The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 242

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Chapter 76 Disappearance (5)

Unable to sit still due to the obvious abnormal situation, I left Constel right after school.

The place to go was decided.

“… … “He suddenly showed his face and I wondered what he was going to say.”

Elodie’s older brother, Levette, said with his already stern face becoming even harder.

“What nonsense? “If you’re going to say something trivial, get out of my sight right now.”

So I was kicked out without even being able to set foot in the Lisha Mansion.

Damn it. Regardless of whether Elodie is there or not, Levette’s ill feelings toward Frondier still seem to remain.

“Has even the family forgotten Elodie? “Of course it is.”

I sighed.

Elodie was lost.

Ospreet escaped from this world on his own, but Elodie probably did not.

I don’t know where Elodie is right now, or if she’s even somewhere.

‘This is my first time being in a situation where I don’t know anything like this.’

I don’t know the principles or structure of this magic.

Is it okay for me to touch it, or what and how should I touch it?

When this spell is lifted, will Elodie return along with Ospreet? Should I just wait?

If I just brush it off like that, the ominous feeling in my heart won’t go away.

Ospreet warned Elodie not to be caught, and the current situation seems to be nothing but an effect of that.

‘But if I do something clumsy, we might both be in danger.’

I don’t even know what to do in the first place.

I left the Richae mansion and walked aimlessly, stopping abruptly.

A voice from the distant past flies into my ears.

─You are so lonely.

─You always fight alone. Human sloth Frontier.

“… … under.”

I remembered Philly’s words and laughed.

Okay, I forgot again. I put aside my tadpole days because I gained a little more strength than the previous day.

It was a lesson that I must not forget, no matter what position I am in or what path I take in the future.

‘I don’t know anything about this magic. ‘I need to find someone who knows.’

There is no Ospreet who is most knowledgeable in magic. Jane also has little understanding of this magic.

Her current ability is nothing more than borrowing Ospreet’s power to some extent.

Not Ospreet, not Jane, but a wizard I can ask for help.

“… … “I didn’t think we would contact each other again so soon.”

I took my phone out of my pocket.

* * *

“I really didn’t know you would contact me.”

I contacted Lydwi von Urfa. He is the most magically accomplished person I know. Although it doesn’t look that way in the image.

Ridwi left his northern region and was staying in a mansion near the imperial palace. His son, Hector, is probably in charge of the original family. They pretend not to be, but there is nothing they can do about it.

“so? What’s popular? “You wouldn’t have called me without any business.”

Ridwi’s tone of voice was blunt, but his expression and tone were gentle. Still, he seemed to have some goodwill, perhaps thanks to the past days of fighting together.

“… … Previously.”

But that’s it.

I had something to point out first.

“Why are these two here… … ?”

I saw the two of them standing next to Lidwi as if they were natural.

Riri and Monty.

Now, these two people, who talk as if they were one set, were there together even though they weren’t invited.

Lili actually gave me a look of disappointment.

“Frondier! “I told you to contact me if you need help!”

“There is no need to contact Lily, but why didn’t you even talk to me, Frondier?”

And the two bickering.

It was as if he thought that if I was in trouble, he would naturally contact me. In terms of time, we haven’t seen each other for even a day.

“As I was coordinating my schedule, I had no choice but to talk about you. “Don’t worry about it.”

Ridwi said. Don’t worry about the two Zodiacs.

“… … All right. then,”

Of course I could.

“Do you have any thoughts on the name ‘Osprit’?”

I asked to confirm. If you still remember anything, the explanation will be much easier.

“What is that? “A person’s name seal?”

Of course, that couldn’t have happened. Even when I looked at Riri and Monty, they seemed unaware.

“… … No, it was just a nobleman. “Let’s get to the point.”

I spoke in a slightly nervous voice. Of course, they were actually nervous, but they wanted these three to focus more.

It just so happened that Riri and Monty were there. You will be able to hear the story from a new perspective, not just from Ridwi.

“Do you know anything about magic that makes people disappear?”

“Disappear? “Are you saying he’s gone missing?”

“no. “It is a magic that causes someone to disappear from everyone’s memory and be treated as a person who never existed in the first place.”

“… … ?”


