia Lis my subordinates.

It caused conflict with Astor Evans, the hope of the empire.

Rumors began to circulate that he was Monty’s adopted son.

Ampere does not stop me from leaving, and the nobles know this.

… … Qian returned and reported that the emperor was dead and the caste system was collapsing.

‘… … All of that, maybe.’

All the things that were inadvertently overlooked in order to prevent the immediate incident.

If it’s pulling me in a certain direction right now.

“Frondier, you have defeated Belphegor.”

“… … “It was like that.”

“Why was that?”


“It was to protect the empire.”

Pascal nods his head as if it were natural to hear those words.

he said

“Everyone should think that way.”


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