The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 290

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 290

Chapter 87 Successor

The saturation of the Demon World is high.

This is because demons, which are more closely related to mana than humans, emit their own colors more clearly through their own magic power.

The Demon World is not dark or dirty.

It’s just that the color is ‘darker’ than the human world.

The saturation becomes clearer as the hierarchy increases, and in extreme cases, while staying in one place, the surroundings may become stained with one’s own color.

So, it goes without saying that if they become demons that rise to the level of the ‘Seven Sins’, the color of the seat they sit on will spread to the point where it becomes their ‘territory’.


Inside the huge dome-shaped building, Belphegor was sitting in the middle of a vacant lot one floor lower in the center. And from the top of the stairs surrounding it in a circle, six demons look down at Belphegor.

Although the structure is reminiscent of a small Colosseum, this building is clearly a court of devils.

Among the six demons, the one who called Belphegor was Satan, with black angel wings.


Belphegor’s gaze was clearly languid as he answered, and he sat calmly, as if he had no idea what situation he was in.

But I know. I know better than anyone else.

“Is there anything you want to say?”

“Finish it as quickly as possible. “You guys won’t be as lazy as me.”

Satan asks, and Belphegor answers.

“Belphegor, you were the devil I recognized the most, so why did you fall…?” … !”

Lucifer, the devil of arrogance who spits out an unpleasant voice. Unlike Satan, who had black bird wings, Lucifer, who had the most devilish and colorful bat wings, had flashing dark red eyes.

Belphegor calmly accepted that gaze and laughed.

“okay. He crashed on the spot, so if you’re going to go to hell, do it quickly. “I don’t want to drag out an obvious trial.”

Belphegor was defeated in the fight against Frontier.

Although he borrowed a human body and the stage was not the Demon World, Belphegor used the power of the Seven Sins. Still, he lost. It was a planned procedure for Belphegor to come down from his position of sloth.

And when the devil of the seven sins comes down from that place, he will definitely head to hell. Among the devils, they are descended to the lowest level, and the punishment of pain and humiliation awaits them.

“About him, Belphegor.”

This time, Beelzebub, the demon of gluttony, spoke. Beelzebub, the name of a glutton, was not fat or large, contrary to his reputation. However, the extremely long hair stood out.

“You are not going to hell.”


“You will go to ‘Nastrond.’”

At that, Belphegor’s eyes twitched and moved.

Nastrond is a place in Niflheim. The hell of ‘that world’ where a dragon named Nidhogg resides.

“… … “It must have been an unwritten rule that we didn’t interfere with each other.”

Nastrond is a world that is completely different from the Demon World, where the demons of the Seven Sins reside.

In the world where Frondir originally existed, Niflheim, where Nastrond is located, is a story from Norse mythology, and the Seven Deadly Sins are Christian.

The starting point for constructing the origin of the world is different.

Of course, place names such as ‘Nordic’ do not appear in this world and no one knows about them, but either way, it is clear that the distance between the two worlds is incomparably large.

“Belphegor, this is one of the consequences of your defeat in that war.”

This time, Mamon, the demon of greed, spoke. Mammon looked like a young boy, and as his name suggests, his entire body was decorated with colorful accessories, jewels, and gold.


“okay. “It looks like the people of the empire will be able to see across the sea.”

The empire won the war against Ten thousand places.

In other words, there was a possibility that the place where Cape Bay was located could develop into a new safe area for the empire.

Because Mangot had poor resources, they lived in a land where even monsters did not live, inside coastal cliffs filled with numerous caves, meaning the sea was right in front of them.

As the empire expands its territory and begins to aspire across the sea, the gods and demons naturally have no choice but to move as well.

“Well, so when humans from different realms meet, exchanges between the gods who govern those different realms become inevitable. “We devils have no choice but to join forces to maintain the balance of power.”

Belphegor’s thoughts accelerate at Mammon’s words.

‘… … Did I need a suitable excuse?’

In Belphegor’s judgment, the possibility of gods from different worlds joining forces is zero.