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Lidwi’s brow furrowed.

Rather than saying he didn’t understand what I was saying, his face seemed suspicious of what I was thinking.

The source of this suspicion was obvious. Lily said with a bright smile.

“Frondier, are you planning to commit the perfect crime?”

“… … no.”

okay. When you hear the explanation of this magic, that’s probably the first thing that comes to mind.

I had no choice but to add some additional explanation. I briefly explained the situation I was facing.

Of course, the names of Elodie and Ospreet were excluded, and any elements that could be specific were excluded. Just a feeling that someone has disappeared and I am the only one who has their memories.

“… … Hmm, that’s what it was about.”

Ridwi, who heard the whole story, stroked his chin. I don’t know if there is anything about this magic from the expression or not.

“It’s definitely the realm of great magic.”

“How about this? “If this magic is currently at work, can I interfere?”

I spoke to Ridwi with some expectations. Even if Reed Wi couldn’t use the same magic, he thought he might be able to figure out how to do it if he just understood the principles.

“I don’t think it will work.”

But expectations were miserably shattered.

I’m not saying I don’t know, I just said no.

“If what you say is true, then the guy who committed something similar to anti-magic has now left this world, right? Well, no matter if you crossed over to another world or fell into some gap. “He is saving a grace period until his return.”

“… … “That’s what it said in the letter.”

“So that means there is neither the epicenter of the magic nor the person who cast the magic. That’s why it’s impossible. Even if there is another spell to dispel it, where would you use it? “Do you think you’re going to wander around this entire continent and chant the dispelling spell?”

This is nonsense.

I was blinded by despair.

In fact, Ospreet does not want this magic to be lifted in the first place. I don’t know if it’s a god or something, but I heard he’s being chased by something. What I’m really worried about is not Ospreet, but Elodie.

I lowered my head and fell into thought again. So is waiting for the magic to wear off the answer? Will Elodie be restored to her original state along with Ospreet? No, considering that Ospreet is being chased by someone, there is no guarantee that it will be safe if this magic is lifted… … .

“But that wizard is also very strange.”

Monty spoke while I was lost in thought.

“Is it strange? what?”

Lili asked back.

“If you’re going to run away, you can just run away.”

“What, didn’t you hear? “If you run away from this world, you’ll get caught, so you end up running out of the world.”

“So, if you can get out, you can just get out. “I don’t know how to get out of the world.”

I stopped thinking and looked up and saw Monty.

I felt something strange about his words.

“… … What do you mean, just get out of there?”

“Well, I don’t know much about magic. If it were me and I was being chased by someone, I would spread the word in the neighborhood. That is, if it is an enemy stronger than me. “That’s what running away means.”

“… … Yes.”

“That’s right.”

Monty shrugged.

“Why did you bother to use magic to erase your own existence?”

“… … .”

“… … .”

I looked at Monty blankly at his words.

Why did Ospreet erase himself from everyone’s memories? I don’t know about that. I don’t know if I’ll be able to hear the answer when he comes back.

But now, Monty’s words reminded me of a new possibility.

Ridwi narrowed his eyes, thinking the same thing as me.

“… … “Going out into the world and erasing your own existence are two different things?”

“huh? “Isn’t that what you’ve been saying all along?”

Monty asked back as if it was obvious.

Yes. Until now, Osprit’s ‘disappearance’ was thought to be a combination of his departure from the world and his erasure from his memory.

Ospreet actually used the two in different ways.

“… … Then Frontier. “The second missing girl you mentioned.”

Monty said after finishing his guess.

“There is a possibility that the child still remains in this world.”

“… … !”

“It was left behind and disappeared from everyone’s memories. It’s probably in a state similar to a ghost. “I can’t see it, I can’t hear it, and it might be floating around, treated as if it doesn’t exist.”


As soon as I heard that, I stood up.

Elodie remains in this world. When that possibility was presented, my heart raced with impatience.

“thank you. Thanks to you, I got the hint. “I apologize for being rude, but I think I need to go right now.”

“Draw. “Take a good look.”

Lidwi waved his hand as if he was clearing dust.

“… … Can you find it? “That kid.”

Lily looked at me with a sullen expression.

