The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 243

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Chapter 76: Disappearance (6)

“Elodie! wake up! Elodie!”

I shook Elodie and patted her, but she didn’t even seem to wake up.

His face was so gentle and calm that it seemed as if he would wake up at any moment, but his eyes were deeply closed without any reaction.

‘It’s like I’m trapped in a sleep.’

I looked at Elodie.

For me, this is definitely my first time seeing Elodie. Because the player cannot see her when she was young.

But somehow it didn’t feel unfamiliar. The girl’s appearance may resemble Elodie.

‘… … Is this a memory of Frontier?’

Perhaps my body instinctively remembers Elodie.


As I was examining Elodie’s appearance, I noticed something strange.

Just a little bit, Elodie’s fingertips seemed to have gotten smaller.

Maybe it was just my mood, but my body became smaller than before. Although it is a really subtle difference.

‘Could it be that I’m still getting younger?’

If I keep getting younger like this, I can’t wait. You never know when it will stop.

Could it be that disappearing from the world goes through this process?

But what should I do? Elodie shows no sign of waking up. If Elodie wakes up, she might be able to get some advice on resolving the situation.

I don’t know when I’ll wake up, and looking at this state, it’s not an ordinary sleep. Just waking up won’t make you awake.

‘I can’t help it.’

I used the ‘Analysis’ skill to look at Elodie.

[Elodie de Inies Richae]

– A child loved by the five gods.

– Constel, a second-year student.

– Currently, I am in ‘indefinite hibernation’.

– To wake her up─

The analysis stopped there. Is it not enough even if I pour out all the mana I have right now?

I immediately stopped while trying to replenish my mana by weaving dragon hearts.

… … Until now, the only times I’ve used Dragon Heart for analysis were when no more mana was needed or when the analysis itself was more important.

However, even if I eat the Dragon Heart, if I am unable to properly analyze it, or even if I do, my remaining mana becomes scarce afterward.

‘You can’t use mana carelessly when you don’t know how to deal with it in the future.’

After thinking about it, I shouted.


A voice with a light aura resonated throughout the basement and spread outward.

Soon, light footsteps were heard, and a face was peeked out through the door leading down from the upper floor to the basement.

“Did you call me?”

… … Of course, the current May is the face of Frontier, so such behavior is a bit strange to see.

“Come here and observe this child.”

May tilted her head once at my words and came down to the basement.


“This girl here is called Elodie.”

May narrowed her eyes at my words and glared in Elodie’s direction,

“… … “I can’t see anything.”


yes. Now Elodie can only see me. Because I’m caught up in Ospreet’s magic.

Can not help it. Other people might not know this, but May has another method.

“… … “I have a power called ‘sixth sense.’”

“the sixth sense?”

“It is the power to sense everything supernatural. Mana, spirit body, god, whatever it is.”

May is imitating me now.

If truly perfect simulation were possible, we would also be able to acquire a ‘sixth sense’. Even if there is no mana from Helheim, it is almost the same as mana, so the method will be the same.

“Uhm… … .”

May narrowed her eyes and looked at me.

I am currently using all my sixth senses to see Elodie, so if you observe me closely, May will be able to see that my sixth sense is working as well.

“… … Oh my, is this it?”

May seemed to have realized something, and her expression hardened as she raised her mana.

I watched May in silence. I didn’t know if I was going in the right direction, but I felt like if I meddled now, it wouldn’t produce good results.

And as a moment passes,

“──I found it.”

May immediately focused her gaze on exactly where Elodie was located.

“difficult. this.”

“… … okay.”

The fact that I went to the brink of death to obtain Helheim’s mana was dismissed as ‘difficult’.

“good. Once you’ve confirmed it, observe Elodie and let me know if you learn anything. “I’m currently looking for a way to wake this guy up.”


I was a little nervous as I watched May answer calmly.

… … To be honest, showing Elodie to May was quite an adventure. Because we are learning Elodie’s powerful talents, magical skills, and knowledge.

But I decided to trust May. Learning and copying are May’s strength and her identity. It is not up to me to decide what I choose with the power I gain.


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“… … Magic.”

May’s words were very short.

“I cast a spell. To yourself.”

The analysis said so too. He said he went into ‘indefinite hibernation’.

I asked.

“Why did Elodie do that?”

“I don’t know. But this magic is dangerous. “I may never wake up.”

Just hearing the name gave me an ominous feeling.

As soon as I heard the words ‘infinite hibernation’, ‘infinite hell’ came to mind.

In other words, it means that Elodie was pushed to the edge to use such dangerous magic.

“Probably, it’s impossible to break the spell on your own.”

In other words, it is a magic that presupposes intervention from the outside.

Elodie went down to the basement of the cabin and cast this spell. I believe that someone will unlock my magic.

… … No, no.

Rather than someone else, Elodie asked Frondier for a favor.

I am the only one who comes to this place.

“Then what should I do?”

“You need to sleep.”


“This magic is a magic that forces one to sleep. Keep dreaming. “We have to escape from that dream together.”

“… … “Can you escape?”

“If the person who did the magic wanted to wake up, they could escape.”

If so, you can leave.

There was no way Elodie wanted to sleep here for the rest of her life.

“If I sleep here now, can I enter Elodie’s dream?”

“no. We have to use the same magic.”

“… … “Same magic.”

May raised her hand.

“I can walk for you.”

“… … .”

“Instead, if we don’t escape, we’ll both sleep for the rest of our lives.”

That’s a terrible story.

But there was no other option.

“good. Cast that spell on me.”

“… … .”

But May, who had been acting calm until then, suddenly hesitated.

I thought they would cast a spell right away.


