The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter Chapter 34

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EP.34 Luce (2)

“Bello, stay back.”

I summarized the situation in my head as I watched Luce reverse summon her killer whale familiar, Bello.

While testing the elemental bracelet, I lost consciousness and collapsed. Although my body was very tired, the sudden loss of consciousness was unexpected.

And it seems that Luce, who was passing by on the street, happened to find me and saved me while I fainted.


On the surface, the situation was nothing unusual. The problem is that the subject is Luce.

Unless she goes down the Luce crony route, she shows the true colors of an outsider by living as a bitch my way all semester. What I’m saying is that I’m not a character who would be upset by seeing someone like me fall down.

It would have been much more like her to just pass it by and say, ‘I guess she fell asleep.’ Because she is the type of person who leaves people who are not in her heart to die or not.

That’s why I felt a sense of discomfort. I opened Luce’s status window.

[Luce Eltania]

Lv: 115

Race: Human

Attribute: Water, Lightning


Psychology: [I’m relieved that you seem fine. ]

The fact that you are 5 levels higher than when I first saw you is not important right now.

The psychology was strange.

‘Why are you worried about me?’

Depending on how I feel today, what saved me could be, even relief?

It couldn’t be like this. Even if I had anything to do with Luce as her Isaac, there was nothing more to it than the fact that during the class evaluation, she gave a performance that deserved to win the Best Actor of the Year award.

So the conclusion is… .

‘Could it be that they got caught?’

My face became thoughtful.

─ ‘What’s your name?’

─ ‘Grung. (Greung)’

I recalled the memory of the class assignment evaluation.

Did Luce realize that I was the one who saved her?

If so, the front and back fit together like puzzle pieces.

I placed my right hand on my forehead. oh my god.

“Head hurts?”

“What happened?”

“I was just passing by and ‘coincidentally’ saw you fainting, so I used magic to bring you back.”

Luce only put emphasis on ‘coincidentally’ in her gentle tone like moonlight.

Ah, I’m in trouble. How did you know… .

The reason I brought a magic camouflage uniform during the class assignment evaluation was because Luce had a keen eye for attention. If she had discovered my identity, she would have reported it to the academic department.

There was also another purpose. It was to conceal the fact that ‘Isaac saved Luce.’

In , the condition for gaining Luce’s favor is to protect or save her during the class assignment evaluation. And if that happens, there is one more thing for the player to worry about.

‘Luce’s likeability is also an element of a bad ending.’

Luce is the type of person who opens her heart once she opens it. That’s why the rate of increase in favorability is as rapid as a runaway locomotive. This happens even if the player doesn’t do anything.

If you don’t control her likability by being a bit cold, your likability will eventually go through the gauge.

Then, the player will face ‘Extra Bad Ending N.13’.

An extra bad ending is a bad ending that has nothing to do with the main plot of the story. It is similar to dying in a car accident while passing by on the street.

Among them, N.13 “Birdcage” ending.

The main character, Ian Fairy Tail, is kidnapped and imprisoned by Luce, who has become a love interest to the point of insanity.

It is an ending where he meets his end helplessly under her loving care.

Therefore, Luce’s favor is one of the factors I need to be wary of.

“… “Is this your room?”


Anyway, there’s no way to explain this other than that my true identity was discovered… .

All the bruises on my body had healed. When I paid attention to the wounds on my body, Luce explained clearly.

“I healed most of the wounds. I also know how to use healing magic. I think it’s because I’m overdoing it… . Lie down a little longer. “I’ll wet the towel, so give it to me.”

Don’t be nice. You’re not that kind of character.

「Create water (water attribute, ★1)」

Luce pondered as she picked up the towel off my leg and wet it with water magic.

I had no idea that such a variable would arise. When and how did you get caught?

“done. “Lay down a little longer.”

The bad ending variable for rose gold-colored hair is after wringing out a wet towel in a bowl placed next to it.

He folded the towel neatly and came towards me.

Startled, I stretched out my hand to stop her.

“Now, wait a minute.”

“… … ?”

Luce looks at me with a skeptical expression.

“Thank you for saving me, but why did you bring me to your room?”

“Then where are you taking me?”

“There is an academy hospital. Or the nurse’s office is nearby… .”

