The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 151

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 151

Chapter 48: Fire (2)

A few hours ago.

Selena reported to Hagley.

“──Indeed. This vertical line was a notation for the inversion phrase. “If the word order in a sentence is changed, it will sound strange, so that was marked.”

Hagley nodded with admiration.

The content of the ancient language that Selena delivered today was special. I tried to interpret the ancient language based on the information I received from Frontier, but I quickly encountered a wall.

But this learning opened the door.

“As expected, Frontier has completely finished interpreting ancient languages.”

Hagley nodded with confidence.

The information I received from Selena so far was completely accurate when I applied it to the actual ancient language.

It couldn’t have been possible with just a wild guess. You may be lucky and it may sound plausible a few times, but as the content accumulates, the bottom is revealed. However, Frontier’s knowledge was perfect until now.

“If this continues, it won’t be long before we completely learn the ancient language.”

Hagley rarely appears happy.

In front of him, Selena bowed her head deeply.

“Mr. Hagley, I have something to tell you about him.”

“huh? What is it, Jay? “Are you saying there was a report left?”

Selena found it awkward to now call herself ‘Jay’. Although that was her original name when she lived in Mangot.

Selena said without showing it.

“yes. Frontier says he will no longer teach you the ancient language.”

“hmm… … ?”

Hagley’s eyes narrowed after hearing Selena’s words. He opened the book. It was a book containing Frondier’s ancient language lectures that had been delivered to Selena so far.

“… … “This is not enough.”

Even if it opens the water, it is only a small part of it. There is still a long way to go for a complete interpretation.

“What is this sudden change of heart?”

“I do not know.”

“What was Frondier’s expression like when you said that?”

“It was an arrogant face.”

Selena brought out the answer she had discussed with Frontier in advance.

Frontier knew how his image would be reflected on Cape Bay.

But even so.

‘I was really asking about facial expressions.’

Now I’m getting scared of Frontier.

“hmm. “I guess he also slowly realized the value of ancient languages.”

“It’s my fault.”

“No. Didn’t you boil it well and break down the contents of the ancient language? Didn’t I tell you? “Frondier will fall for you in no time.”

Hagley defended Selena.

Hagley is stingy, so praise is rare. This meant that Hagley highly valued Selena’s achievements.

Selena couldn’t be happy because it wasn’t true at all.

“Anyway, if Frondier is not willing to teach you about the ancient language, I will have to propose new conditions.”

Hagley thought for a moment.

So far, Selena’s appearance and acting have been used to steal knowledge from Frontier. Her progress was smooth.

An interpretation of an ancient language that left me completely lost. Finally, someone who can do it has appeared, and I’ve learned a lot so far. The day when Mangot’s long-held wish will come true is just around the corner.

I couldn’t stop here. No one but Frondier can interpret the ancient language.

Maybe someone else will show up someday, but for now, Frontier is the only one.

“Didn’t Frontier ask for something in return?”

“… … cost… … .”

“For example, your feelings.”

Selena couldn’t understand Hagley’s words for a moment.

Hagley spoke again.

“Frondier was bewitched by you and taught you the ancient language. Since I have lusted after your body, I will be filled with satisfaction for a while. However, as time goes by, people become greedy. “You end up wanting something like ‘love’.”

“… … okay.”

Selena had nothing to say so she just nodded.

Hagley now knows that Selena used her body as bait to ask Frondier for an ancient fish. Because Selena said so. As instructed by Frontier.

“Most people don’t know their own fractions. This is especially true if you are arrogant like Frontier. Perhaps what Frontier wants now is your love. He wants the person he loves to love him back. “That’s generally the case with humans.”

“… … Yes, that’s right.”

Selena bowed her head again.

… … I haven’t even given you my body yet, let alone my heart.

“I can’t help it. “It may take some time, but there is something to be done.”

“What is?”

“You’re acting like you’re gradually falling in love with Frontier.”

“… … .”

Selena was speechless for a moment, but Hagley shook his head as if it was obvious.

“Until Frontiere spits out the next ancient language, act like you love him. “Up until now, you have tempted me, but now it is as if I am being seduced by Frondier.”

“… … “Then shall I teach you the ancient language again?”

“hmm. The reason Frondier won’t teach you the ancient language is because he’s suspicious of you. But if I believe that I am loved by you, my doubts will go away. “There is no reason to doubt the person who loves you.”

“Yes. Acting in love with Frontier… … .”

“hmm. “Frondier is into you, so it won’t take long.”


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I think it will take a very long time.

Selena was dizzy for a moment after hearing the unexpected story, but the story wasn’t over yet. She composed herself again and opened her mouth.

“But the frontier is in quite a dangerous state.”

“okay. “I said it was captured by the Indus.”

Selena nodded.

“Because I don’t know the subject, it’s not surprising if I die at any time.”

“I heard that Frontier is also using you as an escort. “Are you not enough on your own?”