“… … huh. sorry. “I’ll walk you.”

However, May soon closed and opened her eyes for a moment, and light radiated from the hand she held out to me.

──It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep.

Losing strength, falling over, or laying your head on the floor.

At some point, without even knowing that feeling, I fell asleep.

* * *

It is said that when people dream, they often do not realize that it is a dream, even if there is a pink whale flying in the sky.

Originally, dreams are a manifestation of the sleeping person’s thoughts through the five senses, so it is difficult for the person who created them to notice the contradiction.

Just one thing. It is said that people living in the real world can tell that a dream situation is a dream if it is too unrealistic or inconsistent.

Even though it is not known exactly what triggers the perception, the more distant one is from reality, the more likely it is that a dream is discovered to be a dream.

So, for people who live in a world where magic and monsters are rampant from the beginning, a world where it wouldn’t be strange to see a pink whale flying in the sky.

What is unreality?

‘… … what’s this.’

The scene before my eyes was literally close to the fantasy imagined by people who live in fantasy.

The sun and moon appear at high speed in the sky and then pass to the other side, and in the meantime, the sky is clear and bright without any darkening. The Milky Way continued to flow to the left in the deep blue sky.

‘Elodie, while you’re picturing a world like this, don’t you realize it’s a dream?’

After all, does a non-standard wizard have to be like this to be treated as a dream? At best, the scale of the dreams I had in the past, such as flying in the sky or meeting a huge monster, becomes shabby.

First of all, it was fortunate that I was clearly aware that this place was a dream. It would be a big deal if I were just wandering around in a dream without knowing that it was a dream. I knew right away that this was a dream, perhaps because it wasn’t mine.

‘First we have to find Elodie.’

The place where I was was in a forest filled with green trees. Because my son-in-law is not open, I cannot check my surroundings.

If I had not entered this place in my dream, I would have been able to see the ridiculous scale of this dream more closely, but the only thing that still feels like a dream is the ridiculous situation in the sky. That alone is enough, though.

“But where should I go?”

Looking around from here, there is no road in sight. To put it bluntly, it is rather suspicious that in such a dense forest, this place where I am is the only vacant lot.

Can not help it. I have no choice but to fly here.


I spread the magic circle and used the aura to levitate my body in the air—

– I couldn’t accomplish even one of the things I said.

“… … what?”

Menosorpho does not activate. No, regardless of the activation, the magic circle is not drawn. The weaving itself is a mess.

“No way, this.”

I swallowed. Only then do I look at my body.

… … There was literally a grain of mana inside the body. Weaving does not exist in the first place, and because of that, workshops, menosorpo, and all kinds of weapons derived from it do not exist.

And above all,

“… … Small.”

my hands are small

I looked at both my hands. small. No, let me correct this. This is a child’s hand.

There is no way that the body is fine and only the hands are like this.

I became a child. Probably, he turned out to be a boy of similar age to the Elodie I saw at the cabin.

‘Have I also returned to the past?’

As we transitioned into Elodie’s dream, I was also influenced by Ospreet?

… … No, that’s strange.

Weaving is Frontier’s unique skill. He probably had it since he was born. I understand that there is little mana, but I cannot understand that there is no weaving skill itself.

Frontiers of this age would have been able to weave regardless of anything else.

‘What happened to my body now?’

The moment my head became filled with such questions,


A lively and cute voice that seemed familiar and unfamiliar at the same time spread out, waking up the trees in the forest.

At the same time, the sound of light footsteps and the sound of cutting through the bushes.

A movement too pleasant to be a child’s gesture,


A small body popped out from between the trees.

Needless to say, it was Elodie.

Elodie was looking at me with a bright smile.

“… … .”

“huh? Fron, why are you still?”

I looked at Elodie blankly without realizing it.

Eyes as blue as a lake. Elodie’s face as a child sparkled with innocence.

More than anything, her dazzlingly bright smile steals my mind.

At that moment, a simple fact came to mind.

‘… … ‘I’ve never seen Elodie smile.’

The others had seen at least a small smile, but there wasn’t even a single smile on Elodie’s face the previous day.

“ruler! Pron, don’t just sit there and get back to work. “Because it’s dangerous here.”

Elodie quickly walked over and grabbed my hand. That series of actions felt very natural.

“Where are you going?”

I asked. It was only then that I realized that my voice sounded young.

“Where is it, the cabin?”

Elodie answers as if it were obvious.

I don’t even know where the way out in this forest is, but Elodie walked slowly as if she was sure of the exact direction.

It wasn’t very noticeable, but whenever Elodie walked, the surrounding bushes and tree branches subtly moved out of the way.

‘… … Oh, this can’t be right.’

I entered a space called a clearing in the forest.

Elodie knows exactly where I am and doesn’t think it strange that I suddenly entered a dream.

‘Even I am included in the elements of this dream.’

Now, I am the frontier of Elodie’s image. At that time, everything was annoying, lazy and incompetent.

Just like the image of Elodie who saw it. That’s why I don’t even have weaving skills. Because it’s a skill Elodie doesn’t know anything about.

As if to prove it, I was already starting to feel out of breath without even walking a few steps after Elodie. I can see how weak Elodie views her front dear.


I, who was created according to Elodie’s memories, am truly incompetent. It is probably weaker than the actual Frontier at this time.

Moreover, this is Elodie’s dream. No matter what happens, it’s not strange. Still, it’s almost impossible to deal with.

“don’t worry.”

As if reading my thoughts, Elodie spoke with those shining eyes.

“Because I will protect you.”

As she said those words, I felt Elodie’s hand tighten as she held my hand.

“Because I promised.”


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