The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 287

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 287

Chapter 85: Reduction (3)

After Quinier leaves for his mission.

Everyone in the imperial palace conference room became hectic.

A dizzying situation with reports pouring in simultaneously and barriers. A fight with a monster, Cape Man trying to get over the barrier, a confrontation between the shepherd of Cape Man and teacher Constell, and Ospreet and Constell’s students crossing over to Cape Man. The situation is already so dizzy that the entire empire seems to have been sucked into a huge vortex.

Meanwhile, Fili quietly approached Malia.

He loosened his stiff expression and gave Malia a friendly smile.

“Malia, what about metastasis?”

Philly’s tone became more comfortable, as if he were talking to a friend.

Rather than treating them like friends, the two have actually been friends for a long time. Although they hid that fact in public, Bartello and Ampera felt a strange connection to their respective husbands, so it didn’t take long for them to become close.

Fili is happy to see Malia every time they meet, but whenever he shows himself like that in places like Constell, Malia only gets into trouble.

In response to Fili’s question, Malia looked away for a moment and then spoke.

“… … “It was completed safely.”

“It’s still an honorific title. “Between us.”

“This is the imperial palace, Your Highness.”

That’s right. Fili laughed.

Malia confirmed the appearance of Constell and the others who had crossed the door using Ospreet’s space magic.

The students, who had grown rapidly, showed bravery and did not back down in the face of an army of corpses.

Of course, it was possible because some of them were particularly outstanding, but Constell was at a much higher level than Malia had feared.

“Mr. Quinier has gone on a mission, and now all that remains is Frondier.”

This operation was designed by Frontier, Fili, Malia, Ospreet, etc.

However, the premise of all such operations is ultimately Frontier’s victory.

If Mangot fails to defeat the leader, this war cannot be said to have ended.

“Malia, you don’t look good.”

Fili looked at Malia’s face and asked worriedly.

In fact, Malia’s face turned pale. Her breathing is a little unsteady, and she looks like she’s trying to stay calm, but her expression is stiff.

“Are you worried about Frontier?”

“Of course.”

Malia answered immediately. She lets go of her respect and directs her straight gaze towards Fili.

“My son is fighting the devil.”

“… … huh.”

Fili nodded gently.

Malia said quietly.

“I think Frontier knew who he was dealing with.”

“You knew you would meet Belphegor?”

“I don’t know if he was sure it was Belphegor, but I think he was prepared to meet the devil. That’s why I came forward myself.”

Frontier is not the strongest person in the empire.

However, among the people that Mangot did not check, he is undoubtedly the strongest.

Therefore, Frontier was meaningful as a spear fired by the empire.

But that was because the empire did not know who the head of Mangot was.

‘At the time, everyone thought that the leader of Mangot had similar skills to Zodiac. That’s why we were able to send Frontier. Because of the belief that Frontier’s skills are comparable to Zodiac’s.’

Frontier’s power is unprecedented not only from Cape Mangot, but also from the perspective of the empire. Therefore, we could have high hopes for Frontier.


‘… … But the devil.’

Malia shared Frondier’s vision, so she saw who he had never met before.

Belphegor, the devil of sloth.

After realizing that fact, Malia wanted to contact Frondier right away. Come back right away.

But it couldn’t be done. There is no way that Frondier would listen to her, and if Frondier really steps down, the entire operation will fall apart.

“But Frontier is holding up well, right?”

Fili asked. Malia briefly confirmed Frondier’s appearance through the vision of Ospreet, who was next to Frondier.

“… … “He has become a monster.”

Frondier took out all the black cloth and wrapped it around his body, and if that wasn’t enough, he spread it out into the air like wings. That appearance was worthy of being called a monster.

“To defeat the devil, you have to become a monster.”

“… … To me, it seems like they are deliberately engaging in high-risk psychological warfare. “If I fail this time.”

Malia bit her lip.

When Fili tried to add words to reassure her.

“your majesty!”

Someone urgently entered the conference room.

