The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 382

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Afterword: Delia Arpen (Part 2)


A middle-aged man with long bones.

A man with platinum hair and golden eyes. He is a person who exudes a strong sense of intimidation just by existing.

Ergent Rune Mond Arpen.

At the sudden appearance of her biological father, Delia seemed frozen for a moment and did not even move a single movement. Then, a guess suddenly crossed her mind.

‘Perhaps this too… … .’

Was this something Rudine prepared?

I looked back at her, wondering if anything, but Ludine shook her head vigorously.

As if I never called.

Well, that would be an excessive guess. Because Rudine doesn’t like Ergent as much as Delia does.

“I asked why you were here.”

At that time, Ergent spoke again.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the banquet hall also became deeper. As I was shaking with a strong sense of intimidation, I suddenly heard a sound that shattered the silence.

“I came here to have fun during summer vacation.”

It was Ulan’s voice.

Ergent’s eyes naturally turned to that place, and he soon showed a surprised expression.

“Hoo, you… … .”

Ergent’s eyes sparkled.

As if he didn’t know that there would even be Ulan.

After a while, he took a long stride and sat down next to Ulan. Afterwards, he looked at Ulan, who was engrossed in eating again, and said,

“It’s been a while. Did you say Ulan?”


“So, is it worth attending the academy?”

“It’s okay. “I did repeat a grade, though.”

“what? Paid?”

Ergent’s brow furrowed.

However, after thinking about something for a while, he muttered as if he had regained his senses.

“No, if you think about it, it might be possible. “Last year, I had to fight all kinds of monsters, including the abyss, so the number of days I attended was bound to be insufficient.”

Of course not.

On the other hand, Ulan did not bother to reveal the truth.

Because I wanted to focus on eating right now.

Ergent, whether aware of this thought or not, began to tell the story as he pleased.

“Then I guess there are three and a half years left until graduation. “It’s an extra year than expected, but that’s okay.”

“What is okay?”

“It’s a story related to the sire.”


“There is no need to worry right now. “This is a story we will only talk about after we graduate from the academy.”

Ergent waved his hand.

Afterwards, he sat down with Ulan and started eating. The meal, which continued in silence and silence, was coming to an end.

He spoke again.

“Ah, are you doing well with Delia?”

“Of course.”

“Then that’s it.”

He smiled as if he was satisfied with Ulan’s immediate answer and stood up. Then he went straight out of the banquet hall.

Jump, jump, jump!

As Ergent headed outside, the special knights who came with him also disappeared.

After a storm passed by.

The once-quiet atmosphere of the banquet hall began to liven up little by little. Along with him, Delia and Ludine rushed towards Ulan.

“what? “Why on earth did you come?”

“Tongue, brother-in-law. Are you okay?”

Thinking of Ergent, who came and went like the wind, Delia made a bewildered expression.

Ludine asked how he was doing with a pale face, and Ulan nodded as if he was okay.

“What did you talk about with your father?”

“I didn’t say anything special.”

In response to Delia’s questions, Ulan honestly told the story of the conversation he had with Ergent. After a while, as her explanation ended, Delia’s eyes widened.

“Bu, sire?!”

“Well, if you think about it, it’s true. Because her older sister is going to become the monarch of Arpen.”

Unlike Delia, who was surprised and asked, Rudine had a strange smile on her face. Faced with two different reactions, Ulan asked a question.

“But what is a sire?”

“Uh, that’s… … .”

“It’s a kind of title.”

Before Ludine could respond, Delia gave a vague answer. Ulan seemed to be avoiding giving detailed explanations, so he went back to eating.

Then, Delia’s pointed ears perked up. During the conversation between the nobles attending the banquet, a story that bothered me was heard.

“Your Majesty came here in person… … .”

“After all, it is safe to interpret this as meaning that the 5th princess has been nominated as the next monarch, right?”

“That’s obvious.”

“To begin with, other than the five princesses, there are no other candidates with anything worth highlighting or meritorious achievements.”


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“I guess I should stick here now.”

Whispering warlord nobles.

Looking at the situation, it seems like there was some misunderstanding about Ergent’s visit.

‘No, it might not be a misunderstanding.’

Because Ergent is a calculating person.

So, it may have been intentional.

As I was continuing my speculations, I heard an unbelievable murmur from Ulan.

“Whoa, I can’t eat any more.”

Ulan put down the plate containing the food.

Delia’s eyes widened as if she was surprised at the words that came out of his mouth that she couldn’t eat.

“It’s amazing. “I never thought Ulan would say something like that.”

“No, if I ate this much, wouldn’t it be normal for someone to say that?”

Rudine smiled awkwardly and asked back.

That would be natural.

The food Ulan ate was enough to feed dozens of nobles attending the banquet.

“Then, to help you digest it, would you like to sing a song?”

“hmm? “What are you talking about?”