Selena nodded.

“yes. And to be honest, although Frondier can interpret ancient languages, I don’t know if it’s worth risking my life for.”

hmm. Hagley sighed a little at Selena’s words.

‘Jay seems to really dislike Frondier.’

I can’t believe she, who is so patient, can say something like this. What happened to Frontier’s arrogance and inferiority complex?

“Then we will need more people. But, Jay. Dealing with the Indus means shedding blood too.”

“… … That’s right. “I think we are making too many sacrifices just for Frontier.”

Selena actually acted as if she wanted Frontier dead. That will give Hagley credibility. Frontier said so.

Hagley said with a smile.

“It’s a sacrifice. So what do you think? Is it worth the sacrifice to Frontier?”

“I have the ability to interpret ancient languages, so I have no choice.”

“That’s Mangot’s idea.”

Hagley shook his head.

“Jay, what do you think? If Frontier is completely into you. “Is he a necessary person?”

Selena understood the intent of Hagley’s question.

Hagley was planning to capture Frontier at Cape Bay.

From Mangot’s perspective, Frontier is a child who was abandoned by his family. Of course he will blame his family and he will blame himself.

Mangot has brought such people so far. In fact, most of the people in Mangot had similar situations.

Therefore, Hagley was asking about the possibility of the human called Frontier itself.

‘… … then.’

When seen from Selena’s perspective, not Mangot’s.

Is Frontier a necessary person or not?

Regardless of Hagley’s intentions, Selena’s answer was already decided.

“… … Required.”


Hagley nodded.

“I give permission to continue the shadow of the cape.”


“And I will go too.”

“You too, Hagley?”

Selena was surprised by the unexpected words. Hagley nodded her head.

“Because I want to see the faces I miss.”

* * *

A sudden fight began inside Heldre’s mansion.

The members of Indus made a quick decision when they saw those who had come up from under the shadows to protect Frontier. I had to distance myself from the charging men and take refuge.

For Indus, it was the best decision he could make right now. Meanwhile, many people came to Heldre’s mansion and engaged in a bloody fight with Mangot.

All of these people belong to ‘Indus’ and are reliable allies right below the leaders.




Most of them were brutally suppressed by those who emerged from the shadows.

Ten capes.

Selena did not gather everyone in Mangot to provide support.

Selena is the tenth assassin originally raised in Mangot. That is why it is called ‘J’, the tenth alphabet.

Considering the history of Mangot, the fact that Selena is only the tenth at such a young age means that an enormous amount of care and selection is put into raising assassins in the first place.

Therefore, the fact that Selena is called by the name of the alphabet itself proves her tremendous talent and skills.

And Yeolgot is an elite team carefully selected under Selena. Assassinations are rarely accomplished alone. Especially if complete concealment is necessary.

The gap between the Cape and the Indus was too large to be solved with just numbers.

“Frondier, we will release you right away.”

While the cape was easily clearing out the Indus personnel, Selena went behind Frontier and took out a dagger.

Without realizing it, I looked at Frondier’s complexion.

… … I’m not sure what it looks like just by looking at the face.

The moment I brought the dagger closer to free Frondier’s hands that were tied behind him, Frondier opened his mouth.

─Don’t solve it.

It was a message conveyed only with the movements of the mouth without making any sound.

Selena had mastered the art of lip reading, so she could read the lips. In fact, even if she wasn’t familiar with it, anyone would be able to recognize the shape of her mouth.


Selena also only moved her mouth.

Frondier’s mouth opened again.

─There is no mana.

“… … !”

Selena hid her surprise.

I checked my complexion just now, and there was no mana. There really wasn’t any trace of it on her face.

─I used it all up when I fought Renzo. I overdid it a bit at the end.

─Then shouldn’t you relax your arms even more? It is dangerous if things continue like this.

─It looks like he isn’t fighting now ‘because he’s been restrained’. If my enemies realize that I can’t fight properly even if I’m freed, my enemies will also notice.

Selena swallowed. Even in the midst of this, you are thinking about that.

Frontier moved his mouth again.

─Don’t worry. I have enough mana left to bluff. But it’s literally just bravado. It may be more effective to do this while tied to a chair.

─I understand.

Selena stood up. Front Deer tied her arms and legs. It doesn’t seem easy to cut it off right now. Her spider web is thick and has a subtle aura.

Such thorough restraint. As expected, the members of Indus also know the strength of Frontier.

Selena changed her mind and decided to focus on escorting. She expanded her reach wider than now and killed all the approaching enemies. Enemies hit by her needles collapsed on the spot.

Even though Yeolgot’s skills are superior, Indus’s number of people is overwhelmingly greater. In fact, people slowly began to suffer damage.

Selena said, raising the tension.

“Then I will stand by your side. “With my life.”

Frondier laughed quietly.

Still, Selena loved clichés.


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