The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 209

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“Honestly, I was surprised.”

“Both of you are so amazing for wearing magic armor for the first time.”

After a considerable amount of time has passed.

Ulan and Delia successfully completed the magic armor inspection. Is that why? The engineers praised the two so much that their mouths were dry.

“Okay, now… … .”

“Only the final test remains.”

The moment the reason for the praise was soon revealed, Ulan asked back as if he was puzzled.

“Is there still more left?”

“You said it was the last time.”

Delia also frowned.

At first, they said they would only test the limit output, but they kept changing their words. Then the engineers responded with awkward faces.

“As you said, the test you just took is the last official inspection item.”

“That means… … .”

“Separate from the official inspection items, there is one thing I want to test.”

With a very serious face.

The engineers’ explanation continued.

“The content is simple.”

“As you may already know, the magic armor of the two of you has magic circuits built in that are suitable for knights and wizards, respectively.”

“So, I want to find out if a magic explosion occurs when contact is made with magic power and aura activated.”

“… … ?”

Didn’t I say the content was simple?

Ulan frowned.

Because I didn’t understand what was being said at all. On the other hand, Delia immediately understood the content and purpose of the test.

‘Magic collision experiment.’

In general, the magic power used by wizards and the aura of knights are similar, but are famous for having opposing properties.

So, when the two powers collide while activated, a powerful magical explosion occurs.

This was the principle of an explosion occurring when magic was cut with a sword wrapped in aura.

“Do you understand what I mean?”

“Yes, to put it simply… … .”

After gathering her thoughts for a moment, Delia explained in an easy enough way that even Ulan could understand.

“Uhm, I understand.”

After a moment, Ulan nodded.

As if the doubt had been resolved. Then, he suddenly grabbed the ax with both hands that had been placed on the floor.

“It means we can fight from now on.”

“… … uh?”

“good. “Let’s fight right away.”

Do you really understand it correctly?

As Delia was wondering blankly, the engineers who were watching the situation shouted urgently.

“Now, wait a minute!”

“I’m not talking about fighting!”

“How can I understand the explanation just now to come to such an absurd conclusion?!”

Engineers yelling at each other.

Ulan answered confidently.

“Contacting each other with magic power and aura activated means fighting, right?”

“Okay, that’s… … .”

“T-That’s not wrong.”

Rather, testing through sparring would yield much more meaningful data. However, the engineers had no desire to do so.

There is only one reason.

This is because of Ulan’s monstrous strength.

A force so ignorant that it can blow away the famously strong magic barrier with a single blow. What if Delia’s magic armor gets hit by that much power?

‘It will inevitably break.’

No matter how hard the magic armor is, it is not as hard as the magic barrier. So, beyond breaking, it may even be torn apart.

‘If that happens… … .’

There is a high possibility that Delia will also get hurt.

Of course, there are various shock absorbers and safety devices in place for the wearer, but Ulan’s power literally goes beyond common sense.

So the engineers shook their heads.

“Uh, no fighting anyway!”

“Just by covering each fist with magic power and aura and making contact, you can tell whether or not a magic explosion will occur.”

“Oh, there was a way.”

Desperate efforts paid off.

Miraculously, Ulan understood what was being said and put his two-handed ax down on the floor. The engineers breathed a sigh of relief at this sight.

“Please note that the fist is just an example; you should touch all other parts as well.”


“That’s because magic circuits are different for each part of magic armor, so there is a possibility that magic explosions occur in parts other than the fist.”

After finishing the additional explanation.

The engineers moved to their seats.


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“Then let’s proceed with the test!”

The final test of Magic Armor.

Soon, Ulan and Delia’s magic armor faced each other. The two activated their respective powers without regard for who was first.


3-star spirit and star magic.

The surrounding atmosphere vibrated slightly at the manifestation of great power. Eventually, all preparations were completed.

“… … Ulan.”

Suddenly, Delia spoke up.

“There’s something I want to test, can I try it?”

“Of course. “What is it like?”

“Then just stay still for now.”

Don’t do anything.

At her request, Ulan nodded and remained motionless. Then Delia slowly walked towards Ulan.

Eventually, we arrived in front of our nose.

Delia spread her arms wide and tried to carefully hug Ulan. Ulan tilted her head at her unexpected behavior.


“Stay still.”

Finally, a firm answer.

The two magic armor made perfect contact.

At that moment, two opposing forces collided and a violent vibration occurred.

Abnormal reaction to magical power.

Engineers who noticed this became busy.

“Nothing more than the chest and shoulder area.”

“There are some strange reactions in the arms and legs, but it’s not like a magical explosion.”

“Besides this, the other parts… … .”

Fortunately, the reaction was not violent enough to cause a magical explosion. Meanwhile, Ulan suddenly opened his eyes.

