The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 281

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 281

Chapter 84 Signals (9)

At Jie’s words, shepherd Andica’s sinews sprouted.

The skill of dropping a weapon itself is amazing, but if you are at the level of those who freely use Aurors, you can bring your own weapon from afar.

No matter how great your skills are, you stand alone in front of the shepherds.

“Can I kill that guy?”

Andika let out a boiling voice.

“He is the one who stands in our way. “You’re not going to tell me to ignore that guy, right?”

“of course.”

It was Beso who answered.

He, too, seemed to have been hurt by his pride, and was spewing out vicious murderous intent towards Ajie.

“It is the main force of the empire. “It is right to kill him here.”

Andika grinned, as if satisfied with that.

“I was waiting for you to say that.”

Andika shouted at Ajie with her aura.

“Hey, Azie! “You are overconfident in your own strength!”

With those words as a signal, the shepherds ran at the same time. Even without weapons, they are strong enough. If they attack at the same time, no matter how bad they are, there will be nothing they can do.

Above all, their goal is to retrieve their weapons. Unless Ajie has ten hands, he can’t stop them all.

“I was not overconfident in my strength.”

Ajie raises his spear high. The tip of the spear points straight up into the sky.

“I am disappointed.”


He lightly hits the ground with the tip of the spear, and the weapons scattered around him appear.


Cut them all out and shoot them at the flocking shepherds. The shepherds’ eyes widened, and they each dodged weapons being swung at them like baseball bats.

“You arrogant bastard!”

The aura of the Ten Thousand Capes arose, and they decided to kill Ajie before retrieving the weapon.


However, at that moment, a magic bullet targeting them is fired from a direction to the left that has nothing to do with Ajie.


As if creating a boundary between Ajie and them, the magic bullets are aimed accurately at them even though they appear to be fired indiscriminately. The shepherds responded to the magic bullet in their own way and retreated.

“There is a wizard!”

“Hey, you’re not alone!”

Each shepherd cried out. Ajie’s cold eyes seemed to say, ‘Isn’t it obvious?’

“Mr. Ajie, provocation is good, but don’t be too dangerous.”

On top of the building on the left where Atjie and the shepherd were confronting each other, a woman appeared.

“Frondier was right. “I heard that the shepherds of Mangot are weak in battle against people.”

Teacher Jane spoke with both hands spread out and each fingertip holding a magic spell.

Atjie sighed.

“I didn’t know I would lose all my weapons.”

“Mr. Ajie, you are still too strict with yourself and others. “The first time he gets hit with that technique, even Zodiac won’t be able to handle it.”

“That can’t be right.”

Atjie shook his head as if it was absurd.

“It has never worked for my father.”

“… … .”

Jane’s eyes rolled to the side at those words. It’s not just Jane who feels fear in the entire Roach family at that one word.

‘In a way, it may be a good thing for the Empire that the Ampere family does not join the Zodiac.’

Jane ends up thinking that.

“Oh, there you are!”

And this time, a man appears from the right.

“Since we don’t know which direction they will go, the strategy of spreading out in an appropriate location worked!”

It was Pascal Schlitz, an imperial knight and teacher.

His still youthful face is full of excitement, whether it’s playfulness or a desire to fight.

“That operation was also proposed by Frontier.”

Teacher Isamaya appeared to refute his words. She appeared holding her instruction baton and looked as if she was a teacher in a classroom alone even in this battlefield.

And as if gradually converging on this location, Constell’s teachers appear from each direction.

Although they thought they were confronting Atjie, the shepherds were now surrounded. At that point their numbers were already quite low.

“You said each one of them is comparable to the Zodiac, right?”

“The president said so.”

After having a light conversation with each other, the teachers become completely tense and murderous toward the shepherds.

Jane’s arms extend to both sides.

In all directions of her, at ten points where her fingers extend, ten separate magics unfold simultaneously.

“It’s time to prove Constel’s power.”

One finger, one magic.

Jane, who once gained the position of headmaster and knowledge thanks to Ospreet’s great magic, remained under that influence even after Ospreet’s return, and her level as a magician was raised.

“Hmph, even if you guys push back with numbers, do you think they’ll be able to stop us?”

Andica, the shepherd, cries out. She and the shepherds also completed their respective battle stances.

“The citizens of the empire you so desperately want to protect, the fire called Mangot will all be burned!!”


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Andica’s words echo like the roar of an animal.

There was a deep smile on Jane’s lips, and at the same time, a huge murderous look.

“What we are protecting is not the citizens of the empire,”

magic simultaneous spell

tenfold chanting

jane original

Phalaenopsis dream

Jane’s ten completed spells spread out like wings, completely filling her surroundings and emitting colorful light.

All of them are different and give off an eerie vibe that cannot be taken lightly.

“They are children.”

Eventually, Jane’s magic poured out like a bombardment.

* * *

The conference room of the imperial palace.

This place is busy with personnel giving operational instructions according to the situation of the war.

“What about the other zodiacs?”

When Fili asked, Malia’s eyes looked around for a moment. And Malia said:

“No problem. “Most of the walls have been restored and are in good condition, and the Zodiac can deal with the upper parts of Mangot without difficulty.”

“I was worried that some of the Zodiacs would be harmed, but I’m glad.”

If there were people on Mangot who were comparable to Zodiac, it would not be surprising if one of them defeated Zodiac and crossed the barrier.