“It means let’s dance together.”

Delia stretched out her hand.

As if asking me to grab it quickly. However, Ulan didn’t seem to notice her intention and just stared at her hand blankly.

“Oh, if you don’t know how to dance, don’t worry, just tell me. “I will teach you.”

“Okay. “I can at least dance.”

“huh? really?”

“Yes, I have memories of my past life.”

Ulan storms out of his seat.

At his confident answer, Delia looked at him with a face filled with strange anticipation.

“Then let’s begin.”

But somehow it was a bit strange.

This is because Ulan, who lightly relaxed his body, walked toward the center of the banquet hall without holding on to Delia’s outstretched hand.

“Ulan? What are you doing now… … .”

“I will show you the dance of the grassland tribe.”

Lastly, a random answer.

Ulan assumed a bizarre posture and began stamping his feet vigorously. As a result of the powerful action, a loud roar immediately struck the banquet hall.

thud! Coooooo! bang!

The ground shakes violently. The nobles all reacted in bewilderment as the vibrations were so strong that the drinking glasses on the table fell to the floor.

“What, what? “Is it an earthquake?”

“hey! “There’s a crack in the pillar here!”

“Ugh! Everyone run away!”

In an instant, the scene turned into a riot.

Ulan’s adventures ended only after Noah, who joined him late, caught him. And the banquet also ended rather early.


After the banquet ended abruptly.

Ulan briefly washed his body in the bathhouse guided by Ludine and headed to his assigned room.

Finally, the moment I opened the door and went inside.

An unexpected being greeted him.

“Ah, Ulan. Come on.”

Silver hair sparkling in the moonlight.

Moist, golden eyes.

It was Delia Arpen.

She said hello naturally while sitting on the bed, and Ulan asked back as if he was puzzled.

“Why are you here?”

“Actually, this is originally my room. “The accommodation where Ulan was planning to stay was closed because it was dangerous.”

The dance of the grassland tribe that ended the banquet.

This caused cracks in the pillars of the villa.

So, to prevent any accidents, all accommodations provided in the villa were closed. Ulan bowed her head at this explanation.

“Right. “I feel sorry.”

“No, don’t worry. “It’s just because it’s an old building anyway.”

Delia smiled as if it was okay.

Even if this hadn’t happened, he had planned to somehow let Ulan sleep in his bedroom. So, this can be said to be a good thing.

“Then I’ll sleep on the floor.”

But then, Ulan suddenly tried to lie down on the floor. Delia, seeing this, hurriedly got off the bed and grabbed his wrist.


“It’s okay, come to bed.”

“But it would be uncomfortable…” … .”

“It’s okay because the bed is large. Also, it’s not my first time sleeping with Ulan.”

It’s not a lie.

Because she slept in the same room as Ulan during the exam she took last year.

“… … Anyway, don’t talk nonsense and come up.”

Delia’s cheeks turned a little red.

As if he was embarrassed. Ulan thought for a moment, then climbed into bed and lay down. Then Delia clung to him as if she had been waiting.

“Is it because it’s narrow?”

“No, it’s because it’s cold.”

Even though it is a summer night, the Principality of Arpen is a country built on a mountainous area. Moreover, the frontier here is at the top of a mountain.

It wouldn’t be strange to feel cold.

Ulan nodded in understanding.

How long has it been like that?

As I lay in bed and quietly looked up at the night sky, Delia suddenly kissed me.

“A lot has happened so far.”

Eyes that have become faint, as if recalling memories.

Delia’s words continued.

“Last year in particular was so hectic that I didn’t even know how it went by. “I think that’s why this moment feels more precious.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, I can be here because my life was saved twice by Ulan.”

Once in Assault by the Abyss Cultists.

In the attack he received during the Trial of the Hero, he once again received help from Ulan.

This isn’t the only thing I’m grateful for.

“Now that I think about it, that also happened, right?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Around this time last year, when my father told me to drop out of the academy. “Ulan stood up to my father on my behalf.”

He also supported Delia, going so far as to smash the monarch of a country upside down into the ground.

Thanks to this, Delia was able to avoid dropping out and continue attending the academy.

Meanwhile, Ulan, who recalled the memories of that time, responded that it was no big deal.

“I just did the obvious thing.”

“Still, I was really happy. “No one has ever done that in my life.”

After smiling brightly.

Delia said in a whisper.

“That’s why I like Ulan.”

1 year ago from now.

Delia has confessed her feelings to Ulan before, just like now. In places similar to this.

When this was said out loud again, Ulan thought for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“Delia, I… … .”

“You don’t have to answer in particular. “Because I know that what I am right now is worse than other kids.”

Although she may have had a bit of an upper hand mentally, Delia was the weakest of the weak simply when looking at the physical aspect.

Because she had a body type that made it difficult to say that she looked mature, even for polite reasons. However, this does not mean that there are only disadvantages.

