The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 317

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 317

Chapter 95

Fili first received a letter saying that Frondier was coming to the imperial palace.

It was sent by Frontier himself, not anyone else.

In addition, there was a friendly additional explanation that Elysia was also coming.

“… … So, what excuse are you going to make now?”

“… … .”

Fili looked coldly at Ednet, who was bowing his head in front of her. Ednet remained silent and avoided eye contact.

“The shadow suspected that Frondier had some kind of partnership with the devil. He also said that it was because of Frondier that my daughter Elysia disappeared. It certainly was. “I must remember.”

“… … “I only mentioned it as a possibility.”

“Wow, it’s a possibility. “It looks like you may be slandering the Empress, so I’m thinking of punishing you. What do you think?”

“… … sorry!”

Ednet bowed deeply and apologized. It was an act of disgrace that could not possibly be attributed to an undercover woman.

But Ednet’s heart was full of resentment.

‘shit! So I said it was impossible!’

Ednet is like a window that communicates the opinions of the Queen Mother and the Empress. So, even in the dark, it is in an awkward position.

Regardless of how an individual like Ednet may be, the Ambu regards Frontierer as quite a thorn in his side these days.

He was also a person who knew about the Ambu’s mana injection plan, and he was an arrogant guy who warned the entire Ambu about it.

But that was Ambu’s will, not Ednet’s will.

There is a ‘possibility’ that Frontier may be in cahoots with the devil. Tell that to the empress.

As soon as Ednet heard that sound from the upper echelons of the dark room, his vision became dark. How on earth can I convey this? If he doesn’t tell it, he will be killed by Ambu, and if he does, Fili will kill him.

As a result, Ednet is still alive, so it was the right answer to convey Ambu’s words to Fili.

Philly does not kill individuals out of anger.

It’s just that the trust and favorability of the entire dark side has fallen infinitely.

‘Ha, what should I do with this?’

Fili was troubled.

Ambu suspected that Frontier and the devil were in cahoots. This in itself was due to a desire to exclude Frontier, but it was not without any basis.

Above all, Fili must keep an eye on that possibility in order to create the picture that Ambu wants.

In other words, Ambu investigated Frontier, and in the process, he must have seen scenes of him talking to or being with the devil. Up to this point, this is obvious.

… … But doesn’t Frontier know that he is being investigated by the shadow?

From here on, things don’t get any easier.

‘Even when trying to save Miss Ameline, Frondier gave Ambu a warning. Even though the shadow attempted a very direct attack on the carriage, it turned it all into something that ‘never happened’.’

That is a kind of negotiation that Frontier gave to Ambu.

It is dangerous for the frontier to invade the entire dark area, and it will probably cause damage to the area around the frontier as well.

However, it would not be an easy task for the Ambu to eliminate Frondier, who is protecting Ameline.

So pretend not to see Ameline. Don’t threaten her, unless she’s talking about her mana or her injections.

Frontier drew this line.

In other words, it is a negotiation and a warning.

‘The shadow suspected that Frondier was the cause of Elysia’s disappearance, but Frondier is coming here in search of Elysia.’

Can we really accept this so naively?

By chance, is it possible for Frondier within this vast empire to find Elysia and bring her to the imperial palace? Without any knowledge of the shadow’s suspicions?

In the case of Ameline, Frondier gave Ambu a clear warning. The dark woman did it again.

In other words, isn’t Frondier coming to this imperial palace to tell us what the ‘second’ warning means?

“Ednet, do you remember what I said?”

“Something… … ?”

“When choosing between Frontier and Ambu, the Empire always chooses Frontier.”

“Yes, yep! “I’m keeping that in mind.”

“… … If so, prepare for today.”

“Yes, yes?”

Fili sighed.

The Frontier does not want to be an enemy of the Empire.

That’s why the dark side is still fine.

However, Empress Fili also does not want to become Frontier’s enemy.

Even if it means throwing away the shadow.

‘… … Since Frontier doesn’t know that, why doesn’t it know that it’s alive? ‘Ambu.’

It’s ironic though.

Every moment that Fili doesn’t say this trivial truth out loud, Fili is protecting Ambu.

* * *

The Roach family’s car headed to the imperial palace.

The driver, who was always cool with Frontier, kept glancing at the back seat today.

This is because of Elysia who sat next to Frontier.

As expected, even a driver of the Roach family had insight, and was recognizing Elysia’s face.

Of course, Frontier paid no attention.

Rather, he spoke to Elysia.

“You are my servant for today.”

“What, what?”

“It can’t be helped. Because it is difficult for commoners to enter the imperial palace. But once you say it’s from my family, there’s no problem.”

Elysia closed her mouth with a look of displeasure on her face. Rather than being called her servant, she was angry that he was treating her as if he were a commoner, which she naturally was. Although it is true that she is a commoner.


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“Or would you like to be a maid? “It would be easier to fool the eye.”

“it’s okay! “I don’t even have a maid uniform anyway!”

“there is. “Maid uniform.”

“… … There is? Maid uniform? now?”

“huh. “In the trunk of the car.”

“… … “Why is there such a thing?”

Because you really have a maid by your side. Selena has a lot of clothes that Frontier bought her, and she put some of them in the trunk.

Frontier commutes to Constel by car. Selena’s original job is as an escort, so this is just in case.

At that time, Frontier suddenly remembered and said:

“Ah, but the size doesn’t fit.”

“Do you think the person wearing it is tall?”

“We are similar in height.”