“… … “Maybe, maybe.”

I answered with words that even I wasn’t sure about. Lily narrowed her eyes at him and asked in a coy tone.

“What, how can we find a ghost? Are you going to find it with the power of love?”

I said as I walked towards the mansion door.

“It’s roughly similar.”

* * *

If Elodie remains in this world.

She would have realized her condition right away. As a wizard, she must have immediately sensed that she was in a similar state to Osprit.

However, knowing does not mean there is a solution. He’s probably waiting for Ospreet’s magic to be lifted.

Where does Elodie go after something strange happens to her body?

I’m not sure, but there’s only one place I can think of.

“In the end, it turns around and comes to this place.”

I opened the portal and crossed to the front of the cabin. This is where I made Dragon Heart with May just a few days ago.

This is a place full of memories of the past of Frontier and Elodie. Of course, it may not be a good memory for Frondier because his mind was very twisted at the time, but it is undoubtedly true that the two spent a long time here.

Whenever I was attacked by Indus at my cabin, Elodie flew straight here with Cybel. It’s something both I and Elodie remember.

So, if something goes wrong and Elodie is asking me for help right now, there is a chance that she would be here.

… … I don’t know if this probability is high or not. Because I don’t know Elodie’s heart.

“… … “Where are you, Elodie?”

I couldn’t figure out why I was so nervous.

Elodie is a much more proper, honest, and perfect character than me. She is the woman I care least about in this world.

A surprise of this magnitude would not be a big deal to Elodie.

“huh? Frontier?”

“… … !”

I was startled by that voice and turned around for a moment.

It was May who was there. I’m still standing there looking like me. I exhaled in disappointment and embarrassment to myself.

The voice I just heard was exactly the same as mine. If you had been a little more cool-headed, you would have known it was May, and even if you didn’t know, it wasn’t Elodie’s voice to begin with.

What’s so urgent, Frondier?

“May, did someone come here by any chance?”

“… … “Umm, well.”

May let out an ambiguous sound. It was neither negative nor positive.

“What are you talking about?”

“I thought something came, but I didn’t see it. So I thought it was just my mood and moved on. But wasn’t it because of my mood?”

“… … !”

Does May feel Elodie’s presence at all?


‘… … ‘Because it’s from another world?’

“may. Do you happen to know where that something went? “It’s okay even if it’s just my mood.”

“… … Umm. “It felt like I went into a cabin.”

I took a step toward May’s words.


Even when I opened the cabin door and went inside, there was no sign of anyone or anything.

‘… … ‘Use your sixth sense.’

May felt Elodie come here. If it’s really because Mei is an otherworldly being, then she would also have the ‘sixth sense’ that I have.

I have never had a better sixth sense. It was obtained by absorbing Helheim’s soul, but it was only focused on controlling it and never made it more sensitive.

I thought it was enough, no need for that, and in fact it was enough so far.

But that’s just the way it was, and it’s not enough anymore.

“Elodie, where are you?”

I raised Helheim’s mana. If what May felt was Elodie, and if she really came to this cabin, then this was definitely a signal to me for help.

My sixth sense scans the entire cabin. Helheim’s mana accelerated to sharpen my sixth sense.

He was pouring out his mana in such a way as to develop his sense of smell to follow a faint scent or to narrow his eyes to see something far away.

To be honest, I feel like I’m wasting more mana than it is helping my sixth sense, but that’s enough for right now.

──Soon, I finally felt something like a thread and looked down.

“… … “It’s underground.”

I immediately opened the door to the basement and went downstairs.

Still can’t see it though. I can’t hear anything though.

There is something in front of my eyes. I concentrated all of my sixth senses in front of my eyes.

And finally, as if peeling away the veil of reality, someone who had been invisible until a moment ago slowly entered my field of vision.

“… … Elodie?”

That person was lying still on the basement floor, curled up as if he was scared.

I went closer and checked it out.

“… … Elodie, why?”

What I saw before my eyes was Elodie.

That’s true, but it’s a little different.

“Why did you become so small?”

Elodie’s appearance was different from now.

Elodie becomes the image of the little girl who used to play in this cabin with Frondier when she was very young.

I was sleeping soundly in the basement of the cabin.


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