God is not a being that operates with reason and rationality in the first place. Even the gods in that world fight and rebel against each other, so wouldn’t it be terrible if they were different worlds?

So, the idea that the devil turned to Nastrond’s realm to check God’s cooperation is nothing more than empty nonsense.

‘You wanted to attract Nastrond from the beginning. Are you targeting all of Niflheim, or Hell of Helheim?’

Apparently, during the time that Belphegor was possessing humans, there was a rather strange current flowing in the demon world that he was unaware of.

‘Well, it’s none of my business anymore.’

In any case, Belphegor came down from the position of the Seven Sins, and the fact that he fell into hell or Nastron does not change.

It is none of his business any longer to know what the balance of the demon world, demons, or gods is like.

In fact, even while I was in the position of the Seven Sins, I didn’t really know anything about it.

“And Belphegor, here is your successor.”

Lucifer spoke again, and someone came trotting from afar, as if waiting for him to say those words.

A man appeared, tall and wearing a neat uniform, but also wearing glasses that gave him a very strict look.

Belphegor looked at that with cold eyes.

“… … Astaroth… … .”

Astaroth bowed with an angular and stiff movement, the complete opposite of Belphegor’s relaxed look.

“This is Astaroth. From today, I am in charge of ‘Sloth’. From now on, please make no mistakes.”

“What a mistake, you and I will never meet again.”

Belphegor, who will be imprisoned in Nastrond, and Astaroth, who will sit on the seat of the Seven Sins. It is impossible for the two to meet physically.

After hearing Belphegor’s words, Astaroth touched his glasses once.

“Well, I see. Belphegor. “Because the position of ‘sloth’ did not suit you from the beginning.”


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Obvious provocation. However, Belphegor just sighed as if he was bored.

“Yes, yes. ‘Dominating attitude’. “She was sick of hearing it.”

“The person in charge of sloth is mired in sloth, what nonsense! “He who rules over sin must be free from it.”

Astaroth speaks loudly as if giving an enthusiastic lecture. At those words, Belphegor’s gaze slightly tilts.

“… … “You mean like Satan over there?”

At those words, Satan tilts his head once and then just shrugs his shoulders.

“… … hmm. “I didn’t say a word about Satan.”

“Satan, Ira.”

When Belphegor mentioned that title again, Astaroth’s eyes furrowed.

“I have just ascended to the position of the Seven Sins. “I’m just being polite.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

Belphegor laughs. She throws her head back, lets her gray hair hang, and laughs out loud. Belphegor, who even the sound of his laughter made people faint, opened his narrow eyes behind his laughter.

“That’s wrong. You guy. “It doesn’t suit me.”

“… … ! Just because I’m not ‘lazy’ doesn’t mean I can’t take charge of my laziness… … !”

“It’s not a question of guilt.”

This time Belphegor bows his head.

Now that he has fallen from the position of the Seven Sins, his level, prestige, and power must have diminished, but a spirit that makes all seven, including Astaroth, tense, flows from his body.

“That ‘height’ doesn’t suit me. It’s dangerous, Astaroth. Those who stand on top must stand on both feet. “Rather than twisting your whole body and performing acrobatics on an unstable balance.”

“… … “I’m anxious?”

“For the time being, people around you will applaud and say you’re amazing. Acrobatics gets better the longer you do it. But no one will follow someone who is struggling to hold on on an unstable pole.”

“… … joy. “Now the words of the fallen devil have no persuasive power.”

“Well, that’s right.”

Belphegor admits calmly.

As Astaroth said, he no longer has the qualifications. There is no prestige or power in his words, so it is Astaroth, not Belphegor, who is right now.

Okay, so this is just an old lady feeling.

Advice from Belphegor, who held the position of the Seven Sins before Astaroth, and who held the position of the Seven Sins ‘longer than anyone else here.’

“As you said, there is no need to be lazy just because you are in charge of sloth.”