“Then is it because I’m too skinny? “I haven’t been able to eat a whole lot lately.”

“… … “It’s probably the same when you’re thin.”

“Then why doesn’t the size fit?”

Frondier remained silent there. Elysia blinked her eyes and then her face turned red.

“Hey, hey you! no way!”

“I don’t know much about women’s clothes, but in that case, wouldn’t the size be the right size?”

“That’s not right! You don’t even know that?! And don’t say things like that! “Don’t bring up that topic from the beginning!”

“… … “I answered because you asked.”

Meanwhile, the car moving diligently arrived in front of the imperial palace.

Only then did Elysia tense up and look ahead.

“Are you going to get off?”

“I have to get down. From here on, cars can’t go in. “You know that, right?”

“But, I’m still scared.”

Elysia’s face turned white as if it wasn’t just a word.

Elysia is a criminal. Unless she is Filina Frondier, she does not know the detailed circumstances, but at least everyone knows that Elysia has stepped down from the throne.

There are familiar faces that Elysia often sees in the imperial palace. Elysia was afraid to see them again.

“hmm. “That’s it.”

Frondier nodded as if he understood.

And then he said.

“get out.”

“… … uh?”

“Go out, come back through this door and open the door of my car. “Don’t look straight ahead.”

As Elysia blinked in confusion at those words, Frondier’s eyes turned cold.

“get out. right now.”

“… … .”

Elysia nodded to those words and opened the car door. As Fron Deer said, she walked with her head down and looking at the ground. When I opened the door of the backseat where the Frontier was, the Frontier came out.

“Don’t walk in front of me or next to me. Be sure to stop behind me, as soon as I stop. “As you go, don’t look up, don’t look away, and don’t look away.”

“… … okay.”

“Use polite speech.”

“Well, that doesn’t matter, right?”

Elysia said as if she were protesting. Frondier grinned at that.

“that’s right. I’m kidding.”

“uh… … ?”

“let’s go.”

Frondier walked ahead, and Elysia followed behind him.

Elysia’s clothes were changed by Frontier. Her rain-soaked clothes were all ruined, and the clothes that Elysia had packed in her trunk were of extremely poor quality. She gave her clothes from the mansion to Elysia, and in fact, Elysia was wearing the clothes of a person who lived in her mansion.

Elysia whispered from behind with a voice the size of an ant.

“Yeah, but you. “No matter how prestigious a family is, is it still okay to just go in and out of the imperial palace?”

“You’re just coming in and out. I have important business to attend to.”

“It’s not that, I’m just wondering if you put too much faith in the family name. “It’s not for me to say, but your image is probably not very good either.”

When Frontier reached the front gate of the imperial palace.

Elysia’s words naturally stopped.

The imperial palace knights were lined up, and they raised their swords high as if welcoming the two.

This was similar to the appearance of the Roach Knights who welcomed Frondier when he returned from destroying the fragments of Helheim. Of course, I didn’t see Fron Deer at all because he was sleeping on his horse at the time.

“Wow, wow… … .”

Elysia let out an admiring voice.

At the same time, I also had that thought. Will my father or mother welcome me back?

“Bow your head.”

As if to blow that thought away, Frondier warned in a quiet voice.

“A lot of people know you here. “It’s you, not me, who has trouble showing your face.”

“Yeah, but with this level of hospitality, there’s no need to worry about that.”

Elysia said that with a voice still full of anticipation.

“Frondier~! “You’re here!”

This time someone else interrupted her.

A voice that Elysia will never forget. A voice that I resented and longed for even in my dreams.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

As Frontier bowed politely, Elysia also bowed her head without realizing it.

“Come on, come on in. “I had a hard time coming.”

Fili greeted Frontier with a wide smile on his face. She didn’t say a word to Elysia. No, it seemed like she couldn’t even see Elysia in the first place.

‘… … Then, the hospitality of these drivers and the fact that my mother came out to the front gate and waited was all because of Frondier… … ?’

Elysia was shocked by that fact. She couldn’t understand that she wasn’t included in the reason for this hospitality at all.

When it secretly looks at me,

“… … !”

I met Fili’s frost-like gaze and quickly lowered my head again.

‘Frondier! ‘What on earth have you been doing all this time!’

Elysia gritted her teeth and looked confused.

──But actually, there was a little more reason for this hospitality than that.

While welcoming the Frontier, Philly thought endlessly.

‘If the Ambulance is the purpose of Frontier, we must first create room for conversation.’

From Fili’s perspective, the shadow is still useful. Since all the humans who attempted the mana injection plan were killed by the devil, there was some unintentional change, and there is room for improvement.

Of course, if Frondier didn’t care about that and came prepared to kill all the ambu, it might be more advantageous for Fili to bring the ambu directly to Frondier. However, Frontier’s true intentions are still unknown.

So, be extravagant in your hospitality, be as courteous as you would greet a war hero, and be kind to each other as you always have been.

In any case, the empire’s evaluation of Frontier is skyrocketing, so there is no pressure on this level of preparation. You can even make it more flashy and grand.

But that would only arouse Frondier’s suspicions. Philly and Frontier have a lot to figure out about each other.

“I’m sorry for the generous treatment.”

“Absolutely, there is no need for that. “He is the hero who saved the empire.”

Frontier and Fili smile warmly at each other.

Elysia is shocked and confused by this sight.

But in the meantime.

Frontier and Philly’s smiles have been smiling from the moment they first met until now.

We are always busy reading the other person with our own thoughts.


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