As soon as the soldier entered, he knelt down on one knee in front of Bartello.

Emperor Bartello was watching the situation of the war while making a final decision after listening to Fili’s story, which was a compilation of reports from around him.

Before the war broke out, Bartello issued instructions that urgent reports be delivered to him immediately. Because there was no time to go through all the intermediate steps.


When Bartello spoke to the soldier, the soldier spoke urgently.

“This is a big deal! In the imperial palace armory… … !”

Of course, his report also reached Malia and Fili’s ears.

Their eyes widened slowly but clearly.

* * *

The weapons in both hands of Frondier are extremely dangerous.


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‘Coward… … !’

It wasn’t something the devil would do, but Belphegor was furious.

I thought for sure the crossfire would come. This is the safest way for Frontier to attack Belphegor. Of course, the power is not trivial.

Therefore, Belphegor prepared magic to deal with it in both hands. ‘Flame’ is a shield that can block Frondier’s sword energy, and Auror is a spear that can pierce its heart.

Frontier’s crossfire is very powerful, but requires a very large movement, such as hitting the hilt of the sword with a hammer. The enormous mana loss is a bonus.

Belphegor clearly identified that huge gap. Therefore, instead of his flame draining Fron Deer’s sword energy and losing one of his arms, his remaining hand was certain to kill Fron Deer.

However, Frondier instead charged at Belphegor with both hands of weapons.

There is no time to cancel the spell. While doing such a thing, you will be cut by that sword.


Take your pick.

Excalibur and Mjolnir.

Which one should the devil’s flame shed?

If you think with common sense, Excalibur is the one that should be blocked.

Although Mjolnir is the hammer of God, Frondier has now swallowed the mana crystals and put almost all of the mana that has surged into Excalibur. When considered as a single blow, the current state of Excalibur is dangerous not only for Belphegor but also for the ‘continent’.

Even a strike from Mjolnir will cause enormous damage, but it is nothing compared to Excalibur.

so that.

‘If it’s you!’


Belphegor swung the flame, aiming for Mjolnir.

Excalibur concentrates all its power into one point. But that’s why Frondier will definitely wield Mjolnir. Excalibur is a bluff to hide Mjolnir.



The idea was spot on.

Frondier swung Mjolnir rather than Excalibur, and it was deflected from his hand by Belphegor’s flame. Belphegor’s blue flame is not just a flame, but a condensation of energy.

Most things can be sent away using the countless streams of flame. Moreover, the person it touches is invariably consumed by blue flames.

Mjolnir misses, and Frondier misses Mjolnir, and his left hand catches fire and burns. Frondeer also survives using Helheim’s mana and original aura, but the devil’s flame is not so easy.

‘Okay, next!’

Frondier’s posture has collapsed, and although he is still holding Excalibur, it is not easy to cut down Belphegor.

Belphegor’s eyes turn to Excalibur. His aura emits an eerie deadly force. Should I cut Frontier’s head like this? No, this guy might have even targeted Donggwijin.

Cut off that arm. Decapitation comes next!

Belphegor raises his hand blade. That one thing is overflowing with anticipation that a clumsy famous sword cannot even reach.

The moment his hand blade was about to blow off Frondier’s arm.



Belphegor became dazed. In an instant, my vision turned white. The pain that assaulted his head came later.

I grit my teeth and check the situation as my vision flashes.

What happened? Yes, it’s Frontier’s doing. Did you keep one move hidden until the very end? Something must have woven behind his back and hit him on the head.


Belphegor’s eyes bloodshot. The timing was off for a moment, but it doesn’t matter. There is no way to defeat Frontiere, who only has one move left, Excalibur.

‘All of his mana is contained in Excalibur. ‘You just have to avoid that!’

When Belphegor checked Frondier’s appearance.


“… … what.”

Frontier’s left hand is still there.

He is holding Mjolnir.

‘What, that can’t be… … .’

There won’t be enough mana to recreate Mjolnir.

