The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 342

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 342

Chapter 100 Return (4)

Runia walked through the dizzying battlefield, holding a tilted scale.

Strangely, there was no one who disturbed her. The demons seemed unaware of her presence.

Runia went out of the building and headed to the house where the magic circle was set up.

There was no disturbance until then, but there was only one person who discovered her.

“… … huh?”

It was Elodie.

Elodie is a high-performance magician who can be active anywhere, but there are some things even she cannot do.

It’s force control.

Now, it is possible to somehow control the power using Adae, but the principle of Adae is to consume a certain portion of the mana used by Elodie with something other than the original magic.

The smoke rising from Adae every time Elodie uses magic is the result of that consumption.

If you do this, the mana you injected in the first place will decrease, making it less powerful. However, mana is used in the same way as when using magic of original power. Because everything is released as smoke.

From the perspective of Aster and his colleagues, who did not fully know the power of the demons, they did not want Elodie’s mana to be wasted needlessly like that.

Therefore, Elodie took on the role of catching the demons running outside.

“What, it’s Runia. “Why did you come out alone?”

Elodie, who was looking for a demon floating in the air and escaping, tilted her head when it was not the demon, but Runia, who came out of the building.

It’s a relief to know that Runia has been rescued, but it’s very unsettling to see her move on her own. Because she’s a pure wizard, even worse than Elodie.

However, that was only for a moment, and when Runia held the scale-shaped mana agglomeration in her hand, her face suddenly frowned.

“He, again… … .”

A foreign energy felt in Libra.

Elodie thought about stopping Runia for a moment, but decided against it. It’s impossible to stop it now anyway.

‘It would be a big problem if it really reached the hierarchy… … .’

The model of the scale that Runia is holding is definitely Dicke. A god who symbolizes justice and balance.

Runia is now holding a scale with a similar name to the god’s item.

But that in itself is actually not uncommon.

Even if you are not a Runia, this kind of naming is something that everyone often does. Even if you’re not a wizard.

In this world where God exists, tracing its origins and model and creating a replica is something that anyone can do.

It has been common for blacksmiths to increase the power of steel by feeding it the blood of other monsters, following ‘Gram’, which is said to contain the blood of a dragon.

The weapons completed in this way are sometimes given similar names, such as ‘Ingram’.

‘If you give it a name, it gives meaning to your existence. If it is a non-realistic magical composition like Runia, how you name it has great significance. Because the direction and purpose of magic becomes clear.’

The scale that Runia is holding now has nothing to do with Dicke’s original scale.

Runia herself read and studied mythology, explored the effects of items, and combined magic techniques to achieve similar effects.

In other words, they don’t do anything as reckless as copying a god’s item like Frontier’s weaving, or adding or removing something on top of it as they please.

It has nothing to do with real items that exist in mythology, I just learned them by studying them. It’s something everyone does.

It’s like trying someone else’s dish and researching to achieve a similar taste to create a similar dish.

Runia’s problem is that she is too talented.

Runia cannot implement destructive magic that can change the entire battlefield like Elodie.

Without enough mana, it is impossible to implement complex techniques with bare hands.

Instead, Runia is unrivaled in fine-tuning mana. The mana, which is adjusted by her hands to be as thin as thread or as small as dust, makes the magic effect very ‘accurate’.

What would happen if she used a magic circle to name a god, tried to embody the effects of the god’s item, and instead of just copying it, she ‘twisted’ it a little?

‘It’s not yet producing the effect of divine power, but its power seems to increase every time I see it.’

Elodie no longer seemed at all comfortable with Runia’s scale, which was detected by her mana detection.

Of course, it is still a long way from the true scale called Xinwi, but if Runia continues to develop, it may really get close to it.

What if magic that has nothing to do with actual scales but merely refers to them can replace God’s items?

That might be more sacrilegious than simply making copies.

─… … Rudra. what do you think about it?

Elodie called out the name of the closest god among her gods.

─Runia’s magic, is there a possibility that the gods will harm her?

Even though Elodie asked that question, she wasn’t sure there would be an answer.

Although they are close to Rudra, all gods are fickle and only step forward when they feel like it. At least in Elodie’s experience, that was all the case.

But this time, I still felt like answering.


Rudra seemed to be thinking about something and said that.

─If it were me, I would leave it alone. It would be great if you could imitate my storm. I like seeing humans make efforts. As long as what I create with reference to me can overcome my power, it can end up being a storm or a wave or whatever.

It’s hard to imagine, but if humans had Rudra’s ‘real’ storm at their disposal, it would be a walking disaster.

It’s not a matter of Rudra’s feelings getting hurt, it’s something humans should be worried about.

The walking disaster asked him again.

─Do you mean that if it were you, it might be different if it were another god?

─Because I can’t know all the personalities of other gods. Dike is the god in charge of justice, right? I don’t know if it would seem ‘just’ in her eyes for a human to imitate her item and wear it. Moreover, she did not create the same thing, and changed the effect to suit her taste. It’s up to her to think about it.

Dike may not be as generous as Rudra. She will do so even more so if it goes against her definition of justice.

There, something suddenly occurred to me about Elodie.

─Then, then. Depending on the god, the divine weapons created by Frontier may be tolerated leniently.


Rudra interrupted her. It was rare.

─That is blasphemy.

─… … okay?

─It’s hard for me to think of a god who could accept that leniently. That girl named Runia created her own magic, but she is not Frondier. What he holds in his hands is clearly a weapon of God. Since Jun himself is not a god, his power is somewhat reduced, but that is not important.


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And God cannot forgive that.

Even if it is any god.

Even if you forgive, that doesn’t mean it’s not an insult.