Because Delia had the strongest advantage that other girls did not have.

“So I’m trying to appeal to my strengths.”


Just as she was reflexively asking that question, Delia stretched out both hands and suddenly grabbed Ulan’s face.

As I felt the cold touch through my small palm, I made eye contact with Delia.

The first thing I noticed was that I looked young.

In fact, it was no exaggeration to say that Delia looked the youngest among the eight warriors.

Is that all there is?

The skin is so pale that blood vessels are visible and clean without any blemishes. Moreover, her face was so beautiful that it was almost perfect.

Then Delia opened her mouth again.

“I am a long-lived species.”

With what you already know.

She said what she had prepared.

“They grow very slowly and stay young for a long time, living for hundreds of years. “Do you know what this means?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure.”

“It’s simple. “It means that even when other kids are covered in wrinkles, I still look young.”

Even though they only have half the blood of fairies, they still age more slowly than humans.

The greatest strength of the Jangsaeng species is that everyone can remain young even when they become old.

“This is the greatest strength I can offer. “If you take me as your companion, you will have a young and beautiful wife by your side for the rest of your life.”

how is it? Isn’t it a bit scary now?

Delia looked at Ulan as if asking a question. Afterwards, she closed her mouth and waited for an answer, and soon Ulan opened her mouth.

“That’s good, but…” … .”

“Is it good?”

“I’m worried about you.”

“Yes? what do you mean?”

Delia looks puzzled.

Ulan spoke calmly.

“I am human.”

Starting with the obvious confession, Ulan explained what he meant by saying he was worried about Delia.

“A mere human being who lives a life of about a hundred years at most. Therefore, if you are in a relationship with me, you will have more lonely days than happy days.”

“… … .”

After Ulan’s honest words, Delia looked somewhat blank. Because she never thought she would hear this answer.

‘Ah, so I…’ … .’

You said you were worried.

Now I understand what it means. At the same time, she felt a part of her heart warming up. It was because Ulan’s honest concern made me happy.

And one more thing.

There was a reason to be happy.

‘You thought about it properly.’

This is the result that came after serious consideration and not trivializing one’s confession. That must have been Ulan’s answer just now.

With this fact alone, Delia was satisfied.

“You don’t have to worry about me. “Long-lived species are creatures that live their entire lives with fleeting memories.”

“still… … .”

“are you okay. So don’t worry about it and just do whatever you feel like. Of course, it would be perfect if it tilted in my direction.”

After answering, Delia hugged Ulan’s arm even tighter. She smiled happily as she received an answer that exceeded her expectations.

“i get it. “If you really say so.”

“Yeah, I hope you make a wise decision.”

Feeling more at ease, Delia smiled brightly. After brushing off everything she wanted to say, she silently looked up at the night sky.

“I really like you, Ulan.”

After making another honest confession.

Delia quietly closed her eyes. Then she felt Ulan’s warmth and smiled softly.

A night sky filled with countless stars.

Under the dreamy scenery of a summer night, the night in the Principality of Arpen came to an end.


The next morning.

Ulan and Dilia woke up and had a leisurely time enjoying tea and refreshments.

Of course, all the leisure time had been completely lost due to Noah breaking in around noon and shouting that the allotted time was over.

Some time after that.

The carriage heading to the academy arrived.

“Sister, are you going back already?”

Rudine looks regretful.

Of course. It was like breaking up with her older sister, whom I met after a long year, in just one day.

“Yes, I promised to do so.”

“promise? with who?”

“There is such a thing. “Anyway, that’s the way it is, so I’ll just head back for now.”

Delia was about to mention the ‘agreement’ but quickly closed her mouth. Because Noah was watching, she didn’t think there was anything good to know about it.

“Still, what should I do about my regrets?”

“I’m sorry, Rudy. Instead, since we plan to stay for a long time when we come for winter vacation, let’s talk about what we couldn’t talk about this time.”

Delia said soothingly.

But then, a meaningful answer came back from Rudine.

“But I won’t be around then?”

“what? why?”

“That’s because… … .”

Rudine trailed off at Delia, who asked back with a surprised face. Then, with her bright smile, she revealed the secret she had been hiding all along.

“Actually, I recently submitted an application to transfer to Arsene. “I also received notification of my acceptance the day before yesterday.”

“what? “Really?”

“Yes, of course, since I have no talent for magic, they put me in the military department.”

Rudine laughed awkwardly.

As if he was embarrassed. After a while, she spoke with a look of disappointment on her face.

“Anyway, I’ll go there when summer vacation is over, so I’m waiting. got it?”

“Okay, I’ll wait.”

Happy news to hear suddenly.

Finally, the two sisters hugged each other lightly. After some time, the carriage carrying Delia and her group was on its way home.

A place where everyone waits.

To Arsene Academy.


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