Even if there were, weaving would take a lot of time.

“… … “You, that is.”

Kwazik, kwazizizik!

As if it had swallowed up even Belphegor’s voice, a sudden lightning strike paralyzes Belphegor.


A thunderbolt suddenly strikes from the sky.

Mjolnir swallowed up all of the thunderbolts and roared once again, riding the entire wings of Frondier’s black sky.

—— Controlling Mjolnir means receiving his approval.

‘That’s real.’

Not heukcheon, not menosorpo, or any combination thereof.

‘Mjolnir’ was placed in Frondier’s hands.


Black Heaven’s wings spread out and take flight. A black wave containing the power of lightning gathers around Frondier’s right hand, Excalibur.

“… … “What are you?”

Paralyzed, Belphegor can only spit out sounds.

Why are you holding on with your left hand, which has been hit by a blue flame?

Why are you holding Mjolnir in your hand instead of weaving it?

Why is Mjolnir following you?

You are not even a hero.

You should be nothing!

“What the heck!!”

Frondier’s cold gaze looks down at Belphegor with electric current and flame in front of him.

Even if Belphegor knew what he was asking,

Frontier has no reason to tell the truth.

* * *

“Hmm, this would be nice.”

Quinier de Viette climbed atop a high spire near the imperial palace.

Although the field of view is wide, of course, no barriers are visible from here. The reason Quinier came up high was not to check the barrier.

Queenie has a mission prepared for her.

“Even though it cost a lot of money.”

Quinier became a knight, but was originally a merchant who moved money. She rebuilt her family through her insight and connections.

Now, the Viet family has not only risen again, but has grown to the point where it threatens the magic goods company ‘Hitchcock’.

As was the case during Constell’s attack, Quinier has numerous trustworthy connections.

“So, are you ready?”

Quinier picked up the phone and contacted Malia. This is to receive a signal.

“… … Oh my, really? now?”

Queenie asked back with a bright expression on her face what kind of story she had heard from Malia.

After hanging up the phone, Queenie presses a button with the remote control she took out of her pocket with an expectant look on her face.



A huge hologram rises above the empire’s sky.

This is an application of ‘Wizard View’ that connects Malia’s shared vision to mana.

It is a magical technology that divides the vision of each person Malia is looking at into channels.

For now, we have no choice but to show only one channel, but this will gradually improve as technology develops.

“We can’t be foolish enough to keep fighting even after the war is over.”

Frontier is now heading to a place where the Empire is unable to determine the situation.

If he overthrows the leader of Mangot, that should be the end of the war. Because the sacrifices after that are meaningless.

… … However, this is not what was conveyed to Frontier.

Queenie’s smile as she spreads out her fan is truly devilish.

“But you still have to let everyone know that this fight is over.”

You’re not going to be angry, are you? Frontier.


Frontier soon appeared as a hologram.

Queenie literally becomes an audience member, looking up at the sky with sparkling eyes.

This channel is already installed throughout the wall, so anyone fighting there will be able to see this screen.

[What are you?]

The voice you hear first is that of a gray-haired devil.

Belphegor’s evil voice echoes throughout the empire.

[What the heck!!]

And Frondier contained the enormous concentration of mana that Wizard View could not contain in its entirety, and lifted Mjolnir into the sky.

[You still don’t know!!]

Black waves surround his Excalibur.

Lightning flows through all the waves and rains down before his eyes.

Even Frondier’s voice shouted, buzzing through the aura and burning the air.

[I am-]

The hammer of God struck the hilt of the hero’s sword.

[Frondier de Roachda—!!]


The sword energy fired is stained with black cloth and emits black light.

It hits the devil directly in the chest and knocks it down from the sky to the ground.

“… … oh!”

Immediately after that, the Wizard View screen turned off.

Is there still something to be done with the magic artifacts, or is there something wrong with the too-large mana explosion?

“… … Still, whatever.”

Queenie put her hands on her hips and nodded as if satisfied.

“This is the declaration of the empire.”


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