The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter Chapter 97

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EP.97 Joint practice evaluation (6)

Passed the fourth gate.

I tied Janya’s staff to my back. Everyone’s familiars had been reverse summoned.

We passed the stunned Professor Philip and made our way towards the arched door.

“As expected, Isaac, it turned out just as I thought! “Are you saying this is the difference in time?”

“I was lucky.”

It’s been a while since I’ve seen Kaya’s eyes sparkling and making a fuss.

I responded with a somewhat boring comment. Because we just defeated Professor Philip, who had taken on the handicap.

If I had had to fight him with all his might, most of my plans would have been in vain.



It’s okay if you pass.

There would be no need to fight Professor Philip again anyway.

“modesty! That’s cool, Isaac!”

“Is that so?”

The infinite respect was burdensome, but Kaya was so cute that the corners of my mouth watered. She covered her mouth for a moment, pretending to scratch her cheek.

“It was more boring than I thought. “I want to compete with the perfect Professor Philip, Aria, and Principal Elena.”

Lisetta was talking nonsense.

Even if Professor Philip is worth a fight, we can never win against Elena, the principal of Hegel Magic Tower Ariana Marchen Academy. You’ll be kicked out before you even hit me once.

Still, I didn’t want to destroy Lisetta’s innocence, so I kept quiet.

After passing the fourth gate, a deep and dark cave followed. There were luminous lamps here and there that only scattered weak light, giving off an eerie vibe.

At what point. Scratches on the luminescent lamp installed on the wall were noticeable.

It’s here.

I stopped and gently extended my arm to Kaya to stop her.

“Rizetta, now that’s done, you can go.”

From now on, you have to go deal with the frog demons.

Lisetta had promised to help only up to the fourth gate, so it was time to let her go.

“I was planning on going even if I didn’t say anything. “Do it yourself.”

Lisetta said that and walked further and further away. It’s chic.

[ Lisetta Lionheart ]

Psychology: [I don’t want to disturb you. ]

Unlike the soft psychology. It’s good for me.

I tapped the ground with my foot. This should be enough.

I stretched my right arm downward and let the rock mana flow. A light brown magic circle is engraved above my head.

“I’m going underground. “Prepare to land.”

“Yes, Isaac.”

“And whatever you see from now on, just ignore it.”

“… yes?”

As mentioned above, frog demons are nothing special, but the process of catching them is bizarre.

In the first place, as you can tell from the UI or cutscenes, is a game with a cruel fairy tale concept. That’s why all the enemies were so bizarre.

At the very least, the bizarre presentation is passive even when going to catch the trash demons to prevent an extra bad ending.

I warned Kaya several times. But she begged to come with me. He said he wanted to join my journey.

‘Seeing is worth seeing.’

「Rock Collapse (Rock Attribute, ★4)」


A thick rock pillar made of magical energy extended from the ceiling and shattered the ground.

Whoops, the ground is collapsing.

I felt floating with Kaya.

「Wind creation (Wind attribute, ★1)」


A high-density light green wind wrapped around our bodies. It was a wind caused by Kaya.

As if riding an invisible elevator, we slowly sank underground.

“Uh… ?

An underground space so vast that the word vast, with no end in sight, fits well.

A desolate landscape that is hard to believe is a cave, as if you were in another world.


In this underground cave, countless guillotines were placed in an orderly manner.

The guillotine blade goes down.

An intangible force raises the guillotine blade again.

Purple blood had already hardened like a scab on the blade. The guillotine went down, and by the time it went up again, new blood had been added.


[A dog bone… .]

[Oops! Doggol—!]

Tied to the guillotine was something shaped like a person with arms and legs. However, it was making a frog croaking sound.

The skin is pale green. The head seems to hang down on both sides. Her face was swollen, and her thick lips were torn as long as her hair was hanging down.

He was lying face down, naked, tied to a guillotine, with only his head sticking out. She seemed to moan in pain.


The guillotine lightly splits off the frog monster’s head. Every time that happens, the body held tightly by the guillotine wriggles violently.


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Suddenly, the head flies up and settles in one place.

Then, a large amount of something wriggling like an earthworm poured out from the decapitated neck of something, and gathered back into the shape of a head.

Then, the guillotine blade falls again without fail, sending the regenerated head flying.

“What the hell…” .”

Kaya covered her mouth. Her eyes trembled. Look, it’s like this.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, I heard a crunching sound. Of course. What made up the ground were the heads of numerous frog monsters.

Purple blood pooled like a river in the crevices of his head.

It was grotesque, but since I was a stagnant person, I wasn’t impressed. I originally knew that this place was like this because I had seen it many times in .

… No, it’s still a bit gross.

“Fine… ?”

When I was about to talk to Kaya to reassure her. I just stopped.

It was visible as she lowered the hand covering her mouth little by little. From the corner of her mouth, a viscous transparent liquid was flowing.

It was spit.

It was as if a person suffering from severe hunger had found some delicious food. As if possessed, she silently watched the monsters decapitating her.

A chilling sensation raised my head.