As if I realized it too late.

‘Right. If you do this… … .’

This means that all areas except the rear part of the magic armor are touched. Ulan was honestly impressed by Delia’s efficient actions.

However, there was something a little strange.

Even though all of her goals have been achieved, Delia has no intention of falling down. So, just as I was about to take the first step.

“… … “Not yet.”

With a muttered word, Delia hugged Ulan even tighter.

“This is not enough.”

After finishing answering incomprehensibly.

Delia snuggled deeper into Ulan’s arms as if she didn’t want to be separated from him. Then, from afar, I saw Bella running wild on her way.

‘Either it or not.’

But it wasn’t anything to know.

The only thing that matters now is that we can embrace Ulan in the name of testing. Delia closed her eyes and expanded her senses as much as possible.

Thumping vibration and sound.

Can it be heard from the heart of Ulan? Or is it an anomaly caused by magical power response? Whatever it was, it was good for her.


A faint smile slowly blooms.

Even though I was equipped with magic armor, I still felt better because I felt connected to Ulan.

But the happiness did not last long.

“Cadet Delia!”

“The front part has been confirmed! Now, please contact the rear part.”

Request to change position.

Part of me didn’t want to leave, but there was nothing I could do since the cause was gone. That’s when she fell from Ulan’s arms.


Ulan spoke up.

It was with very serious eyes.

“I also want to test something, if you don’t mind, can you cooperate?”

“of course. What?”

Delia nodded willingly.

At the same time, Ulan recalled his past life.

It was a memory of the time before the final battle with the giant king Largtan, when I was fighting and escaping from a trap he had set.

At that time, the seven warriors stole and rode an animal called ‘Mukan’ that the giants kept, and it looked similar to an ostrich.

‘Of course, it was much bigger than an ostrich.’

In any case, perhaps because he had been fighting while riding the Mukan for a considerable period of time, Ulan felt that his senses were gradually becoming assimilated with the Mukan as time went by.

Afterwards, when he risked his life to break through the trap.

Although it was only for a moment, Ulan felt as if he had become one with Mukan. It feels like Mukan’s legs have become his own legs.

And that moment.

An unexpected thing happened that I had never known before.

‘The area has expanded.’

A master with a 5-star spirit.

At that time, Ulan’s territory reached ninety-nine steps. However, the moment an unusual event occurred, his territory almost doubled in size.

‘I didn’t understand it at the time, but… … .’

Now I can guess why.

This is probably because the area of ​​99 steps was expanded based on Mukan’s stride length, not Ulan’s stride length.

‘Of course it’s not certain.’

So I wanted to test it.

The stride length while wearing magic armor is also as wide as Mukan’s stride length.

‘and… … .’

one more. There was something to check.

Immediately after realizing that his realm had expanded while riding Mukan in his last life, he saw the realm beyond his master for the first time.

‘If we recreate the situation at that time, wouldn’t we be able to witness the state of superhumanity?’

Based on these thoughts.

Ulan told Delia what he wanted to ask her to do.

“All you have to do is move to where the magic barrier is and pour attack magic at me.”

The reason why I set the destination as the magic barrier was because, based on the magic armor’s stride length, it took forty-five steps to get there.

Meanwhile, Delia seemed surprised by Ulan’s sudden request and asked back.

“what? Attack magic?”

“okay. Be as strong as possible.”

Ulan nodded.

On the other hand, she looked confused.

As if he didn’t know why he was suddenly asking me this. When Delia hesitated, Ulan responded by saying it was no big deal.

“Okay. “Trust me.”

“… … Okay, I get it. be careful.”

There were many things I wanted to ask, but I decided not to ask them separately. Ulan is not the kind of person to ask for something like this without any reason.

After accepting Ulan’s request for cooperation.

Delia walked toward the destination pointed out by Ulan, the Magic Barrier. The engineers reacted in bewilderment to this sight.

“what? “Where are you going?”

“huh? Are you heading towards the magic barrier?”


“well. Still, since you’re a Delia cadet, don’t you think you have something planned?”

Unlike Ulan, who caused problems such as breaking the magic barrier, Delia cooperated with the test without causing any accidents.

Is that why?

The engineers watched Delia’s back with eyes filled with a strong sense of trust.

But after a while, it didn’t take long for the trust to be broken.

Immediately after Delia arrived at her destination.

This is because the magical energy in the atmosphere suddenly fluctuated strongly.

“… … uh?”

The engineers’ complexions changed.

Just as he looked like he realized something.

Dozens of star cluster magic formulas were engraved around her.

“… … !”

“D-Cadet Delia?!”

“What are you doing now?”

The engineers who belatedly realized the situation tried to dissuade Delia, but it was too late.