“… I didn’t think about it. “Because I’ve never been to a place like that.”

It seems that a hospital room was a difficult option for Luce, who had a strong body and strong magical power.


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“How did you get here without being caught?”

“I just didn’t run into anyone until I got here. “Why is that?”

Was it just good timing?

“No, nothing…” .”

I couldn’t think of anything else to say, so I just handed him a towel. It’s cold.

I touched my forehead and felt it, and there was definitely a fever. I put the cold towel on my warm forehead like a hand warmer.

“lay down. “I’ll bring you some warm soup.”

As Luce got off the bed, I, who was measuring the timing, decided to try to scoop her up.

“You know me? “Why do you take such good care of me?”

Luce shook her shoulders and stopped.

[Luce Eltania]

Psychology: [I’m having a hard time knowing what to say to you. ]

Oh, not that one. I wonder what kind of feelings Luce has for me… .

“… I do not know either.”

Luce blushed and said something meaningful.


That naive reaction. It was a reaction like something out of a youth romance.


Luce turned her back and started looking at me. I never thought they would even call me by my name… . I never told you my name.

Luce was hesitant and contemplating what to say. With a blush on his cheeks.

“Actually, I’ve known you for a long time… .”

‘It’s a big deal.’

That intro, no, stop… !

This awkward air. An airflow that feels like pink. I was in the mood to confess without context.

From the moment Luce confesses her feelings, she quickly begins to become obsessed. The fact that she confessed is a case in which her partner’s feelings grow even more.

however… It’s too early now.

Could it be that my face is Luce’s style more than Ian’s? So the speed at which favorability was built was faster than in the original scenario?

“I saw you by chance some time ago. I’ve been watching it ever since. And I got curious. Why do you train so hard… .”

Luce speaks in a quiet whisper in an intimate tone.

You must be curious. When I was young, I showed off my incredible strength. It’s contradictory for a guy like that to be practicing magic that, in Luce’s opinion, is worthless.

“Training hard is the same for other kids.”

“I don’t overexert myself and get nosebleeds like you all the time.”

Have you seen ‘Every Day’?

“So, a lot of thoughts came to mind while watching you. So, so what I want to say is… .”

“Oooh, what is that?!”

A very unnatural change of topic.

I couldn’t help it. Because I’m not ready to hear ‘those words’.

I’m already having a headache because the final boss in Act 6, Scene 3 has already appeared.

Adding one more bad ending element to worry about was just a wish.

“Oh, that’s it.”

Luce kindly explained the names and uses of the objects I pointed to.

Every time that happens, I point to an insignificant item and say, ‘Oh, that’s amazing! ‘What is that again?’ he said with exclamations and questions.

“What’s this? “It’s luxurious.”

“Chessboard. “I received a gift some time ago.”

“What’s this? “The pattern is cool.”

“Our family’s ceremonial knife. “It was in my luggage when I came to the academy, so I left it here for now.”

“What’s this? pretty.”

“It’s a grimoire I received from an important person. “They say it’s made from human skin.”

“What’s this? cute.”

“A curse doll used in black magic. I heard that if you insert a person’s hair here and prick it with a needle, it will cause pain to that person. Maybe it’s a superstition. “Do you want to try it?”

At some point, Luce was taking me around the room and introducing various ordinary objects.

“Oh, there are a lot of books here.”

“That’s not allowed.”

As I spoke while looking at the bookshelf, Luce’s voice, which was as soft as moonlight, suddenly dawned.

For a moment, I felt alive. I quickly turned my head away from the bookshelf. Yes, of course I was scared.

It seemed like there were things on the bookshelf that she was embarrassed to reveal. They weren’t anything special, but they were books with titles like ‘How to Make Friends’, ‘What is Friendship’, and ‘How to Open the Hearts of Others’.

… You really decided to open your mind.

“But is it okay to walk around?”

“It’s okay, thanks.”

I had been looking around the room earlier with a towel pressed to my forehead.

I felt dizzy, but it wasn’t serious enough to be noticeable.

“This… ?”

I almost reflexively asked, ‘What is this?’

What caught my eye was a small cylindrical box. It was lying on the desk, showing off its black pearl color in the subtle light of the luminous lamp.

Luce stood next to me and narrowed her eyes. It’s as if you shouldn’t ask what it is.