However, there is no such person yet.

One of the Zodiacs, Medart, fell, but Cybel recovered it well.

“There are still many enemies hiding and biding their time. “It’s just waiting to be exhausted by the monsters outside.”

“It means we can’t feel safe yet.”

As time passes indefinitely, it is the empire that becomes increasingly endangered.

Because the Empire is already subject to various timeouts.

But sooner or later, they too have something waiting for them.

Hoping that the wait will be faster than the time-out, they endure and soothe their anxious hearts.


Malia’s eyes changed.

“The battle between Constel and Mangot has begun.”

“… … !”

After hearing those words, Empress Fili nodded.

“A significant number of Cape Manga have gathered in one place and are facing off against Constell. “They can no longer use Shadow Transfer hastily.”

“yes. These are the two arrows that Frondier spoke of.”

Two arrows, May and Selena.

The two’s surprise attack was important in immediately eliminating Mangot’s personnel, but more importantly, it was a warning to Mangot.

They were ambushed immediately after the shadow transfer.

I can’t guarantee that something like that won’t happen again.

Of course, there is no guarantee that Selena and May will succeed in another surprise attack, and considering the risk, they probably won’t try again.

However, the same applies to Mangot.

At the point when May and Selena’s arrows hit, they will hesitate to transfer shadows.


Fili’s eyes turn to the woman standing in the center of the conference room.

“You’ve waited a long time.”

“yes. It is truly so, Your Highness.”

The woman smiles and spreads a black fan to cover her mouth.

Fili said towards the woman.

“Your help is essential for a complete end to the war. However, this operation presupposes that the spear called Frontier pierces enemy territory.”

“of course.”

“Are you sure he will succeed?”

In response to Philly’s question, Queenie de Viette lowered her fan and showed unwavering eyes.

“Frondier refused the offer to become my knight, saying he had to save the world.”

Quinier’s attire is still black, but there is an emblem emblazoned on his shoulder symbolizing that he has become a knight.

Queenie smiled as if there was no doubt whatsoever.

“You wouldn’t say something like that just to stop in a place like this. “Frondier is that kind of man.”

At those words, Fili closed his eyes.

With eyes slowly opening again, Fili speaks.

“Then let’s begin.”

* * *

The moment Selena shot out the needle made of black cloth,

“… … !”

Frontier detected the movement.

If the needle he planted in advance worked as intended, Selena would use Shadow Transfer.

May, who moved to guide someone to Mangot, and Selena, who gave her the opportunity to escape Mangot.

Frontier doesn’t know which side will succeed. Frontier just believes.

‘Then the time has come.’

Frontier lifted the body that had been consumed by sloth. He felt too helpless to say he was tired, but he shook it off by raising his head.

“… … !”

Belphegor confirmed that.

At this point, not much time had passed since Belphegor’s deadly sin was activated.

However, it is extremely strange that the Frontier, which should have been gradually eroded, has risen up.

‘If I could have resisted, I would have done it a long time ago. ‘It’s strange that resistance is possible only now.’

His mortal sin is not something he can get used to or adapt to. If that were the case, the emperor of the empire would have recovered from his weakness, and the curse once designated does not get worse, but on the contrary, it never weakens.

Even if it was just a curse, what was inflicted on Frondier was his power itself.

“You… … !”

Belphegor, who was dealing with Frontier’s numerous weapons, became angry.

The reason he was angry was not only because he had overcome his own mortal sin.

“You were waiting even though you received my power!”

Frontier was holding his breath as he endured.

The fact that he used his abilities to waste time and show off was the greatest humiliation for Belphegor.

“How did you overcome my strength! I have seen your soul directly. “It wouldn’t have missed like other mental magic!”

“okay. I was really, really tired. “It still is.”

Frondier extends his hand. One of the countless weapons in the air flew into his hand and was caught.

“I didn’t overcome or get over it.”

The weapon is imbued with aura, and the blade trembles in response to the momentum of the Frondier.

“As you wish, I am slothful and lazy. “I want to lie down right now.”

But I’ve been experiencing that feeling for so long.

Because Frontier walked with all his limbs, carrying that body.

“I will kill you like this. “Lazily.”

To the devil of sloth, I mutter such shameless words.

“You dare say something like that with such a flimsy blade after receiving my mortal sin!”

Belphegor’s new model is launched at Frondier.

Frondier said while looking straight at it.

“You’re forgetting, devil of sloth.”

The moment Frondier uttered those words, a thought passed through Belphegor’s mind.

Why did Frondier take a sword of the air and hold it in his hand?

Why is he ‘empty-handed’?

“… … !”

Belphegor suddenly realizes and stops.

But stopping was actually a fatal mistake for him.

Before we knew it, swords and hammers were prepared everywhere in Belphegor.

Frondier let go of the sword and hammer from his hands while Belphegor broke the weapons.

Excalibur, which contains his mana and has not yet spewed fire.

Mjolnir is next to him like a partner.

Aura emission, sword energy

Frontier original application

True, crossfire

An incredibly martial technique that could not be demonstrated against Renzo.

Front, left and right, the tip of Excalibur’s sword pointed at Belphegor.

“I said it was fake, didn’t I?”

With Frontier’s declaration.

The hammer strikes the end of the blade containing the aura.


Without any exaggeration.

A combination of gods and heroes befell Belphegor.


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