Belphegor’s half-closed gaze scans Astaroth. Astaroth stands stiffly upright. After confirming his attitude, it was as if he could not even come across things like drowsiness or laziness.

“… … “Learn how to sit in that seat.”

“What is that… … !”

When Astaroth raised his voice in displeasure, it was Lucifer who stopped him.

“Hey, Belphegor. Leave it at that. “The guy who said let’s finish it quickly is the one who talks the most.”

“I’m sorry. “An unexpected successor has appeared.”

“Now that I have said everything I need to say, this is my personal question.”

Lucifer’s eyes turned to Belphegor.

“Why did you lose to humans?”

“… … .”

Belphegor closes his mouth for a moment.

The seven demons here are basically not interested in humans. No, I am very interested in the human species itself, but not in individuals.

If you do a little research, you can quickly check the scene where Belphegor and Frondier fight.

Above all, each subordinate must have prepared the materials on their own. He ignored even that and asked Belphegor.

‘Who are these really lazy people?’

Belphegor sighs inwardly.

“Hmph, there’s nothing to be wary of. It’s just that Belphegor was weak enough to not be suited for the Seven Sins.”

Astaroth clicked his tongue and said.

Lucifer’s eyes turn to Astaroth.

“Hey, Astaroth.”


“Be careful what you say. “You don’t know about Belphegor.”

“… … But, it’s true,”

Astaroth, who was about to protest, stopped.

The corners of his eyes and lips trembled, his face turned pale and his gaze moved to a trembling face.

At the end, Satan was smiling.

“It’s best to keep Lucifer’s words quiet. newcomer.”

The ‘anger’ that Satan showed like a thin thread.

Astaroth was instantly overwhelmed by the faintly flashing teeth in that smile.

“… … yes.”

Astaroth barely uttered those words and lowered his head. I try hard to hide my cold sweat.

Lucifer snorts.

“… … “Hmph, you weren’t supposed to step forward, Satan.”

“But I agree. “Lucifer, you’re not the only one wondering how Belphegor was defeated by a mere human.”

At those words, Belphegor sees Satan. He tilts his head and throws Uimung’s gaze at him.

“Hey, Satan.”


“You also met Frontier. “Before you ask how I lost, I’m sure you have an idea.”

Satan who met Frontier before Belphegor.

Belphegor doesn’t know the details of the circumstances, but when you think about it, it’s almost certain that Satan met Frondier.

I don’t know what kind of meeting the two had, but Satan would have witnessed a portion of Frontier’s power.

It’s not Satan who will miss it.


“… … well?”

Satan shamelessly tilts his head.

“I’m not the type to remember each person.”

“… … “Hoo.”

Belphegor’s gaze sharpens. ‘Sloth’s gaze scans Satan’s eyes as if trying to read his mind.

“──That gaze is unpleasant.”

This time, the anger emanating from Satan is clearer.

A clear and powerful torrent, incomparable to the one briefly shown to Astaroth, boils over, and the atmosphere in the hall becomes violent in an instant.

While everyone’s attention is focused on him, wary of Satan, Belphegor’s heart, which is actually dealing with the anger, is calm and calm.

Sloth is like that.

‘… … Satan.’

You’re planning something.

Connection with Nastrond. The successor of the Seven Sins, who gives him the honorific title ‘sim’. The humans of the empire will soon see beyond the sea. Even the appearance of hiding Frontier, which requires more attention than anyone else at the moment.

‘I plan to use it.’

Nastrond, and God.

Above all, he intends to play with Frontier de Roach on his chessboard.

“… … flaw.”

Belphegor withdrew his gaze. He lowers his head to hide his expression and suppresses the smile that blooms.

Are you using Frontier?

“… … “Hehehe.”

In the end, I couldn’t hold it back and let out a small smile.

Ah, Nastrond. It truly is hell.

I can’t see the faces of the Seven Sins demons who will meet Frontier in the future. You have to leave it to your imagination to see what kind of astonishment that face will take on.

‘Yes, Satan. Good luck.’

Try using Frontier.

I really want to see that scene.


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