‘Come on?’

Why is he acting like this all of a sudden?


“Ah, yes, Isaac. Write it.”

At my call, Kaya seemed to come to her senses and wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth with her sleeve.

“I’m sorry for showing such indecency. Suddenly drooling… .”

This is not an ordinary reaction.

Could it be that the current reaction is related to the reason why evil consciousness was hidden deep in Kaya’s heart?

“… let’s go.”

The priority is to catch the frog demons first. Let’s put aside our thoughts about Kaya for a moment.

“Yes, yes…” !”

I started to move my feet with Kaya. With each step she took, the ground made of frog monster heads became muddy.

In my ears, the sound of my neck flying away screaming.

The single-worded screams of things croaking like frogs continued to ring out.

I ignored it and moved forward.

This is the unique magic of the frog demons. The frog demons, who appear in different places every day, enjoy the sight of their minions being executed while spreading out their territory here, as of today, when the joint practice evaluation is taking place.

It is similar to the space creation magic used by Illusionary Leafa and Jealous Malok that cannot detect magic, but the amount of magic contained in this area is very small.

The topic of demons trying to prevent an extra bad ending is somewhat cumbersome. Even the floating islands, demonic pillars, and abyss monsters that we will fight in the future do not have such talents.

Anyway, the moment the frog demons recognized an intruder like us.

In this vast field of hair, his minions, whose heads were constantly being cut off, regain their physical freedom. Everyone was weak and fell. It’s about pushing through.

Please note that the minions are fake creatures made of magic, so they do not give you any experience. So, all I have to do is catch the frog demon, ‘Milo of Desire’.

“Isaac, that…” is it?”


While walking, I noticed an amphibian dressed in luxurious clothes walking between the guillotines.

Height 2m. Its frog-like head hung down on both sides. Both hands and feet were identical to those of a frog. They naturally walk on two legs like humans.

The skin color is dark green, close to black. He wears a small crown on his head and a red cape.

It was an outfit that did not suit this vast plain of blood and hair.

It also stopped abruptly and looked straight at me with its round, lidless eyes.

[Milo of Desire]

Lv: 100

Race: Demon

Attribute: darkness, water

Risk: High

Psychology: [ He wants to cut your head off. ]

‘As expected, I found it quickly.’

It was the frog demon, Milo of Desire.


Milo of Desire opened his huge mouth wide and roared at the top of his voice.

My ears hurt.

Well, that’s it. Now, if we just kill that guy, we will achieve our goal.




Using Milo’s roar as a trigger, the guillotines that were restraining the frog demons were released all at once.

[It’s crazy!!!]

Milo, the frog demon, opened his mouth even wider and shouted in a voice filled with saliva. It is an attack order.

His minions began to rush towards me, deploying a black and blue magic circle.

At that point, I just lie down and eat rice cake.

[The demon was recognized as the enemy.]

[The unique characteristic [Destroyer] is activated!]

[Your level and abilities will be greatly improved temporarily!]

[Skill tree temporarily increases to +10!]

Since it is a demon with a strange atmosphere, just apply it lightly and return. There was no need to take out Zanya’s staff strapped to her back.

───────「Ice Spear (Ice attribute, ★4)」

Push! Hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

The light blue magic circle that appeared above my head fired a large polearm made of ice.

The light blue cold air is left behind like an afterimage in the form of a flame.

[Ice Spear] reached Milo’s body in the blink of an eye.


A sound close to an explosion.

By the time the shock wave spread, a huge hole had formed in Milo’s body. This was the spot where the [Ice Spear] pierced through.

[Geruruk… .] And Milo fell down.

It was a simple victory.

“… hmm?”

… what?

Before Milo turns to gray powder.

A pool of blood suddenly appeared under the body of the writhing creature waiting for death.


Blood magic restores Milo. Just to the point where I can’t die yet.

It was evil magic.

I looked at Kaya. The eyes are bright red. Her personality had been changed due to evil eating.

She was gulping and staring at Miloman, as if she had been deluded.

“card… ?”


Sticky breathing.

Kaya let out a deep breath with an excited expression, her cheeks turning red.



A skeletal head made of blood burst out from the pool of blood and swallowed Milo of Desire. Its figure disappears without a trace.


One after another, waves of blood surged like geysers from all over the ground.

‘Sibeol, what?!’

The blood made of magical power condensed and took the form of several giant skeleton heads.



As Kaya opened her mouth, the bloody skull heads also opened their mouths and began to devour the frog demons.

It spreads clear blood around like a tsunami, and viciously eats up even the severed heads that fill the ground.

Bloody, bloody magic covers the ceiling, the ground, and the guillotine.

The strange plain disappeared, and the rugged scenery of the cave began to appear to my eyes.

Kaya suddenly chewed something that was crunching and wriggling in her mouth. As if eating food, I savored the taste and then swallowed it down my throat.

“Whoa… .”

Kaya caressed her red cheeks and smiled in satisfaction.

It was like the expression made by someone who had been hungry but had filled his or her stomach with delicious food.


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