There was a moment of silence, and I was trying to pretend I didn’t see him.


Luce spoke to me in a soft voice that seemed to immerse me.

“Do you think all ‘Witches of Disaster’ are bad?”

… Why are you in a mood and asking something like that? Suddenly.

“Why is that?”

“just… . “I suddenly wanted to ask.”

Luce looked at the small, black cylindrical box and slowly lowered her head.

Witch of Disaster.

In history, they are referred to as the worst witches who, despite having natural magical talent, committed inhumane crimes against humanity.

Because they have committed unspeakable acts of cruelty, they are naturally beings that anyone can call ‘bad’.

But I was able to quickly figure out why Luce asked that question.

What’s inside that black box is Luce’s eyeball. A witch of calamity pulled out Luce’s eyes and handed them to the party, still intact. And Luce wanted to remember the witch every moment, so she left the box on her desk.

Luce’s current eyes were put in by the Witch of Disaster. That seemingly cruel act was intended to protect Luce’s life.

As an aside, this is why her eyesight is not at human level.

“… no.”

I shook my head and answered indifferently.

Because I saw all the stories in .

I knew very well what kind of person the ‘Great Witch of Heaven’, the witch of disaster that Luce was missing, was.

Unlike the infamous witch of disaster who lured many children to her cookie shop and brutally murdered them.

She was someone who actually sacrificed everything for her children.

I had to avoid trying to win Luce’s favor, but I didn’t want to end up denying the person she was missing.

“I don’t think that’s necessarily true.”

Luce shook her head in shock.

“It could be a story made up by people. I didn’t actually see the Witch of Disaster. “How can you be sure?”

Luce looked at me with wide eyes, probably surprised by my answer.

I deliberately pretended not to see and looked at other items.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Luce’s voice, slightly tearful, contained a deep sense of loss.

The Great Witch of Heaven was a very important person to Luce, along with her older brother.

However, the witch was falsely accused of sacrificing many children to mythical beasts and had to be sacrificed in front of Luce.

People, countries, and the Great Witch of Heaven were blamed for all their sins.

Luce collapsed that day. He closed his heart towards people. The world that she tried to see as beautiful even after being abandoned by her biological parents turned out to be so cruel to a 10-year-old girl.

“… … .”

“… … .”

There was an awkward atmosphere. Was it too much of a mood… .

No, he’s sniffling. How should I react? What should I do if I force myself to cry?

“Oh, suddenly I have a headache… .”

Can not help it. In times like this, you pretend to be sick. It actually hurts, but I have to pretend it hurts more.

I pretended to stumble and went over to the bed as smoothly and naturally as if I was dancing. I think it was a great gesture.

Sitting on the bed, I tilted my head back and pressed the towel against my forehead.

“are you okay?”

“I feel dizzy… . “I guess I overdid it.”

“Lie down for a bit. Oh, I’ll bring some warm soup.”

I nodded because I wasn’t hungry but wanted to get some time to think.

Luce looked at me with a worried face for a moment and then went into the kitchen.

Eventually, she suddenly sticks her head out around the corner and stares at me.



“I want to be friends with you.”

“… huh?”


After hearing those words with a hint of laughter, I looked straight ahead again.

Luce was looking at me with a pure smile on her face. Soon, he blushed out of embarrassment and scratched his cheek while avoiding my eyes.

‘friend… ?’

I was embarrassed.

In , there was no option to become friends with Luce. Her likability just meant ‘love between the opposite sexes’ from beginning to end.

“I thought I wanted to become friends with you after seeing you training hard.”


Now that I think about it, you said you’ve been watching me train, right? If you just look at it piecemeal, it doesn’t mean that you realized that I was Green, does it? There was no mention of it at all.

Yes. It was a problem that did not matter even if we looked at it separately.

Luce just happened to find me, was impressed by the way I trained with a profuse nosebleed, and felt favored… .

I don’t know how I went through such a process of psychological change, but it was a matter of just taking her at her word.

I should have been suspicious from the beginning when I saw that there were a lot of ‘Friends’ related books on Luce’s bookshelf… .

Therefore she.

‘Did you not know that I was a friend and just wanted to become friends with me?’

I felt like I had been hit hard in the back of the head. It was a similar feeling of betrayal.