-Well, Elodie, if you’re as worried as Frondier about that girl named Runia, it’s not that bad. Compared to Frontier, that’s at the level of cuteness. Even if you are punished by heaven, nothing so terrible will happen. At best, you’ll end up with some body aches. If it’s Dike, I think even heavenly punishment will be handed down fairly. No need to worry.

─… … Thanks to you, I have another worry.

Runia can be easily overlooked, but Frontier is not.

In Elodie’s eyes, what Runia was doing seemed more dangerous, but in God’s eyes, it looked completely different.

─Then why isn’t Frontier receiving divine punishment from God now? Because the conditions for descent are difficult?

─There are many reasons. Of course, that is also a very big reason. But Kangrim can do anything if he really wants to. A similar thing happened in Jeranhes, right? Hela attempted to descend using the fragments of Helheim. Frontier somehow prevented it, but if the gods want to do it, they can repeat it as many times as they want. Frontier cannot be stopped forever.

A source of mana that can be used as a foundation to some extent, and prayer. Hela has already proven that she doesn’t necessarily have to be human.

A sanctuary would be a good medium, and if you want to punish someone, you can do so. Although it may not be perfect.

Rudra said.

─In my opinion, the biggest reason is because Frontier is fighting the devil right now.

─… … ah.

─The divine punishment leaves a big mark. You can even clearly see what kind of divine punishment it is. So that anyone can know that they have been punished by heaven. Let everyone know that it was not an accident, a monster attack, or a fight with humans, but something God did.

As it is, for God, there is nothing wrong with leaving a trace in heavenly punishment.

Because people know that God has done something, they fear God and do not do anything that might offend God.

However, in the case of Frontier, it is not good for God to leave a trace in the divine punishment.

─Now, Frontier is the most powerful force for the people of the empire who are fighting against evil. Now there is no one who doesn’t know him. So what would happen if Frontier was punished now?

─… … Are there people who doubt God’s will?

─That’s right. It’s really bad timing to punish a hero fighting against evil.

In other words, when the fight against the devil is over, Frontier will be threatened by God again.

Elodie thought again about Frondier’s actions.

Since the war, we have learned much more about Frontier through conversations with each other than before.

The golem incident mentioned by senior Edwin, the mention of Baldur mentioned by Aster, Hela of Helheim, and Hypnos, the god of Pielot.

Before fighting the devil, Frontier was plagued by many gods.

Does that mean that once the war against the devil is over, it will begin again?

Elodie’s eyes gradually calmed down and she spoke to Rudra.

─Rudra. If I wanted to stop God from harming Frontier.

─Yes. I’ll help you.

Rudra answered willingly.

Feeling rather suspicious, Elodie asked again.


─Yes. Put my name on it. If you want that, I will protect Frontier, and I will punish the god who tries to harm him. As a result, even if all the gods except me turn against me.

Rudra said. He said he was putting his own name on it.

A declaration that is most difficult to say to God. Therefore, God does not lie in front of that declaration.

─Thank you. Rudra.

─There is no need to be thankful.

* * *

Runia entered the house where the magic circle was set up.

There was no need to open the door. This is because the body of the devil, drawn by the power of the magic circle, completely destroyed the entrance.


Runia floated above the magic circle and saw the bound demon.

“Hehe, you were so arrogant when you kidnapped me, how do you feel now?”

“Damn you! Human bastard! Release this!!”

As soon as the devil saw Runia’s face, he started struggling.

“You can’t move, right? Still, you don’t have to be too shocked. Anyone who gets caught in that magic circle does that. “It’s a magic circle that no one can escape from.”

Runia seemed to be in a very good mood.

He was happy that he had succeeded in retaliating against the enemy who had kidnapped him, and most of all, he liked the angry face of the devil who must have been laughing at him.

Of course, the devil laughed and everything, but he just completed his mission, but since it was a mission that risked his life in the first place, he had no time to look down on anyone. Even if Runia wasn’t ready, she wasn’t an easy opponent.


Runia, completely unaware of those feelings, held out her scales towards the devil.

“Now, it’s time to confess your sins.”

A scale that is tilted from the start, with one side completely below the floor.

Runia spoke while looking at it in front of her.

“I need to blow everything.”

The devil looked at the scale in front of him and laughed fearlessly.

“I don’t know what it is, but do you think I’ll answer? “Threats like that don’t work on the devil!”

At those words, Runia suddenly remembered.

The devil places low priority on his own life. So threats against his life do not work.

Runia nodded and spoke.

“are you okay. “This is not that kind of threat.”

“… … what?”

“First of all, I want to make it clear, your goal is Frontier, not Aster, right?”

Of course, the devil couldn’t answer.



The scale that Runia held out made a sound and moved.

One scale attached to the floor fell very slightly.

“That’s right. That’s nice. Now next question.”

“… … what? No, wait! “What is that!”

The devil shouted in panic. Runia looked at him and tilted her head.

“what? “You said threatening to risk your life doesn’t work?”

A tilted scale held by Runia.

It was clearly made with reference to God’s item, although it was a twist.

Just because it’s twisted doesn’t mean it’s more malignant.

Runia doesn’t like that in the first place.

“don’t worry. you don’t die There will be no pain, let alone death. It’s just there. really.”

“… … Kwaaaaak! Solve this! Let me go! You cowardly human being! There is such irrational magic! “Use that mean magic to kill me!”

The devil begins to struggle.

Looking at him, Runia stuck out her tongue.

‘I was deceived. ‘It’s not that convenient of a spell.’

But now that you’ve been fooled, things become easier.

Runia also thinks the same way as the devil.

There is no way such irrational magic exists.

Runia completely concealed those thoughts and spoke again.

“Now, next question.”


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