The moment they realized the situation, Delia had already injected magic power into the spell.


Meanwhile, Ulan took deep breaths repeatedly and awakened all the senses in his body. She then spread her spirit throughout the magic armor and started the cycle.

And then I remembered.

The time when I glimpsed the heights of superhumanity.

‘There are two conditions for reproduction.’

The first condition is to overcome given limits and recognize a much wider area than the original.

The second is an environment where life and death intersect.

When these conditions were satisfied, it was confirmed that the state of superhumanity existed.

‘So I asked Delia for a favor.’

Of all the people currently in the Plum Workshop, the only one strong enough to drive Ulan to death is the Archmage Delia.

And just in time.

The prepared magic was activated.

“Uh, it’s dangerous! Ulan cadet!”

“Go to the corner!”

The engineers shouted urgently.

No matter how much you are a master, it is dangerous to collide with magic on that scale. Even if you cut through the magic, you will be caught in the explosion.

However, Ulan did not avoid it.

Just hold the two-handed axe.

Some time after that.

Delia’s magic poured down like a bombardment.


A whopping 7-star star cluster magic.

The moment a magic powerful enough to blow up the entire workshop arrived right in front of him, Ulan was caught up in a familiar memory.


A place of death with no place to escape.

Faced with powerful magic that threatened his life, Ulan pushed himself into a pit where life and death came.

thud! Thump thump! thud!

My heart is pounding and I feel like the blood in my whole body is boiling hot. As if trying to find a way out by lighting the spark of life.

‘… … .’

And that moment.

Any thoughts disappeared from Ulan’s eyes.

Furthermore, beyond sharing the senses with magic armor, I completely forgot that I was wearing magic armor.

So, the one step taken.

As time slowed down as if frozen, the magic that had arrived right in front of me was fixed as if it were stuck in the air. The moment I cut my teeth and moved forward.

The scenery before my eyes changed.

‘… … !’

It’s not just that.

His field of vision, his entire body’s senses, and the entire world surrounding him widened as if they were expanding.

Next step was the second step.

This clearly increased the area.

As I soon surpassed the given limit, a tingling sensation enveloped my entire body.

The moment I took my last step.

We finally reached the border of the territory.

Soon Ulan’s eyes widened. It was because he discovered something beyond the boundaries of forty-five steps.

A scenery I saw in my past life.

‘The state of superhuman!’

I immediately stretched out my hand without hesitation.

The ultimate in martial arts. Because the level beyond master was just around the corner. But to conclude, Ulan could not head there.

‘body… … .’

Because it didn’t move.

Just as Delia’s magic was stuck in the air, Ulan’s body was also swallowed by the realm and could not move. It was the same no matter how hard he tried.

A distance that is close enough to follow with the eye but cannot be reached. Looking at the scenery beyond the unreachable area, Ulan guessed the reason.

‘I guess it means I’m not qualified enough.’

The minimum qualification to challenge the level of superhuman is 5-star master. In other words, you must create at least five complete spirits.

However, I was not discouraged.

The goal has already been achieved just by witnessing the state of superhumanity once again.

‘Okay, I’ll be happy to do it.’

Sooner or later, he will subdue the other remaining monarchs and challenge himself to become a superhuman once again.

Afterwards, as I moved towards the end of the 45 steps, not beyond the boundary of the area, my frozen body finally began to move again.

However, because I was so caught up in confirming my status as a superhuman, there was one thing I forgot. It was the fact that Delia was in the area.


The moment I realized this too late.

Ulan was already ramming Dilia.

Of course, he was wearing magic armor, but even so, the impact from the collision was significant.

Whirling! Coooooo!

The evidence was that Delia’s magic armor that collided with Ulan spun two and a half times in the air and then landed upside down on the ground.

“… … .”

A head buried deep in the ground.

Soon, desolate silence enveloped the hall.

Professor Melt, Henness’s engineers, and Arsene Academy’s cadets were speechless at the scene that suddenly unfolded.

Even Ibella, who had been burning with jealousy from the moment Delia hugged Ulan, had a blank expression at this moment.

“… … “Isn’t he dead?”

The worried tone that came out for the first time.

At the end of Ibella’s words, the engineers shouted as if they had come to their senses belatedly.

“This is not the time!”

“Let’s go save Cadet Delia!”

Some time after that.

Fortunately, Delia’s life was not in danger, except that she fainted. This was thanks to the magic armor’s safety device functioning at the right time.

Although the magic armor that had absorbed the impact on her behalf was completely destroyed, the engineers did not particularly care.

“Ha, I’m really glad.”

“You can fix magic armor, but if a person is broken, you can’t fix it.”

Engineers breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally, after many twists and turns, the test finally came to an end.

Chapter 48. Plum Workshop’s secret weapon


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