I put on all kinds of live shows on my own… . A feeling of shame rushed over me.

You can’t let down your guard yet, but we’re friends.

‘It’ll be okay.’

In the beginning, I was reluctant to become friends with someone like Kaya Astrean.

After making friends like Amy Holloway and Mateo’s gang, I thought about it carefully and realized that it would be okay to take a somewhat limited attitude toward friendships.

What stands out when you meet Kaya? All you have to do is meet in an inconspicuous place. These days, I rarely encounter her.

Anyway, I was welcome in that kind of relationship.

I put down the towel I was holding on my forehead, got up from the bed, and walked over to Luce.

The second most beloved character in , Luce Eltania.

I smiled brightly and held out my right hand to her.

“However much.”

Luce’s eyes began to sparkle with life.

Her rose gold-colored hair appears slightly, as if it were electrostatically charged.

I tried to maintain my composure by holding the corner of my mouth that was trying to go up.

She grabbed my outstretched hand.

Being friends. It’s not a big deal to me, it’s a simple thing that just requires me to say yes to being friends.

It must have been very difficult for Luce.

Because he had been so closed off from others, he must have had a vague fear of the concept of friends.

You must have tried to understand the concept of friends by reading the numerous books about friends on your bookshelf.

The words she just said must have been filled with a lot of worries and worries.

When you talk to Luce among the NPCs wandering around in , the dialogue always says ‘… … ‘.’ was all. He always walked alone, ate alone, and studied alone. She spent the first semester of her first year alone like that.

There were also moments when she laughed with others. No matter how skeptical she felt about her human kind and how much her heart was hurt, her true feelings would have been different from her outward actions.

The crackling sound of the fireplace continued for a long time like a lingering sound. After a while, I was able to break the silence.

“But you stand out so much. That’s a bit burdensome for me. So, just because we’re friends, we can’t play together all the time?”

“Ugh… .”

Luce’s voice trembled slightly. He can’t even make eye contact with me. Is this the right answer? Did you really hear what I just said?

Well, you heard me right.

“Anyway, I have to go now.”

‘Luce didn’t notice that I was Grung.’ Now that he knew that, he had no reason to stay here any longer. If it hurts, you have to train yourself harder. Even if you plan to rest, you can’t stay in the women’s dormitory forever.

“Oh, it would be nice to eat some soup… .”

“are you okay. My heart is grateful. Oh, do you have a cloak or something?”

“Cloak? “There is, but why?”

I received a black cloak from Luce and put it on my head and body like a hijab.




Light brown mana gathered next to me and took the form of a small golem familiar, Eden.

The guy landed on the floor with a cute cry and a cheer.

“Luce, I’ll just go.”

“Oh, yes… .”

Eden and I approached the window.

When I reached the window, a view of the fourth floor was reflected in my eyes. It’s scary, but I have no choice but to get out this way.

“Eden, give me a rock to land on. “Step by step.”


「Create ice (Ice attribute, ★1)」

「Rock creation (rock attribute, ★1)」



I built a crude ice ladder leading from the window to the ground.

The rocks of Eden rose up below, creating a winding staircase.

“Luce, see you tomorrow!”

I waved goodbye to Luce before going over to the window.

Luce suddenly opens her eyes wide. Was it a little strange how I greeted you? Well, it might look strange to wear a cloak like a hijab.

Ethan immediately jumped out of the window, and I started climbing down the ladder.

“Aaaah! “It’s a man!”

“transformation! “A pervert has appeared!”

Damn, the situation I was worried about happened.

I reverse-summoned Eden and quickly ran away from Charles Pavilion.

* * *

Luce stood still for a long time even after Isaac left.

open window. The night breeze was gently tapping the curtains.

“tomorrow… .”

Isaac’s greeting remained like a lingering thought, drifting through Luce’s mind.

It is a greeting that is said between people in a close relationship, promising to meet tomorrow.

“Aaaak—! Catch the pervert!”

“Stand right there, stalker!!”



Luce’s lips trembled and she smiled.

I felt an exhilarating feeling as if my body was floating in the sky, to the point where I couldn’t even hear the noise of the commotion outside the window.

“Yeah, see you tomorrow.”

A secret voice was scattered in the night wind.

Beyond the window, the shining moonlight looked particularly bright today.


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